Unknown2007-02-02 18:41:33
What bugs me is that people who SHOULD be very experienced are still acting like complete noobs when it gets to one thing: Manifestations. No, I don't mean fighting them, or detecting them. What I mean is the month they get infused with sands.
It's Avechary. Not Vestian, Avechary. Each time I saw someone telling others to look for manifestations on Vestian, I wanted to correct them (but that'd have blown the cover of whatever short-lived alt I had at that moment).
I performed research. Sands appear in manifestations exactly at midnight, 1st Avechary. Yes, even if the manifestation spawned at Vestian, the sand will still appear in it. No, it won't appear on Vestian. No, it won't appear the next time the manifestation is killed. It will appear exactly at the very point of 1st Avechary. Is it that hard to get it straight?!
Next time, I'll hear that quicksilver potion gives increased balance bonus, or that dexterity is the most useful stat for wounding warriors.
Now, why is this thread on Mythbusters, and not Idiots, where it belongs? Because I am giving everyone an opportunity to prove me wrong - I am willing to admit my mistake, if this is a mistake.
So, if anyone has legitimate proof of getting sands from a Manifestation during Vestian, post it please. A log would work best.
It's Avechary. Not Vestian, Avechary. Each time I saw someone telling others to look for manifestations on Vestian, I wanted to correct them (but that'd have blown the cover of whatever short-lived alt I had at that moment).
I performed research. Sands appear in manifestations exactly at midnight, 1st Avechary. Yes, even if the manifestation spawned at Vestian, the sand will still appear in it. No, it won't appear on Vestian. No, it won't appear the next time the manifestation is killed. It will appear exactly at the very point of 1st Avechary. Is it that hard to get it straight?!
Next time, I'll hear that quicksilver potion gives increased balance bonus, or that dexterity is the most useful stat for wounding warriors.
Now, why is this thread on Mythbusters, and not Idiots, where it belongs? Because I am giving everyone an opportunity to prove me wrong - I am willing to admit my mistake, if this is a mistake.
So, if anyone has legitimate proof of getting sands from a Manifestation during Vestian, post it please. A log would work best.
Xenthos2007-02-02 18:58:50
QUOTE(Cuber @ Feb 2 2007, 01:41 PM) 379826
So, if anyone has legitimate proof of getting sands from a Manifestation during Vestian, post it please. A log would work best.
When they were introduced, the announce post said Vestian (no, I don't remember the number). I have since found (and told others who have asked) that it's actually Avechary, but you can't really blame people for believing what they were told if nobody corrects them!

Unknown2007-02-02 19:06:31
What's funny is that there was never a HELP file about the manifestations introduced. And the announce post... well, I'm not sure if it even exists! Last time I tried to find it, I gave up trying.
Forren2007-02-02 19:09:23
You are incorrect, Cuber. Manifestations killed in Vestian and stored until Avechary will generate sand.
Xenthos2007-02-02 19:10:59
QUOTE(Forren @ Feb 2 2007, 02:09 PM) 379835
You are incorrect, Cuber. Manifestations killed in Vestian and stored until Avechary will generate sand.
That's because on the first of Avechary, the sand spawns in the manifestation-- ie, their corpse. That's still Avechary, not Vestian.
Lysandus2007-02-02 19:19:21
Call me a Noob if I'm wrong but, what comes first, Vestian or Avechary?!? 

Xenthos2007-02-02 19:42:11
QUOTE(Lysandus @ Feb 2 2007, 02:19 PM) 379843
Call me a Noob if I'm wrong but, what comes first, Vestian or Avechary?!? 

Gwylifar2007-02-02 20:04:09
The announcement definitely said Vestian. If they don't appear then, perhaps it's a bug? Wonder if anyone reported it.
Genevieve2007-02-02 21:34:22
If you wait till Avechary to start looking for them, they will all be gone. Kill them in Vestian and store them.
Unknown2007-02-03 01:30:47
Well, if you kill 'em on Vestian but keep the corpse until Avechary, it's not being a noob. It's good tactic.
What annoys me is people who go around killing them on Vestian, then go all "no sands? Oops, guess someone took it before me (sic!). *offer manifestation*".
What annoys me is people who go around killing them on Vestian, then go all "no sands? Oops, guess someone took it before me (sic!). *offer manifestation*".
Ixion2007-02-03 01:39:57

Unknown2007-02-03 01:43:17
And what's that supposed to mean, hmm?
Ixion2007-02-03 01:47:46
Few actually know the particulars of manifestation spawns, locations, etc. Hence, I found your condescending tone about how people should already know about them amusing.
Unknown2007-02-03 01:54:19
Just because they don't, doesn't mean they shouldn't.
Especially since some of them were even around when Manifestations were released, or they can simply ask those who were around then.
Especially since some of them were even around when Manifestations were released, or they can simply ask those who were around then.
Unknown2007-02-03 03:09:08
While I appreciate storing manifestations is a good tactic, it also spoils the fun of coming across them on astral, water/earth and ethereal.
I'd rather they decayed quickly after they died so they couldn't be stored, or maybe, since they are manifestations, simply dissolved.
I'd rather they decayed quickly after they died so they couldn't be stored, or maybe, since they are manifestations, simply dissolved.
Genevieve2007-02-03 05:00:44
Manifestations are around all year long, you can come across them whenever you damn well please. I solo them for fun myself, sometimes. However, I don't see the problem with them being actively hunted and stored one month out of the year.
Athana2007-02-03 05:28:15
Actually even you're wrong about part of your understanding of manifestations, Cuber
Ixion2007-02-03 05:32:12

Genevieve2007-02-03 07:17:51
I would like to learn about specific spawn frequency and location particulars if you're willing to let the cat out of the bag.
Ixion2007-02-03 09:12:35
Request denied, find out IC.