Arrays in Mushclient

by Unknown

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Unknown2007-06-27 09:27:32
Been using Nexus, played Zmud for a bit but decided not to buy it since it's slower compared to Mushclient. Still learning it, as well as scripting, totally from scratch. Could someone help me with arrays please? I have these triggers from Zmud, and it would be great if someone could teach me how to convert it for Mushclient:

^"monk(%d)" ---> TRIGGER
#if (%ismember( %1, @influenced)) {#gag} {#SUB {monk%1}}

sighs dramatically and searches ---> TRIGGER
#VAR influenced %addItem( @den, @influenced)

keeps asking (%w)self why (%w) considered giving ---> TRIGGER
#VAR influenced %addItem( @den, @influenced)