Tervic2007-12-30 08:24:32
Notes on Project Touchstone:
Justifications for Current Research
Posterity is relentless in its judgments, and doubtless it will question
our actions with the harshness of hindsight. It is therefore the
responsibility of a scientist and a survivor to set down the course of
events and the justifications for what we did, and what we are still
doing. Thus I now scribe these notes as a preface to this research
notebook so that future generations may understand the logic of our
Our Balach Institute of Magic and Science, as everyone knows, is a
collection of the most renowned minds in the Empire. Early in his reign,
His Most Divine Grace, the Emperor Ladantine VII, sought to expand upon
the knowledge of planar physics, and who better to ask than our very own
mugwumpi researchers?
Theories about higher planes and the theoretical space between the
planes fascinated His Most Divine Grace. He wanted evidence for these
theories and funded many projects and experiments during his reign. This
was one of the first of such projects, contracted to our Institute, to
open the gateway to the space between planes. Eventually the hope was to
learn how to travel in this dimension and reach even higher planes. It
was called Project Touchstone.
Within these very caverns where we dwell now, the mugwumpi scientists
and mages, I among them, were able to prove that this alternate
dimension did exist: a vast space between the planes. However, it was
impossible to travel in this space. Creatures sent in died almost
After consulting the Illuminati of Gaudiguch, we began to experiment
with the magic of transformation. Several of my colleagues volunteered
to be test subjects and had their bodies adapted to withstand the forces
of the dimensional travel.
The first test subjects were sent through the gateway, but alas! None
returned alive. Though they were able to survive within the other
dimension, there were monstrous creatures there that were much more
dangerous than any of us had imagined. And worst of all, the gateway
attracted the attention of--
We grieved greatly, but such is the sacrifice for advancement in
The Emperor personally sent forth his Paladins as well as a full
contingent of the Ur'Guard to close down our project. Even so, the
Emperor considered Project Touchstone a great success, and I must agree.
It even spawned two more projects, which are described on pages four and
five of this notebook: One was called Project Soulforge, which was
overseen by the Institute and sought to exploit that which was
discovered here. The other was Project Outreach, a combined effort of
all magi to create living probes to further explore this new dimension.
A number of my colleagues remained after the closing of Project
Touchstone, intelligent mugwumps who had transformed themselves to
survive in the other dimension. They came back to these caves to reverse
the mutations they inflicted upon themselves, and I and some others came
as well to continue our own research.
I am not a lucidian that I can restrain the tinge of emotion when I
consider the fate of those colleagues of mine. When the Taint came with
Project Cosmic Hope, those who had changed themselves still had not yet
fully recovered, and the Taint swept through these caverns, as it did
all of the southern parts of the Basin.
You may have seen and heard that those touched by the Taint were
horribly mutated. Indeed, that is what happened here. However, these
colleagues of mine who were already mutated to survive in the other
dimensions were even more hideously changed than is normal of Taint.
Fortunately, Blolem Saelth and I, as well as a few others, were out on a
research expedition at the time, and thus we were spared the corruption.
As for the creatures who were once our poor colleagues, we have now
given them the name of naga, and they are breeding among themselves at
an astonishing rate. They appear akin to the orcs who are degenerated
from the orclach, a completely separate race altogether. What's more,
they retain the ability to survive in the space between planes.
Feelings aside, we who remain have concluded that this is a great
opportunity to continue research into what was discovered with Project
Touchstone. The naga were an unexpected silver lining despite the cost
of their advent, and I truly believe if we were able to breed to the
proper naga, we could send them out and successfully retrieve--
You see Etilla Leihm yell, "Melpith! I have the Golden One! I need those
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth walks quickly in from the northwest, nearly tripping over his
robes as he quickly moves to Etilla's side.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
put gold in pack
You put 579 gold sovereigns in a fesix backpack.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth says, "I've got the scales, Etilla."
Melpith Saelth hands several glowing scales to Etilla, who looks at them with
awe in her eyes.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Zacc is suddenly surrounded by cobalt blue sparks.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm says, "Yes. Now, let the experiment begin."
Etilla Leihm begins to lay glowing scales about a mystic circle, positioning
each one over a glowing rune.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
pray to shakiniel
Offering prayers to Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope, you are suddenly
surrounded by cobalt blue sparks.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18575w lrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm places one final glowing scale on a mystic circle and steps back,
eyeing her work carefully.
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18572w lrx -Vote-
You have recovered equilibrium.
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18572w elrx -Vote-
'this should be good
You say, "This should be good."
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18572w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm says, "We must be careful. One syllable or a scale in the wrong
spot could destroy us all."
Etilla Leihm nods her head sagely.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18578w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth says, "Please be careful, Etilla."
Melpith Saelth looks at a mystic circle with worry and fear written on his face.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18578w elrx -Vote-
Zacc creates a sparkling cloud and then molds it until it appears like himself.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18578w elrx -Vote-
The Holy Supernals are open to your prayers.
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18575w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm nods cautiously at Melpith.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18581w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "It makes me wonder how Caffrey managed to
map the seas."
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18577w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm says, "Let us begin."
Etilla Leihm raises her hands over a mystic circle and claps them together three
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18591w elrx -Vote-
A mystic circle suddenly shudders and quakes before a brilliant light flares up
around it.
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18598w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Jendu says, "Heh, I wish I could somehow manage to avoid
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18598w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "We're going to die..."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18598w elrx -Vote-
clt7 dropping gold in the rooms
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "Dropping gold in the rooms."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "You get pushed by a current 3 times, and
where the hell are you."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm begins to weave her hands together in several arcane motions, and
the light intensifies as the nagabali roars in rage before disappearing in the
6610h, 2988m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18609w elrx -Vote-
'heh maybe
You say, "Heh maybe."
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18615w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Ah."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "Begin the chanting, Melpith!!"
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Clever."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth nods his head at Etilla.
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth starts chanting loudly, his words reverberating through the room.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18623w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "Do you see anything, Melpith? I can't see beyond that
blasted light!"
Etilla Leihm puts her hands up in front of her, unable to stand the blinding
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18629w elrx -Vote-
(The Dark Carnival): Lyco (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "God damn it drop a
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18629w elrx -Vote-
A sudden explosion rocks the caves, causing the floor to upheave beneath your
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18632w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "What's going on?! This shouldn't be happening!!
The cavern shudders immensely and tosses you about before an eerie silence falls
upon the room.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18643w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth ceases his loud chanting, watching a mystic circle with wild fear
in his eyes.
Melpith Saelth exclaims, "Etilla!! Its happening again!!"
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18654w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Oh no.."
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18654w elrx -Vote-
Another explosion rocks the caverns before a piercing silence causes the air to
become too quiet.
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18650w elrx -Vote-
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18656w elrx -Vote-
"Ummmm," you say uncertainly.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18656w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth blinks.
Melpith Saelth exclaims, "You have to run! Get out of here while you still can!"
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18656w elrx -Vote-
A mystic circle shudders one last time before the light that billows from it
weaves together, becoming alive with uncontrollable power.
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18652w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Except when people with acquisitio come to
hunt sharks."
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18658w elrx -Vote-
A powerful pillar of light causes the air before you to shudder and intensify
brilliantly, forcing you to shield your eyes. With a final pulse of power, the
light vanishes and leaves your head spinning for a few seconds more.
6610h, 3004m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18654w elrx -Vote-
A terrible roar resounds across the caverns.
You gasp in horror as your eyes regain focus. Where the pillar of light once
stood now remains a terrible monstrosity!
6610h, 3004m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18660w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "Run!!"
Etilla Leihm grabs Melpith by the arm and runs out of the room. As she leaves, a
stray page floats out from her notebook and drifts to the ground.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
Several of a gaseous cloier's smaller balloons rupture and explode. Choking and
hacking, you feel woozy as the toxic gas invades your lungs.
3019h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4328h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
Overlooking a trapeze of pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Baron
Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious airy crystal lyre in his left
hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his right. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
4328h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21224en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4658h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
5749h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Baron
Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious airy crystal lyre in his left
hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his right. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
5749h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21224en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
: Targeting: cloier
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
5881h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
squint se
Overlooking a trapeze of pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
gaseous cloier floats here, congealed in a balloon-like mass.
An arcane room of mirrors.
A mystic circle is embedded into the floor here, several strands of light racing
along its edges. A tattered notebook page densely covered with neat, blocky
script lies here.
You can see no further.
5881h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Eeps."
5881h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
'the hell?
You say, "The hell?"
6211h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "A cloier."
6211h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. High
overhead, gears the size of a small horse twist and grind against one another to
create a cacophony of sound. A few metal gears sip hazardously at a tilt, their
use almost coming to an end. Along the ground, vials and beakers of several
different sizes and colors sit displaced and forgotten as their remnants leak
out onto the floor. The smell of acid and metal sits strongly in the air,
causing it to be very difficult to breathe in the poisonous combination. There
are 2 wandering bards here. Baron Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious
airy crystal lyre in his left hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his
right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
6211h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
A large laboratory.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading north, northeast, and southwest (open door).
6211h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21224en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Should be able to cling broom to not get
blown around in the wind."
6343h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
squint ne
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Bending and looping pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You can see no further.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Aetherway creature."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Or broom should waterwalk."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
'should we kill it?
You say, "Should we kill it?"
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Bah."
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "We can't."
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "It needs made less useless somehow."
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
'I can probably
You say, "I can probably."
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
squint ne
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Bending and looping pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You can see no further.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
Before an enigmatic door.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading northeast (open door) and southwest.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p,
4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18599w elx -Vote-
You wildly swing an angelic battle hammer at a gaseous cloier. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
The blow continues into a gaseous cloier's body, causing a sickening cracking
and mashing sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment,
vanishing suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain a gaseous cloier.
A gaseous cloier's body begins to visibly quake as a pulse of uncontrollable
power swarms out from him and sweeps through the air.
A gaseous cloier's body explodes, a strange organ falling to the ground as the
only remnant of its prior existence.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a gaseous cloier.
3969h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
sip health
A sickening miasma rises from the ground as the Dread Lord of Contagion takes
form. He grabs the strange organ on the ground and lifts it over his head in
3969h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
The Dread Lord of Contagion chants a guttural string of wicked curses, which
wrack your body with spasms of agony.
3161h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4252h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
The Dread Lord of Contagion spears you through the arm with a bony protrusion,
causing a festering sickness to spread through your body.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w ex -Vote-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
swing cloier
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w erx -Vote-
You detect nothing here by that name.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w erx -Vote-
Intersection of rotting cocoons.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
plethora of cocoons line the walls and the floor, their embryos long hatched and
gone. Green slime drips from each of the cocoons, causing a stream of
gelatin-like fluids to mix along the uprooted bedrock that lies in disarray
along the ground. The ceiling overhead glows with other cocoons that have yet to
hatch, but as to what they hold is unclear. The smell of decaying flesh,
however, causes the air to hold an obnoxious fog that quivers along the walls
and the empty air. There are 2 wandering bards here. A monstrouse nagameth is
here, an unnatural and foreboding darkness clinging at the air about it.
Putrescent flesh dripping from his bones, the Dread Lord of Contagion stands
here within a foul miasma of sickening energy.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w erx -Vote-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w elrx -Vote-
g cloier
I see no "cloier" to take.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w elrx -Vote-
The Dread Lord of Contagion raises a putrid hand towards you, conjuring vile
plagues which bubble and boil under your skin.
3000h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21118en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
You see the Dread Lord of Contagion shout, "You fools have played nicely into my
hands! Now prepare for your destruction!"
3000h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21118en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
Amidst a sea of algae.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Baron
Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious airy crystal lyre in his left
hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his right. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself.
You see exits leading northeast and up.
3000h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21117en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
You bleed 65 health.
2935h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21117en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
2935h, 2419m, 4537e, 10p, 21117en, 18589w elrx -Vote-
Before a perilous chasm.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading north and down.
2935h, 2419m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18589w elrx -Vote-
The aura of numen fades away.
2935h, 2419m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18589w elrx -Vote-
2935h, 2359m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18577w elrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3265h, 2434m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18577w elrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4170h, 2415m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
A treacherous path.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading northeast and south.
4170h, 2415m, 4537e, 10p, 21115en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
You begin feeling slightly flushed.
4302h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21115en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
Alongside a wall of ancient writings.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading north, southwest, and west.
4302h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21114en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
pray to elohora
Offering prayers to Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, you are suddenly
surrounded by holy light.
CURED crotamine
4302h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18480w lrx -Vote-
You bleed 16 health.
4286h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18480w lrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4286h, 2457m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18477w lrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
5213h, 2457m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18477w lrx -Vote-
You have recovered equilibrium.
5213h, 2457m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18477w elrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
5213h, 2435m, 4537e, 10p, 21144en, 18479w elrx -Vote-
The Holy Supernals are open to your prayers.
5213h, 2435m, 4537e, 10p, 21144en, 18479w elrx -Vote-
ct oh what the balls,t he lord of contagion!?
(Celest): You say, "Oh what the balls,t he lord of contagion!?"
5213h, 2435m, 4537e, 10p, 21144en, 18479w elrx -Vote-
Notes on Project Touchstone:
Justifications for Current Research
Posterity is relentless in its judgments, and doubtless it will question
our actions with the harshness of hindsight. It is therefore the
responsibility of a scientist and a survivor to set down the course of
events and the justifications for what we did, and what we are still
doing. Thus I now scribe these notes as a preface to this research
notebook so that future generations may understand the logic of our
Our Balach Institute of Magic and Science, as everyone knows, is a
collection of the most renowned minds in the Empire. Early in his reign,
His Most Divine Grace, the Emperor Ladantine VII, sought to expand upon
the knowledge of planar physics, and who better to ask than our very own
mugwumpi researchers?
Theories about higher planes and the theoretical space between the
planes fascinated His Most Divine Grace. He wanted evidence for these
theories and funded many projects and experiments during his reign. This
was one of the first of such projects, contracted to our Institute, to
open the gateway to the space between planes. Eventually the hope was to
learn how to travel in this dimension and reach even higher planes. It
was called Project Touchstone.
Within these very caverns where we dwell now, the mugwumpi scientists
and mages, I among them, were able to prove that this alternate
dimension did exist: a vast space between the planes. However, it was
impossible to travel in this space. Creatures sent in died almost
After consulting the Illuminati of Gaudiguch, we began to experiment
with the magic of transformation. Several of my colleagues volunteered
to be test subjects and had their bodies adapted to withstand the forces
of the dimensional travel.
The first test subjects were sent through the gateway, but alas! None
returned alive. Though they were able to survive within the other
dimension, there were monstrous creatures there that were much more
dangerous than any of us had imagined. And worst of all, the gateway
attracted the attention of--
We grieved greatly, but such is the sacrifice for advancement in
The Emperor personally sent forth his Paladins as well as a full
contingent of the Ur'Guard to close down our project. Even so, the
Emperor considered Project Touchstone a great success, and I must agree.
It even spawned two more projects, which are described on pages four and
five of this notebook: One was called Project Soulforge, which was
overseen by the Institute and sought to exploit that which was
discovered here. The other was Project Outreach, a combined effort of
all magi to create living probes to further explore this new dimension.
A number of my colleagues remained after the closing of Project
Touchstone, intelligent mugwumps who had transformed themselves to
survive in the other dimension. They came back to these caves to reverse
the mutations they inflicted upon themselves, and I and some others came
as well to continue our own research.
I am not a lucidian that I can restrain the tinge of emotion when I
consider the fate of those colleagues of mine. When the Taint came with
Project Cosmic Hope, those who had changed themselves still had not yet
fully recovered, and the Taint swept through these caverns, as it did
all of the southern parts of the Basin.
You may have seen and heard that those touched by the Taint were
horribly mutated. Indeed, that is what happened here. However, these
colleagues of mine who were already mutated to survive in the other
dimensions were even more hideously changed than is normal of Taint.
Fortunately, Blolem Saelth and I, as well as a few others, were out on a
research expedition at the time, and thus we were spared the corruption.
As for the creatures who were once our poor colleagues, we have now
given them the name of naga, and they are breeding among themselves at
an astonishing rate. They appear akin to the orcs who are degenerated
from the orclach, a completely separate race altogether. What's more,
they retain the ability to survive in the space between planes.
Feelings aside, we who remain have concluded that this is a great
opportunity to continue research into what was discovered with Project
Touchstone. The naga were an unexpected silver lining despite the cost
of their advent, and I truly believe if we were able to breed to the
proper naga, we could send them out and successfully retrieve--
You see Etilla Leihm yell, "Melpith! I have the Golden One! I need those
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth walks quickly in from the northwest, nearly tripping over his
robes as he quickly moves to Etilla's side.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
put gold in pack
You put 579 gold sovereigns in a fesix backpack.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth says, "I've got the scales, Etilla."
Melpith Saelth hands several glowing scales to Etilla, who looks at them with
awe in her eyes.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Zacc is suddenly surrounded by cobalt blue sparks.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm says, "Yes. Now, let the experiment begin."
Etilla Leihm begins to lay glowing scales about a mystic circle, positioning
each one over a glowing rune.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
pray to shakiniel
Offering prayers to Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope, you are suddenly
surrounded by cobalt blue sparks.
6610h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18575w lrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm places one final glowing scale on a mystic circle and steps back,
eyeing her work carefully.
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18572w lrx -Vote-
You have recovered equilibrium.
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18572w elrx -Vote-
'this should be good
You say, "This should be good."
6610h, 2984m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18572w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm says, "We must be careful. One syllable or a scale in the wrong
spot could destroy us all."
Etilla Leihm nods her head sagely.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18578w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth says, "Please be careful, Etilla."
Melpith Saelth looks at a mystic circle with worry and fear written on his face.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18578w elrx -Vote-
Zacc creates a sparkling cloud and then molds it until it appears like himself.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18578w elrx -Vote-
The Holy Supernals are open to your prayers.
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18575w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm nods cautiously at Melpith.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18581w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "It makes me wonder how Caffrey managed to
map the seas."
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18577w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm says, "Let us begin."
Etilla Leihm raises her hands over a mystic circle and claps them together three
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18591w elrx -Vote-
A mystic circle suddenly shudders and quakes before a brilliant light flares up
around it.
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18598w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Jendu says, "Heh, I wish I could somehow manage to avoid
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18598w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "We're going to die..."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18598w elrx -Vote-
clt7 dropping gold in the rooms
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "Dropping gold in the rooms."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "You get pushed by a current 3 times, and
where the hell are you."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm begins to weave her hands together in several arcane motions, and
the light intensifies as the nagabali roars in rage before disappearing in the
6610h, 2988m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18609w elrx -Vote-
'heh maybe
You say, "Heh maybe."
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18615w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Ah."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "Begin the chanting, Melpith!!"
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Clever."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth nods his head at Etilla.
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18612w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth starts chanting loudly, his words reverberating through the room.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18623w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "Do you see anything, Melpith? I can't see beyond that
blasted light!"
Etilla Leihm puts her hands up in front of her, unable to stand the blinding
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18629w elrx -Vote-
(The Dark Carnival): Lyco (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "God damn it drop a
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18629w elrx -Vote-
A sudden explosion rocks the caves, causing the floor to upheave beneath your
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18632w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "What's going on?! This shouldn't be happening!!
The cavern shudders immensely and tosses you about before an eerie silence falls
upon the room.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18643w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth ceases his loud chanting, watching a mystic circle with wild fear
in his eyes.
Melpith Saelth exclaims, "Etilla!! Its happening again!!"
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18654w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Oh no.."
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18654w elrx -Vote-
Another explosion rocks the caverns before a piercing silence causes the air to
become too quiet.
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18650w elrx -Vote-
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18656w elrx -Vote-
"Ummmm," you say uncertainly.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18656w elrx -Vote-
Melpith Saelth blinks.
Melpith Saelth exclaims, "You have to run! Get out of here while you still can!"
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18656w elrx -Vote-
A mystic circle shudders one last time before the light that billows from it
weaves together, becoming alive with uncontrollable power.
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18652w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Except when people with acquisitio come to
hunt sharks."
6610h, 3002m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18658w elrx -Vote-
A powerful pillar of light causes the air before you to shudder and intensify
brilliantly, forcing you to shield your eyes. With a final pulse of power, the
light vanishes and leaves your head spinning for a few seconds more.
6610h, 3004m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18654w elrx -Vote-
A terrible roar resounds across the caverns.
You gasp in horror as your eyes regain focus. Where the pillar of light once
stood now remains a terrible monstrosity!
6610h, 3004m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18660w elrx -Vote-
Etilla Leihm exclaims, "Run!!"
Etilla Leihm grabs Melpith by the arm and runs out of the room. As she leaves, a
stray page floats out from her notebook and drifts to the ground.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
Several of a gaseous cloier's smaller balloons rupture and explode. Choking and
hacking, you feel woozy as the toxic gas invades your lungs.
3019h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4328h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
Overlooking a trapeze of pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Baron
Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious airy crystal lyre in his left
hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his right. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself.
You see exits leading north, southeast, west, and northwest.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
4328h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21224en, 18670w elrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4658h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
5749h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Baron
Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious airy crystal lyre in his left
hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his right. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
5749h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21224en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
: Targeting: cloier
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
5881h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
squint se
Overlooking a trapeze of pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
gaseous cloier floats here, congealed in a balloon-like mass.
An arcane room of mirrors.
A mystic circle is embedded into the floor here, several strands of light racing
along its edges. A tattered notebook page densely covered with neat, blocky
script lies here.
You can see no further.
5881h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Eeps."
5881h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
'the hell?
You say, "The hell?"
6211h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "A cloier."
6211h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. High
overhead, gears the size of a small horse twist and grind against one another to
create a cacophony of sound. A few metal gears sip hazardously at a tilt, their
use almost coming to an end. Along the ground, vials and beakers of several
different sizes and colors sit displaced and forgotten as their remnants leak
out onto the floor. The smell of acid and metal sits strongly in the air,
causing it to be very difficult to breathe in the poisonous combination. There
are 2 wandering bards here. Baron Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious
airy crystal lyre in his left hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his
right. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
6211h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18671w elrx -Vote-
A large laboratory.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading north, northeast, and southwest (open door).
6211h, 3003m, 4537e, 10p, 21224en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Should be able to cling broom to not get
blown around in the wind."
6343h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
squint ne
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Bending and looping pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You can see no further.
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Aetherway creature."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "Or broom should waterwalk."
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
'should we kill it?
You say, "Should we kill it?"
6610h, 3006m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "Bah."
6610h, 3024m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
Baron Zacc says, "We can't."
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
(Skeleton Hearth): Leiliadhe says, "It needs made less useless somehow."
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
'I can probably
You say, "I can probably."
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18675w elrx -Vote-
squint ne
A mammoth room of spinning gears.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Bending and looping pipes.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You can see no further.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p, 21225en, 18672w elrx -Vote-
Before an enigmatic door.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading northeast (open door) and southwest.
6610h, 3005m, 4537e, 10p,
4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18599w elx -Vote-
You wildly swing an angelic battle hammer at a gaseous cloier. With great force,
you pound him with a resounding crack.
The blow continues into a gaseous cloier's body, causing a sickening cracking
and mashing sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment,
vanishing suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain a gaseous cloier.
A gaseous cloier's body begins to visibly quake as a pulse of uncontrollable
power swarms out from him and sweeps through the air.
A gaseous cloier's body explodes, a strange organ falling to the ground as the
only remnant of its prior existence.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of a gaseous cloier.
3969h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
sip health
A sickening miasma rises from the ground as the Dread Lord of Contagion takes
form. He grabs the strange organ on the ground and lifts it over his head in
3969h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
The Dread Lord of Contagion chants a guttural string of wicked curses, which
wrack your body with spasms of agony.
3161h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4252h, 2500m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18599w ex -Vote-
The Dread Lord of Contagion spears you through the arm with a bony protrusion,
causing a festering sickness to spread through your body.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w ex -Vote-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
swing cloier
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w erx -Vote-
You detect nothing here by that name.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w erx -Vote-
Intersection of rotting cocoons.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A
plethora of cocoons line the walls and the floor, their embryos long hatched and
gone. Green slime drips from each of the cocoons, causing a stream of
gelatin-like fluids to mix along the uprooted bedrock that lies in disarray
along the ground. The ceiling overhead glows with other cocoons that have yet to
hatch, but as to what they hold is unclear. The smell of decaying flesh,
however, causes the air to hold an obnoxious fog that quivers along the walls
and the empty air. There are 2 wandering bards here. A monstrouse nagameth is
here, an unnatural and foreboding darkness clinging at the air about it.
Putrescent flesh dripping from his bones, the Dread Lord of Contagion stands
here within a foul miasma of sickening energy.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w erx -Vote-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w elrx -Vote-
g cloier
I see no "cloier" to take.
3590h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21108en, 18595w elrx -Vote-
The Dread Lord of Contagion raises a putrid hand towards you, conjuring vile
plagues which bubble and boil under your skin.
3000h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21118en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
You see the Dread Lord of Contagion shout, "You fools have played nicely into my
hands! Now prepare for your destruction!"
3000h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21118en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
Amidst a sea of algae.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Baron
Zacc is here, shrouded. He wields a harmonious airy crystal lyre in his left
hand and a winged star-crested greatshield in his right. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself.
You see exits leading northeast and up.
3000h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21117en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
You bleed 65 health.
2935h, 2479m, 4537e, 10p, 21117en, 18601w elrx -Vote-
2935h, 2419m, 4537e, 10p, 21117en, 18589w elrx -Vote-
Before a perilous chasm.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading north and down.
2935h, 2419m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18589w elrx -Vote-
The aura of numen fades away.
2935h, 2419m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18589w elrx -Vote-
2935h, 2359m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18577w elrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3265h, 2434m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18577w elrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4170h, 2415m, 4537e, 10p, 21116en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
A treacherous path.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading northeast and south.
4170h, 2415m, 4537e, 10p, 21115en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
You begin feeling slightly flushed.
4302h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21115en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
Alongside a wall of ancient writings.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
You see exits leading north, southwest, and west.
4302h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21114en, 18574w elrx -Vote-
pray to elohora
Offering prayers to Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, you are suddenly
surrounded by holy light.
CURED crotamine
4302h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18480w lrx -Vote-
You bleed 16 health.
4286h, 2475m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18480w lrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4286h, 2457m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18477w lrx -Vote-
sip health
You take a drink from a diamond vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
5213h, 2457m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18477w lrx -Vote-
You have recovered equilibrium.
5213h, 2457m, 4537e, 10p, 21134en, 18477w elrx -Vote-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
5213h, 2435m, 4537e, 10p, 21144en, 18479w elrx -Vote-
The Holy Supernals are open to your prayers.
5213h, 2435m, 4537e, 10p, 21144en, 18479w elrx -Vote-
ct oh what the balls,t he lord of contagion!?
(Celest): You say, "Oh what the balls,t he lord of contagion!?"
5213h, 2435m, 4537e, 10p, 21144en, 18479w elrx -Vote-
Unknown2007-12-30 08:47:01
Yeah I had been sitting in a manse the whole time and had no idea anything was happening. Suddenly ALL of Seren..at least 15 of them... walks into the aetherplex and Nejii is like FOLLOW. I was so confused.
Ilyarin2007-12-30 08:48:37
Ahhh! Now I know where I came in. Cool.
Thanks for posting!
Thanks for posting!

Shiri2007-12-30 08:50:12
QUOTE(Bianca @ Dec 30 2007, 08:47 AM) 471347
Yeah I had been sitting in a manse the whole time and had no idea anything was happening. Suddenly ALL of Seren..at least 15 of them... walks into the aetherplex and Nejii is like FOLLOW. I was so confused.
I did that specifically to see how you would react. Normally I'd just have gotten there, found a Gloom to tell, and then made them ask the rest of you. :>
Rika2007-12-30 08:54:04
QUOTE(Bianca @ Dec 30 2007, 09:47 PM) 471347
Yeah I had been sitting in a manse the whole time and had no idea anything was happening. Suddenly ALL of Seren..at least 15 of them... walks into the aetherplex and Nejii is like FOLLOW. I was so confused.
Psh, I tried to explain to you while I was deffing. Then Nejii came.
Daganev2007-12-30 09:04:22
is this recent?
I'm so lost on the whole lord of contagion story line.
I'm so lost on the whole lord of contagion story line.
Shiri2007-12-30 09:07:02
This is today.
And so am I, he keeps coming back. I thought we finally got rid of him last time. Awkward.
And so am I, he keeps coming back. I thought we finally got rid of him last time. Awkward.
Rika2007-12-30 09:11:30
But he didn't die last time. He was exploded, then his soul/spirit/incorporeal form went into the Seals to try to reach the Immanidivinus before he was stopped by Ayridion's Threshold Abyss. As far as I know, that was the last time we heard of him.
Think of it as liching.
Think of it as liching.

Gwylifar2007-12-30 14:11:49
QUOTE(rika @ Dec 30 2007, 04:11 AM) 471356
Think of it as liching. 

Nerf lich.
Unknown2007-12-30 15:19:33
Cool, I like the Dread Lord, he's awesome. Anyway, nice log, not sure how you managed to kill a cloier though 

Shiri2007-12-30 15:24:41
It was a cripple cloier (I got one too), not one of those massive basin-eating ones like we had before (which was supposed to be a young/larval one...) Maybe it's like where the poisonous caterpillars are way more lethal than the adult butterflies so they can survive into a form where it's easier to spread their offspring. 

Furien2007-12-30 15:26:36
I want that dropped letter sent to me IG, plz. 
(I said we should've killed them! I told you so!)

(I said we should've killed them! I told you so!)
Shiri2007-12-30 15:37:03
They'd just have respawned every so often until someone managed to finish it and the event progressed. There's no way we can take that stance on it IG, especially when you can't get a mob to respond to you.
Dysolis2007-12-30 16:51:06
Pilliar of light... that pillar looks very familiar.
Tervic2007-12-30 20:36:48
QUOTE(rika @ Dec 30 2007, 01:11 AM) 471356
But he didn't die last time. He was exploded, then his soul/spirit/incorporeal form went into the Seals to try to reach the Immanidivinus before he was stopped by Ayridion's Threshold Abyss. As far as I know, that was the last time we heard of him.
Think of it as liching.
Think of it as liching.

QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Dec 30 2007, 06:11 AM) 471378
Nerf lich.
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Dec 30 2007, 07:19 AM) 471385
Cool, I like the Dread Lord, he's awesome. Anyway, nice log, not sure how you managed to kill a cloier though 

Surge/Numen, plus it only did 3.3k to me without silly defenses (well, I had 10 DMP from benediction against poison, which is what it looked like). I don't think it was supposed to be quite that easy, but cloiers are the weakest aetherbeasties anyways. Btw, Shiri, the other one was a pyrinne, which is BIG AND FIREY AND EEEEEVIL, not a cloier, which is squishy and stinky.
Shamarah2007-12-30 23:13:13
Another Dread Lord plot? They really like him.
Ilyarin2007-12-31 00:00:02
He's fantastic! 

Xenthos2007-12-31 01:05:41
He's okay, but starting to get a bit overdone at this point. Seems like he's involved in everything, so it's always towards the "same end."
I'm hoping that this event ends up with him going away for good! Final triumph and all that.
I'm hoping that this event ends up with him going away for good! Final triumph and all that.
Estarra2007-12-31 01:47:44
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Dec 30 2007, 03:13 PM) 471496
Another Dread Lord plot? They really like him.
Another one or just a continuation of the same plot?
Just asking....

Lendren2007-12-31 02:32:03
What else will Lendren's granddaughter write a six-play series about in the year 220, if we don't have extended storylines now?