Unknown2007-11-07 21:12:40
Just for Noola. <3
I tried to edit out the misc. clapping/coughing/hoola-dancing spam. TRIED.
I also have a version with the crazy OOC banter in clans going on. I love you people!
I tried to edit out the misc. clapping/coughing/hoola-dancing spam. TRIED.
I also have a version with the crazy OOC banter in clans going on. I love you people!
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Proteeect me. The Ladies want to keeelll me."
Hissatsu Sojiro takes many sheafs of paper from his pack and begins frantically reading them over.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "All right."
Sojiro clears his throat.
Krellan looks skeptical and says, "What?"
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "We're starting."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "First of all, thank you for coming to attend this most wondrous of occasions."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "This is a moment that will forever be imprinted in the hearts of these fine people, and as such, it would only be dutiful for us to bear witness to such an event."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Love is only part of the ceaseless hunt of life, but it is a cornerstone to all else. We are born in the love of family, raised to be that which we are. We fall into love, perhaps with music, perhaps combat, perhaps with another person."
Sojiro looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Love is what defines us."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Marriage, then, is a symbol of something known intuitively by two and so shown publically to all. The bond we celebrate now was planted and tended long before this day."
Hissatsu Sojiro beckons the couple to be wed to him and smiles.
Krellan steps forward in front of Sojiro.
Zia nervously moves over beside Krellan.
Sojiro scratches his head in confusion.
Warmly, Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Many know Zia and Krellan, one is my dearest sister, excellent bard, and quite a good Bombard! player, the other is a frog. He is quite green, and he enjoys zapping people."
Sojiro looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "I also find myself in varying amounts of debt to him, which I would like the public to know is permanently rendered null because I'm doing this."
Hissatsu Sojiro smiles broadly and says, "But I digress."
Krellan grins wryly.
Zia tries very hard not to laugh.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Life is changing as the seasons, and marriage perhaps moreso, for the changes that one may see are magnified by the presence of the other. You must be willing to bend, to grow like the vine towards the light, to adapt to all circumstance and all possibility."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "There shall be storms and floods, but there shall also be the light of Sun and Moon."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Though the winter wind itself seek to part you one from another, marriage means that you must adapt and so endure to the next spring."
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Krellan, "Will you do so?"
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Zia, "And you?"
Seriously, Zia says, "I shall."
Looking brightly at Zia, Krellan says, "I will."
Hissatsu Sojiro pleasantly listens to crickets.
Comprehension flashes across Sojiro's face.
Sojiro nods his head emphatically.
Kalodan's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Zia nervously presses her cold fingers to her cheek.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "No mortal can foresee the future!"
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "There may come worse than rain and wind to tear you asunder."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Like the ant, you see very little of all that exists in the cosmos, and so the trials may seem overwhelming."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You must find the path laid before you, the one that will aid you in cleaving together."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You must persevere down this path, even through all doubt and fear."
Hissatsu Sojiro asks, "Is this your solemn oath?"
Sojiro tilts his head and listens intently to Krellan.
Sojiro tilts his head and listens intently to Zia.
Turning her face to look up into Krellan's eyes, Zia says, "I so swear, my path and my life lie alongside my loved one."
Myndaen tilts his head and listens intently.
Gazing into Zia's eyes, Krellan says, "It is my oath, and nothing will ever cause it to break."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Marriage in many ways is its own reward, as sweet as roses blooming on the briar. But even as you reach for each other and your future, you will have to grasp the thorn to shelter your partner from its sting."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You must be willing to give of yourselves in this way, each to the other, for without sacrifice the bond between you may loosen and break."
Hissatsu Sojiro nods solemnly as he offers a dagger to Zia, hilt first.
Sojiro proudly shows off an antler-tipped dagger:
The polished tip of a stag's antler forms the handle of this dagger, curving to fit comfortably in the palm of the hand. Carved with many runes and symbols of the hunt, the solid material was once pristine white, now yellowed with age, imparting a rich tone to the piece. The blade is long and thin, crafted from steel with a vein of dark iron running through the centre, and is serrated on both edges close to the hilt.
Sojiro gives an antler-tipped dagger to Zia.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes slings an arm around Myndaen, pulling him close.
Zia takes a deep breath as she takes the dagger.
Kalodan whispers quietly in Myndaen's ear.
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam discreetly reaches over and gives Myndaen a firm yank towards herself.
Kalodan peers at Alianna unscrupulously.
Zia shakes back the sleeve of her robes and smiles brightly.
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes firmly squeezes between Alianna and Myndaen, slinging an arm over each's shoulder and watches Zia with an approving smile.
Zia says to Krellan, "May my blood stand as my pledge."
Zia cuts her palm neatly and holds out her hand as she offers the dagger to Krellan.
Zia gives an antler-tipped dagger to Krellan.
Krellan accepts the dagger and carefully rolls up his sleeve of his coat.
Krellan says to Zia, "My life and blood will always shield you."
Krellan makes a cut in his palm and warmly takes Zia's hand. Their mingled blood falls to the ground.
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Sojiro waves about a length of rope energetically.
Hissatsu Sojiro produces a strong piece of rope and wraps it three times around Krellan and Zia's conjoined hands before knotting the ends tightly.
Hissatsu Sojiro asks, "One blood and one heart, it is your responsibility now to look to each other, above any else, to protect and sustain, to uplift and succor, to grow and walk as one. Is this freely your wish?"
Breathlessly, Zia says, "It is my heart's desire."
Speaking softly, Krellan says, "It is the longing of my soul."
"Good!" Sojiro enthuses.
Spreading his arms to address every witness, Hissatsu Sojiro asks, "The duty falls to us, then, to help these two as they journey together, to give onto them aid that they may outlast the storm, to provide comfort and praise that they may comfort and praise each other. Are you willing to stand behind Zia and Krellan?"
Hissatsu Sojiro tilts his head and looks at the crowd.
Nasuada nods her head at Sojiro.
Hyperion nods his head at Sojiro.
Nejii nods her head emphatically.
Speaking as she discreetly tries to force Kalodan out of his gap, Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Yup!"
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Unfortunately, there is no 'no opinion' answer, so please, make a decision soon."
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Lilitu nods her head emphatically.
Myndaen nods his head emphatically.
Sojiro gives the world a thumbs up.
Lyriell Talnara, Adherent of the Mother nods in agreement as she smiles softly at Zia.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "None of these things are meant to override all that it is for these two to be themselves. It is their individuality that began the love we see blossoming today. Theirs is a harmony and a melody, music made not in unison but to complement and complete the other."
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Krellan, "You have any vows to make?"
Hissatsu Sojiro looks skeptical and says, "That a no?"
Krellan says to Sojiro, "I do."
Sojiro nods his head emphatically.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Feel free, then."
Sojiro tilts his head and listens intently to Krellan.
Pushing back at Alianna, keeping his spot with fierce determination, Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "This'll be interestin'."
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Zia whitens a little as she casts a nervous glance at the whisper.
Lilitu raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Nasuada pokes Kalodan in the belly.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You in the back, if you must shove, shove discreetly."
Gently taking both of Zia's hands into his own and gazing into her eyes, Krellan says, "I've always had one word to fit you. None other felt right. Even now, it is the only word to express my feelings for you. You are perfect, Z."
Zia blushes furiously.
Turning to Myndaen, in a low whisper, Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Aww... That's the most romantic thing Krellan's said. Ever, I think."
Sojiro nods his head sagely.
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Zia, "And you, dear sister, are there words in your heart to speak here today?"
Zia casts Sojiro a little smile and takes a steadying breath.
Zia says to Krellan, "You grew on me, I'm afraid. I didn't know what to think, and then you were my buddy, and now I'll love you for the rest of my life. Thank you, Krellan."
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "I like yours better, I think."
Sojiro nods his head at himself.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "May the vows you have spoken endure as eternal as Mother Moon, as steadfast as Brother Hart, nourished by the forest itself that survives in purity and beauty."
Hissatsu Sojiro smiles and says, "May your hunt together never cease. Let a kiss seal this oath."
Krellan leans into Zia and kisses her long and tenderly.
Sojiro beams broadly.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "I now pronounce you husband and wife then, congratulations."
Nasuada cheers wildly!
Zia blushes furiously.
Myndaen shouts out a happy "Yay!"
Krellan beams broadly at you.
Xiel's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lyriell Talnara, Adherent of the Mother claps her hands together merrily, careful not to lose her perch atop Nejii's shoulder.
In a whisper to both Alianna and Myndaen, Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "How pretty. And look, no Ladies come to slaughter me."
Nasuada gives you a wild cheer!
Nasuada gives Krellan a wild cheer!
Zia says, "Thank you for coming!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Oh yes!"
Sojiro raises his glass in a toast to Zia.
Nejii gives Zia a compassionate hug.
Hyperion gives Krellan a wild cheer!
Sojiro raises his glass in a toast to Krellan.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "FOR THE BRIDE!"
Kalodan takes a long draught of a bubbly rose champagne.
Krellan smiles broadly and says, "Enjoy yourself everyone."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "And for the Groom!"
Kalodan takes a long draught of a bubbly rose champagne.
Kalodan takes a long draught of a bubbly rose champagne.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "...Andthis one's just for me."
Kalodan ponders the situation.
"Heh heh heh" Krellan chuckles at Kalodan.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Aabsgnthe."
Myndaen sniggers evilly.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Good stuff."
Lyriell Talnara, Adherent of the Mother flutters over to peck Zia lightly on thecheek before returning to her perch.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Absinthe Absinthe makes the world go round.."
Archsummoner Xiel y'Kada exclaims, "Congratulations to you two!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Zia, "You should try some. Krellan lqoks a lot better with a bi... a lot in you."
Krellan peers at Kalodan unscrupulously.
Zia gives Kalodan the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam looks thoughtful and says to Myndaen, "You're not allowed to drink with Kalo nearby."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Meany."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Let's go get married."
Ribbonweaver Nejii Talnara, Final Phase smiles and says, "Well, congratulations, you two."
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Kalodan, "I'm frightened."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "I know this cute place where a Gladheart lookalike marries people."
Ribbonweaver Nejii Talnara, Final Phase says, "I'm gonna go head back to work. Have a fun, um, honeymoon or whatever."
Lyriell leaves, following Ribbonweaver Nejii Talnara, Final Phase.
Nejii leaves to the west, emanating an aura of immense power.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Lots of gambling."
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Kalodan, "I... Bet..."
Myndaen shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Kalodan leaps onto Myndaen's back and demands that he give him a piggy back ride.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "RIDE!"
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says to Myndaen, "Yeah. Don't wanna go there."
Nasuada snickers softly to herself.
Sojiro ceases to wield the Flowering Rod of Protection in his left hand.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "I'm waiting, my previous mount. Ride!"
Kalodan ponders the situation.
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Zia, "How does it feel?"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "THE LADIES ARE COMING!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Myndaen! They're coming for me!"
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Kalodan, "Flee!"
Kalodan grabs protectively at Myndaen.
Krellan begins to sing an enchanting song.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Flee with me!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Let's run off and have wild passionate sex in their marriage bed, before they can."
Hissatsu Sojiro takes many sheafs of paper from his pack and begins frantically reading them over.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "All right."
Sojiro clears his throat.
Krellan looks skeptical and says, "What?"
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "We're starting."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "First of all, thank you for coming to attend this most wondrous of occasions."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "This is a moment that will forever be imprinted in the hearts of these fine people, and as such, it would only be dutiful for us to bear witness to such an event."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Love is only part of the ceaseless hunt of life, but it is a cornerstone to all else. We are born in the love of family, raised to be that which we are. We fall into love, perhaps with music, perhaps combat, perhaps with another person."
Sojiro looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Love is what defines us."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Marriage, then, is a symbol of something known intuitively by two and so shown publically to all. The bond we celebrate now was planted and tended long before this day."
Hissatsu Sojiro beckons the couple to be wed to him and smiles.
Krellan steps forward in front of Sojiro.
Zia nervously moves over beside Krellan.
Sojiro scratches his head in confusion.
Warmly, Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Many know Zia and Krellan, one is my dearest sister, excellent bard, and quite a good Bombard! player, the other is a frog. He is quite green, and he enjoys zapping people."
Sojiro looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "I also find myself in varying amounts of debt to him, which I would like the public to know is permanently rendered null because I'm doing this."
Hissatsu Sojiro smiles broadly and says, "But I digress."
Krellan grins wryly.
Zia tries very hard not to laugh.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Life is changing as the seasons, and marriage perhaps moreso, for the changes that one may see are magnified by the presence of the other. You must be willing to bend, to grow like the vine towards the light, to adapt to all circumstance and all possibility."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "There shall be storms and floods, but there shall also be the light of Sun and Moon."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Though the winter wind itself seek to part you one from another, marriage means that you must adapt and so endure to the next spring."
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Krellan, "Will you do so?"
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Zia, "And you?"
Seriously, Zia says, "I shall."
Looking brightly at Zia, Krellan says, "I will."
Hissatsu Sojiro pleasantly listens to crickets.
Comprehension flashes across Sojiro's face.
Sojiro nods his head emphatically.
Kalodan's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Zia nervously presses her cold fingers to her cheek.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "No mortal can foresee the future!"
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "There may come worse than rain and wind to tear you asunder."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Like the ant, you see very little of all that exists in the cosmos, and so the trials may seem overwhelming."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You must find the path laid before you, the one that will aid you in cleaving together."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You must persevere down this path, even through all doubt and fear."
Hissatsu Sojiro asks, "Is this your solemn oath?"
Sojiro tilts his head and listens intently to Krellan.
Sojiro tilts his head and listens intently to Zia.
Turning her face to look up into Krellan's eyes, Zia says, "I so swear, my path and my life lie alongside my loved one."
Myndaen tilts his head and listens intently.
Gazing into Zia's eyes, Krellan says, "It is my oath, and nothing will ever cause it to break."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Marriage in many ways is its own reward, as sweet as roses blooming on the briar. But even as you reach for each other and your future, you will have to grasp the thorn to shelter your partner from its sting."
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You must be willing to give of yourselves in this way, each to the other, for without sacrifice the bond between you may loosen and break."
Hissatsu Sojiro nods solemnly as he offers a dagger to Zia, hilt first.
Sojiro proudly shows off an antler-tipped dagger:
The polished tip of a stag's antler forms the handle of this dagger, curving to fit comfortably in the palm of the hand. Carved with many runes and symbols of the hunt, the solid material was once pristine white, now yellowed with age, imparting a rich tone to the piece. The blade is long and thin, crafted from steel with a vein of dark iron running through the centre, and is serrated on both edges close to the hilt.
Sojiro gives an antler-tipped dagger to Zia.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes slings an arm around Myndaen, pulling him close.
Zia takes a deep breath as she takes the dagger.
Kalodan whispers quietly in Myndaen's ear.
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam discreetly reaches over and gives Myndaen a firm yank towards herself.
Kalodan peers at Alianna unscrupulously.
Zia shakes back the sleeve of her robes and smiles brightly.
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes firmly squeezes between Alianna and Myndaen, slinging an arm over each's shoulder and watches Zia with an approving smile.
Zia says to Krellan, "May my blood stand as my pledge."
Zia cuts her palm neatly and holds out her hand as she offers the dagger to Krellan.
Zia gives an antler-tipped dagger to Krellan.
Krellan accepts the dagger and carefully rolls up his sleeve of his coat.
Krellan says to Zia, "My life and blood will always shield you."
Krellan makes a cut in his palm and warmly takes Zia's hand. Their mingled blood falls to the ground.
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Sojiro waves about a length of rope energetically.
Hissatsu Sojiro produces a strong piece of rope and wraps it three times around Krellan and Zia's conjoined hands before knotting the ends tightly.
Hissatsu Sojiro asks, "One blood and one heart, it is your responsibility now to look to each other, above any else, to protect and sustain, to uplift and succor, to grow and walk as one. Is this freely your wish?"
Breathlessly, Zia says, "It is my heart's desire."
Speaking softly, Krellan says, "It is the longing of my soul."
"Good!" Sojiro enthuses.
Spreading his arms to address every witness, Hissatsu Sojiro asks, "The duty falls to us, then, to help these two as they journey together, to give onto them aid that they may outlast the storm, to provide comfort and praise that they may comfort and praise each other. Are you willing to stand behind Zia and Krellan?"
Hissatsu Sojiro tilts his head and looks at the crowd.
Nasuada nods her head at Sojiro.
Hyperion nods his head at Sojiro.
Nejii nods her head emphatically.
Speaking as she discreetly tries to force Kalodan out of his gap, Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Yup!"
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Unfortunately, there is no 'no opinion' answer, so please, make a decision soon."
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Lilitu nods her head emphatically.
Myndaen nods his head emphatically.
Sojiro gives the world a thumbs up.
Lyriell Talnara, Adherent of the Mother nods in agreement as she smiles softly at Zia.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "None of these things are meant to override all that it is for these two to be themselves. It is their individuality that began the love we see blossoming today. Theirs is a harmony and a melody, music made not in unison but to complement and complete the other."
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Krellan, "You have any vows to make?"
Hissatsu Sojiro looks skeptical and says, "That a no?"
Krellan says to Sojiro, "I do."
Sojiro nods his head emphatically.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Feel free, then."
Sojiro tilts his head and listens intently to Krellan.
Pushing back at Alianna, keeping his spot with fierce determination, Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "This'll be interestin'."
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Zia whitens a little as she casts a nervous glance at the whisper.
Lilitu raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Nasuada pokes Kalodan in the belly.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "You in the back, if you must shove, shove discreetly."
Gently taking both of Zia's hands into his own and gazing into her eyes, Krellan says, "I've always had one word to fit you. None other felt right. Even now, it is the only word to express my feelings for you. You are perfect, Z."
Zia blushes furiously.
Turning to Myndaen, in a low whisper, Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Aww... That's the most romantic thing Krellan's said. Ever, I think."
Sojiro nods his head sagely.
Hissatsu Sojiro asks Zia, "And you, dear sister, are there words in your heart to speak here today?"
Zia casts Sojiro a little smile and takes a steadying breath.
Zia says to Krellan, "You grew on me, I'm afraid. I didn't know what to think, and then you were my buddy, and now I'll love you for the rest of my life. Thank you, Krellan."
Sojiro's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "I like yours better, I think."
Sojiro nods his head at himself.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "May the vows you have spoken endure as eternal as Mother Moon, as steadfast as Brother Hart, nourished by the forest itself that survives in purity and beauty."
Hissatsu Sojiro smiles and says, "May your hunt together never cease. Let a kiss seal this oath."
Krellan leans into Zia and kisses her long and tenderly.
Sojiro beams broadly.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "I now pronounce you husband and wife then, congratulations."
Nasuada cheers wildly!
Zia blushes furiously.
Myndaen shouts out a happy "Yay!"
Krellan beams broadly at you.
Xiel's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lyriell Talnara, Adherent of the Mother claps her hands together merrily, careful not to lose her perch atop Nejii's shoulder.
In a whisper to both Alianna and Myndaen, Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "How pretty. And look, no Ladies come to slaughter me."
Nasuada gives you a wild cheer!
Nasuada gives Krellan a wild cheer!
Zia says, "Thank you for coming!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Oh yes!"
Sojiro raises his glass in a toast to Zia.
Nejii gives Zia a compassionate hug.
Hyperion gives Krellan a wild cheer!
Sojiro raises his glass in a toast to Krellan.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "FOR THE BRIDE!"
Kalodan takes a long draught of a bubbly rose champagne.
Krellan smiles broadly and says, "Enjoy yourself everyone."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "And for the Groom!"
Kalodan takes a long draught of a bubbly rose champagne.
Kalodan takes a long draught of a bubbly rose champagne.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "...Andthis one's just for me."
Kalodan ponders the situation.
"Heh heh heh" Krellan chuckles at Kalodan.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Aabsgnthe."
Myndaen sniggers evilly.
Hissatsu Sojiro says, "Good stuff."
Lyriell Talnara, Adherent of the Mother flutters over to peck Zia lightly on thecheek before returning to her perch.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Absinthe Absinthe makes the world go round.."
Archsummoner Xiel y'Kada exclaims, "Congratulations to you two!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Zia, "You should try some. Krellan lqoks a lot better with a bi... a lot in you."
Krellan peers at Kalodan unscrupulously.
Zia gives Kalodan the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam looks thoughtful and says to Myndaen, "You're not allowed to drink with Kalo nearby."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Meany."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Let's go get married."
Ribbonweaver Nejii Talnara, Final Phase smiles and says, "Well, congratulations, you two."
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Kalodan, "I'm frightened."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "I know this cute place where a Gladheart lookalike marries people."
Ribbonweaver Nejii Talnara, Final Phase says, "I'm gonna go head back to work. Have a fun, um, honeymoon or whatever."
Lyriell leaves, following Ribbonweaver Nejii Talnara, Final Phase.
Nejii leaves to the west, emanating an aura of immense power.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Lots of gambling."
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Kalodan, "I... Bet..."
Myndaen shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Kalodan leaps onto Myndaen's back and demands that he give him a piggy back ride.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "RIDE!"
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says to Myndaen, "Yeah. Don't wanna go there."
Nasuada snickers softly to herself.
Sojiro ceases to wield the Flowering Rod of Protection in his left hand.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "I'm waiting, my previous mount. Ride!"
Kalodan ponders the situation.
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Zia, "How does it feel?"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "THE LADIES ARE COMING!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says, "Myndaen! They're coming for me!"
Kimusuna Myndaen Shervalian says to Kalodan, "Flee!"
Kalodan grabs protectively at Myndaen.
Krellan begins to sing an enchanting song.
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Flee with me!"
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Let's run off and have wild passionate sex in their marriage bed, before they can."
Unknown2007-11-07 21:16:16
Zia says to Krellan, "May my blood stand as my pledge."
Zia cuts her palm neatly and holds out her hand as she offers the dagger to Krellan.
Zia gives an antler-tipped dagger to Krellan.
Krellan accepts the dagger and carefully rolls up his sleeve of his coat.
Krellan says to Zia, "My life and blood will always shield you."
Krellan makes a cut in his palm and warmly takes Zia's hand. Their mingled blood falls to the ground.
Zia cuts her palm neatly and holds out her hand as she offers the dagger to Krellan.
Zia gives an antler-tipped dagger to Krellan.
Krellan accepts the dagger and carefully rolls up his sleeve of his coat.
Krellan says to Zia, "My life and blood will always shield you."
Krellan makes a cut in his palm and warmly takes Zia's hand. Their mingled blood falls to the ground.
Have you guys considered joining the Blacktalon?
Oh, and congratulations.
Arix2007-11-07 21:17:10
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes says to Myndaen, "Let's run off and have wild passionate sex in their marriage bed, before they can."
. . .
Noola2007-11-07 21:23:24
QUOTE(Lii @ Nov 7 2007, 03:12 PM) 456751
Just for Noola. <3
I tried to edit out the misc. clapping/coughing/hoola-dancing spam. TRIED.
I also have a version with the crazy OOC banter in clans going on. I love you people!
I tried to edit out the misc. clapping/coughing/hoola-dancing spam. TRIED.
I also have a version with the crazy OOC banter in clans going on. I love you people!
Aww! That's just the sweetest thing! And Kalodan at the end! So silly!

Nifty! Thanks Lii!
Veonira2007-11-07 21:31:05
Awww, cute
Arel2007-11-07 22:21:42
Congrats! Zia would be better off with me, but Krellan works well as the fall-back option. 

Unknown2007-11-07 22:27:37
QUOTE(Arel @ Nov 7 2007, 04:21 PM) 456766
Zia would be better off with me, but Krellan works well as the fall-back option.
I think I just found my new warcry.
Krellan2007-11-07 23:59:01

Unknown2007-11-08 01:48:25

Jack2007-11-08 02:17:49
QUOTE(Vendetta Morendo @ Nov 8 2007, 01:48 AM) 456808

This could be construed as a hijack, but...

Rika2007-11-08 03:30:33
Just don't know if Zia deserves congratulations or condolences.
Just don't know if Zia deserves congratulations or condolences.
Unknown2007-11-08 03:34:45
I gave her both to play it safe.
Diamondais2007-11-08 03:41:22
Congrats Zia. 

Reiha2007-11-08 05:38:37
Ooooh, new forum area! And congrats, Krellan and Zia!
Krellan2007-11-08 08:58:20
QUOTE(rika @ Nov 7 2007, 09:30 PM) 456828
Just don't know if Zia deserves congratulations or condolences.
Just don't know if Zia deserves congratulations or condolences.
QUOTE(Sojiro @ Nov 7 2007, 09:34 PM) 456829
I gave her both to play it safe.

Rika2007-11-08 09:03:30
QUOTE(Krellan @ Nov 8 2007, 09:58 PM) 456880

Tsk, don't try to play innocent. You know my uncertainty is valid.
Arix2007-11-08 09:13:51
Cradle robber
Unknown2007-11-08 13:26:25
QUOTE(Krellan @ Nov 8 2007, 03:58 AM) 456880

Aww, Krellan, we're going to have a great marriage! Just do everything I say, and lay gifts at my feet, and shower me with constant affection, and never go raiding, and...
Or you could keep on as you have been, you know. I think the important bit is that the lady liked it enough to marry you.
But you are a cradle robber.

Inox2007-11-08 20:22:19
Even I have to admit that that was cute.
Krellan2007-11-08 21:01:30
who deleted the post where I cut myself to pieces?