Caffrey2007-11-05 16:46:05

So this is a quick poll to see what people want. I had started adding shadow effects to the rooms to improve clarity. I have had a couple of good comments but also a couple of bad ones. Such as...
My eyes!!! It burns!!!

Comments welcome.
Noola2007-11-05 16:52:33
I don't see how it could be hurting anyone's eyes, and with the light color of those little squares, the shadow really does make them easier to see.
And I love the goggle-cat!
And I love the goggle-cat!

Caffrey2007-11-05 17:04:25
QUOTE(Noola @ Nov 5 2007, 04:52 PM) 456124
I don't see how it could be hurting anyone's eyes, and with the light color of those little squares, the shadow really does make them easier to see.
And I love the goggle-cat!
And I love the goggle-cat!

I am a lolcatz addict.

That is one of my favourites, the Simpsons phrase and a lolcat! Perfect

Arel2007-11-05 18:01:22
I prefer the non-shadow maps, but I won't be terribly upset if you do add shadows. 

Unknown2007-11-05 18:16:29
I have to say I like the new Shadow Style better.
Arak2007-11-05 19:30:42
Personally, the shadow seems to take the emphasis off the room layout. When I look at the Serenwilde Forest part (without shadows), I immediately see the relation between the rooms and how I would move between them. But, when I look at the shadowy bit (Hifarae Hills, particularly look at that grasslands bit), the shadow takes the emphasis away from the lines between the rooms so it all seems a jumble, and I need to take special attention to see which lines are shadows and which lines are connections between rooms. All in all, it's not conducive to actual map use, even if it does look kinda nifty.
Also, it burns my eyes.
Also, it burns my eyes.
Caffrey2007-11-05 20:28:16
Hmmm, now that is very interesting. That is one of the reservations I have about the shadowing too, hence this poll. I have played with darkening the links and lightening the background to compensate, but I couldn't make up my mind. As part of the mapping I do actually remove the button effect produced by zmud in order to space the map out a bit. The idea of adding this smaller half-shadow was to improve the look of the rooms, but it does have the effect of making the links slightly less clear.

Lanath2007-11-05 21:01:44
Personally, I prefer it without the drop shadows. While the shadow is not hard on the eyes, the old version is a wee bit easier.
Unknown2007-11-05 22:25:01
I like the idea of shadows, but I think they may be a little too dark. Maybe make them a mid-grey shade instead. Or even, if you can bring yourself to do it all, making them a darker shade of the colour of the room box.
Caffrey2007-11-06 01:28:02
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Nov 5 2007, 10:25 PM) 456234
I like the idea of shadows, but I think they may be a little too dark. Maybe make them a mid-grey shade instead. Or even, if you can bring yourself to do it all, making them a darker shade of the colour of the room box.
Hmmm, I will give it a try and see what I get, thanks. Although, applying that to the whole map would be...

Anyway, one last lolcat, to promote interest in what might otherwise be, and may still be, quite a dull poll.
Just found this one