Dramatics Performance Ego Regen

by Binjo

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Binjo2007-02-06 04:34:41
I'm interested to know how much Performance regens the ego at Trans, basically just to entertain the idea of making a retardedly buff Telekinesis Mage.

Can anyone paste some numbers?
Unknown2007-02-06 05:34:41
It's been awhile since I checked, and I only have up to fabled 50%, so it's only what I heard from other players I asked about it, but I believe it's 75 mana for 25 ego at inept a tick and 75 mana for 125 ego at trans a tick.
Binjo2007-02-06 05:48:13
Ah okay, there goes my zomgz Dramaticist Aquamancer of Doom idea. (Not that I have the credits to do that anyway.)
Verithrax2007-02-06 05:48:55
1) You are a twink. A munchkin. A min-maxer. A powergamer. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

2) You'll always be losing mana while you regen ego, hopefully leading to a mana-based instakill.
Forren2007-02-06 05:49:20
QUOTE(Binjo @ Feb 6 2007, 12:48 AM) 380914
Ah okay, there goes my zomgz Dramaticist Aquamancer of Doom idea. (Not that I have the credits to do that anyway.)

Imperial Merian Aquamancers make extremely scary debaters.
Unknown2007-02-06 06:16:00
QUOTE(Forren @ Feb 6 2007, 12:49 AM) 380916
Imperial Merian Aquamancers make extremely scary debaters.
*sagenod* Some of my scariest/closest/deadliest debates have been against merian aquas (no more debating against soll though :\\ ). Anywho, shadowdancer faelings are still the easiest way to go if you're creating a debate/influence based character though.
Binjo2007-02-06 06:17:52
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Feb 5 2007, 10:48 PM) 380915
1) You are a twink. A munchkin. A min-maxer. A powergamer. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

2) You'll always be losing mana while you regen ego, hopefully leading to a mana-based instakill.


1) I just get my jollies by thinking of ways to break balance in nontraditional ways (for example, if you've ever played WoW, I once researched to see if a Spirit Troll Warrior build would work, obviously it doesn't, but still). I don't really ever follow through with the ideas.

2) Aquamancer mana regen is pretty nice if you're Merian, I doubt it'd result in a net loss of mana if you're at any real level. And unless you're being jumped it's very unlikely that someone is both doing a lot of damage and squeezing you for mana effectively at the same time, about the only thing I can think of that would do that is mindblast.
Unknown2007-02-06 06:18:13
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Feb 6 2007, 12:48 AM) 380915
2) You'll always be losing mana while you regen ego, hopefully leading to a mana-based instakill.
He's right, it's really not worth it, it's a weak health-regen substitute, if you were thinking forcefield+ego regen. Most people just use that to help bash easier.
Binjo2007-02-06 06:22:14
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Feb 5 2007, 11:16 PM) 380924
Anywho, shadowdancer faelings are still the easiest way to go if you're creating a debate/influence based character though.

How much total charisma do you get doing that?

My latest influence alt is a Faeling Spiritsinger, 18 Cha with BardicPresence, 19 if you take HighMagic, 21 if you get the blessing, 23 if you get a throne.

Plus they (apparently) get an ego regen song in their specialization.

Edit: Assuming that the weight system allows the above, I haven't tested it because I'm not loaded tongue.gif
Verithrax2007-02-06 06:27:56
QUOTE(Binjo @ Feb 6 2007, 04:17 AM) 380927

1) I just get my jollies by thinking of ways to break balance in nontraditional ways (for example, if you've ever played WoW, I once researched to see if a Spirit Troll Warrior build would work, obviously it doesn't, but still). I don't really ever follow through with the ideas.

You'd better not, as that is the definition of a twink.
Forren2007-02-06 06:38:02
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Feb 6 2007, 12:48 AM) 380915
1) You are a twink. A munchkin. A min-maxer. A powergamer. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

2) You'll always be losing mana while you regen ego, hopefully leading to a mana-based instakill.

First, you don't know what you're talking about. Since when is anyone powergaming in this situation? Merian is perfect for Aquamancer RP as well as combat.

Second - with merian mana, no way will it lead to a mana-based instakill. My regen takes care of that+++.
Unknown2007-02-06 07:11:38
QUOTE(Binjo @ Feb 6 2007, 01:22 AM) 380929
How much total charisma do you get doing that?

My latest influence alt is a Faeling Spiritsinger, 18 Cha with BardicPresence, 19 if you take HighMagic, 21 if you get the blessing, 23 if you get a throne.

Plus they (apparently) get an ego regen song in their specialization.

Edit: Assuming that the weight system allows the above, I haven't tested it because I'm not loaded tongue.gif
I keep forgetting about bards, they're like the black-sheep of the game.
Unknown2007-02-06 09:08:03
QUOTE(Binjo @ Feb 6 2007, 02:22 PM) 380929
How much total charisma do you get doing that?

My latest influence alt is a Faeling Spiritsinger, 18 Cha with BardicPresence, 19 if you take HighMagic, 21 if you get the blessing, 23 if you get a throne.

Plus they (apparently) get an ego regen song in their specialization.

Edit: Assuming that the weight system allows the above, I haven't tested it because I'm not loaded tongue.gif

A Shadowdancer Faeling with Penumbra/Beauty blessing is 18 charisma. Add the other and it gets pushed to 19. If I'm not wrong, a throne and/or sphere would push it to 20.
Saran2007-02-06 09:23:39
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Feb 6 2007, 08:08 PM) 380965
A Shadowdancer Faeling with Penumbra/Beauty blessing is 18 charisma. Add the other and it gets pushed to 19. If I'm not wrong, a throne and/or sphere would push it to 20.

As a faeling my throne put's me on 18 from 16 without anything else so most likely
Vix2007-02-07 02:10:10
Weight:      Bonus:
    1             1
    2             2
    3             2
    4             3
    5             3
    6             4
    7             4
    8             5

So with BardicPresence (2), Throne (2), Beauty (2), HighMagic (1), that's 7 - a +4 to Cha for a grand total of 22. Add in a positive Lion Sphere (1-3), and you can have 23 at most since I believe the cap is +5 no matter how much weight you add.
Unknown2007-02-07 13:43:33
I think that chart might be flawed. If I get herofete (+1), netzach (+1), throne (+2), and beauty blessing (+2), I still only get to 19 charisma as a faeling.