Celina2008-03-30 04:25:46
I'm no Morvior so my rituals aren't anything special. I just thought I'd share it anyways. It's off the cuff and very loosely scripted.
You say, "Greetings Geomagi, and guests. We gather to welcome the newest childe that has embrace the Earthen bosom. For the Earthe has birthed him, it has nurtured him, and he now returns to the Earthe's embrace."
Celina bends down, plucking a rough stone from the floor of the cave.
You say to Veracruz, "We welcome you to our ranks with the words of the Ancient Geomagi."
Celina moves silently behind Veracruz, placing a firm hand on the top of his head. She leans in, her leaps near his ear.
You say, "That those who are named Geomancer do calle upon the power of Earth by reasoun of the terran carnality common to alle. As the fleshe is of earth, and the mind may order the flesh, so the earth is of fleshe, and the mind may order the earth."
Celina jabs the end of her staff into the back of Veracruz's knee, forcing him to kneel in the dirt.
Celina clenches the stone in her hand tightly, clenching her teeth as blood begins to trickle between her fingers.
You say, "The Mudde is of Earthe, as the Blud is of Fleshe, and thogh we maie tye oureselves to Earthe with Blud, so maie the Earthe be tyed to us also by Mudde. Therefore, oh practicants of Eartherne Magick, besmeare yourselves with Mudde that ye may be tied closer to it."
Celina grabs the hair of Veracruz roughly, jerking his head back so that he stares at the ceiling.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti's eyes briefly glow a menacing red, awakening the Earth to the gathered anticipation, and it rumbles and groans waiting.
Using his teeth to tear a hole in his arm, Krackenor wets the Earth with his own blood
Krackenor of the Shifting Sands smears himself with the resulting Mud.
Celina raises the stone above the head of Veracruz, the blood dropping from it's tip and splattering against his forehead. Slowly, she cuts a gash into his flesh before tossing the stone to the ground.
You say, "Tainte is in alle Earthe, and Tainte wille be called forthe to all thinges. It shalle be broughte to the skies and oceane deepes, and alle shal knowe it. Ande the trees shal be cutte downe and the ashe from their burninge shal cover the skye. Ande the seas shal be mad drye, and alle sea-borne thinges shall dye. Ande the starres shal be obscured, and the sunne shal shine reed with blud."
Celina grabs a handful of dirt, roughly smearing it into his fresh wound before releasing his head and taking a step back.
You say, "Ande the Geomancer shal rejoice, and he shal be praised and be firste amoung al mortalkin."
Apprentice Veracruz stands slowly as his eyes continue gazing at the ceiling, dirt rolling over his forehead and seeping into his eyes.
You say, "Serve well, childe of Earthe and Fleshe and so shall the Earthe serve you."
The earth's plates grind and screech out in its ancient language, trembling and adsorbing the dropped rock and pebble before falling silent in slumber once more.
Celina steps foreward and places a hand on each side of Veracruz's head. She leans in, placing a gentle kiss on his muddied wound.
You say to Veracruz, "Welcome to the Geomancers, my child."
You say, "Greetings Geomagi, and guests. We gather to welcome the newest childe that has embrace the Earthen bosom. For the Earthe has birthed him, it has nurtured him, and he now returns to the Earthe's embrace."
Celina bends down, plucking a rough stone from the floor of the cave.
You say to Veracruz, "We welcome you to our ranks with the words of the Ancient Geomagi."
Celina moves silently behind Veracruz, placing a firm hand on the top of his head. She leans in, her leaps near his ear.
You say, "That those who are named Geomancer do calle upon the power of Earth by reasoun of the terran carnality common to alle. As the fleshe is of earth, and the mind may order the flesh, so the earth is of fleshe, and the mind may order the earth."
Celina jabs the end of her staff into the back of Veracruz's knee, forcing him to kneel in the dirt.
Celina clenches the stone in her hand tightly, clenching her teeth as blood begins to trickle between her fingers.
You say, "The Mudde is of Earthe, as the Blud is of Fleshe, and thogh we maie tye oureselves to Earthe with Blud, so maie the Earthe be tyed to us also by Mudde. Therefore, oh practicants of Eartherne Magick, besmeare yourselves with Mudde that ye may be tied closer to it."
Celina grabs the hair of Veracruz roughly, jerking his head back so that he stares at the ceiling.
Administrator of the Earth, Feyrll Feyranti's eyes briefly glow a menacing red, awakening the Earth to the gathered anticipation, and it rumbles and groans waiting.
Using his teeth to tear a hole in his arm, Krackenor wets the Earth with his own blood
Krackenor of the Shifting Sands smears himself with the resulting Mud.
Celina raises the stone above the head of Veracruz, the blood dropping from it's tip and splattering against his forehead. Slowly, she cuts a gash into his flesh before tossing the stone to the ground.
You say, "Tainte is in alle Earthe, and Tainte wille be called forthe to all thinges. It shalle be broughte to the skies and oceane deepes, and alle shal knowe it. Ande the trees shal be cutte downe and the ashe from their burninge shal cover the skye. Ande the seas shal be mad drye, and alle sea-borne thinges shall dye. Ande the starres shal be obscured, and the sunne shal shine reed with blud."
Celina grabs a handful of dirt, roughly smearing it into his fresh wound before releasing his head and taking a step back.
You say, "Ande the Geomancer shal rejoice, and he shal be praised and be firste amoung al mortalkin."
Apprentice Veracruz stands slowly as his eyes continue gazing at the ceiling, dirt rolling over his forehead and seeping into his eyes.
You say, "Serve well, childe of Earthe and Fleshe and so shall the Earthe serve you."
The earth's plates grind and screech out in its ancient language, trembling and adsorbing the dropped rock and pebble before falling silent in slumber once more.
Celina steps foreward and places a hand on each side of Veracruz's head. She leans in, placing a gentle kiss on his muddied wound.
You say to Veracruz, "Welcome to the Geomancers, my child."
Unknown2008-03-30 04:38:46
Why did you add an e to words in a rather inconsistant matter? I mean, they dont mean anything different and it doesn't really make it sound that good since it's inconsistant, not trying to be mean and everything, but you should go one way or the other, not half-half.
Celina2008-03-30 04:40:56
QUOTE(tenqual @ Mar 29 2008, 11:38 PM) 497702
Why did you add an e to words in a rather inconsistant matter? I mean, they dont mean anything different and it doesn't really make it sound that good since it's inconsistant, not trying to be mean and everything, but you should go one way or the other, not half-half.
Some things are quotes from the Libellus Geomancie. Some are just me speaking. I only add e to Earthe and Fleshe when I speak. Well childe once..but that was a mistake :/
Unknown2008-03-30 04:51:00
If you were going to do that, i would have added in something such as, and "I qoute from the Libellus Geomancie, The Mudde is of Earthe, blahblahblah yadda yadda yadda." To make it look like your speech was separate from what you were using from the book, and it'd allow your speech to be differentiated from the book one.
Celina2008-03-30 05:05:45
QUOTE(tenqual @ Mar 29 2008, 11:51 PM) 497704
If you were going to do that, i would have added in something such as, and "I qoute from the Libellus Geomancie, The Mudde is of Earthe, blahblahblah yadda yadda yadda." To make it look like your speech was separate from what you were using from the book, and it'd allow your speech to be differentiated from the book one.
You say to Veracruz, "We welcome you to our ranks with the words of the Ancient Geomagi."
Unknown2008-03-31 01:44:44
QUOTE(tenqual @ Mar 29 2008, 11:51 PM) 497704
If you were going to do that, i would have added in something such as, and "I qoute from the Libellus Geomancie, The Mudde is of Earthe, blahblahblah yadda yadda yadda." To make it look like your speech was separate from what you were using from the book, and it'd allow your speech to be differentiated from the book one.
I thought it was quit awesome, never seen any of that in teh Aquamancers.

Munsia2008-03-31 03:26:27
I still disagree with the way they have done the book... the extra E's don't make it 'cute' or 'cool'. Just extremly annoying to read the book
Veonira2008-03-31 03:36:27
QUOTE(munsia @ Mar 30 2008, 11:26 PM) 497997
I still disagree with the way they have done the book... the extra E's don't make it 'cute' or 'cool'. Just extremly annoying to read the book
I think it's great, and it was written by Aiakon which alone makes it awesome. It gives it an authentic, old-school feel.
Anyways, very nice Celina!
Kaalak2008-03-31 03:38:20
QUOTE(munsia @ Mar 30 2008, 08:26 PM) 497997
I still disagree with the way they have done the book... the extra E's don't make it 'cute' or 'cool'. Just extremly annoying to read the book
... He seeketh every house and every place
where as he hopeth for to finde grace,
To lerne what thing women loven most.
But he ne coud arriven in no cost
Where as he mighte find in this mattere
Two creatures according with each other
Some saiden women loven best richesse;
Some said honour, some saide jolinesse,
Some rich array, some saiden lust abedde,
And ofte time to be widow and wedde,
Some saide that our hearte is most esed
Whan that we been y-flattered and y-plesed ...'
If you listen very closely, chaucer is rolling in his grave
Nice ritual Celina, reminds me of old Celestine rites!
Edit: Alright. Since people don't seem to have experience with the subject let me explain. Aiakon was an extremely well educated
British dude and he was trying to reproduce a Geomancer's grimore in the style of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales,
which was written in (if memory serves, could be wrong) middle english. A sample is reproduced above. At least this is my opinion
of his work.
Munsia2008-03-31 03:45:48
I failed english for 1 and what the hell is that from?
Kaalak2008-03-31 03:47:59
QUOTE(munsia @ Mar 30 2008, 08:45 PM) 498008
I failed english for 1 and what the hell is that from?
Apologies. I forget not everyone has the same familiarity with certain things.