Unknown2008-07-15 16:21:34
I don't know about the code involved, but could we please have it set up so you won't lose your powers untill you get enemied to your source, or join another organization rather then when you leave the city? It really kills a ton of RP, and I'm not seeing any RP wise reason for it.
Like for Celestialism/Nihilism. The power there comes from the Supernals/Demon Lords, right? So why is it all stuck to the pool? It's perfectly reasonable to have a wandering priest that's remaind faithful, and so still has the favor and abilities Celestialism/Nihilisim grant.
Sacraments/Necromancy I can understand, those are supposed to be linked to the pool/megalith as opposed to the Supernals/Lords.
Aquamancy/Geomancy....Lore-wise, weren't they established -before- the corrosponding nexuses(sp?) were built?
Guess what I'm asking for here is a bit more selectivity about how things are handled. It really hurts the RP when you want to do something, but you can't because you feel tethered to the city because of the (Nexus) feats.
Like for Celestialism/Nihilism. The power there comes from the Supernals/Demon Lords, right? So why is it all stuck to the pool? It's perfectly reasonable to have a wandering priest that's remaind faithful, and so still has the favor and abilities Celestialism/Nihilisim grant.
Sacraments/Necromancy I can understand, those are supposed to be linked to the pool/megalith as opposed to the Supernals/Lords.
Aquamancy/Geomancy....Lore-wise, weren't they established -before- the corrosponding nexuses(sp?) were built?
Guess what I'm asking for here is a bit more selectivity about how things are handled. It really hurts the RP when you want to do something, but you can't because you feel tethered to the city because of the (Nexus) feats.
Xenthos2008-07-15 18:41:56
It's specifically created that way, because the game is designed to discourage being a rogue. There doesn't seem to be any indication that's likely to change, and for the most part it makes sense for the game world.
Unknown2008-07-15 21:05:17
I suppose, but it really does kill the possibilites for roleplay. You're either a warrior or a monk if you want to go rogue, everybody else gets kinda screwed. A lot of the time we get stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to events, either you stay and tough it or you leave and kill both your gameplay and your RP.
Doman2008-07-16 02:10:18
The thing is, if you're not linked to the nexus, you're not linked to the energy of that place's philosophy. Sure, the supernals could love you, but you don't have the right energy to call down an angel.
Unknown2008-07-16 14:51:00
I suppose, but the way the help files are worded makes it seem less like you're calling one, and more that you're given one, which would not rely on the nexus.
And look at the Aquamancy feats. As I said earlier, Lore-wise, wasn't it supposed to have been discovered -before- the establishment of the Pool and Celest? It's all rather confusing to me as to how it's supposed to fit in.
The Holy Supernals of Celestia will grant you the companionship of a beatific cherub, who may be invested with two powers.
Your faith has not gone unnoticed by the Holy Supernals of Celestia. You will now be sent a divine deva as your divine companion.
Your bonds with the Holy Supernals of Celestia have reached a point where they will send you a seraphic angel as your divine companion.
The pledges too. They're feats, but they don't seem to look like the should be connected to the pool per-se.QUOTE
You are considered a Blessed One by the Holy Supernals of Celestia and may PLEDGE yourself to one of them.
And look at the Aquamancy feats. As I said earlier, Lore-wise, wasn't it supposed to have been discovered -before- the establishment of the Pool and Celest? It's all rather confusing to me as to how it's supposed to fit in.
Doman2008-07-16 14:56:55
i always thought the power came from calling for it and bringing it to you, which is why it was cheaper on celestia.
Edit: also, The plane still ties in the with the philosophy thing, but more so, just because they could manipulate the water doesn't mean they could do what we can do now with the power.
Edit: also, The plane still ties in the with the philosophy thing, but more so, just because they could manipulate the water doesn't mean they could do what we can do now with the power.
Shiri2008-07-16 14:57:16
Aquamancy as a general field may have been discovered before the Pool, which is why you can use stuff like hailstorm easily enough. Power feats are a more refined art that requires a connection to the pool to use.
Also, it doesn't really matter why it's like this from a flavour perspective, the main point is so you don't have too many rogues running around. I think monks and warriors actually need MORE of their stuff to be org-biased but I guess the problem doesn't come up all that much.
Also, it doesn't really matter why it's like this from a flavour perspective, the main point is so you don't have too many rogues running around. I think monks and warriors actually need MORE of their stuff to be org-biased but I guess the problem doesn't come up all that much.