Unknown2008-04-19 17:50:17
EDIT: Since Xenthos wants to be difficult, level 85. Non-Demigod!
Xenthos2008-04-19 17:51:07
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Apr 19 2008, 01:50 PM) 503827

At what level? 100, 80, etc.? Balance changes considerably once 99/100 are attained.
Unknown2008-04-19 20:08:31
Who is voting Shadowlord Faeling as best for pre-demigod?
Rika2008-04-19 20:18:22
I voted, mainly because of BC stun. You don't need high wounds to get the stun, so the lower strength isn't really a huge factor.
Hyrtakos2008-04-19 20:34:21
QUOTE(rika @ Apr 19 2008, 04:18 PM) 503837
I voted, mainly because of BC stun. You don't need high wounds to get the stun, so the lower strength isn't really a huge factor.
Forgetting the fact that stun length is determined by strength, right?
Unknown2008-04-19 20:37:17
Stun length is irrelevant when you can do it every 3 seconds (or less).
Kind of surprised Imperian Merian got so many votes O_o...would have thought Mugwump would get more.
Kind of surprised Imperian Merian got so many votes O_o...would have thought Mugwump would get more.
Ildaudid2008-04-19 20:38:35
BC Shadowlord Faeling Titan/Demi is strong but not before they reach that level
The strongest warrior race I would say is Elfen Lord or (95) Final Evolved Human Warrior
And a Demigod Aslaran is pretty good too as any warrior race... Shadowlord Faeling does top it when they titan/demi though. But until then.... Aslaran has it beat. IMO
The strongest warrior race I would say is Elfen Lord or (95) Final Evolved Human Warrior
And a Demigod Aslaran is pretty good too as any warrior race... Shadowlord Faeling does top it when they titan/demi though. But until then.... Aslaran has it beat. IMO
Xavius2008-04-19 21:32:08
Mugwump for guardian? Really? Eh. Better aslaran for speed, but when did guardian kills become all about speed? Unless you're pretending guardians and wiccans are the same, I'd never go mugwump for a guardian.
Unknown2008-04-19 21:39:02
Yeah, I think people are thinking "Narsrim" when they vote for mugwump guardian (which is annoying because he's a demigod). I voted Aslaran. I've -always- been a mugwump guardian and people always laughed at me for it, so O_o
Nihilists are all about speed...viable races imo are aslaran, mugwump, faeling or furrikin (if you're feeling crazy)
Celestines have a little bit more racial options thanks to sacraments, allowing them to be tankier races and pursue the ever so popular soulless/inquisition-style kills. Amaru was popular as a Lobo. Tauren was the cool thing for a bit too.
Can some of the people who voted for mugwump under guardian post their reasoning?
Nihilists are all about speed...viable races imo are aslaran, mugwump, faeling or furrikin (if you're feeling crazy)
Celestines have a little bit more racial options thanks to sacraments, allowing them to be tankier races and pursue the ever so popular soulless/inquisition-style kills. Amaru was popular as a Lobo. Tauren was the cool thing for a bit too.
Can some of the people who voted for mugwump under guardian post their reasoning?
Xenthos2008-04-19 21:39:31
QUOTE(Xavius @ Apr 19 2008, 05:32 PM) 503855
Mugwump for guardian? Really? Eh. Better aslaran for speed, but when did guardian kills become all about speed? Unless you're pretending guardians and wiccans are the same, I'd never go mugwump for a guardian.
Inquisition setup, fast shield destruction so they can't feasibly stop you that way... it's not that ineffective for a Celestine with a certain combat style. I'm guessing most people who voted that are doing so for that reason.
Rika2008-04-19 21:49:24
I read 'mage' as mage/druid and 'guardian' as guardian/wiccan
Unknown2008-04-19 22:30:10
Well I was gonna add druid/wiccan/bard/monk but apparently I couldn't add any more poll questions.
Well I was gonna add druid/wiccan/bard/monk but apparently I couldn't add any more poll questions.
Acrune2008-04-19 22:37:39
Merians make horrible celestines, its why I went human.
Ashai2008-04-19 22:59:55
This is kind of a weird poll. You should have had aquas and geos seperate, celestines and nihilists seperate, and specifically said that mages and guardians didn't include wiccans and druids, because they aren't at all the same race wise.
Xenthos2008-04-19 23:06:21
Seems like it'd be best to split it up into a few different threads/polls: One for each overall archetype.
Unknown2008-04-19 23:10:41
It would be neat if we could have a temporary sub forum somewhere, and then put a topic for each race in that forum, and maybe another set of topics regarding archtype comparisons? Maybe not let new topics be made in that forum, just responding to existing ones?
Right now these discussions are just sorta... splattered all over the place. I have questions and such on certain things, but there's no good place to ask them, and making new topics just makes things worse.
Right now these discussions are just sorta... splattered all over the place. I have questions and such on certain things, but there's no good place to ask them, and making new topics just makes things worse.
Unknown2008-04-19 23:14:05
Read guardian as "people with affliction ents and a mana kill" and mages as "people with a demense and a crudel/staff"
Unknown2008-04-19 23:16:46
I meant guardian as nihilist or celestine. I would have said guardian/wiccan or mage/druid if I meant to. Bleh, well at least the warrior one was accurate. Meh. This poll fails -__-
That would be nice. You do it!
Seems like it'd be best to split it up into a few different threads/polls: One for each overall archetype.
That would be nice. You do it!

Xenthos2008-04-19 23:18:29
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Apr 19 2008, 07:16 PM) 503872
I meant guardian as nihilist or celestine. I would have said guardian/wiccan or mage/druid if I meant to. Bleh, well at least the warrior one was accurate. Meh. This poll fails -__-
That would be nice. You do it!
That would be nice. You do it!

Hey, it's your idea, I just suggested an improvement. All yours!
Rika2008-04-19 23:25:17
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Apr 20 2008, 11:16 AM) 503872
Bleh, well at least the warrior one was accurate.
I think there would be a difference between specs. At least for BCs