Jitwix2007-06-20 17:34:31
The Brushfire Classification System of Animals
Animals have the following characteristics:
* They are living.
* They breathe air or water.
* They have the ability to move from room to room.
* They have the ability to reproduce after their own kind.
* They were created by a seventh circle god (i.e. they have a portion of the spirit of a seventh circle god infused into them, which would include creatures altered by taint)
Animals are divided into a number of kindreds, based on their creator, and a number of kinds, based on their body shape, their blood type, their covering, and the shape of their teeth. As the creator god of every single animal is not known, some guesswork is involved.
The kindreds and kinds are as follows:
1. Volkh
…1.1 Canine
2. Lorella
…2.1 Feline
3. Tae
…3.1 Bear
4. Bollikin
…4.1 Fanged
…4.2 Rodent
…4.3 Hedgehog
…4.4 Platypus (tentative)
…4.5 Bat (tentative)
5. Tae & Bollikin
…5.1 Rockeater
6. Centaubi
…6.1 Horse
7. Charune
…7.1 Pony
…7.2 Horned
8. Unknown
…8.1 Tusked
9. Unknown (tentative grouping)
…9.1 Warmfish
…9.2 Coldfish
…9.3 Sea Insect
11. Blooredi
…11.1 Reptile
…11.2 Serpent (tentative)
…11.3 Amphibian (tentative)
12 Viravain
…12.1 Insect
…12.2 Songbird
13. Unknown
…13.1 Raptor
14. Unknown
…14.1 Plantbeast
…14.2 Fungalbeasts
*** Aetherbeasts & Aetheric Parasites (not animals)
*** Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (not animals)
*** Faebeasts (not animals)
Totem Animals.
Poisonous Animals.
* Created by Volkh
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail.
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Coyote (Skarch Desert)
- Dog
--- Beach mongrel (Toranada Tidal Flats)
--- Bloodhound (Magnagora)
--- Golden Retriever (New Celest)
--- Gutter mutt (Magnagora)
- Fox (Serenwilde Forest)
- Jackal (Blasted Lands)
- Wolf
--- Grey wolf (Verasavir Valley)
--- Timberwolf (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Direwolf (Glomdoring Forest)
* Created by Lorella
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bobcat (Blasted Lands)
- Cat (New Celest)
- Coeurl (Mount Zoaka)
- Lion (Jojobo Jungle)
- Mountain cat (Snow Valley)
* Created by Tae
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bear (Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Badger (Serenwilde Forest)
- Mole (see NOTE)
- Otter (see NOTE)
- Opossum
--- Ethereal opossum (Etherwilde Forest)
- Pine Martin
- Skunk
- Stoat (Grey Moors)
- Weasel (See NOTE)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have enlarged cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Beaver (see NOTE)
- Groundhog
- Hare (Oleanvir Valley)
- Hamster (Everywhere! But only during hamster hunts)
- Mouse (see NOTE)
- Rat (New Celest, Magnagora)
- Rabbit (Serenwilde Forest)
- Squirrel (Serenwilde Forest)
- Wombat (Estelbar)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in spines and fur
* Have fangs in place of cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Hedgehog (see NOTE)
Tentative classification - Platypus
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have beaks
* Includes
- Platypus - Calcise (Basin Rivers)
Tentative classification - Bat
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bat - Anerod (Glomdoring Forest)
* Created by Bollikin and Tae
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in minerals
* Have diamond teeth
* Includes:
- Rockeater
--- Common rockeater (Border Mountains)
--- Deepstone rockeater (Undervault)
--- Marine rockeater (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
* Created by Centaubi
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Horse
--- Dappled grey horse (Stewartsville)
--- Russet horse (Stewartsville)
* Created by Charune in mockery of Horses
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Pony
--- Moors pony (Grey Moors)
--- Speckled pony (Estelbar)
* Created by Charune
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have horns or antlers
* Includes:
- Cattle
--- Common cow (Highways)
--- Moors longhorn steer (Grey Moors Villages)
- Deer
--- Common deer (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest)
--- Ethereal deer (Etherwilde Forest)
- Gazelle (Jojobo Jungle)
- Giraffe (Jojobo Jungle)
- Goat
--- Hill goat (Hifarae Hills)
- Moose (Border Mountains)
- Sheep
--- Common sheep (Border Hills)
--- Ram (Blasted Land)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have tusks
* Includes:
- Elephant (Jojobo Jungle)
- Pig
--- Common pig (Lolliprin)
--- Warthog (Acknor)
--- Wild Boar
- Woolly mammoth (Snow Valley)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are warm blooded
* Includes:
- Dolphin (Inner Sea)
- Sea wolf (Sea of Despair)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Ray
--- Manta ray - Mantakaya (Inner Sea)
--- Devil fish (Sea of Despair)
- Stinkfish (Tolborolla Valley)
- Shark
--- Goblin shark (Sea of Despair)
--- Tiger shark (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
- Trout (Basin Rivers)
Sea Insect
* Created by an unknown god
* Have more than four limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are sometimes covered in a carapace
* Includes:
- Crab (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Firefly squid (Inner Sea)
- Jellyfish (Inner Sea)
- Octopus - Botulinum (Inner Sea)
- Starfish (Toronada Tidal Flats, Celest Nexus World)
* Created by Blooredi (though some might be attributed to others)
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Alligator (Balach Swamp)
- Crocodile
- Lizard
--- Desert dashro (Skarch Desert)
--- Ember lizard (Mount Zoaka)
--- Gila lizard - Dulak (Skarch Desert)
- Sandojin (Skarch Desert)
- Tortoise (see NOTE)
- Turtle
--- Boxturtle (Toronada Tidal Flats)
--- Dragon Turtle (Inner Sea)
--- Giant snapping turtle (Balach Swamp)
- Wyvern (Mount Zoaka)
Tentative Classification - Serpent
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have no limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Amphista (Moon bubble)
- Snake
--- Boa Constrictor (Jojobo Jungle)
--- Eyelash viper - Dendroxin (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Adder - Anatine (Oleanvir Valley)
--- Python - Aleutian (Balach Swamp)
--- Rattlesnake - Haemotox (Hifarae Hills)
--- Sand cobra - Ibubulu (Skarch)
Tentative Classification - Amphibian
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are smooth skinned
* Includes:
- Frog
--- Tree frog - Tetrodin (Serenwilde Forest)
- Salamander - Inyoka (Basin Rivers)
- Toad
* Created by Viravain
* Have more than four limbs, sometimes including wings
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in a carapace
* Have mandibles
* Includes:
- Bee
--- Honey Bee (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
--- Giant bumblebee (Serenwilde Forest)
- Beetle
--- Inferno Beetle (Undervault)
- Butterfly, moth, caterpiller
--- Silkworm, silk moth (Tolborolla Valley)
- Centipede
--- Giant Centipede (Undervault)
- Flea
- Locust (Glomdoring Forest)
- Scorpion
--- Black scorpion - Hadrudin (Blasted Lands)
- Solifugae (Undervault)
- Spider
--- Black widow - Mactans (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Bulbous spider (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Glass widow spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Raven spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Spidion (Undervault)
--- Tarantula (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Translucent spider (Glomdoring Forest)
- Wasp
--- Common wasp (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
--- Giant wasp - Mellitin (Glomdoring Forest)
- Weevil (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Viravain
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Bluebird (Faethorn)
- Blue jay (Serenwilde Forest)
- Chicken (Villages)
- Dove (Serenwilde Forest)
- Grouse (Hifarae Hills)
- Lyrebird
- Peacock
--- Ethereal peacock (Etherwilde Forest)
- Nightbirds
--- Crow ( Glomdoring Forest)
--- Raven (Formerly Glomdoring Forest)
- Shadow hawk (Ethereal Glomdoring)
- Sparrow (Serenwilde Forest)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Eagle
--- Great eagle (Faethorn)
- Kestrel (Grey Moors)
- Owl
--- Great horned owl (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Screech owl (Serenwilde Forest)
- Pelican (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Roadrunner (Skarch Desert)
- Roc (Oleanvir Valley, Razine Mountains)
- Seagull (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Wakabi (Skarch Desert)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to plants, but can move independently
* Appear to have a head, four limbs and a tail, but can change shape
* Includes:
- Thornbeast (Glomdoring Forest)
- Cheuped (Serenwilde Nexus World)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to fungi, but can move independently
* Have wildly differing forms
* Includes:
- Ascenoid (Undervault)
- Basilion (Undervault)
- Phycomid (Undervault)
Unclassified due to lack of information:
- Camel (Dairuchi) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Donkey (Southgard) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Mule (Rockholm) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Monkey (Jojobo Jungle) (Unknown morphology)
- Cockatrice - Niricol (Glomdoring Hills) (very unusual morphology)
- Gravedigger (Blasted Lands) (Have not obtained description)
- Cave fisher (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
- Loamadore (Glomdoring Forest) (Have not obtained description)
- Sea anemone - Saxitin (Inner Sea) (Have not obtained description)
- Land Urchin (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
* Aetherbubbles
- Slatefish (The Triangle) (Have not obtained description)
NOTE: animals followed by (see NOTE) are identified exclusively from there being furrikin who resemble them.
The following are not animals under this classification scheme, but are sometimes mistaken for animals:
Aetherbeasts (half-formed gods that have escaped from their creche into the aetherways)
- Pyrinne
- Cloier
- Slanikk
- Hydrian
- Lixin
- Elemental
- Starbeast
- Scyllus
- Black dragon
Aetheric Parasites (aetherbeasts attracted to the energies of the elemental planes)
- Gorgog (Inner Sea, Bondero Bay, Arysian Isles, Aetherspace)
- Dream leech (Water)
- Starsucker (Water)
- Grub (Earth)
- Gargoyle (Earth)
- Stoneghast (Earth)
- Lyndworm (Earth)
Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (half-formed gods of the cosmic planes)
- Pegasus (Celestia)
- Nightmare (Nil)
Faebeasts (lesser nature spirits)
- Unicorn (Faethorn)
- Moon cat (Serenwilde)
Animals have the following characteristics:
* They are living.
* They breathe air or water.
* They have the ability to move from room to room.
* They have the ability to reproduce after their own kind.
* They were created by a seventh circle god (i.e. they have a portion of the spirit of a seventh circle god infused into them, which would include creatures altered by taint)
Animals are divided into a number of kindreds, based on their creator, and a number of kinds, based on their body shape, their blood type, their covering, and the shape of their teeth. As the creator god of every single animal is not known, some guesswork is involved.
The kindreds and kinds are as follows:
1. Volkh
…1.1 Canine
2. Lorella
…2.1 Feline
3. Tae
…3.1 Bear
4. Bollikin
…4.1 Fanged
…4.2 Rodent
…4.3 Hedgehog
…4.4 Platypus (tentative)
…4.5 Bat (tentative)
5. Tae & Bollikin
…5.1 Rockeater
6. Centaubi
…6.1 Horse
7. Charune
…7.1 Pony
…7.2 Horned
8. Unknown
…8.1 Tusked
9. Unknown (tentative grouping)
…9.1 Warmfish
…9.2 Coldfish
…9.3 Sea Insect
11. Blooredi
…11.1 Reptile
…11.2 Serpent (tentative)
…11.3 Amphibian (tentative)
12 Viravain
…12.1 Insect
…12.2 Songbird
13. Unknown
…13.1 Raptor
14. Unknown
…14.1 Plantbeast
…14.2 Fungalbeasts
*** Aetherbeasts & Aetheric Parasites (not animals)
*** Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (not animals)
*** Faebeasts (not animals)
Totem Animals.
Poisonous Animals.
* Created by Volkh
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail.
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Coyote (Skarch Desert)
- Dog
--- Beach mongrel (Toranada Tidal Flats)
--- Bloodhound (Magnagora)
--- Golden Retriever (New Celest)
--- Gutter mutt (Magnagora)
- Fox (Serenwilde Forest)
- Jackal (Blasted Lands)
- Wolf
--- Grey wolf (Verasavir Valley)
--- Timberwolf (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Direwolf (Glomdoring Forest)
* Created by Lorella
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bobcat (Blasted Lands)
- Cat (New Celest)
- Coeurl (Mount Zoaka)
- Lion (Jojobo Jungle)
- Mountain cat (Snow Valley)
* Created by Tae
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bear (Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Badger (Serenwilde Forest)
- Mole (see NOTE)
- Otter (see NOTE)
- Opossum
--- Ethereal opossum (Etherwilde Forest)
- Pine Martin
- Skunk
- Stoat (Grey Moors)
- Weasel (See NOTE)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have enlarged cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Beaver (see NOTE)
- Groundhog
- Hare (Oleanvir Valley)
- Hamster (Everywhere! But only during hamster hunts)
- Mouse (see NOTE)
- Rat (New Celest, Magnagora)
- Rabbit (Serenwilde Forest)
- Squirrel (Serenwilde Forest)
- Wombat (Estelbar)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in spines and fur
* Have fangs in place of cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Hedgehog (see NOTE)
Tentative classification - Platypus
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have beaks
* Includes
- Platypus - Calcise (Basin Rivers)
Tentative classification - Bat
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bat - Anerod (Glomdoring Forest)
* Created by Bollikin and Tae
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in minerals
* Have diamond teeth
* Includes:
- Rockeater
--- Common rockeater (Border Mountains)
--- Deepstone rockeater (Undervault)
--- Marine rockeater (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
* Created by Centaubi
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Horse
--- Dappled grey horse (Stewartsville)
--- Russet horse (Stewartsville)
* Created by Charune in mockery of Horses
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Pony
--- Moors pony (Grey Moors)
--- Speckled pony (Estelbar)
* Created by Charune
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have horns or antlers
* Includes:
- Cattle
--- Common cow (Highways)
--- Moors longhorn steer (Grey Moors Villages)
- Deer
--- Common deer (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest)
--- Ethereal deer (Etherwilde Forest)
- Gazelle (Jojobo Jungle)
- Giraffe (Jojobo Jungle)
- Goat
--- Hill goat (Hifarae Hills)
- Moose (Border Mountains)
- Sheep
--- Common sheep (Border Hills)
--- Ram (Blasted Land)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have tusks
* Includes:
- Elephant (Jojobo Jungle)
- Pig
--- Common pig (Lolliprin)
--- Warthog (Acknor)
--- Wild Boar
- Woolly mammoth (Snow Valley)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are warm blooded
* Includes:
- Dolphin (Inner Sea)
- Sea wolf (Sea of Despair)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Ray
--- Manta ray - Mantakaya (Inner Sea)
--- Devil fish (Sea of Despair)
- Stinkfish (Tolborolla Valley)
- Shark
--- Goblin shark (Sea of Despair)
--- Tiger shark (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
- Trout (Basin Rivers)
Sea Insect
* Created by an unknown god
* Have more than four limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are sometimes covered in a carapace
* Includes:
- Crab (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Firefly squid (Inner Sea)
- Jellyfish (Inner Sea)
- Octopus - Botulinum (Inner Sea)
- Starfish (Toronada Tidal Flats, Celest Nexus World)
* Created by Blooredi (though some might be attributed to others)
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Alligator (Balach Swamp)
- Crocodile
- Lizard
--- Desert dashro (Skarch Desert)
--- Ember lizard (Mount Zoaka)
--- Gila lizard - Dulak (Skarch Desert)
- Sandojin (Skarch Desert)
- Tortoise (see NOTE)
- Turtle
--- Boxturtle (Toronada Tidal Flats)
--- Dragon Turtle (Inner Sea)
--- Giant snapping turtle (Balach Swamp)
- Wyvern (Mount Zoaka)
Tentative Classification - Serpent
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have no limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Amphista (Moon bubble)
- Snake
--- Boa Constrictor (Jojobo Jungle)
--- Eyelash viper - Dendroxin (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Adder - Anatine (Oleanvir Valley)
--- Python - Aleutian (Balach Swamp)
--- Rattlesnake - Haemotox (Hifarae Hills)
--- Sand cobra - Ibubulu (Skarch)
Tentative Classification - Amphibian
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are smooth skinned
* Includes:
- Frog
--- Tree frog - Tetrodin (Serenwilde Forest)
- Salamander - Inyoka (Basin Rivers)
- Toad
* Created by Viravain
* Have more than four limbs, sometimes including wings
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in a carapace
* Have mandibles
* Includes:
- Bee
--- Honey Bee (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
--- Giant bumblebee (Serenwilde Forest)
- Beetle
--- Inferno Beetle (Undervault)
- Butterfly, moth, caterpiller
--- Silkworm, silk moth (Tolborolla Valley)
- Centipede
--- Giant Centipede (Undervault)
- Flea
- Locust (Glomdoring Forest)
- Scorpion
--- Black scorpion - Hadrudin (Blasted Lands)
- Solifugae (Undervault)
- Spider
--- Black widow - Mactans (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Bulbous spider (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Glass widow spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Raven spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Spidion (Undervault)
--- Tarantula (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Translucent spider (Glomdoring Forest)
- Wasp
--- Common wasp (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
--- Giant wasp - Mellitin (Glomdoring Forest)
- Weevil (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Viravain
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Bluebird (Faethorn)
- Blue jay (Serenwilde Forest)
- Chicken (Villages)
- Dove (Serenwilde Forest)
- Grouse (Hifarae Hills)
- Lyrebird
- Peacock
--- Ethereal peacock (Etherwilde Forest)
- Nightbirds
--- Crow ( Glomdoring Forest)
--- Raven (Formerly Glomdoring Forest)
- Shadow hawk (Ethereal Glomdoring)
- Sparrow (Serenwilde Forest)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Eagle
--- Great eagle (Faethorn)
- Kestrel (Grey Moors)
- Owl
--- Great horned owl (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Screech owl (Serenwilde Forest)
- Pelican (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Roadrunner (Skarch Desert)
- Roc (Oleanvir Valley, Razine Mountains)
- Seagull (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Wakabi (Skarch Desert)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to plants, but can move independently
* Appear to have a head, four limbs and a tail, but can change shape
* Includes:
- Thornbeast (Glomdoring Forest)
- Cheuped (Serenwilde Nexus World)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to fungi, but can move independently
* Have wildly differing forms
* Includes:
- Ascenoid (Undervault)
- Basilion (Undervault)
- Phycomid (Undervault)
Unclassified due to lack of information:
- Camel (Dairuchi) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Donkey (Southgard) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Mule (Rockholm) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Monkey (Jojobo Jungle) (Unknown morphology)
- Cockatrice - Niricol (Glomdoring Hills) (very unusual morphology)
- Gravedigger (Blasted Lands) (Have not obtained description)
- Cave fisher (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
- Loamadore (Glomdoring Forest) (Have not obtained description)
- Sea anemone - Saxitin (Inner Sea) (Have not obtained description)
- Land Urchin (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
* Aetherbubbles
- Slatefish (The Triangle) (Have not obtained description)
NOTE: animals followed by (see NOTE) are identified exclusively from there being furrikin who resemble them.
The following are not animals under this classification scheme, but are sometimes mistaken for animals:
Aetherbeasts (half-formed gods that have escaped from their creche into the aetherways)
- Pyrinne
- Cloier
- Slanikk
- Hydrian
- Lixin
- Elemental
- Starbeast
- Scyllus
- Black dragon
Aetheric Parasites (aetherbeasts attracted to the energies of the elemental planes)
- Gorgog (Inner Sea, Bondero Bay, Arysian Isles, Aetherspace)
- Dream leech (Water)
- Starsucker (Water)
- Grub (Earth)
- Gargoyle (Earth)
- Stoneghast (Earth)
- Lyndworm (Earth)
Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (half-formed gods of the cosmic planes)
- Pegasus (Celestia)
- Nightmare (Nil)
Faebeasts (lesser nature spirits)
- Unicorn (Faethorn)
- Moon cat (Serenwilde)
Unknown2007-06-20 17:36:52
We need to develop a way to do DNA scanning and arrange them based on genome rather than on physical characteristics, and thus avoid the****storm that's currently going on in the world of taxonomy.
Jitwix2007-06-20 17:40:48
QUOTE(Refugee @ Jun 20 2007, 07:36 PM) 418977
We need to develop a way to do DNA scanning and arrange them based on genome rather than on physical characteristics, and thus avoid the****storm that's currently going on in the world of taxonomy.
.........whats DNA?
Jasper2007-06-20 17:41:22
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have four limbs
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have beaks with bony ridges
* Includes Platypi only
Cats have beaks and bony ridges?* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have four limbs
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have beaks with bony ridges
* Includes Platypi only
Oh, and they were made by Lorella.
These great lovely cats created by Lorella of the Seventh were both gorgeous and arrogant, playful and terrifying, loyal and so full of pride.
- Talking about the lions.Shamarah2007-06-20 17:43:36
Starfish can move. Crows are not the production of taint, and I don't think thornbeasts are either.
Also, actual domesticated cats do exist. They walk around Celest.
Also, actual domesticated cats do exist. They walk around Celest.
Jitwix2007-06-20 17:45:41
The Brushfire Classification System of Animals
Animals have the following characteristics:
* They are living.
* They breathe air or water.
* They have the ability to move from room to room.
* They have the ability to reproduce after their own kind.
* They were created by a seventh circle god (i.e. they have a portion of the spirit of a seventh circle god infused into them, which would include creatures altered by taint)
Animals are divided into a number of kindreds, based on their creator, and a number of kinds, based on their body shape, their blood type, their covering, and the shape of their teeth. As the creator god of every single animal is not known, some guesswork is involved.
The kindreds and kinds are as follows:
1. Volkh
…1.1 Canine
2. Lorella
…2.1 Feline
3. Tae
…3.1 Bear
4. Bollikin
…4.1 Fanged
…4.2 Rodent
…4.3 Hedgehog
…4.4 Platypus (tentative)
…4.5 Bat (tentative)
5. Tae & Bollikin
…5.1 Rockeater
6. Centaubi
…6.1 Horse
7. Charune
…7.1 Pony
…7.2 Horned
8. Unknown
…8.1 Tusked
9. Unknown (tentative grouping)
…9.1 Warmfish
…9.2 Coldfish
…9.3 Sea Insect
11. Blooredi
…11.1 Reptile
…11.2 Serpent (tentative)
…11.3 Amphibian (tentative)
12 Viravain
…12.1 Insect
…12.2 Songbird
13. Unknown
…13.1 Raptor
14. Unknown
…14.1 Plantbeast
…14.2 Fungalbeasts
*** Aetherbeasts & Aetheric Parasites (not animals)
*** Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (not animals)
*** Faebeasts (not animals)
Kennel animals
Totem animals
Summonable mounts
Poisonous Animals
¹Only known to exist through furrikin imitators
²Only known to exist through kephera imitators
³Only known through constellation names
* Created by Volkh
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail.
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Coyote (Skarch Desert)
- Dog
--- Beach mongrel (Toranada Tidal Flats)
--- Bloodhound (Magnagora)
--- Golden Retriever (New Celest)
--- Gutter mutt (Magnagora)
- Fox (Serenwilde Forest)
- Jackal (Blasted Lands)
- Wolf
--- Grey wolf (Verasavir Valley)
--- Timberwolf (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Direwolf (Glomdoring Forest)
* Created by Lorella
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bobcat (Blasted Lands)
- Cat (New Celest)
- Coeurl (Mount Zoaka)
- Lion (Jojobo Jungle)
- Mountain cat (Snow Valley)
* Created by Tae
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bear (Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Badger (Serenwilde Forest)
- Mole¹
- Otter¹
- Opossum
--- Ethereal opossum (Etherwilde Forest)
- Pine Martin¹
- Skunk
- Stoat (Grey Moors)
- Weasel¹
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have enlarged cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Beaver¹
- Groundhog
- Hare (Oleanvir Valley)
- Hamster (Everywhere! But only during hamster hunts)
- Mouse¹
- Rat (New Celest, Magnagora)
- Rabbit (Serenwilde Forest)
- Squirrel (Serenwilde Forest)
- Wombat (Estelbar)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in spines and fur
* Have fangs in place of cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Hedgehog¹
Tentative classification - Platypus
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have beaks
* Includes
- Platypus - Calcise (Basin Rivers)
Tentative classification - Bat
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bat - Anerod (Glomdoring Forest)
- Bat
* Created by Bollikin and Tae
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in minerals
* Have diamond teeth
* Includes:
- Rockeater
--- Common rockeater (Border Mountains)
--- Deepstone rockeater (Undervault)
--- Marine rockeater (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
* Created by Centaubi
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Horse
--- Dappled grey horse (Stewartsville)
--- Russet horse (Stewartsville)
* Created by Charune in mockery of Horses
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Pony
--- Moors pony (Grey Moors)
--- Speckled pony (Estelbar)
* Created by Charune
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have horns or antlers
* Includes:
- Cattle
--- Common cow (Highways)
--- Moors longhorn steer (Grey Moors Villages)
- Deer
--- Brown stag (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Common deer (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest)
--- Ethereal deer (Etherwilde Forest)
- Gazelle (Jojobo Jungle)
- Giraffe (Jojobo Jungle)
- Goat
--- Hill goat (Hifarae Hills)
- Moose (Border Mountains)
- Sheep
--- Common sheep (Border Hills)
--- Ram (Blasted Land)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have tusks
* Includes:
- Elephant (Jojobo Jungle)
- Pig
--- Common pig (Lolliprin)
--- Warthog (Acknor)
--- Wild boar¹
- Woolly mammoth (Snow Valley)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are warm blooded
* Includes:
- Dolphin (Inner Sea)
- Sea wolf (Sea of Despair)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Ray
--- Manta ray - Mantakaya (Inner Sea)
--- Devil fish (Sea of Despair)
- Stinkfish (Tolborolla Valley)
- Shark
--- Goblin shark (Sea of Despair)
--- Tiger shark (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
- Trout (Basin Rivers)
Sea Insect
* Created by an unknown god
* Have more than four limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are sometimes covered in a carapace
* Includes:
- Crab (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Firefly squid (Inner Sea)
- Jellyfish (Inner Sea)
- Octopus - Botulinum (Inner Sea)
- Starfish (Toronada Tidal Flats, Celest Nexus World)
* Created by Blooredi (though some might be attributed to others)
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Alligator (Balach Swamp)
- Crocodile³
- Lizard
--- Desert dashro (Skarch Desert)
--- Ember lizard (Mount Zoaka)
--- Gila lizard - Dulak (Skarch Desert)
- Sandojin (Skarch Desert)
- Tortoise¹
- Turtle
--- Boxturtle (Toronada Tidal Flats)
--- Dragon turtle (Inner Sea)
--- Giant snapping turtle (Balach Swamp)
- Wyvern (Mount Zoaka)
Tentative Classification - Serpent
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have no limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Amphista (Moon bubble)
- Snake
--- Boa Constrictor (Jojobo Jungle)
--- Eyelash viper - Dendroxin (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Eyelash viper (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Adder - Anatine (Oleanvir Valley)
--- Python - Aleutian (Balach Swamp)
--- Rattlesnake - Haemotox (Hifarae Hills)
--- Sand cobra - Ibubulu (Skarch)
Tentative Classification - Amphibian
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are smooth skinned
* Includes:
- Frog
--- Tree frog - Tetrodin (Serenwilde Forest)
- Salamander - Inyoka (Basin Rivers)
- Toad
* Created by Viravain
* Have more than four limbs, sometimes including wings
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in a carapace
* Have mandibles
* Includes:
- Bee
--- Bumblebee³
--- Giant bumblebee (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Honey Bee (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
- Beetle
--- Inferno Beetle (Undervault)
- Butterfly, moth, caterpiller
--- Silkworm, silk moth (Tolborolla Valley)
- Centipede
--- Giant Centipede (Undervault)
- Flea
- Locust (Glomdoring Forest)
- Scorpion
--- Black scorpion - Hadrudin (Blasted Lands)
- Solifugae (Undervault)
- Spider
--- Black widow - Mactans (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Bulbous spider (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Glass widow spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Raven spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Spidion (Undervault)
--- Tarantula (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Translucent spider (Glomdoring Forest)
- Wasp
--- Common wasp (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
--- Giant wasp - Mellitin (Glomdoring Forest)
- Weevil (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Viravain
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Bluebird (Faethorn)
- Blue jay (Serenwilde Forest)
- Chicken (Villages)
- Dove (Serenwilde Forest)
- Grouse (Hifarae Hills)
- Ladybird²
- Lyrebird (New Celest)
- Peacock
--- Ethereal peacock (Etherwilde Forest)
- Nightbirds
--- Crow (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Giant Crow
--- Raven (formerly Glomdoring Forest)
- Shadow hawk (Etherglom Forest)
- Sparrow (Serenwilde Forest)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Eagle
--- Great eagle (Faethorn)
- Kestrel (Grey Moors)
- Owl
--- Great horned owl (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Screech owl (Serenwilde Forest)
- Pelican (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Roadrunner (Skarch Desert)
- Roc (Oleanvir Valley, Razine Mountains)
- Seagull (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Wakabi (Skarch Desert)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to plants, but can move independently
* Appear to have a head, four limbs and a tail, but can change shape
* Includes:
- Thornbeast (Glomdoring Forest)
- Cheuped (Serenwilde Nexus World)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to fungi, but can move independently
* Have wildly differing forms
* Includes:
- Ascenoid (Undervault)
- Basilion (Undervault)
- Phycomid (Undervault)
Unclassified due to lack of information:
- Camel (Dairuchi) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Donkey (Southgard) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Mule (Rockholm) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Monkey (Jojobo Jungle) (Unknown morphology)
- Cockatrice - Niricol (Glomdoring Hills) (very unusual morphology)
- Gravedigger (Blasted Lands) (Have not obtained description)
- Cave fisher (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
- Land Urchin (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
- Loamadore (Glomdoring Forest) (Have not obtained description)
- Sea anemone - Saxitin (Inner Sea) (Have not obtained description)
- Wyrm (Magnagora)
* Aetherbubbles
- Slatefish (The Triangle) (Have not obtained description)
The following are not animals under this classification scheme, but are sometimes mistaken for animals:
Aetherbeasts (half-formed gods that have escaped from their creche into the aetherways)
- Pyrinne
- Cloier
- Slanikk
- Hydrian
- Lixin
- Elemental
- Starbeast
- Scyllus
- Black dragon
Aetheric Parasites (aetherbeasts attracted to the energies of the elemental planes)
- Gorgog (Inner Sea, Bondero Bay, Arysian Isles, Aetherspace)
- Dream leech (Water)
- Starsucker (Water)
- Grub (Earth)
- Gargoyle (Earth)
- Stoneghast (Earth)
- Lyndworm (Earth)
Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (half-formed gods of the cosmic planes)
- Pegasus (Celestia)
- Nightmare (Nil)
Faebeasts (lesser nature spirits)
- Unicorn (Faethorn)
- Moon cat (Serenwilde)
Animals have the following characteristics:
* They are living.
* They breathe air or water.
* They have the ability to move from room to room.
* They have the ability to reproduce after their own kind.
* They were created by a seventh circle god (i.e. they have a portion of the spirit of a seventh circle god infused into them, which would include creatures altered by taint)
Animals are divided into a number of kindreds, based on their creator, and a number of kinds, based on their body shape, their blood type, their covering, and the shape of their teeth. As the creator god of every single animal is not known, some guesswork is involved.
The kindreds and kinds are as follows:
1. Volkh
…1.1 Canine
2. Lorella
…2.1 Feline
3. Tae
…3.1 Bear
4. Bollikin
…4.1 Fanged
…4.2 Rodent
…4.3 Hedgehog
…4.4 Platypus (tentative)
…4.5 Bat (tentative)
5. Tae & Bollikin
…5.1 Rockeater
6. Centaubi
…6.1 Horse
7. Charune
…7.1 Pony
…7.2 Horned
8. Unknown
…8.1 Tusked
9. Unknown (tentative grouping)
…9.1 Warmfish
…9.2 Coldfish
…9.3 Sea Insect
11. Blooredi
…11.1 Reptile
…11.2 Serpent (tentative)
…11.3 Amphibian (tentative)
12 Viravain
…12.1 Insect
…12.2 Songbird
13. Unknown
…13.1 Raptor
14. Unknown
…14.1 Plantbeast
…14.2 Fungalbeasts
*** Aetherbeasts & Aetheric Parasites (not animals)
*** Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (not animals)
*** Faebeasts (not animals)
Kennel animals
Totem animals
Summonable mounts
Poisonous Animals
¹Only known to exist through furrikin imitators
²Only known to exist through kephera imitators
³Only known through constellation names
* Created by Volkh
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail.
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Coyote (Skarch Desert)
- Dog
--- Beach mongrel (Toranada Tidal Flats)
--- Bloodhound (Magnagora)
--- Golden Retriever (New Celest)
--- Gutter mutt (Magnagora)
- Fox (Serenwilde Forest)
- Jackal (Blasted Lands)
- Wolf
--- Grey wolf (Verasavir Valley)
--- Timberwolf (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Direwolf (Glomdoring Forest)
* Created by Lorella
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bobcat (Blasted Lands)
- Cat (New Celest)
- Coeurl (Mount Zoaka)
- Lion (Jojobo Jungle)
- Mountain cat (Snow Valley)
* Created by Tae
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bear (Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Badger (Serenwilde Forest)
- Mole¹
- Otter¹
- Opossum
--- Ethereal opossum (Etherwilde Forest)
- Pine Martin¹
- Skunk
- Stoat (Grey Moors)
- Weasel¹
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have enlarged cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Beaver¹
- Groundhog
- Hare (Oleanvir Valley)
- Hamster (Everywhere! But only during hamster hunts)
- Mouse¹
- Rat (New Celest, Magnagora)
- Rabbit (Serenwilde Forest)
- Squirrel (Serenwilde Forest)
- Wombat (Estelbar)
* Created by Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in spines and fur
* Have fangs in place of cutting teeth
* Includes:
- Hedgehog¹
Tentative classification - Platypus
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have beaks
* Includes
- Platypus - Calcise (Basin Rivers)
Tentative classification - Bat
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Bollikin
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have fangs
* Includes:
- Bat - Anerod (Glomdoring Forest)
- Bat
* Created by Bollikin and Tae
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in minerals
* Have diamond teeth
* Includes:
- Rockeater
--- Common rockeater (Border Mountains)
--- Deepstone rockeater (Undervault)
--- Marine rockeater (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
* Created by Centaubi
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Horse
--- Dappled grey horse (Stewartsville)
--- Russet horse (Stewartsville)
* Created by Charune in mockery of Horses
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Includes:
- Pony
--- Moors pony (Grey Moors)
--- Speckled pony (Estelbar)
* Created by Charune
* Have a head, four limbs ending in hooves, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have horns or antlers
* Includes:
- Cattle
--- Common cow (Highways)
--- Moors longhorn steer (Grey Moors Villages)
- Deer
--- Brown stag (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Common deer (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest)
--- Ethereal deer (Etherwilde Forest)
- Gazelle (Jojobo Jungle)
- Giraffe (Jojobo Jungle)
- Goat
--- Hill goat (Hifarae Hills)
- Moose (Border Mountains)
- Sheep
--- Common sheep (Border Hills)
--- Ram (Blasted Land)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs, and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in fur
* Have tusks
* Includes:
- Elephant (Jojobo Jungle)
- Pig
--- Common pig (Lolliprin)
--- Warthog (Acknor)
--- Wild boar¹
- Woolly mammoth (Snow Valley)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are warm blooded
* Includes:
- Dolphin (Inner Sea)
- Sea wolf (Sea of Despair)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have fins
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Ray
--- Manta ray - Mantakaya (Inner Sea)
--- Devil fish (Sea of Despair)
- Stinkfish (Tolborolla Valley)
- Shark
--- Goblin shark (Sea of Despair)
--- Tiger shark (Inner Sea, Sea of Despair)
- Trout (Basin Rivers)
Sea Insect
* Created by an unknown god
* Have more than four limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are sometimes covered in a carapace
* Includes:
- Crab (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Firefly squid (Inner Sea)
- Jellyfish (Inner Sea)
- Octopus - Botulinum (Inner Sea)
- Starfish (Toronada Tidal Flats, Celest Nexus World)
* Created by Blooredi (though some might be attributed to others)
* Have a head, four limbs and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Alligator (Balach Swamp)
- Crocodile³
- Lizard
--- Desert dashro (Skarch Desert)
--- Ember lizard (Mount Zoaka)
--- Gila lizard - Dulak (Skarch Desert)
- Sandojin (Skarch Desert)
- Tortoise¹
- Turtle
--- Boxturtle (Toronada Tidal Flats)
--- Dragon turtle (Inner Sea)
--- Giant snapping turtle (Balach Swamp)
- Wyvern (Mount Zoaka)
Tentative Classification - Serpent
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have no limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Includes:
- Amphista (Moon bubble)
- Snake
--- Boa Constrictor (Jojobo Jungle)
--- Eyelash viper - Dendroxin (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Eyelash viper (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Adder - Anatine (Oleanvir Valley)
--- Python - Aleutian (Balach Swamp)
--- Rattlesnake - Haemotox (Hifarae Hills)
--- Sand cobra - Ibubulu (Skarch)
Tentative Classification - Amphibian
* Created by an unknown god, possibly Blooredi
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are cold blooded
* Are smooth skinned
* Includes:
- Frog
--- Tree frog - Tetrodin (Serenwilde Forest)
- Salamander - Inyoka (Basin Rivers)
- Toad
* Created by Viravain
* Have more than four limbs, sometimes including wings
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in a carapace
* Have mandibles
* Includes:
- Bee
--- Bumblebee³
--- Giant bumblebee (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Honey Bee (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
- Beetle
--- Inferno Beetle (Undervault)
- Butterfly, moth, caterpiller
--- Silkworm, silk moth (Tolborolla Valley)
- Centipede
--- Giant Centipede (Undervault)
- Flea
- Locust (Glomdoring Forest)
- Scorpion
--- Black scorpion - Hadrudin (Blasted Lands)
- Solifugae (Undervault)
- Spider
--- Black widow - Mactans (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Bulbous spider (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Glass widow spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Raven spider (Glomdoring Nexus World)
--- Spidion (Undervault)
--- Tarantula (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Translucent spider (Glomdoring Forest)
- Wasp
--- Common wasp (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
--- Giant wasp - Mellitin (Glomdoring Forest)
- Weevil (Serenwilde Forest, Glomdoring Forest, Ackleberry Forest)
* Created by Viravain
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Bluebird (Faethorn)
- Blue jay (Serenwilde Forest)
- Chicken (Villages)
- Dove (Serenwilde Forest)
- Grouse (Hifarae Hills)
- Ladybird²
- Lyrebird (New Celest)
- Peacock
--- Ethereal peacock (Etherwilde Forest)
- Nightbirds
--- Crow (Glomdoring Forest)
--- Giant Crow
--- Raven (formerly Glomdoring Forest)
- Shadow hawk (Etherglom Forest)
- Sparrow (Serenwilde Forest)
* Created by an unknown god
* Have a head, four limbs - two legs and two wings - and a tail
* Are warm blooded
* Are covered in feathers
* Have beaks
* Includes:
- Eagle
--- Great eagle (Faethorn)
- Kestrel (Grey Moors)
- Owl
--- Great horned owl (Serenwilde Forest)
--- Screech owl (Serenwilde Forest)
- Pelican (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Roadrunner (Skarch Desert)
- Roc (Oleanvir Valley, Razine Mountains)
- Seagull (Toronada Tidal Flats)
- Wakabi (Skarch Desert)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to plants, but can move independently
* Appear to have a head, four limbs and a tail, but can change shape
* Includes:
- Thornbeast (Glomdoring Forest)
- Cheuped (Serenwilde Nexus World)
* Created by an unknown god
* Are similar to fungi, but can move independently
* Have wildly differing forms
* Includes:
- Ascenoid (Undervault)
- Basilion (Undervault)
- Phycomid (Undervault)
Unclassified due to lack of information:
- Camel (Dairuchi) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Donkey (Southgard) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Mule (Rockholm) (Unknown if created by Charune or Centaubi)
- Monkey (Jojobo Jungle) (Unknown morphology)
- Cockatrice - Niricol (Glomdoring Hills) (very unusual morphology)
- Gravedigger (Blasted Lands) (Have not obtained description)
- Cave fisher (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
- Land Urchin (Undervault) (Have not obtained description)
- Loamadore (Glomdoring Forest) (Have not obtained description)
- Sea anemone - Saxitin (Inner Sea) (Have not obtained description)
- Wyrm (Magnagora)
* Aetherbubbles
- Slatefish (The Triangle) (Have not obtained description)
The following are not animals under this classification scheme, but are sometimes mistaken for animals:
Aetherbeasts (half-formed gods that have escaped from their creche into the aetherways)
- Pyrinne
- Cloier
- Slanikk
- Hydrian
- Lixin
- Elemental
- Starbeast
- Scyllus
- Black dragon
Aetheric Parasites (aetherbeasts attracted to the energies of the elemental planes)
- Gorgog (Inner Sea, Bondero Bay, Arysian Isles, Aetherspace)
- Dream leech (Water)
- Starsucker (Water)
- Grub (Earth)
- Gargoyle (Earth)
- Stoneghast (Earth)
- Lyndworm (Earth)
Angelbeasts & Demonbeasts (half-formed gods of the cosmic planes)
- Pegasus (Celestia)
- Nightmare (Nil)
Faebeasts (lesser nature spirits)
- Unicorn (Faethorn)
- Moon cat (Serenwilde)
Unknown2007-06-20 17:45:43
QUOTE(Jitwix @ Jun 20 2007, 05:34 PM) 418976
* Created by Blooredi
* Have four limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Have triangular teeth
* Includes:
- Crocodiles
- Alligators
- Turtles
- Adders, Vipers and other Snakes
* Created by Blooredi
* Have four limbs
* Are cold blooded
* Are covered in scales
* Have triangular teeth
* Includes:
- Crocodiles
- Alligators
- Turtles
- Adders, Vipers and other Snakes
Wrong. Sister Snake is a Great Spirit. Blooredi failed to create any great spirits.
Unknown2007-06-20 17:46:43
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 20 2007, 05:43 PM) 418982
Crows are not the production of taint.
Where did crows come from then?
Shamarah2007-06-20 17:47:53
Pretty sure Viravain created them pre-taint wars.
Jitwix2007-06-20 17:52:02
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jun 20 2007, 07:45 PM) 418984
Wrong. Sister Snake is a Great Spirit. Blooredi failed to create any great spirits.
It is true, that at the time of the book of Mugwumpois, Blooredi had not created a great spirit. However, I am not the only one who believes he was subsequently successful with snakes.
Unknown2007-06-20 17:55:29
The weird thing about Crow is that a Raven is a subset of a Crow, so all Ravens are Crows but not all Crows are Ravens.
Metaphorically speaking, a raven is a crow in a tux and with good breeding. It gets to be part of gothic literature while crows are pests bugging farmers.
Metaphorically speaking, a raven is a crow in a tux and with good breeding. It gets to be part of gothic literature while crows are pests bugging farmers.
Razenth2007-06-20 17:56:20
I highly doubt there was any time after that, but whatever floats your boat or creams your twinkie.
Unknown2007-06-20 17:56:52
Nah, crows are the production of the taint. At least the nasty, red-eyed ones of Glomdoring. It would make no sense otherwise.
EDIT: Also, with Blooredi. There was hardly time afterwards to create anything, especially for a Great Spirit to develop. It's most likely another divine, probably female
, made snakes before that.
EDIT: Also, with Blooredi. There was hardly time afterwards to create anything, especially for a Great Spirit to develop. It's most likely another divine, probably female
Jitwix2007-06-20 17:59:23
QUOTE(Phred @ Jun 20 2007, 07:55 PM) 418988
The weird thing about Crow is that a Raven is a subset of a Crow, so all Ravens are Crows but not all Crows are Ravens.
Metaphorically speaking, a raven is a crow in a tux and with good breeding. It gets to be part of gothic literature while crows are pests bugging farmers.
Metaphorically speaking, a raven is a crow in a tux and with good breeding. It gets to be part of gothic literature while crows are pests bugging farmers.
That observation is based on the crows and ravens of the real world. Which does not necessarily correlate to Lusternia.
And yes it is possible that snakes were created by another God. I shall change it to tentative.
Arel2007-06-20 18:01:26
All the ravens turned into crows when Gloriana got tainted. There are no longer any ravens in Lusternia.
Noola2007-06-20 18:02:07
How are clams and starfish not animals? They're alive... they're not like rocks or something.
Jitwix2007-06-20 18:07:35
QUOTE(Noola @ Jun 20 2007, 08:02 PM) 418994
How are clams and starfish not animals? They're alive... they're not like rocks or something.
I defined my definition of animals in my post. I have never seen clams or starfish move. Until it is proven to me that they can walk around, I shall call them plants.
Shamarah2007-06-20 18:09:08
Starfish move, as I said. Go look at the Celest nexus world, there are starfish on it that move around.
Razenth2007-06-20 18:11:41
Or failing, that go attack a starfish in the Tide Pools. They fight back. I think. Well, they pry themselves out of your hands out least.
Noola2007-06-20 18:13:50
Yeah... and if you try to give a live one to that little girl she says something about them being crawly or something I think. I got so frustrated with that quest, I haven't tried it in a while but I seem to remember something like that.