Influencing observations/questions

by Unknown

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Unknown2007-03-25 00:23:16
So I notice that before Jello had vagabond in dramatics, it was 6-9 "hits" of charity before a standard tosha monk coughed up his gold and esteem. Since getting vagabond, it's been 6-7 hits, almost always 6. So while it's been pretty good and was definitely worth getting, is anyone familiar as to if there is a ceiling, or minimum number of hits needed to influence certain things with certain e.attack forms? It seems strange to me that it would go down to 6-7 from 6-9, and not 5-8 etc. I don't think the minimum number of hits went down at all. I'm asking because I'm thinking about buying the generosity influence rune, and would hate to see it only set it down to 6 if that was a minimum. All of my tests have been with 15 charisma as a tae'dae.
Xavius2007-03-25 05:57:58
Just because I think your post deserves an answer...

I have ~20 pages of single-spaced .txt numbers of influence data from Frostica, trying my hardest to figure out how various things work. It's all so random that it's hard to state conclusively how, or even if, things are working. Before I gave up, I decided that the primary benefit of Vagabond et al. is that it slows the rate at which denizens become resistant. The number of attacks it took didn't seem to vary much, although it did a little bit, but the random ego drain spread also seemed to be a little lower. Like I said, though, it's all so very random that, when you calculate certainties, it looks like you're BSing things. I think I ended up with 35% certainty that it wasn't random variation. unsure.gif
Unknown2007-03-25 06:57:58
Well, good to know... if all I can be sure to get is a little less ego drain and a very slight chance to save time I'll spend the credits on something else
Unknown2007-03-25 13:50:31
Higher end numbers tend to fluctuate more than lower end numbers in things like this, due to the scalar nature of the calculation. In other words, I would expect you to notice the lower ceiling and not see as much of a change in the floor.