Unknown2007-06-14 15:11:59
I'm a cook, and everytime I want to fire the oven, it starts doing something about firewall and igniting icewalls. I have tried too shut the script of when I am going to cook, but it doesn't help. Why won't it work to cook with the system?
vorld2007-06-14 15:16:14
the system has a alais that ignites icewalls. you'll have to make a alais to fire up a oven to cook
Shorlen2007-06-14 15:26:14
QUOTE(Ksilna @ Jun 14 2007, 11:11 AM) 417353
I'm a cook, and everytime I want to fire the oven, it starts doing something about firewall and igniting icewalls. I have tried too shut the script of when I am going to cook, but it doesn't help. Why won't it work to cook with the system?
Yeah, sounds like "fire" is aliased to something else. What client does that system work in, MUSH or zMUD? I don't know which of Ethelon's systems you have... In zMUD, you would put ~ in front of the word "fire" to get around this problem. Not sure about MUSH.
Theomar2007-06-14 16:14:53
world.send "fire x"
Since Ethelon's uses VBScript, you have to have the world call.
Since Ethelon's uses VBScript, you have to have the world call.
Ethelon2007-06-17 23:32:49
VBscript does not need the world call. Its always best to ask me in the realm, through message or on the client clan when you have an issue. I'd have to know if you are using the free system from the forums or one of my clients, since I don't recall this handle of yours.
Theomar2007-06-17 23:37:37
Really? I usually have to use the world call with VB...