Unknown2008-05-05 00:19:00
I was wondering, I'm an aslaran and thought it would be cool not to use a nekai but like my claws. Could i make a custom nekai by paying credits of course to get it so it doesn't say Krin wields -blah- but more like Krin's claws exposed or something?
Ildaudid2008-05-05 00:22:36
you can customize weapons for 50 cr. Just check help artifacts I think and there is a place you mail to customize it and such.
Unknown2008-05-05 00:26:10
Yea ild i know that but i was wondering if i could customize the room message where it says im holding it or whatever.
Rika2008-05-05 00:30:52
Emailing artifacts@lusternia.com would probably be better for this.