Unknown2007-02-11 21:15:03
From my days of playing Achaea, I was under the impression that herb balance recovery was unaffected by racial or other balance boosts or negatives and static for all, save the benefit of the artie gloves.
Being a Tae'dae and an up and coming herbalist I'm curious on wether or not that is true or remains true in Lusternia, I'm not in for wild guesses but educated knowledge would be nice.
- Brother Bear
Gandal2007-02-11 21:18:37
I don't think so. I remember that faeling took me 2 seconds and aslarans 2.25.
Unknown2007-02-11 21:22:19
So it does not?
Unknown2007-02-11 21:44:48
it is a factor. If you are a Tae'Dae you will take more time to harvest than a fast balance race
Anarias2007-02-11 22:00:28
Picking herbs relies on your racial balance recovery speed.
Unknown2007-02-20 12:10:27
And the Gloves will speed up the harvesting (very, very nice), but they don't do anything for planting times.