Lysandus2007-01-23 02:42:47
Okay, assuming lets say you can kill all the denizens here, turning in their corpses for gold and perform the quests in one day. How many gold will you get in the end?
Note: This does not include gold drops. Also the Denizens needed to turn in NPCs are not needed as well since they are vital for giving gold.
(?) = I'm not yet sure about this yet.
Aslaran: (Camp only) - 3500 (?)/ (Camp and Village) - 6000+ (?)/ (Camp, Village, Pilgrims and Price) - 11000+ (?)
Krokani: (Tower + Karchen and old lady on attic) - 3600/ (Tower + Karchen and Old Lady with Price) - 8600/ (Everything in the Tower plus village folk, not sure about the ghosts) - 11000 + (?)
Gorgogs: (Gorgogs only) - 2500/ (Gorgogs with Quest) - 5000
Merians: (Merians only) - 3500+ (?)/ (Merians with Quest) - 6000 (?)
Sharks: (Not sure how many sharks are out there and if goblin and greatwhite sharks are included plus the ones in Carai Caroo) - 3000+ (?)
Supplicant's Quest: 800
Spike Quest: 3500 (?)
Protecting Dolphins: 250 (?)
Turning in Seawolfs: (Don't know how many dolphins are there and to my knowledge, more dolphins, less seawolves and vice versa) - 600 (?)
Turning in Dolphins: (Same as Above) - 600 (?)
Well, that's all the quests I can think off and from making a rough calculation, turning in corpses and doing quests as listed right now is roughly about:
42200 gold roughly since this is roughly accurate.
Note: This does not include gold drops. Also the Denizens needed to turn in NPCs are not needed as well since they are vital for giving gold.
(?) = I'm not yet sure about this yet.
Aslaran: (Camp only) - 3500 (?)/ (Camp and Village) - 6000+ (?)/ (Camp, Village, Pilgrims and Price) - 11000+ (?)
Krokani: (Tower + Karchen and old lady on attic) - 3600/ (Tower + Karchen and Old Lady with Price) - 8600/ (Everything in the Tower plus village folk, not sure about the ghosts) - 11000 + (?)
Gorgogs: (Gorgogs only) - 2500/ (Gorgogs with Quest) - 5000
Merians: (Merians only) - 3500+ (?)/ (Merians with Quest) - 6000 (?)
Sharks: (Not sure how many sharks are out there and if goblin and greatwhite sharks are included plus the ones in Carai Caroo) - 3000+ (?)
Supplicant's Quest: 800
Spike Quest: 3500 (?)
Protecting Dolphins: 250 (?)
Turning in Seawolfs: (Don't know how many dolphins are there and to my knowledge, more dolphins, less seawolves and vice versa) - 600 (?)
Turning in Dolphins: (Same as Above) - 600 (?)
Well, that's all the quests I can think off and from making a rough calculation, turning in corpses and doing quests as listed right now is roughly about:
42200 gold roughly since this is roughly accurate.
Unknown2007-01-23 03:06:36
You forgot honors quests. And Im assumingyou can get cash on the aetherbubbles. And theres catacombs.
Kharaen2007-01-23 03:13:19
Meh, you don't get much on aetherbubbles. Facility quest is worth 10k, but it's just not worth doing more then once. Crumkidivia is actually worth it, 1k for the scientist's corpse, 100 for the underlings. Good experience too. No gold on dramube, little gold on Frosticia. Cankermore's kind of worth it however, though allisaurs don't drop gold.
Unknown2007-01-23 03:59:14
You're missing a lot of you don't count gold drops. With entire gorgog quest you can get up to near 10,000. On Crumkindivia 7000 is usually the minimum, minus 5 soldiers and the Queen (I'm too weak).
Don't forget you can turn in viscanti corpses to white priestesses and vice versa, though it's a pain to do the former. Hmm, snow valley you can get 2k off the sabretooths and eagles. Sandojin in the desert up to 1500... er, and lots more. I doubt you can make 1 million that fast O_o
Don't forget you can turn in viscanti corpses to white priestesses and vice versa, though it's a pain to do the former. Hmm, snow valley you can get 2k off the sabretooths and eagles. Sandojin in the desert up to 1500... er, and lots more. I doubt you can make 1 million that fast O_o
Anarias2007-01-23 07:55:42
No one mentioned giving orcs to Krangar?
Richter2007-01-23 08:02:58
I don't know if you can make a million gold doing all of that, but one time, I made nearly two million all at one time...
Aiakon2007-01-23 11:38:39
The answer would have to be Yes.
If you make a -very- swift 50000 or so and run to the roulette table.
If you make a -very- swift 50000 or so and run to the roulette table.
Felandi2007-01-23 12:52:56
That or bet 28572 gold to earn 1000020 gold in one go. 

ferlas2007-01-24 11:31:48
QUOTE(Shou @ Jan 23 2007, 03:59 AM) 376374
You're missing a lot of you don't count gold drops. With entire gorgog quest you can get up to near 10,000. On Crumkindivia 7000 is usually the minimum, minus 5 soldiers and the Queen (I'm too weak).
Don't forget you can turn in viscanti corpses to white priestesses and vice versa, though it's a pain to do the former. Hmm, snow valley you can get 2k off the sabretooths and eagles. Sandojin in the desert up to 1500... er, and lots more. I doubt you can make 1 million that fast O_o
Don't forget you can turn in viscanti corpses to white priestesses and vice versa, though it's a pain to do the former. Hmm, snow valley you can get 2k off the sabretooths and eagles. Sandojin in the desert up to 1500... er, and lots more. I doubt you can make 1 million that fast O_o
Which ones the white priestess?
Rika2007-01-24 18:44:56
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Jan 24 2007, 12:38 AM) 376448
The answer would have to be Yes.
If you make a -very- swift 50000 or so and run to the roulette table.
If you make a -very- swift 50000 or so and run to the roulette table.
Yeah, kind of what I did

Krellan2007-01-25 09:56:50
hrm if all my bashing spots were clear I could worst 10k...12k...5k..and about 6k potentially 11k with surtami's treasure in a day of bashing. 10k and 12k usually the minimums for the other two spots. so that would be 33k in a day. You could really probably make a million gold in a real week. depends on your tradeskill too and how much yuo have to buy supplies.
Forren2007-01-25 16:27:11
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Jan 22 2007, 10:13 PM) 376367
Meh, you don't get much on aetherbubbles. Facility quest is worth 10k, but it's just not worth doing more then once. Crumkidivia is actually worth it, 1k for the scientist's corpse, 100 for the underlings. Good experience too. No gold on dramube, little gold on Frosticia. Cankermore's kind of worth it however, though allisaurs don't drop gold.
I really hope you're joking.
Crumkindivia - 6,000+ usually if the batter isn't ready. 12,000 if you do it all and kill the Doughboy.
Daganev2007-01-25 16:33:41
QUOTE(Forren @ Jan 25 2007, 08:27 AM) 377229
I really hope you're joking.
Crumkindivia - 6,000+ usually if the batter isn't ready. 12,000 if you do it all and kill the Doughboy.
Crumkindivia - 6,000+ usually if the batter isn't ready. 12,000 if you do it all and kill the Doughboy.
You can create the doughboy if you are enemied?
ferlas2007-01-25 16:57:19
6000 isnt really a lot considering you can get more than that for a krokani aslaran run with the chance of an extra 5000 bonus.
Unknown2007-02-07 17:46:32
On a good day I can make roughly 50k in about 3 1/2 hours of play time, not including gambling, not including aetherbubbles. Catacombs isn't as good as alot of people say it is (even though I do it). You have to be super-careful; you cant just go from room to room clearing mobs. Unless your Daevos. Or Kaervas. Or just really really tanky. The extra time it takes and the added dangers of catacombs aren't really efficient when it comes to risk vs reward. Your better off doing merians and gorgogs, honors quests, or other bashing sites.
Gandal2007-02-07 21:40:32
At lvl 74 as a Merian Aquamancer without Forcefield but with staff (~3350 health w/staff), what's best? Gorgogs are slow, but getting faster.
Unknown2007-02-07 21:50:55
QUOTE(Gandal @ Feb 7 2007, 03:40 PM) 381385
At lvl 74 as a Merian Aquamancer without Forcefield but with staff (~3350 health w/staff), what's best? Gorgogs are slow, but getting faster.
Go get forcefield! With that, imperial merial int, and aqua staff you can fly through gorgogs. Astral spawns are good too, before insanity was 'broken.' I also still do krokani/aslarans (except no aslarans for you...), and a few other simple things that I won't point out because I don't want competition.
Gandal2007-02-07 22:29:17
I will find you out sometime
<----pleeease let this be a non-crown smilie
<----and this too
Hmmm. Was it at Mythical? I'm at something like 50% Adept right now, so...

Hmmm. Was it at Mythical? I'm at something like 50% Adept right now, so...

Acrune2007-02-12 01:04:46
Forcefield is at mythical. Totally worth it though if you hunt.
Genevieve2007-02-12 01:17:12
I'd give anything to have Forcefield. Except the lesson loss required for me to change guilds.