Unknown2008-05-04 00:58:15
I know all of the normal emotes, but what are the various racial emotes? Simple question.
Gwylifar2008-05-04 01:10:29
Here is a list of some of them.
Krackenor2008-05-04 02:05:25
Too bad nothing ever came of the Illithoid Worm.
Celina2008-05-04 02:55:54
QUOTE(Krackenor @ May 3 2008, 09:05 PM) 508668
Too bad nothing ever came of the Illithoid Worm.
Krackenor2008-05-04 11:42:49
Ashteru2008-05-04 11:52:46
I would love a command like SPECIALEMOTES that lists the special emotes you are entitled to by city, guild and race. Like
Your communeemote is: faiglom
Your guildemote is: ashteruisawesome
Your racemotes are: illshift, whatever else
Your communeemote is: faiglom
Your guildemote is: ashteruisawesome
Your racemotes are: illshift, whatever else
Gwylifar2008-05-04 13:24:45
It would probably be easier to just add a column to EMOTELIST which says if that line's emote comes from a particular source.
Ashteru2008-05-04 13:30:00
Works too, for me, I just want to know my special ones. 

Bashara2008-05-05 19:58:00
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 4 2008, 11:52 AM) 508763
I would love a command like SPECIALEMOTES that lists the special emotes you are entitled to by city, guild and race
Seconded. Motion approved. Stamped for immediate implementation.
Madara2008-05-05 20:15:16
They should really borrow the RACIALEMOTES command or whatever it is from Achaea >.> Though specialemotes would work too.
Arix2008-06-11 23:33:52
Could the WAG emote be altered for Loboshigaru, changed from "You wag your imaginary tail happily." to
"You wag your tail happily."?
"You wag your tail happily."?