Rate your skills.

by Verithrax

Back to Combat Guide.

Verithrax2007-07-23 09:06:54
I want to figure out the power level of some skillsets, mostly out of curiosity. What I'd like you to do is to take any guild skillsets you have and rate the skills it has (Not just skills you have in it; all skills up to trans) according to the following scale:

Offensive skills:
O5 - I will always use that skill, against every oppponent and every situation.
O4 - This skill is crucial to one of the ways I have of killing people. I will use it whenever I am pursuing that strategy.
O3 - This skill deals a serious blow against some classes or some curing strategies. I'll use it if I think the opponent is vulnerable to it.
O2 - This skill is useful in a niche situation; sometimes I'll use it when the situation really warrants it, but it's not very useful to me.
O1 - I never use this skill.
(For things like demesne effects, rate based on how often it's useful instead. For example, an effect you could easily forsake would be an O1; an effect you could absolutely not kill anyone with would be an O5, and an effect that is useful against some, but not all, opponents would be an O3.)

Defensive skills and defenses:
D5 - I have this defense up anytime I can / My ability to cure afflictions doesn't work at all without this skill.
D4 - I have this defense up if I know I'm going into battle / This skill alone allows me to survive against some classes or strategies.
D3 - I use this skill to escape some attacks or afflictions, if I can spare the power or time.
D2 - In an all-defensive situation, or when I'm fleeing, I may use this skill to help me do that.
D1 - I never have this defense up / I never use this skill.

"Utility" skills:
U3 - I use this every opportunity I get.
U2 - I use this is the situation warrants it.
U1 - I never use this skill / Using it makes no difference to me.

Since I'm waiting on monks before I trans anything, I'll have to pass doing it myself for now.
Furien2007-07-23 09:29:13
You ratings make it seem like you want us to rate each individual skill, rather than the skillset. Anyways, monks for the general skillsets:

Kata- O3. Need the grapples, throwing stun is nice, as is speed and concussion modifiers. Kick is a 'duh' on need, since it's almost triple the power of a regular punch or shofa hit. Still requires fixing (which I've been working on!) Godly in Choke or Aeon.

Shofangi- O3. Same as above, but much more fun. Will probably be O4/O5 if certain changes go in. Some of the afflictions like shatterjaw or hook (with the current ka cost) are usually useless.

Psychometabolism- D4. Not terribly essential, but some of the defenses it has are too useful/cool to pass up. (Ironskin, Energycontainment for usefulness. Biocurrents, ForcedSymmetry and Suspendedanimation are just plain cool.)

Harmony- U3. Probably the best utility skill out there. Resistances, regens, faster sipping balance, resistance to stupidity, instakill, faster movement, and a lot more. It'd probably be a U4 if a few changes are made. Nice, flexible skill that can suit almost any situation.
Verithrax2007-07-23 10:25:11
QUOTE(Furien @ Jul 23 2007, 06:29 AM) 427856
You ratings make it seem like you want us to rate each individual skill.

I do mean that.
Shamarah2007-07-23 11:53:54
No real point to doing it to wicca.
Shiri2007-07-23 12:01:05
You're kinda not supposed to post skillsets on these forums...meh.

EDIT: I don't know why we stick to that rule since we have a link to the scrying pool, which has ABs too, hm.

EDIT: Rule is no skillsets. Sorry.
Verithrax2007-07-23 21:11:49
Ah, I was totally unaware (Since it's seemingly pointless). Ah well.
Shamarah2007-07-23 23:28:39
... what? People have posted skillsets before D:
Unknown2007-07-24 00:00:18
That's a very, very stupid rule. Why does it exist?
Malarious2007-07-24 02:40:59
Harmony is useful and monks are scary for bashing...
To Seren! quickexit.gif