Acrune2008-01-19 04:38:31
Well, I, for one, am bored. As one who enjoys bashing for some reason, I'm finding Lusternia less enjoyable, since my bashing consists of astral, astral, and astral. I guess I could mix in a little UV in there, but eh. There just aren't many places. Now that astral is drained, I suspect that if it stays that way for long, I'll be brushing up on my Halo and GoW skills.
I hear a *lot* of complaints that there aren't enough places to bash, especially in the 50-70 range, but it seems to be a problem all around. I really don't see the big deal with adding in bashing areas that have no other purpose then bashing. I know Estarra is against that, but I'm interested in seeing the results of the poll anyway. I just don't see any reason why you can't put in a bashing area, make bashers happy (because everyone bashes at least a little, don't tell me that you don't unless you're level 2), and then add in quests and maybe story elements later. Also, as others have said, more bashing areas would likely equal more customers stick around to fill out all the half deserted guilds that we have. Since I imagine bashing-only areas are comparatively quick to make, it looks to me like its only positives without negatives.
I hear a *lot* of complaints that there aren't enough places to bash, especially in the 50-70 range, but it seems to be a problem all around. I really don't see the big deal with adding in bashing areas that have no other purpose then bashing. I know Estarra is against that, but I'm interested in seeing the results of the poll anyway. I just don't see any reason why you can't put in a bashing area, make bashers happy (because everyone bashes at least a little, don't tell me that you don't unless you're level 2), and then add in quests and maybe story elements later. Also, as others have said, more bashing areas would likely equal more customers stick around to fill out all the half deserted guilds that we have. Since I imagine bashing-only areas are comparatively quick to make, it looks to me like its only positives without negatives.
Tzekelkan2008-01-19 22:00:28
Personnally, I want the areas to have a background or at least some sort of significance, but the quests, albeit necessary, don't have to be added from the beginning. I mean, it wouldn't make that much sense that every single time a new area or whatever is discovered, they start asking you to help them with something. Though, dunno... maybe the admin just don't have time to add a new area and then put more features in it later...
And while I am interested in all those things (i.e. background, quests, bashing), I am mostly interested by the bashing.
What? I need to level!
And while I am interested in all those things (i.e. background, quests, bashing), I am mostly interested by the bashing.

Estarra2008-01-19 22:40:54
I am curious why the Undervault isn't a good place to bash. We spent a ton of time on it, it's around 1000 rooms large, has enormous amounts of critters in it, has tons of gold quests (easy ones too of just giving mobs that you bash there to another mob for gold), etc. It should be basher's heaven!
Xenthos2008-01-19 22:45:19
QUOTE(Estarra @ Jan 19 2008, 05:40 PM) 478450
I am curious why the Undervault isn't a good place to bash. We spent a ton of time on it, it's around 1000 rooms large, has enormous amounts of critters in it, has tons of gold quests (easy ones too of just giving mobs that you bash there to another mob for gold), etc. It should be basher's heaven!
High damage that doesn't really mesh with the DMP change / classes without DMP, especially adoraths. Kepherans are great, but the tunnels are pretty deadly to a lot of the crunchies who go down there with me (and who can survive the kepherans just fine).
Estarra2008-01-19 22:51:05
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jan 19 2008, 02:45 PM) 478451
High damage that doesn't really mesh with the DMP change / classes without DMP, especially adoraths. Kepherans are great, but the tunnels are pretty deadly to a lot of the crunchies who go down there with me (and who can survive the kepherans just fine).
So the critters in the tunnels are too hard? (There aren't *that* many adoraths and they're confined to one area.)
Xenthos2008-01-19 22:55:18
QUOTE(Estarra @ Jan 19 2008, 05:51 PM) 478452
So the critters in the tunnels are too hard? (There aren't *that* many adoraths and they're confined to one area.)
The adoraths are the hardest. Cavefishers can two-hit Druken-crunchies if they're lucky. Mantekarr's aren't all that shabby either. A cluster of two cave-fishers can dent me up pretty well, too (can't really fight them alone, though I am a bit squishier as a Shadowlord).
It's mostly the aggressive critters that are a bit too hard. Krakens are kind of strong, but they're not generally aggressive, so it's not an issue. You can choose whether or not to engage them, and if they DO go aggressive, they'll hit the group leader and not the softer guys following (like the tunnel-critters do).
Rika2008-01-19 22:57:53
I loved hunting in the Undervault tunnels. Got a good part of both titan and demigod from that place.
Estarra2008-01-19 22:58:11
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jan 19 2008, 02:55 PM) 478454
The adoraths are the hardest. Cavefishers can two-hit Druken-crunchies if they're lucky. Mantekarr's aren't all that shabby either. A cluster of two cave-fishers can dent me up pretty well, too (can't really fight them alone, though I am a bit squishier as a Shadowlord).
It's mostly the aggressive critters that are a bit too hard. Krakens are kind of strong, but they're not generally aggressive, so it's not an issue. You can choose whether or not to engage them, and if they DO go aggressive, they'll hit the group leader and not the softer guys following (like the tunnel-critters do).
It's mostly the aggressive critters that are a bit too hard. Krakens are kind of strong, but they're not generally aggressive, so it's not an issue. You can choose whether or not to engage them, and if they DO go aggressive, they'll hit the group leader and not the softer guys following (like the tunnel-critters do).
We can look at nerfing the undervault a little. (Thought you guys wanted a tough, high level bashing area!)
Rika2008-01-19 23:00:10
Noooooo! Don't nerf the UV. Though I don't hunt there anymore anyway.
Druken2008-01-19 23:00:43
Haha. Druken-crunchies?
I sort of agree, though- it seems as if the fishers have gotten stronger since the undervault was first released. Urazial and I could handle them just fine and I was around level 55. Maybe not, though! I could just be neglecting a def, or something.

I sort of agree, though- it seems as if the fishers have gotten stronger since the undervault was first released. Urazial and I could handle them just fine and I was around level 55. Maybe not, though! I could just be neglecting a def, or something.
Rika2008-01-19 23:02:43
QUOTE(Druken @ Jan 20 2008, 12:00 PM) 478461
Haha. Druken-crunchies?
I sort of agree, though- it seems as if the fishers have gotten stronger since the undervault was first released. Urazial and I could handle them just fine and I was around level 55. Maybe not, though! I could just be neglecting a def, or something.

I sort of agree, though- it seems as if the fishers have gotten stronger since the undervault was first released. Urazial and I could handle them just fine and I was around level 55. Maybe not, though! I could just be neglecting a def, or something.
Pre-DMP vs. old DMP?
Shamarah2008-01-19 23:03:27
Where is option #4 to question 3, "adding it to my IMap"? 
I don't know what Xenthos is talking about, I have very little DMP as a monk and the UV is great bashin' and is not particularly difficult apart from adoraths - so I just don't enter Illwater unless I really have to. (Having to run past adoraths to get to the prison is rather annoying though.)

I don't know what Xenthos is talking about, I have very little DMP as a monk and the UV is great bashin' and is not particularly difficult apart from adoraths - so I just don't enter Illwater unless I really have to. (Having to run past adoraths to get to the prison is rather annoying though.)
Rika2008-01-19 23:04:11
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jan 20 2008, 12:03 PM) 478466
Where is option #4 to question 3, "adding it to my IMap"? 
I don't know what Xenthos is talking about, I have very little DMP as a monk and the UV is great bashin' and is not particularly difficult apart from adoraths - so I just don't enter Illwater unless I really have to. (Having to run past adoraths to get to the prison is rather annoying though.)

I don't know what Xenthos is talking about, I have very little DMP as a monk and the UV is great bashin' and is not particularly difficult apart from adoraths - so I just don't enter Illwater unless I really have to. (Having to run past adoraths to get to the prison is rather annoying though.)
Trees work wonders.
Xenthos2008-01-19 23:04:15
QUOTE(Estarra @ Jan 19 2008, 05:58 PM) 478458
We can look at nerfing the undervault a little. (Thought you guys wanted a tough, high level bashing area!)
Well, the issue is that the Undervault is kind of panned two ways. The Kepherans are pretty much the best experience in the place, and they're good hunting in the 70's-100's range (see Visaeris and Thoros exterminating them). This isn't so much because they're the highest individually, but they cluster up and are all found in very centralized locations. They're easier than the aggressive stuff in the tunnels.
The tunnels, however, have more aggressive and harder-hitting creatures. They're also either 1) Spread out a lot, or 2) In large clusters, where they really sting. Further, they don't attack the group leader. They attack a random person in the group who is following. This is often NOT the person who is the most capable of tanking, since that person is usually the leader. This makes the tunnels a more challenging and less rewarding aspect for group and/or solo hunting, when compared to the Kepheran hives. With lower reward and higher risk comes less hunting.
I can't really speak about the Illithoid perspective, not having hunted them. I hear they're a bit stronger than the Kepherans, with their lifeleeching. The Kepherans, however, are amazing for hunting, and the health of the cave-critters isn't really an issue. It's more their damage, the fact that they are either clustered or really spread out, and that they don't target the group leader when they aggro. Even fixing that last one would be a pretty major "fix" to Undervault hunting.
Unknown2008-01-19 23:05:30
The thing is, while I do not want random areas full of random creatures to attack I would like it if not every area is so...populated. Something like Balach Swamp and the Inner Sea. I mean, must there be denizens and quests in every area? Why can't there be giant plains outside the Basin with dinosaurs and anacondas and other stuff to hunt alone?
Shamarah2008-01-19 23:05:34
QUOTE(rika @ Jan 19 2008, 06:04 PM) 478467
Trees work wonders.
I do use the trees, but not everyone has that ability.
Rika2008-01-19 23:06:29
I would never hunt illithoids for experience. Gold however, is amazing.
People who kill solely the corpse collector, meh. (I've seen people go in just to kill the collector and leave every other kephera in the room)
People who kill solely the corpse collector, meh. (I've seen people go in just to kill the collector and leave every other kephera in the room)
Shamarah2008-01-19 23:06:39
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jan 19 2008, 06:05 PM) 478469
The thing is, while I do not want random areas full of random creatures to attack I would like it if not every area is so...populated. Something like Balach Swamp and the Inner Sea. I mean, must there be denizens and quests in every area? Why can't there be giant plains outside the Basin with dinosaurs and anacondas and other stuff to hunt alone?
Rather a waste of development time... I'd much rather see an interesting area with lots of bashing/quests than a huge sprawling area where all the effort went into grinding out 500 descriptions for plains.
Unknown2008-01-19 23:08:54
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jan 19 2008, 11:06 PM) 478473
Rather a waste of development time... I'd much rather see an interesting area with lots of bashing/quests than a huge sprawling area where all the effort went into grinding out 500 descriptions for plains.
I had something similar to the Inner Sea in mind. I wouldn't want the Admins to spend so much time on 500 descriptions, when there's other far more important stuff doing.
Ildaudid2008-01-19 23:09:52
QUOTE(Estarra @ Jan 19 2008, 05:40 PM) 478450
I am curious why the Undervault isn't a good place to bash. We spent a ton of time on it, it's around 1000 rooms large, has enormous amounts of critters in it, has tons of gold quests (easy ones too of just giving mobs that you bash there to another mob for gold), etc. It should be basher's heaven!
There is no problem with UV, Xenthos is just a pansy faeling... even as a shadowlord (which I don't understand) as a faeling warrior I ended up with like 8000 health at 94 and had no problems in UV ever.
The only hard things are when 3+ adoraths or 5+ bone sharks end up in a room, or if you are trying to tank too many kepherans.
Now after DMP changes, I am sure it screwed with being able to bash there somewhat, but not enough that the whole area should be nerfed at all. I mean yeah I didn't notice much because I was a tracker and DMP barely fazed the skillset that had no defenses to begin with.