Veonira2008-02-08 20:37:54
This is what happens when you get the d'Murani family together and ask one of them to write you a ceremony in five minutes. This is from my own log but I edited out the emoting stuff, which is why some pronouns look a little odd. I edited out all of the House d'Murani clan banter too.
Amidst the silver-lit Peristylium.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. A clandestine retreat, the gardens are tucked beneath an overhanging portico high
above, its dome a nebulous ebon marble that is constantly reminiscent of the night's canopy. The intricate carvings
that wind the portico pillars are largely obscured by the climbing vines of silver roses that twine about them sinuously. Silvery
artemisia, effulgent white zinnia and tulips of dusk are lush in blossom, while here and there a spindly tree offers
succulent fruits and fragrances. Pathways of black marble weave amidst the garden, leading to a niche in the far northeastern
corner sunken with a deep, steaming bath. Circular and intimate, the bath is spacious and ringed with mosaic ledges
elaborate in design. Gold cruets and flasks of oils and scented salts are gathered on the bath's ledge, and gauzy curtains of ebony
are draped from the pillars to mask the gardens from the outside, providing a perpetually twilit ambiance within the
room. Hanging lanterns diffuse the grey smoke that curls from candles placed here and there, the gardens cast with a ghostly glow
that urges the silvery blossoms into lambency. An intricately-wrought iron bench sits here. A sigil in the shape of a
small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a night mare paws impatiently at the black clouds
that roil beneath her hooves. Ur'Myrmidon Thoros d'Murani, Justice of the Red Masque is here, shrouded. He wields an
aslaran tribal rapier in his left hand and a spider-hilted rapier in his right. Lord Deathchord Daedalion d'Murani, the Temporal
Cadence is here, shrouded. He wields the Ebony Mandolin of Mahalla in his left hand and a batwing shaped shield in his
right. Trooper Kriysa, Combat Trainee is here. Deathchord Veracruz d'Murani, The Glorious Requiem is here, shrouded. He wields a
ravenwood viola in his left hand and a wand of crystalized salt in his right. The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani
is here. Impresario Jael d'Murani is here, shrouded. He wields a violin of dark fates in his left hand. Melville, Earthen Attendant
is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand and a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in his right. Nocturness
Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion is here. She wields an elegantly carved ebonwood violin in her left hand and a magic tome in her
right. Deathguard Vathael d'Murani is here. Kanaya d'Murani, Siren's Lament is here. She wields a gruesome battle lyre in
her right hand. Seer Ashai d'Murani is here. He wields an athame dagger in his left hand and an iron shield in his right.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti is here. She wields a twisted staff in her left hand and a silver rimmed shield with
a roaring dragon emblem in her right. Ur'Tormentor Ceren is here. Xinemus d'Murani is here. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left
hand. Warlord Bhairan Feyranti, the Midnight Ur'Drake is here.
You see a single exit leading in (open door).
Veonira moves to stand at the head of the group.oting skills based on this."
You say, "Greetings and welcome. We have gathered here today to witness the wedding of Kanaya d'Murani and Ceren, the Ur'Tormentor. These two cogs of the great Engine of Magnagora have found one another, matching to work in perfect harmony to help their families and city progress."
Vathael moves over to block the in exit.
A wry smile spreads across Bhairan's face.
Vathael smirks.
You say, "Before we continue, I will now sanctify this ground we stand upon with Tainted earth from our Earth plane, that the Lords and Lady of the Stone Citadel themselves have blessed."
Veonira removes the cap from a glass bottle filled with clumps of dark earth and takes a handful of the muddy substance. She kneels at the feet of Ceren and Kanaya and sprinkles the dirt over and around their feet, then flicks the remaining dirt into their faces.
Veonira takes another handful of dirt and throws it over the gathered crowd, muttering intelligibly to herself before finally sprinkling dirt over her own head.
Ceren sniffles softly.
You say, "With the blessing of the Earthe we prepare for this union, and pray that it be as eternal as the shifting earth of the Mountains and as durable as the pocked boulder."
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion's jaw flickers faintly.
Veonira spits on her thumb and then digs it into the bottle. She proceeds to smear a circle on the forehead of Ceren, and then on the forehead of Kanaya.
You say, "With the blessing of Lord Morgfyre we prepare for this union, and pray that He help them to forever renew their vows that we observe today and to destroy any threats to their happiness. May they always hunger for one another as the Ouroboros hungers for its own tail."
Veonira raises the bottle over the heads of Ceren and Kanaya and turns it over, pouring dirt over their heads.
Thoros slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Veonira bows her head and remains silent for a moment, before opening her eyes and staring at the couple.
You say to Kanaya, "Do you, Kanaya, take Ceren to be your husband, and promise to love and to serve him for the remainder of your life?"
Kanaya d'Murani, Siren's Lament says, "I do."
You say to Ceren, "Do you, Ceren, take Kanaya to be your wife, and promise to love her and remain devoted, and to bring honour to
the d'Murani family?"
Dark astral currents flow together and congeal into a mass of tentacles.
A mass of tentacles slithers out to the in, ooze trailing behind it.
You stare implacably about yourself.
Jael peers about himself unscrupulously.
With a flourish, Vathael draws a coiling skeletal rapier from a blackened metal scabbard.
With a flourish, Vathael draws an unadorned darksteel rapier from a blackened metal scabbard.
With a flourish, Shikha draws an unadorned darksteel rapier from a shining silver scabbard.
With a flourish, Shikha draws an aslaran tribal rapier from a shining silver scabbard.
"Tentaclessss!" Celina hisses, sinuously waving her arms around.
Celina points her staff at Thoros and it swells, rapidly discharging a torrent of poisonous fumes and sharp rocks which engulf his
A mass of tentacles slithers in from the in, bringing an incredibly unpleasant stench with it.
A mass of tentacles sweeps across the room with a thick tentacle.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|HP: -564|stand
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|
Daedalion takes a drink from a moonstone vial.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-
Melville takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|
You bleed 44 health.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|HP: -44|
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Xinemus stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkbp<>-
(House d'Murani): Linaeve says, "What is it."
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkbp<>-|PRONED|On!|stand
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkbp<>-|PRONED|On!|
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Melville stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Shikha stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Vathael stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Shikha's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Shikha wildly jabs an unadorned darksteel rapier at a mass of tentacles. Shikha stabs him with a light puncture.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Shikha wildly jabs an aslaran tribal rapier at a mass of tentacles. Shikha stabs him with a light puncture.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|omg
In a swift, fluid motion, Veracruz springs up from his hands to land crouched on his feet.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Shikha takes a long drag off her pipe.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Veracruz takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|HP: +353|
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
"Ummmm," Celina says uncertainly.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
A mass of tentacles smacks Shikha with a thick tentacle, covering her in slime.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Spreading his arms wide, Veracruz spins clockwise and a shimmering white orb springs up around him.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Vathael wildly jabs a coiling skeletal rapier at a mass of tentacles. Vathael stabs him with a light puncture.
Vathael has scored a CRITICAL hit!
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Vathael wildly jabs an unadorned darksteel rapier at a mass of tentacles. Vathael stabs him with a light puncture.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
With a flourish, Thoros slips an aslaran tribal rapier into a wooden scabbard.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
With a flourish, Thoros slips a spider-hilted rapier into a wooden scabbard.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Drawing a spider-hilted rapier out of a wooden scabbard fluidly, Thoros thrusts it high above his head, saluting all around him
before slicing it back down through the air to a ready position.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Drawing an aslaran tribal rapier out of a wooden scabbard fluidly, Thoros thrusts it high above his head, saluting all around him
before slicing it back down through the air to a ready position.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Thoros stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Thoros's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Thoros swings a spider-hilted rapier at a mass of tentacles. Thoros cuts him, opening up deep lacerations.
Thoros has scored a CRITICAL hit!
The blade shears through a mass of tentacles's body, coming clean through the other side with a strangely quiet swish. He appears
momentarily surprised, before his eyes glaze over in death and he collapses to the ground.
A mass of tentacles has been slain by Thoros.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Thoros suddenly scoops up the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Thoros takes a long drag off his pipe.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Celina stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
(House d'Murani): Kanaya says, "Are you kidding me?!"
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You bleed 30 health.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|HP: -30|
Thoros picks up 207 gold sovereigns.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!
Thoros puts some gold sovereigns in a fesix backpack.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
(House d'Murani): You say, "Oh my god."
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Shikha has writhed free of her entanglement.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Vathael smirks.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti says, "..."
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Shikha.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion says, "For the love of Nil."
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Thoros.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Feyrll stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Feyrll raises her staff.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You bleed 22 health.
With a flourish, Shikha slips an unadorned darksteel rapier into a shining silver scabbard.
With a flourish, Shikha slips an aslaran tribal rapier into a shining silver scabbard.
(House d'Murani): Ashai says, "BEST WEDDING EVER."
Daedalion peers about himself unscrupulously.
Ur'Tormentor Ceren says, "Erm, yes, I do."
Jael stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Your eyelid flutters and your eyeball twitches in its socket.
Warlord Bhairan Feyranti, the Midnight Ur'Drake says, "The wedding is blessed."
A wry smile spreads across Bhairan's face.
Veracruz quickly ducks down.
Deathchord Veracruz d'Murani, The Glorious Requiem says, "Majorly."
Vathael quickly dusts himself off.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti says, "Kanaya, you are simply too beautiful. The tentacles have crossed Nil knows what
to try and stop you."
You say, "Yes, yes. The tentacles, this is clearly a strong omen."
With a flourish, Vathael slips an unadorned darksteel rapier into a blackened metal scabbard.
With a flourish, Vathael slips a coiling skeletal rapier into a blackened metal scabbard.
Veracruz nods his head enthusiastically.
You gag a bit as Shikha's stink wafts over you.
You say, "Silence, everyone."
Celina snaps her fingers and warm water showers down upon Shikha, who scrubs under her armpits trying to wash away that horrible
You say, "May I have the tentacles?"
Thoros's eyes gleam with generosity.
Thoros gives the corpse of a mass of tentacles to you.
You take an onyx throwing dagger from a backpack smeared with mud and dirt.
Veracruz smiles softly.
You begin to wield an onyx throwing dagger in your left hand.
Veonira takes an onyx dagger and cuts into the tentacles, carving out small chunks and tossing them to the dirt-covered ground.
Veonira drops the remaining tentacles and picks up the chunks, then proceeds to give everyone in the room a piece.
A wry smile spreads across Vathael's face.
You say, "The Gods have clearly given Their blessing to this wedding."
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion cradles her tentacle delicately between thumb and forefinger.
You say, "Let us consume the tentacles and solidify this union."
Veracruz covers his mouth and sneezes.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani sniffs a piece of slimy tentacle.
Trooper Kriysa, Combat Trainee pops the chunk eagerly into her mouth.
Kanaya blinks.
Ur'Tormentor Ceren says, "I think it's quite solid enough, but thank you."
Melville, Earthen Attendant stares at the tentacle cupped in his hand.
Veonira places the tentacle slice in her mouth and chews thoughtfully.
Deathchord Veracruz d'Murani, The Glorious Requiem passes his tentacle piece to Kriysa.
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion just as daintily places her tentacle onto her tongue and chews politely.
Ur'Myrmidon Thoros d'Murani, Justice of the Red Masque tosses the slimy, tentacle chunk into the air, catching it within his mouth
as it lands.
Kanaya d'Murani, Siren's Lament quickly shoves her piece into Ceren's mouth.
Veracruz smiles softly.
Kanaya hums a happy tune.
Ceren coughs softly.
Xinemus d'Murani lifts the tentacle chunk to his lips and bows his head. When he raises it, the piece is gone.
Impresario Jael d'Murani regards a piece of slimy tentacle with a raised brow before popping it in his mouth and swallowing
Melville, Earthen Attendant pops the tentacle in his mouth and gulps it down.
Geophyte Celina d'Murani holds the chunk to her sternal mouth. It quickly grabs the piece, swallowing it whole.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti's face remains impassive, even as her stomach chooses this precise moment to growl
hungrily and meaningfully.
Vathael smiles wryly at Feyrll.
Seer Ashai d'Murani drops his portion of tentacle to the ground in a gesture of feigned accident.
Narrowing her eyes slightly at Ceren, you say, "You may now kiss the bride."
You say, "May your loins be forever fruitful and bear me many great-great-grandchildren!"
Ceren narrows his eyes to thin slits.
Ceren kisses Kanaya passionately.
Bhairan utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Kanaya kisses Ceren passionately.
Vathael smiles softly.
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion says, "Yes, now go multiply!"
Geophyte Celina d'Murani says, "Let us hope your children aren't born with any tentacles."
Feyrll gives up a round of applause.
The corners of Kanaya's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Kriysa beams broadly.
Kriysa sniffles softly.
Deathguard Vathael d'Murani says, "Congratulations, you two."
(House d'Murani): Thoros says, "I can't believe the tentacle invaded the wedding."
Feyrll gives Kanaya a compassionate hug.
Linaeve gives Kanaya a peck on the cheek.
(House d'Murani): Thoros says, "Imagine if it was a tongue instead."
Melville claps his hands together merrily.
Amidst the silver-lit Peristylium.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. A clandestine retreat, the gardens are tucked beneath an overhanging portico high
above, its dome a nebulous ebon marble that is constantly reminiscent of the night's canopy. The intricate carvings
that wind the portico pillars are largely obscured by the climbing vines of silver roses that twine about them sinuously. Silvery
artemisia, effulgent white zinnia and tulips of dusk are lush in blossom, while here and there a spindly tree offers
succulent fruits and fragrances. Pathways of black marble weave amidst the garden, leading to a niche in the far northeastern
corner sunken with a deep, steaming bath. Circular and intimate, the bath is spacious and ringed with mosaic ledges
elaborate in design. Gold cruets and flasks of oils and scented salts are gathered on the bath's ledge, and gauzy curtains of ebony
are draped from the pillars to mask the gardens from the outside, providing a perpetually twilit ambiance within the
room. Hanging lanterns diffuse the grey smoke that curls from candles placed here and there, the gardens cast with a ghostly glow
that urges the silvery blossoms into lambency. An intricately-wrought iron bench sits here. A sigil in the shape of a
small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a night mare paws impatiently at the black clouds
that roil beneath her hooves. Ur'Myrmidon Thoros d'Murani, Justice of the Red Masque is here, shrouded. He wields an
aslaran tribal rapier in his left hand and a spider-hilted rapier in his right. Lord Deathchord Daedalion d'Murani, the Temporal
Cadence is here, shrouded. He wields the Ebony Mandolin of Mahalla in his left hand and a batwing shaped shield in his
right. Trooper Kriysa, Combat Trainee is here. Deathchord Veracruz d'Murani, The Glorious Requiem is here, shrouded. He wields a
ravenwood viola in his left hand and a wand of crystalized salt in his right. The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani
is here. Impresario Jael d'Murani is here, shrouded. He wields a violin of dark fates in his left hand. Melville, Earthen Attendant
is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand and a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in his right. Nocturness
Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion is here. She wields an elegantly carved ebonwood violin in her left hand and a magic tome in her
right. Deathguard Vathael d'Murani is here. Kanaya d'Murani, Siren's Lament is here. She wields a gruesome battle lyre in
her right hand. Seer Ashai d'Murani is here. He wields an athame dagger in his left hand and an iron shield in his right.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti is here. She wields a twisted staff in her left hand and a silver rimmed shield with
a roaring dragon emblem in her right. Ur'Tormentor Ceren is here. Xinemus d'Murani is here. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left
hand. Warlord Bhairan Feyranti, the Midnight Ur'Drake is here.
You see a single exit leading in (open door).
Veonira moves to stand at the head of the group.oting skills based on this."
You say, "Greetings and welcome. We have gathered here today to witness the wedding of Kanaya d'Murani and Ceren, the Ur'Tormentor. These two cogs of the great Engine of Magnagora have found one another, matching to work in perfect harmony to help their families and city progress."
Vathael moves over to block the in exit.
A wry smile spreads across Bhairan's face.
Vathael smirks.
You say, "Before we continue, I will now sanctify this ground we stand upon with Tainted earth from our Earth plane, that the Lords and Lady of the Stone Citadel themselves have blessed."
Veonira removes the cap from a glass bottle filled with clumps of dark earth and takes a handful of the muddy substance. She kneels at the feet of Ceren and Kanaya and sprinkles the dirt over and around their feet, then flicks the remaining dirt into their faces.
Veonira takes another handful of dirt and throws it over the gathered crowd, muttering intelligibly to herself before finally sprinkling dirt over her own head.
Ceren sniffles softly.
You say, "With the blessing of the Earthe we prepare for this union, and pray that it be as eternal as the shifting earth of the Mountains and as durable as the pocked boulder."
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion's jaw flickers faintly.
Veonira spits on her thumb and then digs it into the bottle. She proceeds to smear a circle on the forehead of Ceren, and then on the forehead of Kanaya.
You say, "With the blessing of Lord Morgfyre we prepare for this union, and pray that He help them to forever renew their vows that we observe today and to destroy any threats to their happiness. May they always hunger for one another as the Ouroboros hungers for its own tail."
Veonira raises the bottle over the heads of Ceren and Kanaya and turns it over, pouring dirt over their heads.
Thoros slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Veonira bows her head and remains silent for a moment, before opening her eyes and staring at the couple.
You say to Kanaya, "Do you, Kanaya, take Ceren to be your husband, and promise to love and to serve him for the remainder of your life?"
Kanaya d'Murani, Siren's Lament says, "I do."
You say to Ceren, "Do you, Ceren, take Kanaya to be your wife, and promise to love her and remain devoted, and to bring honour to
the d'Murani family?"
Dark astral currents flow together and congeal into a mass of tentacles.
A mass of tentacles slithers out to the in, ooze trailing behind it.
You stare implacably about yourself.
Jael peers about himself unscrupulously.
With a flourish, Vathael draws a coiling skeletal rapier from a blackened metal scabbard.
With a flourish, Vathael draws an unadorned darksteel rapier from a blackened metal scabbard.
With a flourish, Shikha draws an unadorned darksteel rapier from a shining silver scabbard.
With a flourish, Shikha draws an aslaran tribal rapier from a shining silver scabbard.
"Tentaclessss!" Celina hisses, sinuously waving her arms around.
Celina points her staff at Thoros and it swells, rapidly discharging a torrent of poisonous fumes and sharp rocks which engulf his
A mass of tentacles slithers in from the in, bringing an incredibly unpleasant stench with it.
A mass of tentacles sweeps across the room with a thick tentacle.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|HP: -564|stand
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|
Daedalion takes a drink from a moonstone vial.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-
Melville takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3672h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|
You bleed 44 health.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrkbp<>-|PRONED|off|HP: -44|
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Xinemus stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkbp<>-
(House d'Murani): Linaeve says, "What is it."
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkbp<>-|PRONED|On!|stand
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkbp<>-|PRONED|On!|
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Melville stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Shikha stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Vathael stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Shikha's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Shikha wildly jabs an unadorned darksteel rapier at a mass of tentacles. Shikha stabs him with a light puncture.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Shikha wildly jabs an aslaran tribal rapier at a mass of tentacles. Shikha stabs him with a light puncture.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|omg
In a swift, fluid motion, Veracruz springs up from his hands to land crouched on his feet.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Shikha takes a long drag off her pipe.
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
3628h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Veracruz takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|HP: +353|
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
"Ummmm," Celina says uncertainly.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
A mass of tentacles smacks Shikha with a thick tentacle, covering her in slime.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Spreading his arms wide, Veracruz spins clockwise and a shimmering white orb springs up around him.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Vathael wildly jabs a coiling skeletal rapier at a mass of tentacles. Vathael stabs him with a light puncture.
Vathael has scored a CRITICAL hit!
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Vathael wildly jabs an unadorned darksteel rapier at a mass of tentacles. Vathael stabs him with a light puncture.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
With a flourish, Thoros slips an aslaran tribal rapier into a wooden scabbard.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
With a flourish, Thoros slips a spider-hilted rapier into a wooden scabbard.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Drawing a spider-hilted rapier out of a wooden scabbard fluidly, Thoros thrusts it high above his head, saluting all around him
before slicing it back down through the air to a ready position.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Drawing an aslaran tribal rapier out of a wooden scabbard fluidly, Thoros thrusts it high above his head, saluting all around him
before slicing it back down through the air to a ready position.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Thoros stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Thoros's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Thoros swings a spider-hilted rapier at a mass of tentacles. Thoros cuts him, opening up deep lacerations.
Thoros has scored a CRITICAL hit!
The blade shears through a mass of tentacles's body, coming clean through the other side with a strangely quiet swish. He appears
momentarily surprised, before his eyes glaze over in death and he collapses to the ground.
A mass of tentacles has been slain by Thoros.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Thoros suddenly scoops up the corpse of a mass of tentacles.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Thoros takes a long drag off his pipe.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Celina stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
(House d'Murani): Kanaya says, "Are you kidding me?!"
3981h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You bleed 30 health.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|HP: -30|
Thoros picks up 207 gold sovereigns.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!
Thoros puts some gold sovereigns in a fesix backpack.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
(House d'Murani): You say, "Oh my god."
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Shikha has writhed free of her entanglement.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Vathael smirks.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti says, "..."
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Shikha.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion says, "For the love of Nil."
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Thoros.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Feyrll stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
Feyrll raises her staff.
3951h, 4974m, 3744e, 10p, 19260en, 19260w esSilrxkb<>-|FREE|On!|
You bleed 22 health.
With a flourish, Shikha slips an unadorned darksteel rapier into a shining silver scabbard.
With a flourish, Shikha slips an aslaran tribal rapier into a shining silver scabbard.
(House d'Murani): Ashai says, "BEST WEDDING EVER."
Daedalion peers about himself unscrupulously.
Ur'Tormentor Ceren says, "Erm, yes, I do."
Jael stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Your eyelid flutters and your eyeball twitches in its socket.
Warlord Bhairan Feyranti, the Midnight Ur'Drake says, "The wedding is blessed."
A wry smile spreads across Bhairan's face.
Veracruz quickly ducks down.
Deathchord Veracruz d'Murani, The Glorious Requiem says, "Majorly."
Vathael quickly dusts himself off.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti says, "Kanaya, you are simply too beautiful. The tentacles have crossed Nil knows what
to try and stop you."
You say, "Yes, yes. The tentacles, this is clearly a strong omen."
With a flourish, Vathael slips an unadorned darksteel rapier into a blackened metal scabbard.
With a flourish, Vathael slips a coiling skeletal rapier into a blackened metal scabbard.
Veracruz nods his head enthusiastically.
You gag a bit as Shikha's stink wafts over you.
You say, "Silence, everyone."
Celina snaps her fingers and warm water showers down upon Shikha, who scrubs under her armpits trying to wash away that horrible
You say, "May I have the tentacles?"
Thoros's eyes gleam with generosity.
Thoros gives the corpse of a mass of tentacles to you.
You take an onyx throwing dagger from a backpack smeared with mud and dirt.
Veracruz smiles softly.
You begin to wield an onyx throwing dagger in your left hand.
Veonira takes an onyx dagger and cuts into the tentacles, carving out small chunks and tossing them to the dirt-covered ground.
Veonira drops the remaining tentacles and picks up the chunks, then proceeds to give everyone in the room a piece.
A wry smile spreads across Vathael's face.
You say, "The Gods have clearly given Their blessing to this wedding."
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion cradles her tentacle delicately between thumb and forefinger.
You say, "Let us consume the tentacles and solidify this union."
Veracruz covers his mouth and sneezes.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani sniffs a piece of slimy tentacle.
Trooper Kriysa, Combat Trainee pops the chunk eagerly into her mouth.
Kanaya blinks.
Ur'Tormentor Ceren says, "I think it's quite solid enough, but thank you."
Melville, Earthen Attendant stares at the tentacle cupped in his hand.
Veonira places the tentacle slice in her mouth and chews thoughtfully.
Deathchord Veracruz d'Murani, The Glorious Requiem passes his tentacle piece to Kriysa.
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion just as daintily places her tentacle onto her tongue and chews politely.
Ur'Myrmidon Thoros d'Murani, Justice of the Red Masque tosses the slimy, tentacle chunk into the air, catching it within his mouth
as it lands.
Kanaya d'Murani, Siren's Lament quickly shoves her piece into Ceren's mouth.
Veracruz smiles softly.
Kanaya hums a happy tune.
Ceren coughs softly.
Xinemus d'Murani lifts the tentacle chunk to his lips and bows his head. When he raises it, the piece is gone.
Impresario Jael d'Murani regards a piece of slimy tentacle with a raised brow before popping it in his mouth and swallowing
Melville, Earthen Attendant pops the tentacle in his mouth and gulps it down.
Geophyte Celina d'Murani holds the chunk to her sternal mouth. It quickly grabs the piece, swallowing it whole.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti's face remains impassive, even as her stomach chooses this precise moment to growl
hungrily and meaningfully.
Vathael smiles wryly at Feyrll.
Seer Ashai d'Murani drops his portion of tentacle to the ground in a gesture of feigned accident.
Narrowing her eyes slightly at Ceren, you say, "You may now kiss the bride."
You say, "May your loins be forever fruitful and bear me many great-great-grandchildren!"
Ceren narrows his eyes to thin slits.
Ceren kisses Kanaya passionately.
Bhairan utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Kanaya kisses Ceren passionately.
Vathael smiles softly.
Nocturness Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen Scion says, "Yes, now go multiply!"
Geophyte Celina d'Murani says, "Let us hope your children aren't born with any tentacles."
Feyrll gives up a round of applause.
The corners of Kanaya's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Kriysa beams broadly.
Kriysa sniffles softly.
Deathguard Vathael d'Murani says, "Congratulations, you two."
(House d'Murani): Thoros says, "I can't believe the tentacle invaded the wedding."
Feyrll gives Kanaya a compassionate hug.
Linaeve gives Kanaya a peck on the cheek.
(House d'Murani): Thoros says, "Imagine if it was a tongue instead."
Melville claps his hands together merrily.
Unknown2008-02-08 20:48:28
I didn't know you had to do that on the fly. That makes it even more impressive.
Unknown2008-02-08 21:15:45
I meant to target tentacles and staff them..instead I did the tentacles emote and staffed Thoros. Odd.
Diamondais2008-02-09 04:53:37
Eatting the tentacles was a great touch. 
Very nice!

Very nice!
Ceren2008-02-11 22:44:34
Ceren loves Kanaya, but not the d'Murani. 

Tzekelkan2008-02-11 23:10:42
Oh, that was great! Simply great! 
I loved what everyone came up with (not) to eat the tentacles... oh, and Celina staffing Thoros since it was all his fault I'd wager!

I loved what everyone came up with (not) to eat the tentacles... oh, and Celina staffing Thoros since it was all his fault I'd wager!

Aramel2008-02-12 01:03:58

Ashai2008-02-12 13:35:05
QUOTE(Aramel @ Feb 11 2008, 06:03 PM) 485633

Oorrrr a Glom alt? *flutter*
Unknown2008-02-12 15:22:08
Awww, Kana loves Ceren too.
But, she wishes Ceren would give her some babies.

But, she wishes Ceren would give her some babies.