Unknown2007-10-02 19:21:10
I've heard several times that music level has no affect on minorsecond damage. From what I've seen/heard, it is based entirely on intelligence and the instrument level. Still, the vast majority of people I hear seem to think that music level does affect it. I've heard people advising young bards to go for trans music to increase their minorsecond damage.
Has anyone actually done any testing to find out if a higher music skill level really increases minorsecond damage?
Has anyone actually done any testing to find out if a higher music skill level really increases minorsecond damage?
Ashteru2007-10-02 19:25:10
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Oct 2 2007, 07:21 PM) 446085
I've heard several times that music level has no affect on minorsecond damage. From what I've seen/heard, it is based entirely on intelligence and the instrument level. Still, the vast majority of people I hear seem to think that music level does affect it. I've heard people advising young bards to go for trans music to increase their minorsecond damage.
Has anyone actually done any testing to find out if a higher music skill level really increases minorsecond damage?
Has anyone actually done any testing to find out if a higher music skill level really increases minorsecond damage?
Well, generallly, any related pool will help a bit. For example, when I increased my level in commander, I also increased the bleeding my cudgel did, etc.
Xavius2007-10-02 20:08:29
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 2 2007, 02:25 PM) 446088
Well, generallly, any related pool will help a bit. For example, when I increased my level in commander, I also increased the bleeding my cudgel did, etc.
I think that's in your head.
According to an ancient post by Roark, only parent skills impact lower skills. For cudgel, that's Planar.
Ashteru2007-10-02 20:52:10
QUOTE(Xavius @ Oct 2 2007, 08:08 PM) 446106
I think that's in your head.
According to an ancient post by Roark, only parent skills impact lower skills. For cudgel, that's Planar.
According to an ancient post by Roark, only parent skills impact lower skills. For cudgel, that's Planar.
Wouldn't parentskill be Mysticism, and seeing as Commander is in Mysticism, helps cudgel at the same time?
Xavius2007-10-02 21:04:47
That's the lesson pool. There is no skill called Mysticism to invest lessons in.
Skill tree diagram from website
Skill tree diagram from website
Ashteru2007-10-02 21:17:04
I am pretty sure it depends on lessons invested in the specific pools. :S
Acrune2007-10-02 21:28:05
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 2 2007, 05:17 PM) 446118
I am pretty sure it depends on lessons invested in the specific pools. :S
I've never heard of that being the case. Pretty sure its just the parent skill.
I know transing music makes your songs last longer, as does transing dramatics.
If transing music makes the attack stronger, wonder if dramatics helps too

Xavius2007-10-02 21:35:37
I found the post! Watch out, Shiribot, here comes Xavibot!
(It's definitely more fun than holding an unused demesne.)
(It's definitely more fun than holding an unused demesne.)
QUOTE(roark @ Apr 15 2005, 04:04 PM) 99028
The skill web is sort of unintuitive. What that means is that High Magic is the parent skillset of Cosmic. Increasing your High Magic abilities will also give some improvement to your Cosmic abilities. "Parent" should not be confused with "specialization". Aquamancy *is* Elementalism; it is a special form of Elementalism. But to say that Aquamancy is distinct from Elementalism is not entirely correct. Aquamancy and Geomancy are simply two variations of the same skillset: Elementalism. On the other hand, High Magic and Cosmic are two totally different skillsets other than the one flows from the other, and improving the parent will improve the child. How does it imprpove things? It varies. Maybe you do more damage, a spell lasts longer, or maybe it gives you better odds in an ability with a randomness factor. Improving the parent of forging will make your items have longer decay times.
Xavius2007-10-02 21:38:03
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 2 2007, 04:17 PM) 446118
I am pretty sure it depends on lessons invested in the specific pools. :S
Double post, but...
That's actually really simple to disprove. Trans trackers with forging can disarm traps set up trans trackers with herbs or poisons.
Unknown2007-10-04 15:56:29

So, back on topic!
Any bards know about minorsecond specifically? I know about how it works with other skills (say, blast, for example), but I suspect minorsecond is different because of the introduction of instrument familiarity. I guess I could try to track down a couple of maestros that are the same race and different levels of music, but that is a pain if someone already knows the answer and is just holding out on me!
Forren2007-10-04 16:14:57
For a second I thought this thread was supposed to be against bard nerfs.
Zacc2007-12-09 06:00:50
So training in Resilience helps Acrobatics? And Dramatics helps Music.. and Discernment helps Illusions/Glamours?
Eldanien2007-12-09 06:02:30
Yes, yes, and yes.
Tzekelkan2008-01-07 17:01:36
I just noticed this thread, but I think there's an error in Roark's post... Cosmic flows from Planar, not High Magic according to the skill tree. Or am I missing something? Was that an example just for example's sake?
Eldanien2008-01-07 21:21:38
Cosmic draws from Planar. I -want- to say that I at one time confirmed cosmic fire being influenced by Planar skill, but it was so long ago that I can't remember for certain.
Roark's post either had an erroneous example, or it was intended only as example. Cosmic was a child of Planar since at least open beta.
Roark's post either had an erroneous example, or it was intended only as example. Cosmic was a child of Planar since at least open beta.
Unknown2008-10-07 13:08:29

SERIOUSLY, people. Stop it.
Gwylifar2008-10-07 13:25:03
You mean necroing a 10-month-old thread? Yeah, I agree, stop it.