Unknown2007-12-27 04:28:48
From my very earliest days in Glomdoring, and the source of my neverending awe of Shikari. This 'pep talk' took place after a disastrous skirmish in Faethorn, in which a big group of Glomdorians trying to retaliate for recent raids got fairly mowed down by two people.
The Shadow Court.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A sigil in the shape of
a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An enormous black crow flies
here with gigantic wings spread. Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd is here.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl is here. She wields a
shimmering rainbow shield in her left hand. Adracunin is here, rubbing his chin
thoughtfully. He wields an elongated scimitar with etched webbings in each hand.
Jai, Ward of Xenthos is here. Shikari, the Predator stands here, His form
emanating pure, primal fury. Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor is here. Warden
Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War is here. Urazial Carthan is here. He wields a
golden sickle in his left hand and a mystic cudgel in his right.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
You see the following people here:
Chandestri, Maelee, Shikari, Kurt, Urazial, Yeralih, Adracunin, Jai, Nirrti
Urazial bows respectfully to Shikari.
Yeralih curtseys respectfully before Shikari.
You curtsey respectfully before Shikari.
Jai curtseys respectfully before Shikari.
He is a radiant immortal and is tall and lean, His muscles standing out clearly
underneath taut skin, which is pale, but covered in sweeping black tribal
tattoos that cover his body with patterns that shift as if alive when He moves.
The tattoos sweep forward over His face, their curved lines enhancing his stern
features. They finish with a tiny flourish in a frame around His eyes, which are
entirely black. Deep in their depths lurks a spark of pure, elemental rage,
awaiting only His decision to unleash its brutal force upon an unsuspecting
prey. He is wearing a perfectly matched pair of gauntlets formed of ethereal
shadows, a ring of midnight-hued steel, a black leather and iron frogge, a black
leather and iron frogge, a suit of full plate armour made of forged darkness, a
swordbelt crafted from strange black leather, a charred scabbard of carved bone,
a charred scabbard of carved bone, a pair of light boots of supple black
leather, a throwing dagger of blackened steel, and a throwing dagger of
blackened steel.
Shikari inclines His head politely to those around Him.
(The Swarm): Shikari says, "Is that all of us?"
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says to Shikari, "Unlike Dairuchi m'Lord I
thought we had more advantage in this situation."
Adracunin purses his lips, deep in thought.
Shikari, the Predator says, "We shall begin then."
Shikari, the Predator says, "With a little history lesson."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Urazial's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Chandestri tilts her head and listens intently.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you are quite young."
Shikari, the Predator says, "In the beginning of Glomdoring's modern history,
there was no Commune."
Shikari, the Predator says, "There were no guards, and there was no power."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Serenwilde slaughtered the mortals attempting to
raise Crow from the dead, and still, people kept trying."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Do any of you remember those days?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Maelee shakes her head.
Chandestri shakes her head.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye."
Jai shakes her head.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "I do."
You shake your head.
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Then, the Glomdoring came into existence."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And the Seren raided many, many times a month."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Often, the only safe place to stand was the
Shikari, the Predator says, "Do any of you remember that?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Urazial shakes his head.
Adracunin nods his head emphatically.
Orcae shakes his head.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye, m'Lord."
Chandestri shakes her head.
You shake your head.
Shikari, the Predator says, "We've gotten too comfortable."
Shikari, the Predator says, "We're raided rarely. From three or four times a
day, we are now unfortunate to be raided once a year."
Shikari, the Predator says, "There was only one good thing about the days when
we were raided frequently."
Shikari, the Predator says, "That was that people learnt to fight, or they
Kurt nods his head sagely.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "What's been happening lately is that we have not
been being raided."
Shikari, the Predator says, "We've not been raiding."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And My Sister and I have been stepping in far too
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "How many times did we kill Munsia then?"
Urazial purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully
gathers his thoughts.
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "I believe she died twice,
You say, "I believe it was two, Milord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And Narsrim?"
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "None."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And how many times did you all die?"
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Many more times."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I am actually impressed."
Urazial Carthan says, "Me personally... too many times."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "3 times my lord if you want to count
vitae protected deaths."
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "Twice, counting vitae."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I have seen raids where I have personally had to go
and visit Shadow Wardens in this Commune to get them to get off their arses to
go and repel raids by Narsrim alone."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And raids where I have had to call in members of My
Order from Magnagora to trigger worldburns so we did not lose every single guard
in this Commune."
Comprehension flashes across Kurt's face.
Shikari, the Predator says, "So, it is an improvement."
Shikari, the Predator says, "A slight one, but still an improvement."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Worth every bit of experience loss
considering the gain of cohesive gain within the commune, m'Lord, I feel a
change is in progress for our destiny."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Yeralih?"
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Yes, my Lord?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "You were here for most of that, weren't you?"
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "For all of the raid, yes, my Lord."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Well, when I wasn't passing through the
Portal, again."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Alright. What I need from you, Yeralih, is a list
of who participated."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "I will compile that, right now."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you are new to the Swarm, so welcome."
Shikari, the Predator says, "You've joined at a very good time."
Shikari's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Yeralih, "Induct Kell?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Chandestri claps her hands together merrily.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl folds her wings down and
moves to lean back against the cool door. She crosses her arms over the flat of
her stomach as she watches and listens to those around her.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I think it's time that we started doing things like
that more often."
Chandestri's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "Nothing Matters but
Urazial purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully
gathers his thoughts.
Shikari, the Predator says, "No, not that again."
Shikari, the Predator says, "There is a time and a place for rhetoric, and this
is not it."
Urazial Carthan says, "Shall we begin our own raids, Lord?"
Orcae ponders the situation.
Shikari shakes His head.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Urazial, "Not blind ones. But strike
where we can."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Listen."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I'm going to be blunt with you all."
Shikari, the Predator says, "You are not going to just walk up and start pulling
off successful raids."
Shikari, the Predator says, "You are going to die, a lot."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Anyone with a problem with that fact, then the
Swarm is not for you, and there is no shame in leaving."
Shikari opens the steel door to the south.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Anyone in that situation?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
The smell of decay assaults your nostrils.
Chandestri shakes her head.
You have emoted: Nirrti plants her feet on the ground a little more firmly in
Kell crosses his arms, standing firm and resolute.
Maelee's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Good."
Shikari closes the steel door to the south.
Shikari, the Predator says, "What needs to happen is this."
Shikari, the Predator says, "The Swarm needs to start getting out there and
Yeralih nods her head at Kell.
Shikari, the Predator says, "If Narsrim kills someone from the Commune whilst
they're hunting, go and hunt him."
Kell inclines his head politely to Yeralih.
Kurt nods his head at Shikari.
Shikari, the Predator says, "If you die, then that's what happens, but you sit
down and work out how you died, and then, you work out how not to die that way
Shikari, the Predator says, "And you all help each other with that."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Everyone got that?"
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Maelee nods her head emphatically.
Jai nods her head emphatically.
You nod your head emphatically.
Urazial Carthan says, "Aye, Lord."
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Aye."
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye, m'Lord."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War narrows his eyes, nodding firmly. With a
turn of chin, he peers over the series of tattoos on his left arm.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Shikari, "Yes, Father."
Shikari, the Predator says, "In situations like this one, I am going to tell the
leaders of the Commune to start recognising your dedication to the Commune with
Shikari, the Predator says, "And you are ALL going to have to learn to influence
and debate."
Shikari, the Predator says, "It will take some time, everyone."
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "I can help with the
influencing and debating if anyone is having trouble getting the hang of it."
Shikari, the Predator says, "But one day, if you are determined enough, you are
going to get into a fight, with Narsrim and Munsia for instance."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And instead of dying a lot, you'll die once, and
then kill them."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And then, the next time, or the time after that, or
the time after that, you'll kill them and not die."
Kurt nods his head at Shikari.
Shikari, the Predator says, "And what I expect from all of you is the
determination to get to that point."
Orcae creases his brow in grim determination.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Everyone understands?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Yes Father."
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yes, Father."
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye, Lord."
Jai, Ward of Xenthos says, "I understand, Lord."
Disciple of Eventide, Orcae says, "Yes Lord Shikari."
Urazial Carthan says, "Yes, Lord."
Kell says, "Aye, Lord."
You say, "Yes, Milord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Good."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Aye, m'Lord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, what went wrong?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Serrin's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl stays quiet, having not
been here for the event.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Lack of coordination and concentration
of forces m'Lord."
Kurt nods his head at Chandestri.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "I think we spread a little too thin, and got
isolated too often."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "Lack of cohession. Getting
seperated by Treelife and then picked off. Not knowing when to shield and not
making use of protection scrolls when offered."
Kell says, "Aye, the wisping was a bit new for me as well."
Urazial Carthan says, "Wisped too much and spent too long trying to find demesne
break points."
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Was it just them
two, against all of you?"
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Okay."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "I should add that ... I don't know
Faethorn that well. It was like running around a maze looking for safe ground."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "And finding none."
Serrin nods his head at Yeralih.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Wisping wasn't a problem for me,
dodged about 3 and wiped once and walked away."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Okay. Let's cover another important thing."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Not as though we get to see it much.
I explore it when I can."
Shikari, the Predator says, "When you're talking about what went wrong, you need
to look at what happened, like you just did, then one of you needs to pick out
what the problems were."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Firstly, you're saying you're not familiar with
Shikari, the Predator says, "Secondly, you're saying, you're not communicating
and hanging together as you should be."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And finally, you're saying you're unfamiliar with
the territory."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Correct?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Chandestri nods her head at Shikari.
Yeralih nods her head in agreement.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "I don't know much of
anything about demenses. Someone needs to hold some classes on that again."
Kell says, "Aye, those were the points raised."
Disciple of Eventide, Orcae says, "Not every has a protection scroll, and they
should. Not everyone knows how to deal with treelife. Not everyone knows how to
evade wisps. And not everyone carried spores with them to escape when in
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "I saw no organized leadership. When I
arrived, you all were standing at the ravenwood. I asked who was in lead, I
asked the plan. Apparently neither was formed yet, and the engagement began
quite a bit before that moment. Finally, Ciaran vied for lead."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "That's no good. We need to organize
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "But those who take the lead need to know
what exactly it is they are asking of their 'troops'."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Keep it simple, Kurt."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Let's go through the problems."
Shikari, the Predator says, "People aren't familiar with demesnes. Fair
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Orcae nods his head at Shikari.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Well now that
everyone is a part of the swarm, organization should be a lot easier. Don't wait
for someone to take charge, if you see no one is, step up and grab the reigns."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Very little."
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Maelee coughs softly.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Correct."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Alright."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Yeralih?"
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Yes, my Lord?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "Xavius isn't here. You're the Blacktalon
Administrator, so I need you to administrate for Me."
Shikari, the Predator says, "We need to get members of the Swarm familiar with
Shikari, the Predator says, "Can you see to that, please?"
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Primary issue was holding at
strongpoints, once we demesned, needed to hold them and use the demesne effects
against the enemy."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Right now, my Lord?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "Not right now, Yeralih, but over the next few
Shikari, the Predator says, "You need to talk about breaking demesnes, not just
surviving them."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Quite."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, the second problem."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Much back and forth on the breaking
m'Lord, not sure if you observed."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yeah, I had no idea that there was a
specific room that needed to be struck for the demesne to fall."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Communication is something you will learn from
working together."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Someone needs to say 'I'll take the lead'"
Shikari, the Predator says, "And if someone more experienced is wanting to lead,
then whoever is least experienced needs to step back."
Shikari, the Predator says, "So, more practice."
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "As for Faethorn's layout, you are not always going
to be familiar with your battlegrounds."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Again, it comes with experience."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Unfortunately for you, you are all here because
you're in a field that means you're going to die a lot getting that experience."
Shikari's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Kell says, "If I may, Lord, sometimes the people following got wisped, and had
to move away from the group. The group broke apart sometimes as well because of
that, and people got left behind."
Disciple of Eventide, Orcae says to Kell, "There are two ways to deal with that
I think."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Urazial Carthan says, "Spores help with that. Fall back and regroup."
Shikari, the Predator says, "That's something that you need to deal with."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Say as a group."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I know the answer to the problem, but you are not
going to learn anything that will help you if I just tell you it."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "And if you don't
have teleport, do try to get it. Also, if someone gets wisped away from you,
know that you can always wisp them right back. And of course, always always have
spores on you. If you don't know where any are, ask."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Kurt nods his head at Maelee.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I think that covers everything, except one last
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you will be learning that Crow, or Night,
teaches all sorts of things."
Kurt's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Am I correct?"
Chandestri nods her head emphatically.
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
You nod your head emphatically.
Kell says, "Aye."
Maelee nods her head emphatically.
Urazial nods his head affirmatively.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I am not telling you to ignore their teachings, or
saying that you can ignore the traditions of your guild."
Shikari, the Predator says, "However."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I am not Crow, and I am not Night."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And I am not going to change My ways to please a
pissant half-formed."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Glomdoring is not strong."
Shikari, the Predator says, "If Glomdoring is strong, show me Narsrim and
Munsia's heads piked at the Ravenwood."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And show Me our scores of villages."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Why is Glomdoring not strong?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "Because every time something goes wrong, we spend
more time excusing what happened by saying that that is what we intended than
actually working out what went wrong and how to fix it."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Night and Crow may be saying things that make sense
to you in every day life."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I don't care about everyday life."
Shikari, the Predator says, "What I care about is combat."
Chandestri nods her head emphatically.
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "So you can follow Night and Crow in your everyday
life. Go for it."
Shikari, the Predator says, "When it comes to combat, you can follow them too,
but if I catch you messing up because you were following some harebrained scheme
based on a half-formed's saying that means that you get your arses kicked in
combat, I will come along and kick them twice as hard again."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Is everyone clear about that?"
Orcae nods his head at Shikari.
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Jai nods her head at Shikari.
You nod your head emphatically.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yes, Father."
Maelee nods her head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Good."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Aye."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you are probably offended by My disregard
of Crow and Night. They're half-formed, I've spent most of My existence
slaughtering their kind."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I'll let you draw the conclusions about who is
going to have a vague idea of how to conduct a war."
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Okay. For now, that's all. I do need that list,
Yeralih, as it's My intention to ask the Shadow Court to make sure every member
of this Commune that was up there fighting hard is recognised for that with the
esteem of the Commune."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says to Shikari, "Of course, my Lord."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Excellent."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, I know that Ciaran killed Munsia once."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Who got her the second time?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Believe that was me, Father."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shikari, the Predator says to Kurt, "I'm willing to wager that made the whole
thing worthwhile, Kurt?"
The corners of Kurt's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yes, Father."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Well done."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Who was on the demesnes?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "All four druids, as I recall."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "I was m'Lord, Yeralih and Urazial
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "How did that go?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Well, when Munsia and Narsrim weren't
targetting us."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "When they were ... well, we aren't the
most stable of folk when demesning."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Chandestri did very well from what I
saw, Father. Though I didn't see the others much."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says to Shikari, "Was a give and take, back
and forth, a bit dicey without direct protection m'Lord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I'd noticed that."
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "Chandestri did have the
advantage of Ciaran and Orcae chasing them around."
Urazial Carthan says, "Aye. Yeralih and myself were having to break and meld on
our own. I believe Nirrti was involved in the demesne efforts as well."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Yeralih nods her head at Urazial, showing her acceptance.
You say, "I only stayed back to guard the Dark Nest."
Kurt nods his head at you.
You have emoted: Nirrti folds her wings back timidly.
Urazial Carthan says, "That's a worthy task."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Urazial, "It is, I saw her and let
her be. Somebody had to do it."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says to you, "Especially given Narsrim's
penchant for slaying Crow's Aspects."
Urazial Carthan says, "We can't neglect our defenses while we attack."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Very good, Urazial."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Keep that in mind, it's important."
The corners of Shikari's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Urazial nods his head affirmatively at Shikari.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, I think that'll do."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I've held you all up long enough."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Urazial Carthan says, "Not at all. Thank you for Your time, Lord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "If anyone has questions, ask Me. I will be in My
Shikari opens the steel door to the south.
Kell says to Shikari, "Aye, thank you for this lesson and meeting, Lord."
Shikari inclines His head politely to those around Him.
Orcae bows respectfully to Shikari.
You curtsey respectfully before Shikari.
Urazial bows respectfully to Shikari.
The Shadow Court.
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. A sigil in the shape of
a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An enormous black crow flies
here with gigantic wings spread. Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd is here.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl is here. She wields a
shimmering rainbow shield in her left hand. Adracunin is here, rubbing his chin
thoughtfully. He wields an elongated scimitar with etched webbings in each hand.
Jai, Ward of Xenthos is here. Shikari, the Predator stands here, His form
emanating pure, primal fury. Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor is here. Warden
Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War is here. Urazial Carthan is here. He wields a
golden sickle in his left hand and a mystic cudgel in his right.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
You see the following people here:
Chandestri, Maelee, Shikari, Kurt, Urazial, Yeralih, Adracunin, Jai, Nirrti
Urazial bows respectfully to Shikari.
Yeralih curtseys respectfully before Shikari.
You curtsey respectfully before Shikari.
Jai curtseys respectfully before Shikari.
He is a radiant immortal and is tall and lean, His muscles standing out clearly
underneath taut skin, which is pale, but covered in sweeping black tribal
tattoos that cover his body with patterns that shift as if alive when He moves.
The tattoos sweep forward over His face, their curved lines enhancing his stern
features. They finish with a tiny flourish in a frame around His eyes, which are
entirely black. Deep in their depths lurks a spark of pure, elemental rage,
awaiting only His decision to unleash its brutal force upon an unsuspecting
prey. He is wearing a perfectly matched pair of gauntlets formed of ethereal
shadows, a ring of midnight-hued steel, a black leather and iron frogge, a black
leather and iron frogge, a suit of full plate armour made of forged darkness, a
swordbelt crafted from strange black leather, a charred scabbard of carved bone,
a charred scabbard of carved bone, a pair of light boots of supple black
leather, a throwing dagger of blackened steel, and a throwing dagger of
blackened steel.
Shikari inclines His head politely to those around Him.
(The Swarm): Shikari says, "Is that all of us?"
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says to Shikari, "Unlike Dairuchi m'Lord I
thought we had more advantage in this situation."
Adracunin purses his lips, deep in thought.
Shikari, the Predator says, "We shall begin then."
Shikari, the Predator says, "With a little history lesson."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Urazial's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Chandestri tilts her head and listens intently.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you are quite young."
Shikari, the Predator says, "In the beginning of Glomdoring's modern history,
there was no Commune."
Shikari, the Predator says, "There were no guards, and there was no power."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Serenwilde slaughtered the mortals attempting to
raise Crow from the dead, and still, people kept trying."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Do any of you remember those days?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Maelee shakes her head.
Chandestri shakes her head.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye."
Jai shakes her head.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "I do."
You shake your head.
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Then, the Glomdoring came into existence."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And the Seren raided many, many times a month."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Often, the only safe place to stand was the
Shikari, the Predator says, "Do any of you remember that?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Urazial shakes his head.
Adracunin nods his head emphatically.
Orcae shakes his head.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye, m'Lord."
Chandestri shakes her head.
You shake your head.
Shikari, the Predator says, "We've gotten too comfortable."
Shikari, the Predator says, "We're raided rarely. From three or four times a
day, we are now unfortunate to be raided once a year."
Shikari, the Predator says, "There was only one good thing about the days when
we were raided frequently."
Shikari, the Predator says, "That was that people learnt to fight, or they
Kurt nods his head sagely.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "What's been happening lately is that we have not
been being raided."
Shikari, the Predator says, "We've not been raiding."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And My Sister and I have been stepping in far too
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "How many times did we kill Munsia then?"
Urazial purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully
gathers his thoughts.
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "I believe she died twice,
You say, "I believe it was two, Milord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And Narsrim?"
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "None."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And how many times did you all die?"
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Many more times."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I am actually impressed."
Urazial Carthan says, "Me personally... too many times."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "3 times my lord if you want to count
vitae protected deaths."
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "Twice, counting vitae."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I have seen raids where I have personally had to go
and visit Shadow Wardens in this Commune to get them to get off their arses to
go and repel raids by Narsrim alone."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And raids where I have had to call in members of My
Order from Magnagora to trigger worldburns so we did not lose every single guard
in this Commune."
Comprehension flashes across Kurt's face.
Shikari, the Predator says, "So, it is an improvement."
Shikari, the Predator says, "A slight one, but still an improvement."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Worth every bit of experience loss
considering the gain of cohesive gain within the commune, m'Lord, I feel a
change is in progress for our destiny."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Yeralih?"
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Yes, my Lord?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "You were here for most of that, weren't you?"
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "For all of the raid, yes, my Lord."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Well, when I wasn't passing through the
Portal, again."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Alright. What I need from you, Yeralih, is a list
of who participated."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "I will compile that, right now."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you are new to the Swarm, so welcome."
Shikari, the Predator says, "You've joined at a very good time."
Shikari's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Yeralih, "Induct Kell?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Chandestri claps her hands together merrily.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl folds her wings down and
moves to lean back against the cool door. She crosses her arms over the flat of
her stomach as she watches and listens to those around her.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I think it's time that we started doing things like
that more often."
Chandestri's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "Nothing Matters but
Urazial purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully
gathers his thoughts.
Shikari, the Predator says, "No, not that again."
Shikari, the Predator says, "There is a time and a place for rhetoric, and this
is not it."
Urazial Carthan says, "Shall we begin our own raids, Lord?"
Orcae ponders the situation.
Shikari shakes His head.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Urazial, "Not blind ones. But strike
where we can."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Listen."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I'm going to be blunt with you all."
Shikari, the Predator says, "You are not going to just walk up and start pulling
off successful raids."
Shikari, the Predator says, "You are going to die, a lot."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Anyone with a problem with that fact, then the
Swarm is not for you, and there is no shame in leaving."
Shikari opens the steel door to the south.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Anyone in that situation?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
The smell of decay assaults your nostrils.
Chandestri shakes her head.
You have emoted: Nirrti plants her feet on the ground a little more firmly in
Kell crosses his arms, standing firm and resolute.
Maelee's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Good."
Shikari closes the steel door to the south.
Shikari, the Predator says, "What needs to happen is this."
Shikari, the Predator says, "The Swarm needs to start getting out there and
Yeralih nods her head at Kell.
Shikari, the Predator says, "If Narsrim kills someone from the Commune whilst
they're hunting, go and hunt him."
Kell inclines his head politely to Yeralih.
Kurt nods his head at Shikari.
Shikari, the Predator says, "If you die, then that's what happens, but you sit
down and work out how you died, and then, you work out how not to die that way
Shikari, the Predator says, "And you all help each other with that."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Everyone got that?"
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Maelee nods her head emphatically.
Jai nods her head emphatically.
You nod your head emphatically.
Urazial Carthan says, "Aye, Lord."
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Aye."
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye, m'Lord."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War narrows his eyes, nodding firmly. With a
turn of chin, he peers over the series of tattoos on his left arm.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Shikari, "Yes, Father."
Shikari, the Predator says, "In situations like this one, I am going to tell the
leaders of the Commune to start recognising your dedication to the Commune with
Shikari, the Predator says, "And you are ALL going to have to learn to influence
and debate."
Shikari, the Predator says, "It will take some time, everyone."
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "I can help with the
influencing and debating if anyone is having trouble getting the hang of it."
Shikari, the Predator says, "But one day, if you are determined enough, you are
going to get into a fight, with Narsrim and Munsia for instance."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And instead of dying a lot, you'll die once, and
then kill them."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And then, the next time, or the time after that, or
the time after that, you'll kill them and not die."
Kurt nods his head at Shikari.
Shikari, the Predator says, "And what I expect from all of you is the
determination to get to that point."
Orcae creases his brow in grim determination.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Everyone understands?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Yes Father."
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yes, Father."
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "Aye, Lord."
Jai, Ward of Xenthos says, "I understand, Lord."
Disciple of Eventide, Orcae says, "Yes Lord Shikari."
Urazial Carthan says, "Yes, Lord."
Kell says, "Aye, Lord."
You say, "Yes, Milord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Good."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Aye, m'Lord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, what went wrong?"
Shikari tilts His head and listens intently.
Serrin's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl stays quiet, having not
been here for the event.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Lack of coordination and concentration
of forces m'Lord."
Kurt nods his head at Chandestri.
Adracunin, the Merciless says, "I think we spread a little too thin, and got
isolated too often."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "Lack of cohession. Getting
seperated by Treelife and then picked off. Not knowing when to shield and not
making use of protection scrolls when offered."
Kell says, "Aye, the wisping was a bit new for me as well."
Urazial Carthan says, "Wisped too much and spent too long trying to find demesne
break points."
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Was it just them
two, against all of you?"
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Okay."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "I should add that ... I don't know
Faethorn that well. It was like running around a maze looking for safe ground."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "And finding none."
Serrin nods his head at Yeralih.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Wisping wasn't a problem for me,
dodged about 3 and wiped once and walked away."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Okay. Let's cover another important thing."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Not as though we get to see it much.
I explore it when I can."
Shikari, the Predator says, "When you're talking about what went wrong, you need
to look at what happened, like you just did, then one of you needs to pick out
what the problems were."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Firstly, you're saying you're not familiar with
Shikari, the Predator says, "Secondly, you're saying, you're not communicating
and hanging together as you should be."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And finally, you're saying you're unfamiliar with
the territory."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Correct?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Chandestri nods her head at Shikari.
Yeralih nods her head in agreement.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "I don't know much of
anything about demenses. Someone needs to hold some classes on that again."
Kell says, "Aye, those were the points raised."
Disciple of Eventide, Orcae says, "Not every has a protection scroll, and they
should. Not everyone knows how to deal with treelife. Not everyone knows how to
evade wisps. And not everyone carried spores with them to escape when in
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "I saw no organized leadership. When I
arrived, you all were standing at the ravenwood. I asked who was in lead, I
asked the plan. Apparently neither was formed yet, and the engagement began
quite a bit before that moment. Finally, Ciaran vied for lead."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "That's no good. We need to organize
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "But those who take the lead need to know
what exactly it is they are asking of their 'troops'."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Keep it simple, Kurt."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Let's go through the problems."
Shikari, the Predator says, "People aren't familiar with demesnes. Fair
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Orcae nods his head at Shikari.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Well now that
everyone is a part of the swarm, organization should be a lot easier. Don't wait
for someone to take charge, if you see no one is, step up and grab the reigns."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Very little."
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Maelee coughs softly.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "Correct."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Alright."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Yeralih?"
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Yes, my Lord?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "Xavius isn't here. You're the Blacktalon
Administrator, so I need you to administrate for Me."
Shikari, the Predator says, "We need to get members of the Swarm familiar with
Shikari, the Predator says, "Can you see to that, please?"
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Primary issue was holding at
strongpoints, once we demesned, needed to hold them and use the demesne effects
against the enemy."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Right now, my Lord?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "Not right now, Yeralih, but over the next few
Shikari, the Predator says, "You need to talk about breaking demesnes, not just
surviving them."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Quite."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, the second problem."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Much back and forth on the breaking
m'Lord, not sure if you observed."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yeah, I had no idea that there was a
specific room that needed to be struck for the demesne to fall."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Communication is something you will learn from
working together."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Someone needs to say 'I'll take the lead'"
Shikari, the Predator says, "And if someone more experienced is wanting to lead,
then whoever is least experienced needs to step back."
Shikari, the Predator says, "So, more practice."
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "As for Faethorn's layout, you are not always going
to be familiar with your battlegrounds."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Again, it comes with experience."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Unfortunately for you, you are all here because
you're in a field that means you're going to die a lot getting that experience."
Shikari's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Kell says, "If I may, Lord, sometimes the people following got wisped, and had
to move away from the group. The group broke apart sometimes as well because of
that, and people got left behind."
Disciple of Eventide, Orcae says to Kell, "There are two ways to deal with that
I think."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Urazial Carthan says, "Spores help with that. Fall back and regroup."
Shikari, the Predator says, "That's something that you need to deal with."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Say as a group."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I know the answer to the problem, but you are not
going to learn anything that will help you if I just tell you it."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Seer of the Night, Maelee Carthan, Murphy's Babygirl says, "And if you don't
have teleport, do try to get it. Also, if someone gets wisped away from you,
know that you can always wisp them right back. And of course, always always have
spores on you. If you don't know where any are, ask."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Kurt nods his head at Maelee.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I think that covers everything, except one last
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you will be learning that Crow, or Night,
teaches all sorts of things."
Kurt's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Am I correct?"
Chandestri nods her head emphatically.
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
You nod your head emphatically.
Kell says, "Aye."
Maelee nods her head emphatically.
Urazial nods his head affirmatively.
Shikari, the Predator says, "I am not telling you to ignore their teachings, or
saying that you can ignore the traditions of your guild."
Shikari, the Predator says, "However."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I am not Crow, and I am not Night."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And I am not going to change My ways to please a
pissant half-formed."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Glomdoring is not strong."
Shikari, the Predator says, "If Glomdoring is strong, show me Narsrim and
Munsia's heads piked at the Ravenwood."
Shikari, the Predator says, "And show Me our scores of villages."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Why is Glomdoring not strong?"
Shikari, the Predator says, "Because every time something goes wrong, we spend
more time excusing what happened by saying that that is what we intended than
actually working out what went wrong and how to fix it."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Night and Crow may be saying things that make sense
to you in every day life."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I don't care about everyday life."
Shikari, the Predator says, "What I care about is combat."
Chandestri nods her head emphatically.
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "So you can follow Night and Crow in your everyday
life. Go for it."
Shikari, the Predator says, "When it comes to combat, you can follow them too,
but if I catch you messing up because you were following some harebrained scheme
based on a half-formed's saying that means that you get your arses kicked in
combat, I will come along and kick them twice as hard again."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Is everyone clear about that?"
Orcae nods his head at Shikari.
Serrin nods his head emphatically.
Jai nods her head at Shikari.
You nod your head emphatically.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yes, Father."
Maelee nods her head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Good."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "Aye."
Kell nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Some of you are probably offended by My disregard
of Crow and Night. They're half-formed, I've spent most of My existence
slaughtering their kind."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I'll let you draw the conclusions about who is
going to have a vague idea of how to conduct a war."
Kurt nods his head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Okay. For now, that's all. I do need that list,
Yeralih, as it's My intention to ask the Shadow Court to make sure every member
of this Commune that was up there fighting hard is recognised for that with the
esteem of the Commune."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says to Shikari, "Of course, my Lord."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Excellent."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, I know that Ciaran killed Munsia once."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Who got her the second time?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Believe that was me, Father."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shikari, the Predator says to Kurt, "I'm willing to wager that made the whole
thing worthwhile, Kurt?"
The corners of Kurt's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Yes, Father."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Well done."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Who was on the demesnes?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "All four druids, as I recall."
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says, "I was m'Lord, Yeralih and Urazial
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "How did that go?"
Shikari tilts His head curiously.
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "Well, when Munsia and Narsrim weren't
targetting us."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says, "When they were ... well, we aren't the
most stable of folk when demesning."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says, "Chandestri did very well from what I
saw, Father. Though I didn't see the others much."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Predicant Chandestri tzya Mor'Wyrd says to Shikari, "Was a give and take, back
and forth, a bit dicey without direct protection m'Lord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I'd noticed that."
Warden Serrin Carthan, Servant of the Bones says, "Chandestri did have the
advantage of Ciaran and Orcae chasing them around."
Urazial Carthan says, "Aye. Yeralih and myself were having to break and meld on
our own. I believe Nirrti was involved in the demesne efforts as well."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Yeralih nods her head at Urazial, showing her acceptance.
You say, "I only stayed back to guard the Dark Nest."
Kurt nods his head at you.
You have emoted: Nirrti folds her wings back timidly.
Urazial Carthan says, "That's a worthy task."
Warden Kurt Nightwalker, Dog of War says to Urazial, "It is, I saw her and let
her be. Somebody had to do it."
Yeralih Carthan, the Ir'rala'mor says to you, "Especially given Narsrim's
penchant for slaying Crow's Aspects."
Urazial Carthan says, "We can't neglect our defenses while we attack."
Shikari nods His head emphatically.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Very good, Urazial."
Shikari, the Predator says, "Keep that in mind, it's important."
The corners of Shikari's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Urazial nods his head affirmatively at Shikari.
Shikari, the Predator says, "Now, I think that'll do."
Shikari, the Predator says, "I've held you all up long enough."
Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Urazial Carthan says, "Not at all. Thank you for Your time, Lord."
Shikari, the Predator says, "If anyone has questions, ask Me. I will be in My
Shikari opens the steel door to the south.
Kell says to Shikari, "Aye, thank you for this lesson and meeting, Lord."
Shikari inclines His head politely to those around Him.
Orcae bows respectfully to Shikari.
You curtsey respectfully before Shikari.
Urazial bows respectfully to Shikari.
Shayle2007-12-27 04:33:36
I miss Shikari. 

Unknown2007-12-27 05:55:04
Wow, Shikari sure sounds cool.
Also, Narsrim/Munsia wrecking Glom was a daily occurence eh, though I wouldn't know, looks like wisp really helped during these skirmishes.
Also, Narsrim/Munsia wrecking Glom was a daily occurence eh, though I wouldn't know, looks like wisp really helped during these skirmishes.
Xenthos2007-12-27 14:57:21
QUOTE(Sojiro @ Dec 27 2007, 12:55 AM) 470434
Also, Narsrim/Munsia wrecking Glom was a daily occurence eh, though I wouldn't know, looks like wisp really helped during these skirmishes.
Wisp was massively powerful in any sort of Forest conflict. Whichever side had the wisp usually won the day. Usually, that side was not Glomdoring.
... but imagine being able to wisp any Forest invader to the Moonhart / Ravenwood. Fun.
Elostian2007-12-27 19:38:33
Just a quick correction, please be advised that Crow and Night are nature spirits, creations from the Creator and Awakener circles of the Elders, not Half-Formed, which are seeds of being created by Dynara which did not mature into full Elder Gods.
Xenthos2007-12-27 21:39:12
QUOTE(Elostian @ Dec 27 2007, 02:38 PM) 470507
Just a quick correction, please be advised that Crow and Night are nature spirits, creations from the Creator and Awakener circles of the Elders, not Half-Formed, which are seeds of being created by Dynara which did not mature into full Elder Gods.
It's also been "corrected" ICly, in the months / years following this log.
Jack2007-12-27 21:54:30
Yar, I miss Shikari. Kinda miss Kurt too. He was Iblis' Ebonguard buddy back when I first created him. 

Unknown2008-04-22 13:20:11
Man, Shikari is gone? I guess that'll just make Kurt unique to still follow his teachings, then. He was a great patron, and a driving element of my roleplay as Kurt.
Furthermore: Dosn't whether or not Crow and Night are -actually- 'half-formed' have absolutely jack diddly to do with how Shikari views them, or what he believes they are as a character, albeit a divine one?
Anyway, I'm going to work at getting him unshrubbed. Contrary to what rumors went around at the time, I'd gotten shrubbed because I used someone else's credit card with their permission. Following an argument later on, they decided to call their bank and say I didn't have permission to use it. This meant that though I had credits and used them, Lusternia had to give the money back. There was no amount of actual credit card fraud or theft here, no charges were made. I didn't have to go to court or anything. But obviously, Lusternia had to assume I'd used someone else's credit card without their permission.
I'm hoping that explaining the situation in full (and producing whatever documents are necessary, being that it's fact)as well as paying the money Lusternia -should've- gotten for the credits purchase (this time from my own card of course) will settle things. We'll see.
Furthermore: Dosn't whether or not Crow and Night are -actually- 'half-formed' have absolutely jack diddly to do with how Shikari views them, or what he believes they are as a character, albeit a divine one?
Anyway, I'm going to work at getting him unshrubbed. Contrary to what rumors went around at the time, I'd gotten shrubbed because I used someone else's credit card with their permission. Following an argument later on, they decided to call their bank and say I didn't have permission to use it. This meant that though I had credits and used them, Lusternia had to give the money back. There was no amount of actual credit card fraud or theft here, no charges were made. I didn't have to go to court or anything. But obviously, Lusternia had to assume I'd used someone else's credit card without their permission.
I'm hoping that explaining the situation in full (and producing whatever documents are necessary, being that it's fact)as well as paying the money Lusternia -should've- gotten for the credits purchase (this time from my own card of course) will settle things. We'll see.