Revan2007-05-15 03:38:07
Self explanitory.
Choose one
Choose one
Viravain2007-05-15 03:44:43
Estarra has already stated that we will not be looking at races at this time. It's a moot point to try and argue otherwise when the coders have other things already on their plates.
Edit: That is not to say they will not be looked at in the future, just not at this time.
Edit: That is not to say they will not be looked at in the future, just not at this time.
Unknown2007-05-15 11:11:15
Obviously there are important things in the works that preclude looking at races anew. Have faith and patience
I voted no, for now.

I voted no, for now.
Aiakon2007-05-15 12:03:12
I voted no entirely on the basis of Revan's spelling. The poll was too yawnworthy to read properly.