Mouse control trigger

by Anarias

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Anarias2007-04-15 19:13:20
I can't remember if anyone's posted something similar before but here's a fun trigger that I've been using for a long time.

#TRIGGER {monk(%d)} {#SUB {charity %1">monk%1}}

This can be modified in a lot of ways to do a lot of things. I colour-coded the example trigger to help explain how it works.

The blue part is the trigger, in this case the trigger is monk#### like what you would see if you did IH in a room with a monk. You'll be able to click on the monk from the IH output.

The red part determines what happens when you click on the monk. In this case, I've used an influencing alias called charity. My charity alias will cycle through each charity-type influence attack until the denizen is beaten. So using this trigger, I can click on a monk once and my alias will influence it until its beaten.

Now that alone is darn handy but the trigger can be modified for lots of other uses.

By changing the trigger just a tiny bit it can be used to speed up shopping for armour.

#TRIGGER {vest(%d)} {#SUB {wp %1">vest%1}}

Now whenever I see a vest in a shop's wares list, I can click on it to use weaponprobe to find its stats.

The green part is the last thing to keep in mind.

This trigger replaces the blue part with the green part.

What that means is that if you change the trigger to make the blue part 'monk(%d)' and change the green part to be 'bastard(%d)', 
when you do IH in a room full of monks you'll only see a list of bastards.

It would go from this:

monk415053 a disciple in grey robes

to this:

bastard415053 a disciple in grey robes

Hope that's clear, enjoy!

Edit - Something funky happened with the formatting of one paragraph. Dunno how to fix it to wrap properly.