Twilxo2008-05-12 09:49:12
You have emoted: Zvaka closes his eyes, and kneels.
You have emoted: Zvaka waits a second, then jerks suddenly, back arching. His
eyes open wide and he screams, long, and hard, the sound echoing though the
Ried tilts her head curiously.
You yell, "NO! K'lian'lom! Pain! K'liane Delmoir!"
You yell, "K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim!"
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses to the floor, quivvering, talking rapidly in a
strained voice.
You say, "K'ian Doim, pain, power, darkened land, bond strain, help, need help."
You shiver violently.
You say, "Pain, death, Shadowed Queen, need bond. K'liane Delmoir!"
Ried tilts her head and listens intently to you.
You have emoted: Zvaka arches his back and screams again, the sound causing a
few crows to take flight.
You yell, "K'liane Delmoir! Shadowed Queen! Help! Pain! Death!"
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks, and you hear a loud crack coming from his back,
speaking suddenly clearly.
You say, "Need help.. Shadowed Queen... get her... need help."
Ried blinks.
You say, "Pain... bond....break... K'ian Doim power... need anchor.. help... get
You say, "K'liane Delmoir's Chosen... find... help... please."
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says to you, "I'm afraid I don't
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says to you, "If you mean Mother Night, she
is here."
You say, " be made...."
Darthen arrives following Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide.
The restless fluttering of feathered wings and the laughing caw of a crow peal
through the forest's treetops as shadows seep up from beneath the Master
Ravenwood Tree's large roots. Rising up to take a vaguely humanoid form, the
viscous shadows recede and retreat back beneath the ground, leaving Valonah in
their wake.
Ried raises an eyebrow at you.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "Alrighty then."
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks, screaming agonizingly.
Ried blinks incredulously at you.
You yell, "K'liane Delmoir! Shadowed Queen! Help! Pain! Death!"
Zinnaella blinks incredulously at you.
Darthen peers about himself unscrupulously.
Darthen leaves, following Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide.
Valonah leaves to the north.
You say, "Need... Chosen of Night... Shadowed Queen.. Please!"
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock asks you, "Are you talking about a
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks again, his back arching, and fists clenching.
Leiliadhe arrives from the down.
You say, "Dancer of Shadows..yes."
You say, "Need Shadowed Queen."
Leiliadhe ponders the situation.
Ried gives a pained sigh.
You say, "Pain... bond....break... K'ian Doim power... need anchor.. help... get
You say, "Need... Chosen of Night... Shadowed Queen.. Please!"
You have emoted: Zvaka arches his back and screams again, the sound causing a
few crows to take flight.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock asks Leiliadhe, "Will you help?"
Leiliadhe nods her head emphatically.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "I really don't know what to do."
Leiliadhe gazes into a glittering tierstone.
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks suddenly, back arching. His eyes open wide and he
screams, long, and hard, the sound echoing though the woods.
Leiliadhe gazes into a glittering tierstone.
Leiliadhe gazes into a glittering tierstone.
Leiliadhe leaves to the north.
You say, "Chosen of Night! Need help! Queen of Shadows, Need her!"
You cry aloud and tear at your hair.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says to you, "A Shadowdancer said she'd help
you. Where she went, I do not know, but hold on."
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses to the ground, twitching, grunting, muttering
"Night's Chosen... need walker of Ethereal... pain... bond breaking, pain...
Ried gives a pained sigh.
Darthen arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Valonah arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Leiliadhe arrives from the north.
Leiliadhe places her hands on the Master Ravenwood Tree and disappears in a
fountain of pulsating energy.
Valonah leaves, following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Darthen leaves, following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
(Glomdoring): Ried says, "If there are any willing Shadowdancers awake at this
time, one of our young crows needs... aid."
You yell, "K'liane Delmoir! Shadowed Queen! Help! Pain! Bond Broken, must be
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says to you, "What's going on?"
Ried shakes her head.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "He's been like this for a while."
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "All he had to do was accept the Crow
You yell, "K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim!"
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "Did he not..or what happened?"
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "I know not. I know -nothing-."
You say, "K'ian Doim's power.... make bond demand more... bond broken....
pain...need bond healed..."
~Here, Astraea arrives on the scene~
Astraea purses her lips, deep in thought.
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and retains an eerie stillness to her form.
Her golden blonde hair falls down in rivulets upon her body, cascading to the
very soles of her feet while her pale red eyes glimmer with an inner light as
they gaze guardedly out at her surroundings. Her lips are thinned and eternally
pursed, while her nose twitches as if to scent the air. Lithe elfen-like ears
can be seen peaking through the wisps of her hair, a reminder of her origins
even as her skin swirls with colours ranging from deep black and blue, to a pale
colour the shade of dying light. A small area around her eyes is a pristinely
creamy colour, a last remnant of her elfen lineage. Ethereally sheer wings
flutter upon her back, though they've taken on a somewhat bat-like shape and a
furred obsidian tail flares out from behind her, flourishing through the air
with a life of its own. Lengthy arms connect to slender hands which are adorned
with long and deadly looking nails that gleam menacingly even in the shadows
that scintillate about the entirety of her being. She is wearing a purple
jeweled flower brooch, an onyx ring of black roses, a ring of thorns, a delicate
necklace of silver webs, delicate white satin slippers, an etched amethyst ring,
a black silk feather pack, an elegant slaugh choker, a grim bracelet of dancing
redcaps, a bracelet depicting a barghest, the Crown of the Conquering Darkness,
and deep black robes covered in silver spiderwebs.
Darthen arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Valonah arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
The Master Ravenwood Tree suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Leiliadhe
steps through.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "What seems to be the problem, here?"
Ried shrugs helplessly.
Valonah curtseys respectfully before Astraea.
Valonah gives Astraea a compassionate hug.
You say, "Night Chosen... PaiN!... bond broken.. break pain..."
Astraea flashes Valonah a joyous smile.
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks suddenly, back arching. His eyes open wide and he
screams, long, and hard, the sound echoing though the woods.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "What the Nil?"
Valonah gives you the once over.
You say, "K'ian Doim's power.... make bond demand more... bond broken....
pain...need bond healed..."
Astraea, Devout of Night looks surprised for but a moment, before schooling her
features carefully.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "He was going to accept Crow as his
totem specialization, if I'm right."
Zinnaella nods her head emphatically.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "What happened?"
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "I don't know what it is. He asked for
someone to be with him, so I humoured him."
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "Then."
Zinnaella nods her head emphatically.
Astraea purses her lips, deep in thought as she contemplates you.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "And then he just... started
You say, "Need... land...darkness....heal bond...."
Ried shrugs helplessly.
You say, ""
Zinnaella ponders the situation.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says to Ried, "Of all times not to
have Eye, or my D'iom or anyone around."
You have emoted: Zvaka turns slightly, the stone in his hair revealed, glowing
bright red, muttering "Shadowed Queen.. heal bond... please!"
Astraea, Devout of Night looks contemplatively at you for a moment, before
reaching a small hand out to touch your brow tentatively.
Astraea, Devout of Night says to you, "Follow close behind me, little druid."
Valonah lays a hand on your forehead, and your body tingles with a healing
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks at Astraea's touch, and calms a little, still
muttering, but not jerking as much.
You have emoted: Zvaka stands, shakilly, twitching every so often, still
You begin to follow Astraea.
You say, ""
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I think I can manage our little druid friend
from here, thank you. Thank you for watching over him for me."
Astraea inclines her head politely to those around her.
Astraea places her hands on the Master Ravenwood Tree and disappears in a
fountain of pulsating energy.
You follow Astraea, Devout of Night ether to the resonating centre of
Glomdoring's black heart.
We start moving here, towards a place deep in ethereal glom
Astraea tilts her head curiously.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I thought you were lost to me, Zvaka. Lost to
the Glomdoring. To Mother Night."
You have emoted: Zvaka visibly relaxes walking though the plane, as dark shadows
seem to suddenly flock to him.
With a bemused look upon her face, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Do you
remember who you are, Zvaka? What you are?"
You say, "Shadowed Queen... bond... faint... pain."
Astraea's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
And we arrive
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "All in its due time, Zvaka. Pain is the
harbinger of strength, and you would do well to gain from it."
Astraea begins to wield an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and sapphire in
her right hand.
Astraea, Devout of Night slashes at you with her dagger, drawing blood from the
shallow cuts she makes upon your face.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You bleed such a pretty color, Zvaka. Your blood
nourishes the Wyrd that brought you forth. Isn't that nice?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I do believe I shall call the Night Coven to
With a slow smile, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "To solidify the Wyrd's hold
upon you. Of course. And perhaps a bit of Mother Night's own tenebrous grasp, as
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks and falls to his knees, his wings starting to
shrivel, withering away, and you notice blackness starting to seep into his
hair, as if the blood Astraea drew was being absorbed into it.
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches as the withered remains of his wings split,
forming a elongated, bony hand. White skin starts to expand between the links,
forming large batlike wings, though the skin is white.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Not so fast, shadowbound druid. You heal too
quickly, and the coven is not yet prepared to bind you as we wish you to be
Astraea, Devout of Night stabs the dagger into your shoulder, plunging it deep
before she removes it just as swiftly.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles and says, "Bleed yet a little more, my dear."
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses back, the blood running down his chest.
Leiliadhe tilts her head curiously.
Leiliadhe performs a graceful curtsey.
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles broadly and says, "Princess."
Astraea curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will says, "Pardon. I was engaged in
perilous combat with a morbidly-tainted grub."
Astraea nods her head at Leiliadhe.
You hear a rustling and turn to see Valonah emerging from the undergrowth.
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Valonah performs a graceful curtsey.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Hello, what is going on?"
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches on the ground, blood dripping onto the ground
slowly, as faint black lines start to appear on his wings.
"Awwwww!" Valonah says to you.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Valonah, Princess. I would like to introduce you
to a curious little creature. His name is Zvaka, and he is slave to Mother
Night's whim. Subservient to Crow's caw."
Leiliadhe ponders the situation.
"Ooohhhhhhhhhh," says Valonah.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says to Astraea, "What shall we do
to help him?"
You mutter, "K'ian D.... K'li.....m, K'l...e Delmo..."
Astraea, Devout of Night pats you on the head absentmindedly, rolling her
fingers lazily within the mingling sweat and blood.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You see, Zvaka's origin is a strange one."
You mutter, "B......still need"
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses, and his eyes close as he looses consiousness.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Indeed it must be."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Be silent while your story is told, my small
Valonah tilts her head and listens intently to Astraea.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I found him within the Ethereal many years ago.
But a babe. It was surprising to me that he yet lived. The savagery of the Wyrd
does not suffer mewling children."
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches in his unconsious state, a few shadows crawling
towards his wounds.
Astraea, Devout of Night sneers softly and lifts a dainty hand towards you,
flicking her finger towards the shadows congealing about you and dispelling
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I thought this a portent or power, or at the
very least, potential, and so I brought him into the care of the Daughters of
Night, and bound him with what power I had, and what abilities the Daughters of
Night had. But I was alone, and this was before I was to gain the knowledge and
secrets of the regency."
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles and says, "I thought it prudent to keep him
close at hand however, he seemed as if he'd come into some power in the future,
and you must never throw power away, for it may come back to treat you just as
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Very wise of your my
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Unfortunately for us."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "He managed to slip away, somehow."
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide bows her head sadly.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I am not quite sure how that came to pass, as I
believed the prowess of the Daughters of Mother Night to be above such petty
failures, but there is always the chance they were indisposed with intruders."
Valonah consumes a frosted honey cake leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Regardless of how, I had indeed thought him
lost, and it was not until now that I realized the repercussions of the bond
forged between Zvaka and the wyrden nightfae, and by extension, Glomdoring
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It seems that even now, in tatters and all but
faded, the binding draws him back, like a curious moth--precariously close to
the alluring flame."
1488h, 2136m, 2244e, 10p ex-
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It also appears as if his own mind manifests
this through physical pain--A mystifying side effect, but one that appears to
have served its purpose."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I asked you here, Princess, Valonah, because it
falls to us to reforge the bindings that keep Zvaka tethered here so intimately
to us, and to Exalted Night and Brother Crow."
Leiliadhe nods her head emphatically.
Valonah nods her head in agreement.
You have emoted: Zvaka moves, and seems to awaken, eyes opening slightly, though
it would appear he is far from lucid, muttering odd words in the Fae toungue,
making no sense.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Fate has found Zvaka a druid, and that is well,
he shall serve the Glomdoring as his destiny sees fit--But let us remind his
blood, his soul, of the power of wrathful Mother Night. How the shadows should
be feared as much as admired. Let us impart to him the touch of the Night Coven
and our fae allies."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Let us remind Zvaka that we shall not tolerate
another departure."
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "If you would, Valonah. Perhaps you could release
more shadows into the area?"
Valonah drops a shadow cauldron.
Dipping her hand into a shadow cauldron, Valonah pulls out a long shadow and
releases it into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
Astraea nods her head emphatically.
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches as the shadow immediatly makes for him,
slithering up his torso to the deep wound in his shoulder, it starting to heal
slowly. One of them also makes for his ear, but seems warded away by somthing.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "We must be quick now. Zvaka seems to grow
heartier amidst the shadows that his form has grown so accustomed to."
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Dark Mother Night, eclipser of Moon and spurner
of Sun. It is to You that we evoke this power in your servant. To You that we
The sound of wings flapping heralds a screeching murder of crows flying
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Princess, if you could touch the shadows around
Zvaka, I think it would be best if we make them less soothing, and perhaps a bit
more invasive."
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks and his eyes open wide, as the shadows that where
healing him suddenly seem to jump, wrapping around his wrists, ankles and neck.
With a cold smile, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It would be...prudent to make
Zvaka remember his folly, even as he is healed of it."
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will thrusts her hands forward into
the shadows. Bending her fingers into claws, she grits her teeth with mental
exertion as the shadows begin to churn like black waters in the air.
Astraea, Devout of Night emits a terrible laugh, a mere husk of Mother Night's
cruelty as she plunges her hand into the churning shadows and grips them
viciously. With a guttural moan, she molds her hand into the shape of a spear's
head, before moving as if to plunge it into you.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Valonah, if you could, say aloud the Liturgy of
Shadow to the Hound, our dear Gwyllgi."
You have emoted: Zvaka screams as the shadows tighten around him, squeezing at
his neck. The ones at his wrists and ankles tighten, affixing themselves to the
ground, preventing his movement. The shadows in Astraea's hand leap, piercing
him right above the heart, but not puncturing anything, leaving a darkening
where it entered. The spindles on black on his wings start to spread rapidly,
covering his wings like a spiders web.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I believe words curry as much weight as actions,
in this moment."
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Of course."
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide starts to chant a Liturgy.. The
howling within the shadows, marks those who hunt the Night.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide continues "In stealth the
shadowbound walk, yet ever they turn the illuminated aside. So the Third of the
Triad of Night is Marked, by silent descent.'
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea nods her head at Valonah.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Princess. Share with our lovely one the wisdom
of another of our liturgies."
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will recites, "'Fear is but the web
in which the spider sits. My fear is the web, and I the spider. There is no fear
but that which I use to ensnare.'"
Valonah flashes Leiliadhe a joyous smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night chants, "Mother Night, embrace my soul in shards of
darkness, as I receive Your sweet kiss, deep inside my mind."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Now, ladies, one last thing to make the bond
we've created solid and unbreaking."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I will take from Zvaka, his shadow, and I wish
for you to surge the shadows about it. Focus your minds on the surrounding
shadows and drown his shadow in their writhing masses. For nothing matters but
Glomdoring. Nothing matters but Mother Night. Nothing matters but Brother Crow.
Glory to them all. Let us sacrifice Zvaka's individuality, and create him anew
amidst wyrden flame."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Once I steal the shadow, blot it out, Valonah,
Astraea, Devout of Night asks, "Aye?"
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "How so my Queen?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Simply push the shadows to do your bidding.
Mother Night will guide you. Simply use your emotions, as you did when you spoke
the liturgy."
Valonah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It is now that I steal his shadow, for truly, as
we all do, it belongs to Mother Night and Crow, to Wyrden Glomdoring!"
Astraea thrusts an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and sapphire into the
ground near you, then as she withdraws her weapon from the ground, your shadow
comes with it.
Astraea drops the shadow of Zvaka.
Dipping her hand into a shadow cauldron, Leiliadhe pulls out a long shadow and
releases it into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will bows her head and concentrates
intensely, holding forth one hand. The charm on her bracelet tinkles as her
wrist shakes with effort, the shadows looming forward to engulf the tiny image
of Zvaka.
Astraea nods her head at Leiliadhe.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Yes, Princess, wonderful! Valonah, now, follow
the Princess' lead and force Zvaka's shadow to succumb to Night's will!"
1488h, 2136m, 2244e, 10p ex-
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks as the shadows tighten around him, his eyes glowing
red slightly.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide quickly takes her hand and drowns
out the shadows focusing her energies and mind to lead Zvaka's shadow to succumb
to Nights Will.
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches as the shadows tighen again, a thin trail of
smoke coming from his wrists, ankles and neck.
Astraea, Devout of Night nods quickly and confidently, allowing the shadows to
simmer for a moment before she tilts her head. The shadows flush from the
surroundings, to writhe eerily in the corners of the area. With a slow movement,
she raises her hand almost tenderly to cup your cheek. Astraea allows her hand
to linger for a moment before she lowers it to rest by her side, her eyes intent
upon you.
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks one final time and the shadows at his neck, wrists
and ankles seem to be absorbed into his skin, leaving black spindly lines like
spider webs, jarring against his alabaster skin. As Astraea touches his face, he
slowly shakes his head, opens his eyes, and looks around, confused.
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
New Description!!
You will now be described as "very small, only about a foot in height, but
incredibly lithe and thin. His hair is raven black and soft, as if made from
strings of shadow, tied in an extended tail down his back, a dark-colored stone,
hidden slightly within a knot tied at the end. His face is offset by long,
pointed ears, the left one of which is torn slightly, the tip cut off leaving a
jagged scar. His youthful eyes are dark, colored a very deep colour, perhaps
purple, or perhaps red, looking out from a smooth, rounded face with a longish
chin, a faint amount of stubble brushing it. His skin is alabaster white,
jarring with his black hair, marred only by a tattoo on his left shoulder with
'Glomdoring' in black letters. From his back reach two large bat-like wings, the
skin across the bones as pale as the rest of his skin, though shot through with
spindly back lines, connecting like a spiders web. They also appear around his
neck and wrists, as if bound by something. His arms end in long, dexterous
fingers, nails filed to small but vicious points. His legs, curiously enough,
seem to have a soft downy fur, as pale as his skin, ending with cloven hooves."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I think we have accomplished our task, ladies."
The corners of Leiliadhe's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
You say, "What.. what happened?"
Valonah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You do not remember, little crowling?"
"Awwwww!" Valonah says.
You say, "I remember.. I am bonded... to Glomdoring..Mother Night...Brother
Valonah nods her head at you.
Drawing herself up to her full height, Leiliadhe raises a balled fist into the
air and proudly shouts out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Yes you are, Zvaka. Do not forget it."
Drawing herself up to her full height, Astraea raises a balled fist into the air
and proudly shouts out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"
You say, "Confusing.. I can see..."
Drawing yourself up to your full height, you raise a balled fist into the air
and proudly shout out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will smiles and says, "I must rest,
now. Be well, both of you."
Leiliadhe performs a graceful curtsey.
Valonah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Be well, Princess."
Valonah performs a graceful curtsey.
You stand straight up.
Valonah flashes Astraea a joyous smile.
Valonah curtseys respectfully before Astraea.
You say, "What.. am I then? If I am bonded.. what, am I fae.. How do you know
me, Chosen of Night?"
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says to Astraea, "I must tend to a
student excuse me."
Astraea nods her head affirmatively.
You say, "Wait... wait no... I.. remember."
With a twinkle in her eye, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Do you now?"
Valonah leaves to the west.
You say, "I.. I grew up here, didn't I?"
You say, "Before the portal... this was my home."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It was, aye."
The shadows slowly start to dissipate.
You say, "But.. I'm not a fae... I remember a slaugh.. hard but kind.. she told
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "You!"
Astraea's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You say, "She said that a shadowdancer found me and gave me to her."
You say, "That was you?"
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "K'z'ian Zvaka?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Mmh. Perhaps it was. That slaugh did an
admirable job of looking after you, though she was quite put out in the
Astraea strokes a slaugh tenderly.
A slaugh skips merrily.
(Blacktalon): You say, "..Yes? I.. remember things now. Its shadowy.. but
becoming clear."
(Blacktalon): You say, "I'm.. ok now."
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Are you alright?"
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles and says, "Her cruelty was assuaged when it was
realized you would curry some form of power, when you matured into it."
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "When you see Lord
Emar, you need to tell him about what happened to you."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "And I think we begin to glimpse that, though
you've far to go, I believe."
You say, "For what purpose.. What is my power for?"
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Or K'z'lia Ainia
or K'z'ian Kundu."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Who's to say? You are an enigmatic little boy,
Zvaka. I smell you in the air, and I feel you in the shadow. And yet you are but
a druid child. Nay, even before you began to learn of Crow's dark ways you were
strong. Stronger than any normal child could be--Should be."
Your exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and you fall into a deep sleep.
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Tell one of the
elders what it is that happened to you. they should be aware."
With mounting apprehension, you eye the blue slash in the air before you. Where
does it lead? What will you find? Who wove this gate? The questions and their
promise of adventure overcome your hesitation and last. Taking a great gulp of
breath, you close your eyes and step boldly forward into the unknown.
Astraea's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Astraea wildly jabs an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and sapphire at you.
You are feebly struck in your an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and
sapphire leg with the blade.
You are jerked awake by the pain.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "We have no time for slumber, Zvaka."
Astraea closes her eyes and draws forth the flickering thread of her lifeforce,
allowing the brilliant aura of health and well-being to leave her for Zvaka.
The smouldering thread of your being flares to a roaring intensity as it fills
with Astraea's lifeforce, healing you completely.
Astraea takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Partake of my life, and be awake."
Astraea takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
You stand straight up.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Look at your surroundings, Zvaka."
You say, "Thank you."
Emanations of power from around a blackened circle.
Thick, gossamer strands of spider webbing are strung through the air, clinging
to the surfaces of trees and rock alike from a shield shrine of Viravain nearby.
Several small rocks lie in scattered piles that form a ring to ward off the
encroaching flora and fauna from what lies within their circumference. Blackened
by some ritual or fire, the centre still smolders despite the apparent age of
the ring. Trees overhead lean towards the area, as yearning to reach and join
the powerful presence of the Wyrd that seems to be magnified here in every leaf,
blade, and plant. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on
the ground. A mature rowan tree stands proudly here. A black cauldron sits here
in a pool of shadows.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and west.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "This circle, the way it is blackened."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Touch the circle, Zvaka, and let the Wyrd speak
You reach out and touch a blackened circle.
A deep voice sings in your mind, "Shazbat Gloriana! F'ai Glomdoring!"
You shudder as a powerful presence vibrates through your soul.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Is it not familiar?"
You say, "I... understand... yes."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "If it is not. It should be. This is where I
found you."
You say, "My own power is for.. its purpose.. is Glomdoring."
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You realize this at last, and it is heartening."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Your bindings should no longer harm you so
blatantly. Your sanity will not flee so quickly."
1596h, 2244m, 2244e, 10p ex-
You say, "No... But if I should spend to much time outside the Wyrd.."
With an enigmatic smile, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I am surprised you
realized that."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You surprise me, Zvaka."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Your intelligence."
Astraea shakes her head.
You say, "These things.."
You have emoted: Zvaka lifts up his hand and shows you the spindly lines over
his wrist.
You say, "I feel them.. understand what they are."
The screeching of a crow echoes through the dark woods, sounding almost like
harsh laughter.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "As well you should. Mother Night's breath
whispers along the eddies of your consciousness. Flowing forth to encompass your
soul. Hearken to Crow's call, for surely you are more his child than most
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Thank you, Shadowed Queen."
You say, "For.. bringing me back."
You say, "However, there is one other point."
You say, "The Wyrden Glade."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "The Wyrd does not sit idly as its servants
wander astray."
Astraea tilts her head curiously.
You say, "Even more so than here, I felt charged, powerful, as if the substance
of the place was feeding my strength."
Astraea nods her head emphatically.
You say, "When the Nightshade bush was watered..."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "It was like drinking the blood of a god."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You assume much, to liken it to such a
blasphemous thing."
You say, "...I apologise. My metaphors are not clean as they could be, good
thing I am not a Harbinger."
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles impishly and says, "But I do not doubt its
ambrosia-like quality, dear Zvaka. We've all sipped of Mother Night's shadowy
chalice. Though for some, it takes time and patience to do what seems to come
naturally to you."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "But regardless, Mother Night's touch reigns in
Wydyr Glade, it is unsurprising that you feel that way."
You say, "I will visit there again, and see what happens.. Have we found that
lovesick elfen, by the way? that Jaryn?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "He wanders the dell, but I would not worry about
Astraea, Devout of Night looks thoughtful and says, "He tends to forget things
rather easily."
You nod your head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Mmh, Zvaka. I must traverse back to the
Glomdoring, for there are matters that need my tending. But know that the
shadows will bring word of your success and of your failure. And I expect you to
keep in contact with me. I will be much displeased if you deign to disregard
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Be well."
Astraea hugs herself, causing shadows to fly out from her grip and swathe her
like a clinging cloak.
Ok, first; Astraea was AWESOME!!
secondly, making everyone go WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!?! was very fun
You have emoted: Zvaka waits a second, then jerks suddenly, back arching. His
eyes open wide and he screams, long, and hard, the sound echoing though the
Ried tilts her head curiously.
You yell, "NO! K'lian'lom! Pain! K'liane Delmoir!"
You yell, "K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim!"
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses to the floor, quivvering, talking rapidly in a
strained voice.
You say, "K'ian Doim, pain, power, darkened land, bond strain, help, need help."
You shiver violently.
You say, "Pain, death, Shadowed Queen, need bond. K'liane Delmoir!"
Ried tilts her head and listens intently to you.
You have emoted: Zvaka arches his back and screams again, the sound causing a
few crows to take flight.
You yell, "K'liane Delmoir! Shadowed Queen! Help! Pain! Death!"
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks, and you hear a loud crack coming from his back,
speaking suddenly clearly.
You say, "Need help.. Shadowed Queen... get her... need help."
Ried blinks.
You say, "Pain... bond....break... K'ian Doim power... need anchor.. help... get
You say, "K'liane Delmoir's Chosen... find... help... please."
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says to you, "I'm afraid I don't
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says to you, "If you mean Mother Night, she
is here."
You say, " be made...."
Darthen arrives following Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide.
The restless fluttering of feathered wings and the laughing caw of a crow peal
through the forest's treetops as shadows seep up from beneath the Master
Ravenwood Tree's large roots. Rising up to take a vaguely humanoid form, the
viscous shadows recede and retreat back beneath the ground, leaving Valonah in
their wake.
Ried raises an eyebrow at you.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "Alrighty then."
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks, screaming agonizingly.
Ried blinks incredulously at you.
You yell, "K'liane Delmoir! Shadowed Queen! Help! Pain! Death!"
Zinnaella blinks incredulously at you.
Darthen peers about himself unscrupulously.
Darthen leaves, following Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide.
Valonah leaves to the north.
You say, "Need... Chosen of Night... Shadowed Queen.. Please!"
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock asks you, "Are you talking about a
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks again, his back arching, and fists clenching.
Leiliadhe arrives from the down.
You say, "Dancer of Shadows..yes."
You say, "Need Shadowed Queen."
Leiliadhe ponders the situation.
Ried gives a pained sigh.
You say, "Pain... bond....break... K'ian Doim power... need anchor.. help... get
You say, "Need... Chosen of Night... Shadowed Queen.. Please!"
You have emoted: Zvaka arches his back and screams again, the sound causing a
few crows to take flight.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock asks Leiliadhe, "Will you help?"
Leiliadhe nods her head emphatically.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "I really don't know what to do."
Leiliadhe gazes into a glittering tierstone.
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks suddenly, back arching. His eyes open wide and he
screams, long, and hard, the sound echoing though the woods.
Leiliadhe gazes into a glittering tierstone.
Leiliadhe gazes into a glittering tierstone.
Leiliadhe leaves to the north.
You say, "Chosen of Night! Need help! Queen of Shadows, Need her!"
You cry aloud and tear at your hair.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says to you, "A Shadowdancer said she'd help
you. Where she went, I do not know, but hold on."
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses to the ground, twitching, grunting, muttering
"Night's Chosen... need walker of Ethereal... pain... bond breaking, pain...
Ried gives a pained sigh.
Darthen arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Valonah arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Leiliadhe arrives from the north.
Leiliadhe places her hands on the Master Ravenwood Tree and disappears in a
fountain of pulsating energy.
Valonah leaves, following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Darthen leaves, following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
(Glomdoring): Ried says, "If there are any willing Shadowdancers awake at this
time, one of our young crows needs... aid."
You yell, "K'liane Delmoir! Shadowed Queen! Help! Pain! Bond Broken, must be
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says to you, "What's going on?"
Ried shakes her head.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "He's been like this for a while."
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "All he had to do was accept the Crow
You yell, "K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim! K'ian Doim!"
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "Did he not..or what happened?"
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "I know not. I know -nothing-."
You say, "K'ian Doim's power.... make bond demand more... bond broken....
pain...need bond healed..."
~Here, Astraea arrives on the scene~
Astraea purses her lips, deep in thought.
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and retains an eerie stillness to her form.
Her golden blonde hair falls down in rivulets upon her body, cascading to the
very soles of her feet while her pale red eyes glimmer with an inner light as
they gaze guardedly out at her surroundings. Her lips are thinned and eternally
pursed, while her nose twitches as if to scent the air. Lithe elfen-like ears
can be seen peaking through the wisps of her hair, a reminder of her origins
even as her skin swirls with colours ranging from deep black and blue, to a pale
colour the shade of dying light. A small area around her eyes is a pristinely
creamy colour, a last remnant of her elfen lineage. Ethereally sheer wings
flutter upon her back, though they've taken on a somewhat bat-like shape and a
furred obsidian tail flares out from behind her, flourishing through the air
with a life of its own. Lengthy arms connect to slender hands which are adorned
with long and deadly looking nails that gleam menacingly even in the shadows
that scintillate about the entirety of her being. She is wearing a purple
jeweled flower brooch, an onyx ring of black roses, a ring of thorns, a delicate
necklace of silver webs, delicate white satin slippers, an etched amethyst ring,
a black silk feather pack, an elegant slaugh choker, a grim bracelet of dancing
redcaps, a bracelet depicting a barghest, the Crown of the Conquering Darkness,
and deep black robes covered in silver spiderwebs.
Darthen arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
Valonah arrives following Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will.
The Master Ravenwood Tree suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Leiliadhe
steps through.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "What seems to be the problem, here?"
Ried shrugs helplessly.
Valonah curtseys respectfully before Astraea.
Valonah gives Astraea a compassionate hug.
You say, "Night Chosen... PaiN!... bond broken.. break pain..."
Astraea flashes Valonah a joyous smile.
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks suddenly, back arching. His eyes open wide and he
screams, long, and hard, the sound echoing though the woods.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "What the Nil?"
Valonah gives you the once over.
You say, "K'ian Doim's power.... make bond demand more... bond broken....
pain...need bond healed..."
Astraea, Devout of Night looks surprised for but a moment, before schooling her
features carefully.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "He was going to accept Crow as his
totem specialization, if I'm right."
Zinnaella nods her head emphatically.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "What happened?"
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "I don't know what it is. He asked for
someone to be with him, so I humoured him."
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says, "Then."
Zinnaella nods her head emphatically.
Astraea purses her lips, deep in thought as she contemplates you.
Druidess Ried Nimaet of the Hemlock says, "And then he just... started
You say, "Need... land...darkness....heal bond...."
Ried shrugs helplessly.
You say, ""
Zinnaella ponders the situation.
Druidess Zinnaella Kor'Lathh of the Rowan says to Ried, "Of all times not to
have Eye, or my D'iom or anyone around."
You have emoted: Zvaka turns slightly, the stone in his hair revealed, glowing
bright red, muttering "Shadowed Queen.. heal bond... please!"
Astraea, Devout of Night looks contemplatively at you for a moment, before
reaching a small hand out to touch your brow tentatively.
Astraea, Devout of Night says to you, "Follow close behind me, little druid."
Valonah lays a hand on your forehead, and your body tingles with a healing
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks at Astraea's touch, and calms a little, still
muttering, but not jerking as much.
You have emoted: Zvaka stands, shakilly, twitching every so often, still
You begin to follow Astraea.
You say, ""
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I think I can manage our little druid friend
from here, thank you. Thank you for watching over him for me."
Astraea inclines her head politely to those around her.
Astraea places her hands on the Master Ravenwood Tree and disappears in a
fountain of pulsating energy.
You follow Astraea, Devout of Night ether to the resonating centre of
Glomdoring's black heart.
We start moving here, towards a place deep in ethereal glom
Astraea tilts her head curiously.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I thought you were lost to me, Zvaka. Lost to
the Glomdoring. To Mother Night."
You have emoted: Zvaka visibly relaxes walking though the plane, as dark shadows
seem to suddenly flock to him.
With a bemused look upon her face, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Do you
remember who you are, Zvaka? What you are?"
You say, "Shadowed Queen... bond... faint... pain."
Astraea's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
And we arrive
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "All in its due time, Zvaka. Pain is the
harbinger of strength, and you would do well to gain from it."
Astraea begins to wield an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and sapphire in
her right hand.
Astraea, Devout of Night slashes at you with her dagger, drawing blood from the
shallow cuts she makes upon your face.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You bleed such a pretty color, Zvaka. Your blood
nourishes the Wyrd that brought you forth. Isn't that nice?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I do believe I shall call the Night Coven to
With a slow smile, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "To solidify the Wyrd's hold
upon you. Of course. And perhaps a bit of Mother Night's own tenebrous grasp, as
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks and falls to his knees, his wings starting to
shrivel, withering away, and you notice blackness starting to seep into his
hair, as if the blood Astraea drew was being absorbed into it.
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches as the withered remains of his wings split,
forming a elongated, bony hand. White skin starts to expand between the links,
forming large batlike wings, though the skin is white.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Not so fast, shadowbound druid. You heal too
quickly, and the coven is not yet prepared to bind you as we wish you to be
Astraea, Devout of Night stabs the dagger into your shoulder, plunging it deep
before she removes it just as swiftly.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles and says, "Bleed yet a little more, my dear."
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses back, the blood running down his chest.
Leiliadhe tilts her head curiously.
Leiliadhe performs a graceful curtsey.
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles broadly and says, "Princess."
Astraea curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will says, "Pardon. I was engaged in
perilous combat with a morbidly-tainted grub."
Astraea nods her head at Leiliadhe.
You hear a rustling and turn to see Valonah emerging from the undergrowth.
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Valonah performs a graceful curtsey.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Hello, what is going on?"
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches on the ground, blood dripping onto the ground
slowly, as faint black lines start to appear on his wings.
"Awwwww!" Valonah says to you.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Valonah, Princess. I would like to introduce you
to a curious little creature. His name is Zvaka, and he is slave to Mother
Night's whim. Subservient to Crow's caw."
Leiliadhe ponders the situation.
"Ooohhhhhhhhhh," says Valonah.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says to Astraea, "What shall we do
to help him?"
You mutter, "K'ian D.... K'li.....m, K'l...e Delmo..."
Astraea, Devout of Night pats you on the head absentmindedly, rolling her
fingers lazily within the mingling sweat and blood.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You see, Zvaka's origin is a strange one."
You mutter, "B......still need"
You have emoted: Zvaka collapses, and his eyes close as he looses consiousness.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Indeed it must be."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Be silent while your story is told, my small
Valonah tilts her head and listens intently to Astraea.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I found him within the Ethereal many years ago.
But a babe. It was surprising to me that he yet lived. The savagery of the Wyrd
does not suffer mewling children."
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches in his unconsious state, a few shadows crawling
towards his wounds.
Astraea, Devout of Night sneers softly and lifts a dainty hand towards you,
flicking her finger towards the shadows congealing about you and dispelling
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I thought this a portent or power, or at the
very least, potential, and so I brought him into the care of the Daughters of
Night, and bound him with what power I had, and what abilities the Daughters of
Night had. But I was alone, and this was before I was to gain the knowledge and
secrets of the regency."
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles and says, "I thought it prudent to keep him
close at hand however, he seemed as if he'd come into some power in the future,
and you must never throw power away, for it may come back to treat you just as
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Very wise of your my
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Unfortunately for us."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "He managed to slip away, somehow."
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide bows her head sadly.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I am not quite sure how that came to pass, as I
believed the prowess of the Daughters of Mother Night to be above such petty
failures, but there is always the chance they were indisposed with intruders."
Valonah consumes a frosted honey cake leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Regardless of how, I had indeed thought him
lost, and it was not until now that I realized the repercussions of the bond
forged between Zvaka and the wyrden nightfae, and by extension, Glomdoring
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It seems that even now, in tatters and all but
faded, the binding draws him back, like a curious moth--precariously close to
the alluring flame."
1488h, 2136m, 2244e, 10p ex-
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It also appears as if his own mind manifests
this through physical pain--A mystifying side effect, but one that appears to
have served its purpose."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I asked you here, Princess, Valonah, because it
falls to us to reforge the bindings that keep Zvaka tethered here so intimately
to us, and to Exalted Night and Brother Crow."
Leiliadhe nods her head emphatically.
Valonah nods her head in agreement.
You have emoted: Zvaka moves, and seems to awaken, eyes opening slightly, though
it would appear he is far from lucid, muttering odd words in the Fae toungue,
making no sense.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Fate has found Zvaka a druid, and that is well,
he shall serve the Glomdoring as his destiny sees fit--But let us remind his
blood, his soul, of the power of wrathful Mother Night. How the shadows should
be feared as much as admired. Let us impart to him the touch of the Night Coven
and our fae allies."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Let us remind Zvaka that we shall not tolerate
another departure."
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "If you would, Valonah. Perhaps you could release
more shadows into the area?"
Valonah drops a shadow cauldron.
Dipping her hand into a shadow cauldron, Valonah pulls out a long shadow and
releases it into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
Astraea nods her head emphatically.
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches as the shadow immediatly makes for him,
slithering up his torso to the deep wound in his shoulder, it starting to heal
slowly. One of them also makes for his ear, but seems warded away by somthing.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "We must be quick now. Zvaka seems to grow
heartier amidst the shadows that his form has grown so accustomed to."
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Dark Mother Night, eclipser of Moon and spurner
of Sun. It is to You that we evoke this power in your servant. To You that we
The sound of wings flapping heralds a screeching murder of crows flying
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Princess, if you could touch the shadows around
Zvaka, I think it would be best if we make them less soothing, and perhaps a bit
more invasive."
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks and his eyes open wide, as the shadows that where
healing him suddenly seem to jump, wrapping around his wrists, ankles and neck.
With a cold smile, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It would be...prudent to make
Zvaka remember his folly, even as he is healed of it."
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will thrusts her hands forward into
the shadows. Bending her fingers into claws, she grits her teeth with mental
exertion as the shadows begin to churn like black waters in the air.
Astraea, Devout of Night emits a terrible laugh, a mere husk of Mother Night's
cruelty as she plunges her hand into the churning shadows and grips them
viciously. With a guttural moan, she molds her hand into the shape of a spear's
head, before moving as if to plunge it into you.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Valonah, if you could, say aloud the Liturgy of
Shadow to the Hound, our dear Gwyllgi."
You have emoted: Zvaka screams as the shadows tighten around him, squeezing at
his neck. The ones at his wrists and ankles tighten, affixing themselves to the
ground, preventing his movement. The shadows in Astraea's hand leap, piercing
him right above the heart, but not puncturing anything, leaving a darkening
where it entered. The spindles on black on his wings start to spread rapidly,
covering his wings like a spiders web.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I believe words curry as much weight as actions,
in this moment."
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "Of course."
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide starts to chant a Liturgy.. The
howling within the shadows, marks those who hunt the Night.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide continues "In stealth the
shadowbound walk, yet ever they turn the illuminated aside. So the Third of the
Triad of Night is Marked, by silent descent.'
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea nods her head at Valonah.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Princess. Share with our lovely one the wisdom
of another of our liturgies."
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will recites, "'Fear is but the web
in which the spider sits. My fear is the web, and I the spider. There is no fear
but that which I use to ensnare.'"
Valonah flashes Leiliadhe a joyous smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night chants, "Mother Night, embrace my soul in shards of
darkness, as I receive Your sweet kiss, deep inside my mind."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Now, ladies, one last thing to make the bond
we've created solid and unbreaking."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I will take from Zvaka, his shadow, and I wish
for you to surge the shadows about it. Focus your minds on the surrounding
shadows and drown his shadow in their writhing masses. For nothing matters but
Glomdoring. Nothing matters but Mother Night. Nothing matters but Brother Crow.
Glory to them all. Let us sacrifice Zvaka's individuality, and create him anew
amidst wyrden flame."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Once I steal the shadow, blot it out, Valonah,
Astraea, Devout of Night asks, "Aye?"
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says, "How so my Queen?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Simply push the shadows to do your bidding.
Mother Night will guide you. Simply use your emotions, as you did when you spoke
the liturgy."
Valonah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Valonah nods her head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It is now that I steal his shadow, for truly, as
we all do, it belongs to Mother Night and Crow, to Wyrden Glomdoring!"
Astraea thrusts an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and sapphire into the
ground near you, then as she withdraws her weapon from the ground, your shadow
comes with it.
Astraea drops the shadow of Zvaka.
Dipping her hand into a shadow cauldron, Leiliadhe pulls out a long shadow and
releases it into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will bows her head and concentrates
intensely, holding forth one hand. The charm on her bracelet tinkles as her
wrist shakes with effort, the shadows looming forward to engulf the tiny image
of Zvaka.
Astraea nods her head at Leiliadhe.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Yes, Princess, wonderful! Valonah, now, follow
the Princess' lead and force Zvaka's shadow to succumb to Night's will!"
1488h, 2136m, 2244e, 10p ex-
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks as the shadows tighten around him, his eyes glowing
red slightly.
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide quickly takes her hand and drowns
out the shadows focusing her energies and mind to lead Zvaka's shadow to succumb
to Nights Will.
You have emoted: Zvaka twitches as the shadows tighen again, a thin trail of
smoke coming from his wrists, ankles and neck.
Astraea, Devout of Night nods quickly and confidently, allowing the shadows to
simmer for a moment before she tilts her head. The shadows flush from the
surroundings, to writhe eerily in the corners of the area. With a slow movement,
she raises her hand almost tenderly to cup your cheek. Astraea allows her hand
to linger for a moment before she lowers it to rest by her side, her eyes intent
upon you.
You have emoted: Zvaka jerks one final time and the shadows at his neck, wrists
and ankles seem to be absorbed into his skin, leaving black spindly lines like
spider webs, jarring against his alabaster skin. As Astraea touches his face, he
slowly shakes his head, opens his eyes, and looks around, confused.
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
New Description!!
You will now be described as "very small, only about a foot in height, but
incredibly lithe and thin. His hair is raven black and soft, as if made from
strings of shadow, tied in an extended tail down his back, a dark-colored stone,
hidden slightly within a knot tied at the end. His face is offset by long,
pointed ears, the left one of which is torn slightly, the tip cut off leaving a
jagged scar. His youthful eyes are dark, colored a very deep colour, perhaps
purple, or perhaps red, looking out from a smooth, rounded face with a longish
chin, a faint amount of stubble brushing it. His skin is alabaster white,
jarring with his black hair, marred only by a tattoo on his left shoulder with
'Glomdoring' in black letters. From his back reach two large bat-like wings, the
skin across the bones as pale as the rest of his skin, though shot through with
spindly back lines, connecting like a spiders web. They also appear around his
neck and wrists, as if bound by something. His arms end in long, dexterous
fingers, nails filed to small but vicious points. His legs, curiously enough,
seem to have a soft downy fur, as pale as his skin, ending with cloven hooves."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I think we have accomplished our task, ladies."
The corners of Leiliadhe's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
You say, "What.. what happened?"
Valonah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You do not remember, little crowling?"
"Awwwww!" Valonah says.
You say, "I remember.. I am bonded... to Glomdoring..Mother Night...Brother
Valonah nods her head at you.
Drawing herself up to her full height, Leiliadhe raises a balled fist into the
air and proudly shouts out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Yes you are, Zvaka. Do not forget it."
Drawing herself up to her full height, Astraea raises a balled fist into the air
and proudly shouts out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"
You say, "Confusing.. I can see..."
Drawing yourself up to your full height, you raise a balled fist into the air
and proudly shout out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"
Princess Leiliadhe d'Illici, Vassal of Her Will smiles and says, "I must rest,
now. Be well, both of you."
Leiliadhe performs a graceful curtsey.
Valonah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Be well, Princess."
Valonah performs a graceful curtsey.
You stand straight up.
Valonah flashes Astraea a joyous smile.
Valonah curtseys respectfully before Astraea.
You say, "What.. am I then? If I am bonded.. what, am I fae.. How do you know
me, Chosen of Night?"
Spinner Valonah Dekoven, Disciple of Eventide says to Astraea, "I must tend to a
student excuse me."
Astraea nods her head affirmatively.
You say, "Wait... wait no... I.. remember."
With a twinkle in her eye, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Do you now?"
Valonah leaves to the west.
You say, "I.. I grew up here, didn't I?"
You say, "Before the portal... this was my home."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "It was, aye."
The shadows slowly start to dissipate.
You say, "But.. I'm not a fae... I remember a slaugh.. hard but kind.. she told
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "You!"
Astraea's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You say, "She said that a shadowdancer found me and gave me to her."
You say, "That was you?"
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "K'z'ian Zvaka?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Mmh. Perhaps it was. That slaugh did an
admirable job of looking after you, though she was quite put out in the
Astraea strokes a slaugh tenderly.
A slaugh skips merrily.
(Blacktalon): You say, "..Yes? I.. remember things now. Its shadowy.. but
becoming clear."
(Blacktalon): You say, "I'm.. ok now."
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Are you alright?"
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles and says, "Her cruelty was assuaged when it was
realized you would curry some form of power, when you matured into it."
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "When you see Lord
Emar, you need to tell him about what happened to you."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "And I think we begin to glimpse that, though
you've far to go, I believe."
You say, "For what purpose.. What is my power for?"
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Or K'z'lia Ainia
or K'z'ian Kundu."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Who's to say? You are an enigmatic little boy,
Zvaka. I smell you in the air, and I feel you in the shadow. And yet you are but
a druid child. Nay, even before you began to learn of Crow's dark ways you were
strong. Stronger than any normal child could be--Should be."
Your exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and you fall into a deep sleep.
(Blacktalon): Zinnaella (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Tell one of the
elders what it is that happened to you. they should be aware."
With mounting apprehension, you eye the blue slash in the air before you. Where
does it lead? What will you find? Who wove this gate? The questions and their
promise of adventure overcome your hesitation and last. Taking a great gulp of
breath, you close your eyes and step boldly forward into the unknown.
Astraea's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Astraea wildly jabs an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and sapphire at you.
You are feebly struck in your an inlaid triquetra dagger of platinum and
sapphire leg with the blade.
You are jerked awake by the pain.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "We have no time for slumber, Zvaka."
Astraea closes her eyes and draws forth the flickering thread of her lifeforce,
allowing the brilliant aura of health and well-being to leave her for Zvaka.
The smouldering thread of your being flares to a roaring intensity as it fills
with Astraea's lifeforce, healing you completely.
Astraea takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Partake of my life, and be awake."
Astraea takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
You stand straight up.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Look at your surroundings, Zvaka."
You say, "Thank you."
Emanations of power from around a blackened circle.
Thick, gossamer strands of spider webbing are strung through the air, clinging
to the surfaces of trees and rock alike from a shield shrine of Viravain nearby.
Several small rocks lie in scattered piles that form a ring to ward off the
encroaching flora and fauna from what lies within their circumference. Blackened
by some ritual or fire, the centre still smolders despite the apparent age of
the ring. Trees overhead lean towards the area, as yearning to reach and join
the powerful presence of the Wyrd that seems to be magnified here in every leaf,
blade, and plant. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on
the ground. A mature rowan tree stands proudly here. A black cauldron sits here
in a pool of shadows.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and west.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "This circle, the way it is blackened."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Touch the circle, Zvaka, and let the Wyrd speak
You reach out and touch a blackened circle.
A deep voice sings in your mind, "Shazbat Gloriana! F'ai Glomdoring!"
You shudder as a powerful presence vibrates through your soul.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Is it not familiar?"
You say, "I... understand... yes."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "If it is not. It should be. This is where I
found you."
You say, "My own power is for.. its purpose.. is Glomdoring."
Astraea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You realize this at last, and it is heartening."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Your bindings should no longer harm you so
blatantly. Your sanity will not flee so quickly."
1596h, 2244m, 2244e, 10p ex-
You say, "No... But if I should spend to much time outside the Wyrd.."
With an enigmatic smile, Astraea, Devout of Night says, "I am surprised you
realized that."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You surprise me, Zvaka."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Your intelligence."
Astraea shakes her head.
You say, "These things.."
You have emoted: Zvaka lifts up his hand and shows you the spindly lines over
his wrist.
You say, "I feel them.. understand what they are."
The screeching of a crow echoes through the dark woods, sounding almost like
harsh laughter.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "As well you should. Mother Night's breath
whispers along the eddies of your consciousness. Flowing forth to encompass your
soul. Hearken to Crow's call, for surely you are more his child than most
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Thank you, Shadowed Queen."
You say, "For.. bringing me back."
You say, "However, there is one other point."
You say, "The Wyrden Glade."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "The Wyrd does not sit idly as its servants
wander astray."
Astraea tilts her head curiously.
You say, "Even more so than here, I felt charged, powerful, as if the substance
of the place was feeding my strength."
Astraea nods her head emphatically.
You say, "When the Nightshade bush was watered..."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "It was like drinking the blood of a god."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "You assume much, to liken it to such a
blasphemous thing."
You say, "...I apologise. My metaphors are not clean as they could be, good
thing I am not a Harbinger."
Astraea, Devout of Night smiles impishly and says, "But I do not doubt its
ambrosia-like quality, dear Zvaka. We've all sipped of Mother Night's shadowy
chalice. Though for some, it takes time and patience to do what seems to come
naturally to you."
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "But regardless, Mother Night's touch reigns in
Wydyr Glade, it is unsurprising that you feel that way."
You say, "I will visit there again, and see what happens.. Have we found that
lovesick elfen, by the way? that Jaryn?"
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "He wanders the dell, but I would not worry about
Astraea, Devout of Night looks thoughtful and says, "He tends to forget things
rather easily."
You nod your head emphatically.
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Mmh, Zvaka. I must traverse back to the
Glomdoring, for there are matters that need my tending. But know that the
shadows will bring word of your success and of your failure. And I expect you to
keep in contact with me. I will be much displeased if you deign to disregard
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Be well."
Astraea hugs herself, causing shadows to fly out from her grip and swathe her
like a clinging cloak.
Ok, first; Astraea was AWESOME!!
secondly, making everyone go WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!?! was very fun
Urazial2008-05-12 15:41:04
2008/05/12 07:42:19 - Credits: -5. Transfer to Leiliadhe. Reason: As Valonah,
aiding in the enslavement of Zvaka to the whimsy of Mother Night.
Do it again! I want guild credits too!
aiding in the enslavement of Zvaka to the whimsy of Mother Night.
Do it again! I want guild credits too!
Shaddus2008-05-12 21:04:03
You, sir, are a genius
Unknown2008-05-13 14:34:48
100 points for having a cool self-made self-cause, self run self...etc, event.
-25 for posting it yourself, instead of letting someone else!
-25 because it was a poor faeling! (Still cool, though!)
Which leaves 50. Which enough for a hero cookie! Would you like it IG or just a Miri-hug forum style?

-25 for posting it yourself, instead of letting someone else!
-25 because it was a poor faeling! (Still cool, though!)
Which leaves 50. Which enough for a hero cookie! Would you like it IG or just a Miri-hug forum style?

Druken2008-05-13 14:41:37
Neat! I especially like Astraea's line.
"I think we've done it, ladies."
"I think we've done it, ladies."
Twilxo2008-05-14 00:11:12
Nah, MY fave bit is where Zvaka is there writhing and moaning on the ground, and Astraea; "Be silent while your story is told, my small druid."
and where do I pick up this biscuit? (i'm english, k? its BISCUIT!)
and where do I pick up this biscuit? (i'm english, k? its BISCUIT!)
Xavius2008-05-14 00:43:03
QUOTE(Twilxo @ May 13 2008, 07:11 PM) 511820
(i'm english, k? its BISCUIT!)
The problem has been found.
Druken2008-05-14 00:47:31
Shiri2008-05-14 00:58:16
QUOTE(Druken @ May 14 2008, 01:47 AM) 511827
Y'all're bein' prejudice an' unfayr!
Xavius2008-05-14 01:03:18
Noola's from that part of the world. Proof that even the funny Americans are better than the Brits!
Shiri2008-05-14 01:11:32
Psh. Noola can't even say "pen" properly.
Xavius2008-05-14 01:15:30
She knows what a cookie is, she can make the r sound, and she's not British.
Shiri2008-05-14 01:22:53
And I can make the r-sound! At the start of syllables. I just don't do it excessively like SOME people.
And I can make the r-sound! At the start of syllables. I just don't do it excessively like SOME people.
Meliana2008-05-14 16:54:00
QUOTE(Shiri @ May 13 2008, 07:58 PM) 511831
Y'all're bein' prejudice an' unfayr!

And most people think Southern slang is cute!

(though you hit the nail on the head)