Unknown2008-05-19 16:26:53
I was thinking about a new archtype the other day when I was at work (you have to brain storm when grading final exams, or else you will go insane or worse), and I thought of something.
-Primary Skillset
Secondary Skillset
---Lore (Lore changes depending on whether Seren, Glom, Mag, or Celest)
Tertiary Skillsets
Bowyer----------------------Make your own bows.
Arrowmaking---------------Make your own arrows
Draw------------------------Prepare yourself to attack by drawing an arrow.
Release---------------------Ready, Set, Release!
Quickdraw------------------Quickly draw an arrow from your quiver.
IntuitiveAim----------------Your intuition will guide your arrows to their mark.
Preparation-----------------Prepare arrows for use later
Poison-----------------------Dip your arrows into deadly poisons
Blindshot--------------------Hope for the best!
RopeArrow------------------These arrows can drag a target to where you stand.
DeadStance----------------You may shoot an arrow while moving.
Competency----------------Your intuition grows with each day.
TreeShot--------------------From the trees, the arrow strikes.
Mending---------------------Mending your trusty bow will keep it intact.
Quiver----------------------Make your own personal quiver for your arrows.
Crest------------------------Carve a personal crest onto an arrow.
FrostArrow-----------------The cold blight of frost chills the flesh.
MuscleShot-----------------Aim your arrows at a target's muscle.
Criss------------------------Use your bow as a two handed weapon.
FocusShot------------------Your intuition deepens the damage your arrows do.
Barrage---------------------Release two arrows at once!
FireArrow-------------------Dip your arrows into a fire potion.
Superiority-----------------Your intuition deepens further still.
Brush-----------------------Brush aside incoming arrows.
BurningArrow--------------Light your arrows on fire and quickly release them.
HoldTarget------------------Aim your bow at a target three rooms away.
DistantShot------------------You can attack targets three rooms away.
SerratedHead----------------Carve your arrows into wicked points.
MasterArcher-----------------Stand proud as the master of your deadly art.
VitalShot --------------------Send your arrows straight into a target's vital organ.
ArrowGrab------------------Reach out and grab incoming arrow with perfect ease.
TripleShot-------------------Release three arrows at once.
RapidShot-------------------Release your arrows at the speed of light!
Can create your own bows. Requires a set amount of wood and rope. Keep in mind that an archer must create a new bow upon reaching a new level of accuracy, due to the demands their new found abilities place on the bow. There are five bow types: Short bow for Beginner Accuracy, Flat bow for Intermediate, Recurve bow for Competent, Compound bow for Superior, and Long bow for Master.
This allows you to create your own arrows. Arrows may be created in two ways: you can SEARCH FOR WOOD in the room (room must be forestal or garden in nature). The chances of finding wood increase as you rise higher in Archery. The beginning chances are similar to SPIRITBOND SQUIRREL Totems in foraging. Each successful SEARCH gives the archer 5 large sticks of wood. With every five sticks of wood, an archer can make 20.
The second way an archer can make arrows is by using 1 Wood commodity and FLETCH ARROW. However, special arrows, such as frost, fire, potion dipped, poison, and aflame arrows MUST be made this way. 1 wood=20 arrows.
Basic attack for an archer.
Adds a very small amount of damage to average attack if the archer DRAW ARROW before using the release syntax. This can be used for bashing purposes.
GET ARROW FROM QUIVER (If using a special arrow type, you must specify what type of arrow when pulling from quiver)
Archer can get an arrow from their quiver, draw it, and release it in one move.
In Archery, accuracy decides how much damage the archer can do. There are five levels of accuracy in archery:
Beginner, where the archer will miss more than he/she is hits his/her target.
Intermediate, where the archer a little more competent with their bow and arrows, making them miss less.
Competent, where the archer is much better with his bow and arrows, missing the target less than prior.
Superb, where the archer is far more trained with his bow and arrow, rarely missing the target.
Master, where the archer is truly a master at aiming and targeting, never missing the intended target.
IntuitiveAim is the first step towards mastery of archery, rising the archer from beginner to intermediate.
If you use any potions or items with the arrows, they will last longer and will decay at a far slower rate.
You can now poison your arrows with one of the many poisons found in the basin. Be careful though. If you are less than competent, there is a chance you will either miss your target or accidentally shoot someone else.
Using this ability allows the archer to shoot those trying to attack them. There is a 50/50 chance it will critically shrike and a 50/50 chance that it will fail horribly. If the arrow strikes the attacking target, it will cause profuse bleeding.
Requires 1 rope and one arrow. Using the rope, an archer can tie it onto an arrow and aim the arrow at a target. When released, if the arrow strikes true, the target will be drawn to your room from theirs. However, the lower the archer's accuracy, the greater the chances are that this could horribly go wrong. (Archer could be dragged to their target's room, the archer could miss, or the archer could strike someone else in the same room on accident). The distance limit is two rooms away from the archer.
The archer may now attack while moving. However, the archer must first DRAW ARROW and AIM ARROW AT before attempting Deadstance. Upon moving into the same room as the target, the archer will release the arrow at the target and immediately move to a nearby room. This has a long EQ time upon being finished.
Your intuition and control of aim and targeting techniques have grown, causing your accuracy to grow as well. Your accuracy level is now Competent.
The archer can AIM ARROW AT from the trees now. To fire the arrow, you can use RELEASE ARROW DOWN if the target is directly on the ground below, or the archer can aim their arrow at a target who is in the trees in an adjacent room. The archer may also take a chance and aim at someone who is on the ground in a nearby room. However, keep in mind that the lesser your accuracy level, the more chances you will miss or worse.
Over time, your bow will decay. By mending it and taking care of it, you can slow down the decay time on your bow.
You can now make your own quiver. There are three sizes which range from small to large. Small quivers require a set amount of commodities to make and hold only 20 arrows. A medium quiver requires a set amount of commodities and holds 35 arrow. A large quiver requires a set amount of commodities and holds 50 arrows.
You can now carve your own personal identification into your arrows, letting other archers know your mark. A crest can only be one line long and no greater than 20 letters. It is similar to a warshout or motto.
By dipping your arrows into a frost potion, you can cause your target to shiver uncontrollably. (Shivering affliction. Strips fire defense first.)
Archers can now AIM ARROW AT . There are four major muscles in which an archer can aim their arrows: the pectoral muscles, the leg muscles, the arm muscles, and the stomach muscles. If the arrow strikes true, the target will bleed and the muscle will contract, be ripped, torn, or cripple the body part, depending on the accuracy of the archer.
When an archer runs out of arrows, he/she can try to attack using his/her own bow. Be warned, however, that this will cause the bow to decay at an increased rate per successful blow.
By focusing on a target and aiming at the target, an archer can increase the damage their arrows cause. This is an automatic ability.
An archer can release two arrows at once. However, the balance time is much longer than a normal attack. AIM at . RELEASE ARROWS. The lesser the archer's accuracy level, the greater the chances that one or both arrows could miss, strike an unattended target, or even strike the archer himself/herself.
By dipping your arrows into a fire potion, you can cause your opponent's blood to thin or cause your target to become feverish with confusion. (This will strip ice defense first. On second shot, it causes afflictions)
Your intuition and aiming techniques have improved greatly, increasing your accuracy level to Superior.
Archers can use this defense prior to battle. By focusing on their intuition and hand-eye coordination, they can prepare themselves to brush aside incoming arrows or projectiles with ease. Once the projectile/arrow is brushed aside, however, the defense disappears, and the archer must focus on brushing aside projectile weapons again in order to continue brushing aside arrows/projectiles.
Archers can now light their arrows on fire, causing their arrows to burn their target's flesh and skin upon contact. However, if the archer doesnt' release the arrow in the next few seconds, the burning arrow will catch him/her on fire and will disintegrate.
Archers can now aim at targets three rooms away from where they stand. However, if the target moves, the aim is canceled.
Using HOLDTARGET, an archer can release their arrow at a target three rooms away. However, if the target out of a three room radius and out of the archer's reach of aim, the attack is canceled.
By carving the arrow head of an arrow and serrating it, an archer can cause his arrows to do more damage. The higher the archer's level of accuracy, the greater the damage and the greater the chances that the arrow will cause a target's muscle to spasm, throwing the target off of balance.
Now you are truly a master of archery. Your intuition and aiming techniques have ascended into a deep understanding of spotting and detecting a target. This will also cause your bow and your arrows to decay at a slower rate.
An archer can now aim their arrows directly at a target's vital organs, which include the heart, the lungs, the throat, the head, and the bladder. If the arrow is poisoned, been dipped in a fire or frost potion, or aflame and hits a vital organ, that organ will slowly cause an affliction to the target until the target TEAR ARROW FROM. If the arrow has not been given any of the above listed properties, it will cause the target to experience fainting, profuse bleeding, muscle spasms, or thin blood.
If Poisoned, Frost, Fire, or Aflame:
Heart: Dizziness, Epilepsy, Vertigo
Lungs: Punctured Lung, Collapsed Lung, Punctured Chest
Bladder: Lethargy, Relapsing, Hip Clotting
Head: Epilepsy, Confusion, Dizziness
Throat: Crushed Wind pipe, Anorexia
This can be prepared prior to battle. By focusing on both his/her intuition and hand-eye coordination, an archer can prepare himself/herself to deftly grab an arrow aimed at him or those in the same room as he/she. Once an arrow is caught, however, the archer must prepare himself to perform this ability again.
An archer can release three arrows at once at a single target or up to three separate targets. Each individual target must be AIMed at. Example:
AIM at
AIM at
If the archer is aiming at a single target, the archer can try to aim at the target's vital organs. However, the first arrow is sure to hit, but the chances of hitting the target lessen as the second and third arrows are released. (First arrow is sure to hit. Second arrow has 75% chance of hitting. Third arrow has 50% chance of hitting).
By using this ability, an archer can call upon his/her intuition and submerge his conscious mind into his own arrows and bow. For a small amount of time, an archer's balance between shots is lessened. If the target is brought below 1/4 of his/her health, RAPIDSHOT will immediately kill the target by causing the target's organs to burst open all at once. In order for this ability to work, the target must have at least 3 arrows puncturing three vital organs.
-Primary Skillset
Secondary Skillset
---Lore (Lore changes depending on whether Seren, Glom, Mag, or Celest)
Tertiary Skillsets
Bowyer----------------------Make your own bows.
Arrowmaking---------------Make your own arrows
Draw------------------------Prepare yourself to attack by drawing an arrow.
Release---------------------Ready, Set, Release!
Quickdraw------------------Quickly draw an arrow from your quiver.
IntuitiveAim----------------Your intuition will guide your arrows to their mark.
Preparation-----------------Prepare arrows for use later
Poison-----------------------Dip your arrows into deadly poisons
Blindshot--------------------Hope for the best!
RopeArrow------------------These arrows can drag a target to where you stand.
DeadStance----------------You may shoot an arrow while moving.
Competency----------------Your intuition grows with each day.
TreeShot--------------------From the trees, the arrow strikes.
Mending---------------------Mending your trusty bow will keep it intact.
Quiver----------------------Make your own personal quiver for your arrows.
Crest------------------------Carve a personal crest onto an arrow.
FrostArrow-----------------The cold blight of frost chills the flesh.
MuscleShot-----------------Aim your arrows at a target's muscle.
Criss------------------------Use your bow as a two handed weapon.
FocusShot------------------Your intuition deepens the damage your arrows do.
Barrage---------------------Release two arrows at once!
FireArrow-------------------Dip your arrows into a fire potion.
Superiority-----------------Your intuition deepens further still.
Brush-----------------------Brush aside incoming arrows.
BurningArrow--------------Light your arrows on fire and quickly release them.
HoldTarget------------------Aim your bow at a target three rooms away.
DistantShot------------------You can attack targets three rooms away.
SerratedHead----------------Carve your arrows into wicked points.
MasterArcher-----------------Stand proud as the master of your deadly art.
VitalShot --------------------Send your arrows straight into a target's vital organ.
ArrowGrab------------------Reach out and grab incoming arrow with perfect ease.
TripleShot-------------------Release three arrows at once.
RapidShot-------------------Release your arrows at the speed of light!
Can create your own bows. Requires a set amount of wood and rope. Keep in mind that an archer must create a new bow upon reaching a new level of accuracy, due to the demands their new found abilities place on the bow. There are five bow types: Short bow for Beginner Accuracy, Flat bow for Intermediate, Recurve bow for Competent, Compound bow for Superior, and Long bow for Master.
This allows you to create your own arrows. Arrows may be created in two ways: you can SEARCH FOR WOOD in the room (room must be forestal or garden in nature). The chances of finding wood increase as you rise higher in Archery. The beginning chances are similar to SPIRITBOND SQUIRREL Totems in foraging. Each successful SEARCH gives the archer 5 large sticks of wood. With every five sticks of wood, an archer can make 20.
The second way an archer can make arrows is by using 1 Wood commodity and FLETCH ARROW. However, special arrows, such as frost, fire, potion dipped, poison, and aflame arrows MUST be made this way. 1 wood=20 arrows.
Basic attack for an archer.
Adds a very small amount of damage to average attack if the archer DRAW ARROW before using the release syntax. This can be used for bashing purposes.
GET ARROW FROM QUIVER (If using a special arrow type, you must specify what type of arrow when pulling from quiver)
Archer can get an arrow from their quiver, draw it, and release it in one move.
In Archery, accuracy decides how much damage the archer can do. There are five levels of accuracy in archery:
Beginner, where the archer will miss more than he/she is hits his/her target.
Intermediate, where the archer a little more competent with their bow and arrows, making them miss less.
Competent, where the archer is much better with his bow and arrows, missing the target less than prior.
Superb, where the archer is far more trained with his bow and arrow, rarely missing the target.
Master, where the archer is truly a master at aiming and targeting, never missing the intended target.
IntuitiveAim is the first step towards mastery of archery, rising the archer from beginner to intermediate.
If you use any potions or items with the arrows, they will last longer and will decay at a far slower rate.
You can now poison your arrows with one of the many poisons found in the basin. Be careful though. If you are less than competent, there is a chance you will either miss your target or accidentally shoot someone else.
Using this ability allows the archer to shoot those trying to attack them. There is a 50/50 chance it will critically shrike and a 50/50 chance that it will fail horribly. If the arrow strikes the attacking target, it will cause profuse bleeding.
Requires 1 rope and one arrow. Using the rope, an archer can tie it onto an arrow and aim the arrow at a target. When released, if the arrow strikes true, the target will be drawn to your room from theirs. However, the lower the archer's accuracy, the greater the chances are that this could horribly go wrong. (Archer could be dragged to their target's room, the archer could miss, or the archer could strike someone else in the same room on accident). The distance limit is two rooms away from the archer.
The archer may now attack while moving. However, the archer must first DRAW ARROW and AIM ARROW AT
Your intuition and control of aim and targeting techniques have grown, causing your accuracy to grow as well. Your accuracy level is now Competent.
The archer can AIM ARROW AT
Over time, your bow will decay. By mending it and taking care of it, you can slow down the decay time on your bow.
You can now make your own quiver. There are three sizes which range from small to large. Small quivers require a set amount of commodities to make and hold only 20 arrows. A medium quiver requires a set amount of commodities and holds 35 arrow. A large quiver requires a set amount of commodities and holds 50 arrows.
You can now carve your own personal identification into your arrows, letting other archers know your mark. A crest can only be one line long and no greater than 20 letters. It is similar to a warshout or motto.
By dipping your arrows into a frost potion, you can cause your target to shiver uncontrollably. (Shivering affliction. Strips fire defense first.)
Archers can now AIM ARROW AT
When an archer runs out of arrows, he/she can try to attack using his/her own bow. Be warned, however, that this will cause the bow to decay at an increased rate per successful blow.
By focusing on a target and aiming at the target, an archer can increase the damage their arrows cause. This is an automatic ability.
An archer can release two arrows at once. However, the balance time is much longer than a normal attack. AIM
By dipping your arrows into a fire potion, you can cause your opponent's blood to thin or cause your target to become feverish with confusion. (This will strip ice defense first. On second shot, it causes afflictions)
Your intuition and aiming techniques have improved greatly, increasing your accuracy level to Superior.
Archers can use this defense prior to battle. By focusing on their intuition and hand-eye coordination, they can prepare themselves to brush aside incoming arrows or projectiles with ease. Once the projectile/arrow is brushed aside, however, the defense disappears, and the archer must focus on brushing aside projectile weapons again in order to continue brushing aside arrows/projectiles.
Archers can now light their arrows on fire, causing their arrows to burn their target's flesh and skin upon contact. However, if the archer doesnt' release the arrow in the next few seconds, the burning arrow will catch him/her on fire and will disintegrate.
Archers can now aim at targets three rooms away from where they stand. However, if the target moves, the aim is canceled.
Using HOLDTARGET, an archer can release their arrow at a target three rooms away. However, if the target out of a three room radius and out of the archer's reach of aim, the attack is canceled.
By carving the arrow head of an arrow and serrating it, an archer can cause his arrows to do more damage. The higher the archer's level of accuracy, the greater the damage and the greater the chances that the arrow will cause a target's muscle to spasm, throwing the target off of balance.
Now you are truly a master of archery. Your intuition and aiming techniques have ascended into a deep understanding of spotting and detecting a target. This will also cause your bow and your arrows to decay at a slower rate.
An archer can now aim their arrows directly at a target's vital organs, which include the heart, the lungs, the throat, the head, and the bladder. If the arrow is poisoned, been dipped in a fire or frost potion, or aflame and hits a vital organ, that organ will slowly cause an affliction to the target until the target TEAR ARROW FROM
If Poisoned, Frost, Fire, or Aflame:
Heart: Dizziness, Epilepsy, Vertigo
Lungs: Punctured Lung, Collapsed Lung, Punctured Chest
Bladder: Lethargy, Relapsing, Hip Clotting
Head: Epilepsy, Confusion, Dizziness
Throat: Crushed Wind pipe, Anorexia
This can be prepared prior to battle. By focusing on both his/her intuition and hand-eye coordination, an archer can prepare himself/herself to deftly grab an arrow aimed at him or those in the same room as he/she. Once an arrow is caught, however, the archer must prepare himself to perform this ability again.
An archer can release three arrows at once at a single target or up to three separate targets. Each individual target must be AIMed at. Example:
If the archer is aiming at a single target, the archer can try to aim at the target's vital organs. However, the first arrow is sure to hit, but the chances of hitting the target lessen as the second and third arrows are released. (First arrow is sure to hit. Second arrow has 75% chance of hitting. Third arrow has 50% chance of hitting).
By using this ability, an archer can call upon his/her intuition and submerge his conscious mind into his own arrows and bow. For a small amount of time, an archer's balance between shots is lessened. If the target is brought below 1/4 of his/her health, RAPIDSHOT will immediately kill the target by causing the target's organs to burst open all at once. In order for this ability to work, the target must have at least 3 arrows puncturing three vital organs.
Qistrel2008-05-19 17:34:45
Fletchery = Arrowmaking.
Xiel2008-05-19 17:51:28
Think we're better off fixing up the classes that we do have first before we start thinking of introducing even more to Lusternia. Also, no on the ranged attacks. I don't want conflict to devolve into long-distance standoffs.
Ildaudid2008-05-19 18:02:37
QUOTE(Xiel @ May 19 2008, 01:51 PM) 513654
Think we're better off fixing up the classes that we do have first before we start thinking of introducing even more to Lusternia. Also, no on the ranged attacks. I don't want conflict to devolve into long-distance standoffs.
More than it has?
Team A: Hey leave your nexus we are raiding!!!
Team B: NOES!!! We are watching you!
Team A: Don't make us yell more long distance standoff shouts!
Team B: We can sit here all night!
Team A: ct Beckon!!!!!
Team B: ct Staffcast!!!
Team A: ct Shield!!!
Team B: ct Beckon!!!
Team A: ct Staffcast!!!
Team B: ct Shield!!!!
Daganev2008-05-19 19:37:25
This thread makes me sad. So much effort on something declared a no go so many times!
Wonder when shiri is going to link to all the archery skillset suggested threads.
Hmm, I wonder how many links there are!
Wonder when shiri is going to link to all the archery skillset suggested threads.
Hmm, I wonder how many links there are!
Qistrel2008-05-19 20:15:58
QUOTE(daganev @ May 19 2008, 09:37 PM) 513668
This thread makes me sad. So much effort on something declared a no go so many times!
Why is archery declared a no-go? I think that archery or yeomanry as a spec of knighthood would be cool.
Casilu2008-05-19 21:23:36
Yes, but then I remember fighting on Achaea during the Icon Wars. Everyone would set up their defences and the archers would just keep firing at each other, no one would ever do anything else. Very boring twenty minutes in and you can't do anything because you can't shoot an arrow.
Taika2008-05-19 21:27:17
Archery is a no-go because Estarra says so. And she knows best. (not meant to be snarky, she simply has access to things we can't see. and designed the game. so, she *does* know best.)
Daganev2008-05-19 21:33:06
QUOTE(Taika @ May 19 2008, 02:27 PM) 513693
Archery is a no-go because Estarra says so. And she knows best. (not meant to be snarky, she simply has access to things we can't see. and designed the game. so, she *does* know best.)
my basic understanding is that it doesn't fit inside the Lusternia mythos or something. I believe its along the ideas of why develop arrows when you can shoot things from your staff or some such thing.
Shiri2008-05-20 00:38:35
QUOTE(daganev @ May 19 2008, 08:37 PM) 513668
Wonder when shiri is going to link to all the archery skillset suggested threads.
I would have done it when I woke up, but the fact you mentioned it before that happened proves my point for me so I can't be bothered.
Daganev2008-05-20 01:12:55
QUOTE(Shiri @ May 19 2008, 05:38 PM) 513765
I would have done it when I woke up, but the fact you mentioned it before that happened proves my point for me so I can't be bothered.
You arn't the least bit curious how many such threads exist?
Shiri2008-05-20 01:16:36
Daganev2008-05-20 01:30:43
I count 8, how bout you?
Tervic2008-05-20 02:07:12
There should totally be a skill to affix blades to the bow....
Xenthos2008-05-20 02:59:02
QUOTE(daganev @ May 19 2008, 09:30 PM) 513770
I count 8, how bout you?
I count 14 threads in the Ideas forum that are either the original poster asking for Archery (either in the original post or one 2-3 posts later, but still on the front page), or people asking for ideas with archery as being one of the first responses (a thread started by Fain for example).
Ashai2008-05-20 03:29:51
We already have darts...
edit: and upon thinking about it more, we really have all of the sorts of things that archers can do, just divided between a lot of different classes (mostly mages/druids though), but between hexes, runes, cudgel/staff, and all sorts of strategies resulting from that, not to mention demesnes, dreamweaving, and other room effects all across the board to make combat more than just a run-in-and-gank sort of thing. Although, I feel like you used to be able to use cudgel or staff from the trees on someone in an adjacent room on ground level, and I miss that. But generally, there's no need to make all of these classes with ranged components inferior with a class devoted to ranged combat.
edit: and upon thinking about it more, we really have all of the sorts of things that archers can do, just divided between a lot of different classes (mostly mages/druids though), but between hexes, runes, cudgel/staff, and all sorts of strategies resulting from that, not to mention demesnes, dreamweaving, and other room effects all across the board to make combat more than just a run-in-and-gank sort of thing. Although, I feel like you used to be able to use cudgel or staff from the trees on someone in an adjacent room on ground level, and I miss that. But generally, there's no need to make all of these classes with ranged components inferior with a class devoted to ranged combat.
Daganev2008-05-20 04:27:55
QUOTE(Xenthos @ May 19 2008, 07:59 PM) 513792
I count 14 threads in the Ideas forum that are either the original poster asking for Archery (either in the original post or one 2-3 posts later, but still on the front page), or people asking for ideas with archery as being one of the first responses (a thread started by Fain for example).
Ahh, I meant 8 attempts by people to create an archery skillset. but I just went by thread title not thread content. (i.e. they actually suggested a skillist)
Qistrel2008-05-20 06:06:17
QUOTE(daganev @ May 19 2008, 11:33 PM) 513702
my basic understanding is that it doesn't fit inside the Lusternia mythos or something. I believe its along the ideas of why develop arrows when you can shoot things from your staff or some such thing.
Someone invented them cause there's a longbow in Hifarae. But, hey, maybe that guy was laughed at and reviled and archery died out.
Rika2008-05-20 06:09:17
Orc archers? But yeah, they get laughed at all the time. 

Gwylifar2008-05-20 14:14:17
Didn't Charune use a bow, and his zap was an arrow?