Minor Ideas

by Lysandus

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Lysandus2008-03-27 19:53:52
I dunno with others yet but can we have a few new commands under Kata?

KATA FORGET ALL - Forgets all your forms (excepted the memorized/saved forms)
KATA SAVE (form) - Flag this form saved, unable to be removed at all.
KATA UNSAVE (form) - Unflag this saved form, can now be removed.
KATA RENAME (form) - Rename the current form.

That's all for monks, I dunno what else can you guys think off, add them along, maybe perhaps 'sticky' it so that all minor ideas be placed here.
Unknown2008-03-27 21:38:20
Couple of small ideas:

If Wild nodes is not in play, WILDNODES STATUS would show the score from the most recent Wild nodes. This would be reset as soon as the next one began.

In elections and referendums, if you've voted, where it says (Already Voted) it would say (Already Voted: 3. then whatever option 3 is).

Something that would show your progress to your next City and Guild rank:
You have achieved 50% of City Rank 4. You need approximately 2 more cityfavors.
You have achieved 40% of Guild Rank 10. You need approximately 5 more guildfavors from someone who is GR11.

Just a couple that I can think of for right now.
Unknown2008-03-27 23:31:16
the same thing lysandus thought of, except for aliases

one character I have, has like 101 aliases, most ofwhich are repeats of others