Veonira2007-11-13 01:18:18
One of my favorite things that ever happened on Lusternia...
A wooly mammoth lifts up his trunk and bugles loudly.
The sound of an angry mammoth bugle rings in your ears.
You blink incredulously at a wooly mammoth.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "You...bugle?"
A wooly mammoth waggles his eyebrows comically.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "You...waggle your eyebrows?"
You say to a wooly mammoth, "I knew you were the best mammoth ever."
A wooly mammoth nudges you suggestively.
A wooly mammoth nudges you suggestively.
Opening your mouth wide, you gape in wonder.
You give a wooly mammoth a compassionate hug.
A wooly mammoth prances about like a playful deer.
You feel overwhelmed by it all and faint.
You see the following people here:
A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An
obsidian eye sigil is here. There are 2 blank canvas here. There are 8 plain
grey tunics here. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. There are 2
elegant white letters here. A finely woven wicker basket rests here. A firmly
packed snowball rolls about on the ground here. There are 19 plain grey trousers
here. There are 12 pair of elegant white satin shoes here. There are 4 pair of
strapped black sandals here. There are 7 rose-embroidered boots here. There are
4 pearly slippers of ivory silks here. There are 5 pair of red and black lace
panties here. There are 4 pair of black dress socks here. There are 4 pair of
vermilion silk boxers here. There are 17 sleeveless green midriff shirts here. A
white blouse lies here in a pile of ruffles. A common red and white kilt lies
here. There are 6 leather backpacks here. An enormous black crow flies here with
gigantic wings spread. There are 3 wooden kegs here. Towering above you, this
massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Radiating an
aura of immense wealth, a massive pile of golden sovereigns is heaped upon the
You see a single exit leading up (closed door).
You give a wooly mammoth a peck on the cheek.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Feed me!"
"Eep!", you scream in fright.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "What do you want to eat?"
A wooly mammoth says, "Fresh and squishy peasants."
You say, "Er."
A wooly mammoth ponders the situation.
You blink.
A wooly mammoth says, "And goats."
You say, "The only goats I know of are all metally."
You say, "I don't think you'd want to eat those, might hurt yourself."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Bring me a goat! The fuzziest goat you can find!"
You say, "Bu...I don't know where to find one!"
You hop about the area madly.
A wooly mammoth says, "Feed me, Veonira."
A wooly mammoth says, "If you don't, I'll be forced to eat you."
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
You say, "You wouldn't!"
A wooly mammoth licks you.
A wooly mammoth says, "Crunchy knees and elbows."
You gulp nervously.
You say, "Don't make me put you in a cage."
A wooly mammoth says, "I'll devour you first."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Feed me. Offer me sacrifice! And paint my nails!"
You say, "You know I'm really not that tasty."
You roll on the floor, laughing.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Gold would be most appropriate!"
You remove 1 goldtint, bringing the total in the Rift to 20.
You wave a gold tincture about energetically.
You say, "I don't know about feeding you goats, but I WILL paint your nails if
you want."
A wooly mammoth says, "Yes, you will! And you had better make sure to have a
good deal of paint."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Just look at these big feet of mine, I swear, I can't
get anywhere with them!"
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "All the other mammoths snicker and laugh behind my
"Awwwww!" you say.
You say, "I'll kill them!"
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
A wooly mammoth says, "Too late, I already ate them."
A wooly mammoth lets out a massive belch into the air.
You say, "Oh."
You say, "So that's why you're getting so pudgy."
A wooly mammoth gives a horrified gasp.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "PUDGY?!"
A wooly mammoth wails like an old woman.
You say, "You've been sneaking off and eating extra meals, haven't you!"
You see a wooly mammoth yell, "I am not pudgy!"
"Eek!" you shout in fright.
You say, "Everyone's going to think I'm a mammoth abuser."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero yells, "Quit picking on the mammoth."
A mammoth runs off from you sobbing.
You say, "Okay, okay."
You say, "You're not pudgy."
You say, "You're...pleasantly plump!"
The door to the up slams shut.
A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An
obsidian eye sigil is here. There are 2 blank canvas here. There are 8 plain
grey tunics here. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. There are 2
elegant white letters here. A finely woven wicker basket rests here. A firmly
packed snowball rolls about on the ground here. There are 19 plain grey trousers
here. There are 12 pair of elegant white satin shoes here. There are 4 pair of
strapped black sandals here. There are 7 rose-embroidered boots here. There are
4 pearly slippers of ivory silks here. There are 5 pair of red and black lace
panties here. There are 4 pair of black dress socks here. There are 4 pair of
vermilion silk boxers here. There are 17 sleeveless green midriff shirts here. A
white blouse lies here in a pile of ruffles. A common red and white kilt lies
here. There are 6 leather backpacks here. An enormous black crow flies here with
gigantic wings spread. There are 3 wooden kegs here. Radiating an aura of
immense wealth, a massive pile of golden sovereigns is heaped upon the ground.
You see a single exit leading up (closed door).
You take a key from a backpack smeared with mud and dirt.
You unlock the reinforced door.
You open the reinforced door to the up.
The door to the up slams shut.
Wanderer's Weavings.
Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. You see a sign here instructing
you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and down (closed door).
The reinforced door is not open.
That reinforced door has no unlocked locks on it.
You put a key into a backpack smeared with mud and dirt.
You yell, "Come back here!"
Your loyal mounts are here:
A wooly mammoth is at centre of the Necropolis.
A wooly mammoth yells, "Never!"
D'Murani Acquisitions.
Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. You see a sign here instructing
you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, northwest, and down (closed door).
Entering the Market complex. (road).
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A sewer grate looms darkly beneath
your feet. A statue of Alyara stands here, memorializing her noble spirit. A
filthy gutter mutt meanders here, sniffing the ground. Apprentice of Gravynia,
Jahan is here, shrouded. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, west, and northwest.
Your loyal mounts are here:
A wooly mammoth is at centre of the Necropolis.
Hallen tells you, "<.<."
Centre of the Necropolis.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything
here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of the Megalith stands
here radiating a tainted presence. Obfuscated by clouds of shadow, a pyramid of
polished marble rises grimly through a pile of bones and rotting bodies. The
subtle flows of nature culminate in this growing rose of blackness pulsing with
divine radiance. An obsidian eye sigil is here. A sigil in the shape of a small,
rectangular monolith is on the ground. A tame wakabi lounges here, preening its
feathers without a care in the world. Towering above you, this massive mammoth
has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Ur'Warlord Daevos, the Dragon
of Midnight is here. He wields a vicious katana in his left hand. Penitent Evito
is here. Loyen is here. Dysolis is here. He is surrounded by one reflection of
himself. Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero is here, shrouded. Begotten of Boulders,
Hallen, Surfeit of Stone is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand and
an iron shield in his right.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
"megalith2073" the Megalith of Doom
"ardrak6167" Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith
"shrine17174" a shield shrine of Fain
"rose17444" a midnight black rose
"sigil28245" an eye sigil
"monolith sigil30243" a monolith sigil
"wakabi37651" a tame wakabi
"mammoth77192" a wooly mammoth
Number of objects: 8
Hallen peers at you unscrupulously.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "There you are."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "I am not pudgy!"
Mongrath ARRIVES from the north.
You say, "Okay, alright. You're not pudgy."
Mongrath pets a wooly mammoth ingratiatingly.
A wooly mammoth says, "Now paint my nails, wench."
You blink.
Dysolis looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
You say, "Hey, I thought I was your owner here!"
You mutter discontentedly.
Meshora grows still and her lips begin to move silently.
You see the following people here:
Daevos, Loyen, Marlucia, Mongrath, Dysolis, Meshora, Evito, Hallen, Veonira
Meshora is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
You remove 10 goldtint, bringing the total in the Rift to 10.
Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone says to you, "Don't take that
from him."
One reflection suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Arel steps through.
A small crack appears in the Megalith of Doom as it is drained in power.
Apprentice Mongrath De'Unnero says to you, "At least you know its a female now
The corners of Mongrath's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "I am no female!"
Marlucia sniggers evilly.
Apprentice Mongrath De'Unnero says, "And you want your nails painted?"
Cohli arrives following Mystagogue Reyn d'Murani, Herald of Luciphage.
One reflection suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Reyn steps through.
A wooly mammoth says, "Do you have a problem with that?"
You say to Mongrath, "Hey! Watch it."
Mongrath shakes his head.
You say to Mongrath, "That's my mammoth you're talking to."
A wooly mammoth says, "I was just mentioning how hungry I was..."
Cohli blinks incredulously at a wooly mammoth.
Mongrath nods his head at a wooly mammoth.
Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone says, "It's official. We're all
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "You can eat for 25 months. How much food do
you need?"
You cough softly.
A wooly mammoth says, "In those clothes? You bet you are insane."
Apprentice Mongrath De'Unnero says, "Mammoths are big."
You give a wooly mammoth a peck on the cheek.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "Gold, you said?"
A wooly mammoth says, "Obviously, it's one of the few colours that matches my
You remove 10 goldtint, bringing the total in the Rift to 0.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "I think it's hair, not fur."
Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone says to a wooly mammoth, "I have
excellent fashion sense."
A wooly mammoth says, "I think it's dinner."
A wooly mammoth stares implacably at Marlucia.
You have emoted: Veonira grabs a paint brush out of her pack and crouches down,
delicately painting a toenail on a wooly mammoth's front foot.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "You eat your own hair?"
A wooly mammoth says, "You don't mind if I eat him, right?"
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Try me."
You give Marlucia the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "Not a bit."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Hey, mammoth or not, it's the aggresor."
With a flourish, Marlucia draws a baleful rapier of darkened steel from a black
leather scabbard.
With a flourish, Marlucia draws a baleful rapier of darkened steel from a black
leather scabbard.
Rubbing his hands together, a wooly mammoth grins with evil satisfaction.
You say, "I don't care, he's still my mammoth."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "It can feed my for a few years."
It is now the 8th of Tzarin, 151 years after the Coming of Estarra.
The air around Marlucia blurs as he chants under his breath. He shakes his head
and blinks in confusion.
You snuggle up close to a wooly mammoth, smiling happily.
This wooly mammoth has long, scruffy brown hair all over its huge, ponderous
body. Two long, yellowed tusks curl upwards and taper to a sharp point although
they are chipped by much use. Wide leather straps circle its body, allowing a
rider easy control of it.
A wooly mammoth is quite powerful.
A wooly mammoth says, "Clearly, however, you have no need to be fed."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "You are busting out of your clothes!"
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Look who's talking."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "And I don't have clothes."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Fat and dumb.."
He is a fiendish undead brood viscanti and stands a good seven foot with blood
red skin and a warriors build, strong but sleek with well toned muscles. His
face is young and unblemished, features soft and beautiful, but hold a dark,
menacing appearance. His eyes are black as night with red, slitted pupils that
flash brightly every now and then. His hair is black as well, falling around his
face in messy spikes to shadow his eyes. Crimson streaks are set into the black,
shimmering in the available light as the wind sweeps through his hair. His
bleach white teeth are clean and neat, as well as his long fangs that are filed
to deadly points that can be seen when his black lips part in a smile, or smirk.
On his back are a pair of black, demonic wings that look impressive but are not
strong enough for him to take flight. *---------*. He is wearing a bracelet of
silver webs, a suit of blackened field plate armour, a blackened full helm, a
black leather scabbard, a seawolf brooch, a black leather scabbard, a pair of
fingerless black gloves, a silver pentacle necklace, a blackened chain link
bracelet, polished black boots, a blackened steel ring, a black leather
scabbard, a black leather scabbard, a blackened steel ring, a blackened steel
ring, a midnight black cloak, and a choker with a dangling pentagram.
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Megalith of Doom.
You say, "Clearly not so dumb, considering he's talking."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Megalith of Doom.
Mongrath steps out of the Megalith of Doom, trailing sparkling motes of light.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "We can all talk, doesn't make any of us smart
by default."
Dysolis places his hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of
pulsating energy.
Marlucia looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Marlucia nods his head at himself.
Marlucia gives the world a smart salute.
You pat a wooly mammoth in a friendly manner.
A wooly mammoth looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Mongrath puts his hands on his hips and goes "Hmmm!"
A wooly mammoth grabs out at Marlucia with his trunk, quickly stuffing him into
his mouth. He chews a few times, before letting out an ear-splitting belch.
You see the following people here:
Daevos, Loyen, Evito, Mongrath, Veonira
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero (Before the Portal of Fate)
Mongrath stares into his cupped hands.
Daevos creases his brow in a frown.
Mongrath stares into his cupped hands.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Excuse me!"
You say to a wooly mammoth, "Now that wasn't very nice."
A wooly mammoth says, "You're telling me. I think I'll be having stomach
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith links to the nexus and wild cosmic energies dance
across his frame before he releases the connection.
You say, "He is rather feisty."
Mongrath stares into his cupped hands.
Ur'Warlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight says, "Indeed."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith links to the nexus and wild cosmic energies dance
across his frame before he releases the connection.
A wooly mammoth sways a bit unsteadily, clearly sickened.
A wooly mammoth says, "Excuse me..."
Swishing its small tail, a wooly mammoth ponderously LEAVES to the east.
"Erk!" you say with a grimace.
Marble arch before the Necropolis.
Dark shadows coalesce in and out of existence as small, dark clouds obfuscating
the available light as they float around the area from a shield shrine of Fain
nearby. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A statue of Athana stands
here, memorializing her noble spirit. An obsidian eye sigil is here. Towering
above you, this massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed
tusks. A filthy gutter mutt meanders here, sniffing the ground. Myrmidon
Marlucia De'Unnero is here, shrouded. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened
steel in each hand. Mystagogue Reyn d'Murani, Herald of Luciphage is here. He
wields a damning symbol of domination in his left hand and a blackened tower
shield with a serrated-edge in his right.
You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, and west.
"statue64278" a statue of Athana
"sigil23084" an eye sigil
"mammoth77192" a wooly mammoth
"dog22843" a filthy gutter mutt
Number of objects: 4
You pat a wooly mammoth in a friendly manner.
This wooly mammoth has long, scruffy brown hair all over its huge, ponderous
body. Two long, yellowed tusks curl upwards and taper to a sharp point although
they are chipped by much use. Wide leather straps circle its body, allowing a
rider easy control of it.
A wooly mammoth is quite powerful.
He weighs about 4095 pounds.
His feedbag could use replenishing, but will still last him approximately 25
He is mountable as a legendary steed.
He is loyal to Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench.
A wooly mammoth is holding:
A wooly mammoth says, "As horrible in taste as he is in appearance."
(Geomancers): Jahan says, "Veonira, you should probably not stand on the
anterior end of that animal."
You say to a wooly mammoth, "You okay?"
(Geomancers): Mongrath says, "Greetings."
(Geomancers): You say, "Sound advice."
Reyn peers at a wooly mammoth unscrupulously.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
A wooly mammoth lifts up his trunk and bugles loudly.
The sound of an angry mammoth bugle rings in your ears.
You blink incredulously at a wooly mammoth.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "You...bugle?"
A wooly mammoth waggles his eyebrows comically.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "You...waggle your eyebrows?"
You say to a wooly mammoth, "I knew you were the best mammoth ever."
A wooly mammoth nudges you suggestively.
A wooly mammoth nudges you suggestively.
Opening your mouth wide, you gape in wonder.
You give a wooly mammoth a compassionate hug.
A wooly mammoth prances about like a playful deer.
You feel overwhelmed by it all and faint.
You see the following people here:
A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An
obsidian eye sigil is here. There are 2 blank canvas here. There are 8 plain
grey tunics here. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. There are 2
elegant white letters here. A finely woven wicker basket rests here. A firmly
packed snowball rolls about on the ground here. There are 19 plain grey trousers
here. There are 12 pair of elegant white satin shoes here. There are 4 pair of
strapped black sandals here. There are 7 rose-embroidered boots here. There are
4 pearly slippers of ivory silks here. There are 5 pair of red and black lace
panties here. There are 4 pair of black dress socks here. There are 4 pair of
vermilion silk boxers here. There are 17 sleeveless green midriff shirts here. A
white blouse lies here in a pile of ruffles. A common red and white kilt lies
here. There are 6 leather backpacks here. An enormous black crow flies here with
gigantic wings spread. There are 3 wooden kegs here. Towering above you, this
massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Radiating an
aura of immense wealth, a massive pile of golden sovereigns is heaped upon the
You see a single exit leading up (closed door).
You give a wooly mammoth a peck on the cheek.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Feed me!"
"Eep!", you scream in fright.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "What do you want to eat?"
A wooly mammoth says, "Fresh and squishy peasants."
You say, "Er."
A wooly mammoth ponders the situation.
You blink.
A wooly mammoth says, "And goats."
You say, "The only goats I know of are all metally."
You say, "I don't think you'd want to eat those, might hurt yourself."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Bring me a goat! The fuzziest goat you can find!"
You say, "Bu...I don't know where to find one!"
You hop about the area madly.
A wooly mammoth says, "Feed me, Veonira."
A wooly mammoth says, "If you don't, I'll be forced to eat you."
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
You say, "You wouldn't!"
A wooly mammoth licks you.
A wooly mammoth says, "Crunchy knees and elbows."
You gulp nervously.
You say, "Don't make me put you in a cage."
A wooly mammoth says, "I'll devour you first."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Feed me. Offer me sacrifice! And paint my nails!"
You say, "You know I'm really not that tasty."
You roll on the floor, laughing.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Gold would be most appropriate!"
You remove 1 goldtint, bringing the total in the Rift to 20.
You wave a gold tincture about energetically.
You say, "I don't know about feeding you goats, but I WILL paint your nails if
you want."
A wooly mammoth says, "Yes, you will! And you had better make sure to have a
good deal of paint."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Just look at these big feet of mine, I swear, I can't
get anywhere with them!"
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "All the other mammoths snicker and laugh behind my
"Awwwww!" you say.
You say, "I'll kill them!"
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
A wooly mammoth says, "Too late, I already ate them."
A wooly mammoth lets out a massive belch into the air.
You say, "Oh."
You say, "So that's why you're getting so pudgy."
A wooly mammoth gives a horrified gasp.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "PUDGY?!"
A wooly mammoth wails like an old woman.
You say, "You've been sneaking off and eating extra meals, haven't you!"
You see a wooly mammoth yell, "I am not pudgy!"
"Eek!" you shout in fright.
You say, "Everyone's going to think I'm a mammoth abuser."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero yells, "Quit picking on the mammoth."
A mammoth runs off from you sobbing.
You say, "Okay, okay."
You say, "You're not pudgy."
You say, "You're...pleasantly plump!"
The door to the up slams shut.
A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An
obsidian eye sigil is here. There are 2 blank canvas here. There are 8 plain
grey tunics here. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. There are 2
elegant white letters here. A finely woven wicker basket rests here. A firmly
packed snowball rolls about on the ground here. There are 19 plain grey trousers
here. There are 12 pair of elegant white satin shoes here. There are 4 pair of
strapped black sandals here. There are 7 rose-embroidered boots here. There are
4 pearly slippers of ivory silks here. There are 5 pair of red and black lace
panties here. There are 4 pair of black dress socks here. There are 4 pair of
vermilion silk boxers here. There are 17 sleeveless green midriff shirts here. A
white blouse lies here in a pile of ruffles. A common red and white kilt lies
here. There are 6 leather backpacks here. An enormous black crow flies here with
gigantic wings spread. There are 3 wooden kegs here. Radiating an aura of
immense wealth, a massive pile of golden sovereigns is heaped upon the ground.
You see a single exit leading up (closed door).
You take a key from a backpack smeared with mud and dirt.
You unlock the reinforced door.
You open the reinforced door to the up.
The door to the up slams shut.
Wanderer's Weavings.
Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. You see a sign here instructing
you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and down (closed door).
The reinforced door is not open.
That reinforced door has no unlocked locks on it.
You put a key into a backpack smeared with mud and dirt.
You yell, "Come back here!"
Your loyal mounts are here:
A wooly mammoth is at centre of the Necropolis.
A wooly mammoth yells, "Never!"
D'Murani Acquisitions.
Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. You see a sign here instructing
you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, northwest, and down (closed door).
Entering the Market complex. (road).
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A sewer grate looms darkly beneath
your feet. A statue of Alyara stands here, memorializing her noble spirit. A
filthy gutter mutt meanders here, sniffing the ground. Apprentice of Gravynia,
Jahan is here, shrouded. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, west, and northwest.
Your loyal mounts are here:
A wooly mammoth is at centre of the Necropolis.
Hallen tells you, "<.<."
Centre of the Necropolis.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything
here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of the Megalith stands
here radiating a tainted presence. Obfuscated by clouds of shadow, a pyramid of
polished marble rises grimly through a pile of bones and rotting bodies. The
subtle flows of nature culminate in this growing rose of blackness pulsing with
divine radiance. An obsidian eye sigil is here. A sigil in the shape of a small,
rectangular monolith is on the ground. A tame wakabi lounges here, preening its
feathers without a care in the world. Towering above you, this massive mammoth
has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Ur'Warlord Daevos, the Dragon
of Midnight is here. He wields a vicious katana in his left hand. Penitent Evito
is here. Loyen is here. Dysolis is here. He is surrounded by one reflection of
himself. Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero is here, shrouded. Begotten of Boulders,
Hallen, Surfeit of Stone is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand and
an iron shield in his right.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
"megalith2073" the Megalith of Doom
"ardrak6167" Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith
"shrine17174" a shield shrine of Fain
"rose17444" a midnight black rose
"sigil28245" an eye sigil
"monolith sigil30243" a monolith sigil
"wakabi37651" a tame wakabi
"mammoth77192" a wooly mammoth
Number of objects: 8
Hallen peers at you unscrupulously.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "There you are."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "I am not pudgy!"
Mongrath ARRIVES from the north.
You say, "Okay, alright. You're not pudgy."
Mongrath pets a wooly mammoth ingratiatingly.
A wooly mammoth says, "Now paint my nails, wench."
You blink.
Dysolis looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
You say, "Hey, I thought I was your owner here!"
You mutter discontentedly.
Meshora grows still and her lips begin to move silently.
You see the following people here:
Daevos, Loyen, Marlucia, Mongrath, Dysolis, Meshora, Evito, Hallen, Veonira
Meshora is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
You remove 10 goldtint, bringing the total in the Rift to 10.
Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone says to you, "Don't take that
from him."
One reflection suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Arel steps through.
A small crack appears in the Megalith of Doom as it is drained in power.
Apprentice Mongrath De'Unnero says to you, "At least you know its a female now
The corners of Mongrath's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "I am no female!"
Marlucia sniggers evilly.
Apprentice Mongrath De'Unnero says, "And you want your nails painted?"
Cohli arrives following Mystagogue Reyn d'Murani, Herald of Luciphage.
One reflection suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Reyn steps through.
A wooly mammoth says, "Do you have a problem with that?"
You say to Mongrath, "Hey! Watch it."
Mongrath shakes his head.
You say to Mongrath, "That's my mammoth you're talking to."
A wooly mammoth says, "I was just mentioning how hungry I was..."
Cohli blinks incredulously at a wooly mammoth.
Mongrath nods his head at a wooly mammoth.
Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone says, "It's official. We're all
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "You can eat for 25 months. How much food do
you need?"
You cough softly.
A wooly mammoth says, "In those clothes? You bet you are insane."
Apprentice Mongrath De'Unnero says, "Mammoths are big."
You give a wooly mammoth a peck on the cheek.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "Gold, you said?"
A wooly mammoth says, "Obviously, it's one of the few colours that matches my
You remove 10 goldtint, bringing the total in the Rift to 0.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "I think it's hair, not fur."
Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone says to a wooly mammoth, "I have
excellent fashion sense."
A wooly mammoth says, "I think it's dinner."
A wooly mammoth stares implacably at Marlucia.
You have emoted: Veonira grabs a paint brush out of her pack and crouches down,
delicately painting a toenail on a wooly mammoth's front foot.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "You eat your own hair?"
A wooly mammoth says, "You don't mind if I eat him, right?"
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Try me."
You give Marlucia the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say to a wooly mammoth, "Not a bit."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Hey, mammoth or not, it's the aggresor."
With a flourish, Marlucia draws a baleful rapier of darkened steel from a black
leather scabbard.
With a flourish, Marlucia draws a baleful rapier of darkened steel from a black
leather scabbard.
Rubbing his hands together, a wooly mammoth grins with evil satisfaction.
You say, "I don't care, he's still my mammoth."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "It can feed my for a few years."
It is now the 8th of Tzarin, 151 years after the Coming of Estarra.
The air around Marlucia blurs as he chants under his breath. He shakes his head
and blinks in confusion.
You snuggle up close to a wooly mammoth, smiling happily.
This wooly mammoth has long, scruffy brown hair all over its huge, ponderous
body. Two long, yellowed tusks curl upwards and taper to a sharp point although
they are chipped by much use. Wide leather straps circle its body, allowing a
rider easy control of it.
A wooly mammoth is quite powerful.
A wooly mammoth says, "Clearly, however, you have no need to be fed."
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "You are busting out of your clothes!"
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Look who's talking."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "And I don't have clothes."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "Fat and dumb.."
He is a fiendish undead brood viscanti and stands a good seven foot with blood
red skin and a warriors build, strong but sleek with well toned muscles. His
face is young and unblemished, features soft and beautiful, but hold a dark,
menacing appearance. His eyes are black as night with red, slitted pupils that
flash brightly every now and then. His hair is black as well, falling around his
face in messy spikes to shadow his eyes. Crimson streaks are set into the black,
shimmering in the available light as the wind sweeps through his hair. His
bleach white teeth are clean and neat, as well as his long fangs that are filed
to deadly points that can be seen when his black lips part in a smile, or smirk.
On his back are a pair of black, demonic wings that look impressive but are not
strong enough for him to take flight. *---------*. He is wearing a bracelet of
silver webs, a suit of blackened field plate armour, a blackened full helm, a
black leather scabbard, a seawolf brooch, a black leather scabbard, a pair of
fingerless black gloves, a silver pentacle necklace, a blackened chain link
bracelet, polished black boots, a blackened steel ring, a black leather
scabbard, a black leather scabbard, a blackened steel ring, a blackened steel
ring, a midnight black cloak, and a choker with a dangling pentagram.
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Megalith of Doom.
You say, "Clearly not so dumb, considering he's talking."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Megalith of Doom.
Mongrath steps out of the Megalith of Doom, trailing sparkling motes of light.
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero says, "We can all talk, doesn't make any of us smart
by default."
Dysolis places his hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of
pulsating energy.
Marlucia looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Marlucia nods his head at himself.
Marlucia gives the world a smart salute.
You pat a wooly mammoth in a friendly manner.
A wooly mammoth looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Mongrath puts his hands on his hips and goes "Hmmm!"
A wooly mammoth grabs out at Marlucia with his trunk, quickly stuffing him into
his mouth. He chews a few times, before letting out an ear-splitting belch.
You see the following people here:
Daevos, Loyen, Evito, Mongrath, Veonira
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero (Before the Portal of Fate)
Mongrath stares into his cupped hands.
Daevos creases his brow in a frown.
Mongrath stares into his cupped hands.
A wooly mammoth exclaims, "Excuse me!"
You say to a wooly mammoth, "Now that wasn't very nice."
A wooly mammoth says, "You're telling me. I think I'll be having stomach
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith links to the nexus and wild cosmic energies dance
across his frame before he releases the connection.
You say, "He is rather feisty."
Mongrath stares into his cupped hands.
Ur'Warlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight says, "Indeed."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith links to the nexus and wild cosmic energies dance
across his frame before he releases the connection.
A wooly mammoth sways a bit unsteadily, clearly sickened.
A wooly mammoth says, "Excuse me..."
Swishing its small tail, a wooly mammoth ponderously LEAVES to the east.
"Erk!" you say with a grimace.
Marble arch before the Necropolis.
Dark shadows coalesce in and out of existence as small, dark clouds obfuscating
the available light as they float around the area from a shield shrine of Fain
nearby. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A statue of Athana stands
here, memorializing her noble spirit. An obsidian eye sigil is here. Towering
above you, this massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed
tusks. A filthy gutter mutt meanders here, sniffing the ground. Myrmidon
Marlucia De'Unnero is here, shrouded. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened
steel in each hand. Mystagogue Reyn d'Murani, Herald of Luciphage is here. He
wields a damning symbol of domination in his left hand and a blackened tower
shield with a serrated-edge in his right.
You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, and west.
"statue64278" a statue of Athana
"sigil23084" an eye sigil
"mammoth77192" a wooly mammoth
"dog22843" a filthy gutter mutt
Number of objects: 4
You pat a wooly mammoth in a friendly manner.
This wooly mammoth has long, scruffy brown hair all over its huge, ponderous
body. Two long, yellowed tusks curl upwards and taper to a sharp point although
they are chipped by much use. Wide leather straps circle its body, allowing a
rider easy control of it.
A wooly mammoth is quite powerful.
He weighs about 4095 pounds.
His feedbag could use replenishing, but will still last him approximately 25
He is mountable as a legendary steed.
He is loyal to Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench.
A wooly mammoth is holding:
A wooly mammoth says, "As horrible in taste as he is in appearance."
(Geomancers): Jahan says, "Veonira, you should probably not stand on the
anterior end of that animal."
You say to a wooly mammoth, "You okay?"
(Geomancers): Mongrath says, "Greetings."
(Geomancers): You say, "Sound advice."
Reyn peers at a wooly mammoth unscrupulously.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
Noola2007-11-13 01:26:43
That is beyond awesome.
Unknown2007-11-13 01:31:46
Mammoth is so kewl. You should see if you can make him into a rocky, tainted mammoth and become the mascot of Magnagora. All hail Mammoth, the mammalian master of malignancy, misery and morbid, macabre massacres.
Unknown2007-11-13 02:23:45

Veonira2007-11-13 02:44:02
QUOTE(Bianca @ Nov 12 2007, 09:23 PM) 457879

Unknown2007-11-13 02:56:48
I had myself a nice hardy lol when Mammoth ate Marlucia, that was classic.
Linaeve2007-11-14 14:40:08
This is so adorable I can barely stand it!
Mammoths and wombats and aghhh. Celina needs to get a collar for that cute thing!
Mammoths and wombats and aghhh. Celina needs to get a collar for that cute thing!
Veonira2007-11-15 21:07:39
Celina and I will take over the basin using our fearsome Geomancer skills.
And our cute pets for the aw factor.
And our cute pets for the aw factor.
Noola2007-11-15 21:18:22
QUOTE(Veonira @ Nov 15 2007, 03:07 PM) 458455
Celina and I will take over the basin using our fearsome Geomancer skills.
And our cute pets for the aw factor.
And our cute pets for the aw factor.
See, the cute pet is the distraction. While your unsuspecting victim is caught up in the sheer adorableness, you're sneaking up behind them and Bam!

Unknown2007-11-15 21:49:47
QUOTE(Veonira @ Nov 15 2007, 03:07 PM) 458455
Celina and I will take over the basin using our fearsome Geomancer skills.
And our cute pets for the aw factor.
And our cute pets for the aw factor.
We wait for them to start cuddling the pets then bash them over the head with a rock.
Myndaen2007-11-15 21:53:10
I love mammoth.
And Jezebel.
They're my faaaaaaaaaaavorite!
And Jezebel.
They're my faaaaaaaaaaavorite!
Unknown2007-11-15 21:57:05
QUOTE(Bianca @ Nov 15 2007, 03:49 PM) 458457
We wait for them to start cuddling the pets then bash them over the head with a rock.
Ancient and arcane mystic arts of Geomancy my

Arix2007-11-15 22:17:48
I fail to see how a mammoth is 'cute'. It's just a giant fuzzy elephant, and elephants aren't cute
Noola2007-11-15 22:28:54
QUOTE(Arix @ Nov 15 2007, 04:17 PM) 458461
elephants aren't cute

Unknown2007-11-15 23:10:33
QUOTE(Arix @ Nov 15 2007, 10:17 PM) 458461
I fail to see how a mammoth is 'cute'. It's just a giant fuzzy elephant, and elephants aren't cute
You said it yourself.