What should I learn next?

by Faymar

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Faymar2007-09-25 07:13:22
After a month of hard work, I have managed to trans Axelord. So I am wondering what should I focus on next? I honestly don't have a clue, but I would like to start sparring as soon as I finish writing my system. Ah, and I am in the Serenguard, I have already decided to take Stag totem specialization. Other than that, I have close to no lessons invested in other skills
Zhaneel2007-09-25 09:09:28
Personally, I would invest in your other guild related skills, your trade skill and the skills of discipline, discernment, combat, resilience and magic. Those combined skills will help out a lot in combat and other areas.
Yevah2007-09-25 09:51:14
Really depends on what you want to accomplish in Lusternia; Influencing? Trancend herbalism (yesplz)?
But then if you want to go down the usual combatant route, here's a checklist.

FocusMind in Discipline.
Thirdeye in Discernment.
Transcend Resilience.
Transcend Combat.
Scan in Discernment.
Summer in LowMagic.
Autumn in LowMagic.

Transcending Magic isn't a high priority so leave that way down your list.
Yrael2007-09-25 10:12:53
First, forget Axelord and go BC. Then get the low end skills you need, such as Thirdeye, pipelist (I can't remember which is further), nullify in lowmagic. Then focus mind. Next, work toward combat - if you want to do pvp, that is. Otherwise, you'll miss and be parried. A lot. Athletics to strength. After that, planar to trans for conglut.
Faymar2007-09-25 11:01:21
I am aware that Bonecrusher is considered the best specialization for knights, but I've chosen Axelord for RP reasons, so I won't switch to anything else. I don't have the ambition of becoming the best fighter in the realm, I just want to be able to hold my own in a one on one fight and help my commune during raids. And Yevah, after harvesting a whole month for as much as 7 hours a day, I am pretty sick of. I like taking care of plants, but for now, herbalism isn't a priority for me. But if you need herbs, please contact me, I still have a lot of them in the rift and I always try to satisfy my customers. Oh, and thank you all for making the time to post some advice for me!
Yrael2007-09-25 12:32:51
QUOTE(Faymar @ Sep 25 2007, 09:01 PM) 443999
I am aware that Bonecrusher is considered the best specialization for knights, but I've chosen Axelord for RP reasons, so I won't switch to anything else. I don't have the ambition of becoming the best fighter in the realm, I just want to be able to hold my own in a one on one fight and help my commune during raids. And Yevah, after harvesting a whole month for as much as 7 hours a day, I am pretty sick of. I like taking care of plants, but for now, herbalism isn't a priority for me. But if you need herbs, please contact me, I still have a lot of them in the rift and I always try to satisfy my customers. Oh, and thank you all for making the time to post some advice for me!

Okay, okay. Slow down.

What's roleplay?
Arvont2007-09-25 13:14:26
QUOTE(Yrael @ Sep 25 2007, 08:32 PM) 444003
Okay, okay. Slow down.

What's roleplay?

Hey, hey. This is Lusternia, not Achaea. We still encourage good ol' arpee.
Try this in Achaea, you will be stoned to death.
Faymar2007-09-25 13:17:10
What's roleplay? Hm... What I would like my character to be and do!
Yrael2007-09-25 13:24:15
QUOTE(Arvont @ Sep 25 2007, 11:14 PM) 444005
Hey, hey. This is Lusternia, not Achaea. We still encourage good ol' arpee.
Try this in Achaea, you will be stoned to death.

We might, but only amongst people of your city. Anywhere else, youy're a terrible person and probably about to be kicked out.
Unknown2007-09-27 11:26:01
Don't learn Nullify in Lowmagic. Warriors have no need of it, as far as I'm aware. (I imagine you've already learned past it, anyway, so probably a moot point.)

I'd recommend learning Stag next. TotemReturn, Swiftstripes, and Medicinebag are great to have, especially the med bag.
Unknown2007-09-27 18:28:19
lots of good axelords about..