Unknown2008-06-05 01:49:39
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted lifts His hands above His head, sending out waves
of golden light. Twisting and dancing whirls of ivory ribbon mingle in the air
above you with whorls of yellow gold ribbon.
A golden glow raises up from the Toronada River before fading away as Eventru,
Crown of the Exalted descends into the nearby sands.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Greetings to each of you, mortals."
Dame Haylen Mersalius, Aspirant of Aegis says, "Greetings Lord."
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Hail, Divinity!.. again!"
Haylen's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard shouts, "Can you turn that down,
please? My eyes are hurting!"
Kialkarkea's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Howling winter winds herald the sounds of cracking ice as the piercing voice of
Asmodea Kamau crackles through the aethers, "So close them."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain motions at a celestial archangel to stop playing
with the pooka.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now."
Bellarin's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Kialkarkea beams broadly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Each of you have come, to witness the
wedding of Bellarin and Kilakarkea, who have asked Us to bind two together as
one, to live within the glory and love of the Light."
Small spheres of light, in all kinds of colours dance around the area, sparkling
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kialkarkea."
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kialkar... Kealka..."
Eventru stares implacably at Kialkarkea.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kia."
Bellarin giggles happily.
Kialkarkea grins sheepishly, a faint blush in his cheeks.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Mind if We simply call you Kia?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Good."
Eventru utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain smiles warmly at Kialkarkea.
Haylen snickers softly to herself.
"Heh heh heh" Sylvanis chuckles.
The spheres move, to dance around the two wedders feet, soft sounds of joy
coming from them
Bellarin's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "We have watched both of these two closely,
as they serve New Celest. Bellarin can oft be found upon the field of battle,
struggling to lead the charge against the tide of darkness that comes from the
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Threatening to consume, corrupt, devour,
and defile."
Twilxo jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Valonah pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Twilxo.
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Valonah comes into view.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kialkarkea has always served faithfully as
well - never one to shy from battle, always at the fore when some young one
needs help - always worrying over Raziela, after her... incident."
A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
Eventru smiles softly at Kialkarkea.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain looks pale at the mention of Her Loving Radiance.
Bellarin shuffles her feet uneasily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Yes. We see many things - always aware."
Arkynn ponders the situation.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "For it is upon the backs of the followers,
not the leaders, that New Celest and the Light is carried."
The spheres now rise, to float above the heads of the two, glowing brightly, and
the music gets louder, as if reaching for a climax
Valonah searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It is to the paladin and the aquamancer
that follow the Celestine. It is to the man, to the woman - never the name."
Eventru reaches over and ruffles Bellarin's hair fondly.
Eventru reaches over and ruffles Kialkarkea's hair fondly.
Valonah turns translucent and then vanishes, leaving behind a cloud of sparkling
motes of light.
Bellarin giggles happily.
A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain opens his mouth to say something but stops himself
and just smiles.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "For a head is but a head without an arm to
loft a sword, or lips to kiss the salty breeze of the sea."
Twilxo jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Valonah pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Twilxo.
Ayrk arrives following Seer Valonah Dekoven, Priestess of the Night.
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Valonah comes into view.
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "Oppose the Exalted One and fall, faeling.
There is only madness and hunger in the arms of the Soulless."
An Imperial Merian Premier slips into a defense stance, both of his silvery
steel blades held before him.
Eventru's eyes sparkle with amusement at an Imperial Merian Premier.
Eventru reaches over and ruffles an Imperial Merian Premier's hair fondly.
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "Ah, have you come to assist us in protecting
the Exalted One's shrines, Eventru?"
ellarin snickers softly to herself.
Ayrk, Voice of Darkness says, "Phew.. Made it!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to an Imperial Merian Premier, "Stand down,
Premier. Stand down."
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "I am one of the Premiers, a force of Imperial
Merians who have taken up the blade for the Exalted One."
Ayrk gives Bellarin a compassionate hug.
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "Though we might fight with steel, much of our
power comes from Him."
An Imperial Merian Premier crosses his blades before him, bowing his head and
whispering a soft prayer.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain nearly falls out of his chair.
Arkynn blinks.
Pointedly ignoring the newcomers, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says to Eventru, "Yes, Lord?"
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Izekeal arrives from the east.
Bellarin suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Bellarin.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "This woman, this lucidian - a shard of Xyl,
who was not known for His love of others, not known for His compassion, not
known for His kindness - wishes to spend the rest of her life bound to you, hand
to hand, lips to lips, heart to heart, and soul within soul. To move as two no
more, but as one being. One union."
Eventru narrows His eyes to thin slits.
Bellarin suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Bellarin.
"Eep!", Bellarin screams in fright.
You say to Bellarin, "MOVE."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says, "Shaddus."
Bellarin suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Bellarin.
Eventru raises His fists above His head. Concentrating briefly, He causes
rippling blue fire to flow from the heavens above into a ball of energy between
His upraised fists. Scornfully, He throws His fists forward, sending a beam of
crackling energy to incinerate Shaddus.
Shaddus has been slain by Eventru.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Jigan gives a pained sigh.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Good thing i kept these."
You give a pained sigh.
Earthen Attendant Jigan, Nil's Cook says to Bellarin, "I apologize, I tried to
keep them from pestering the wedding. I didn't know they'd react badly."
You bow your head and close your eyes, radiating a powerful, refreshing health
aura around yourself.
You see Eventru, Crown of the Exalted shout, "Never dare to steal a bride from a
wedding We are performing. Far worse will rain down upon you next time."
You briefly touch two fingers to Bellarin's forehead, and shift your refreshing
health aura to her.
You bow your head and close your eyes, radiating a powerful, refreshing health
aura around yourself.
You briefly touch two fingers to Kialkarkea's forehead, and shift your
refreshing health aura to him.
With a flourish, Bellarin slips a golden sun flail into a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
With a flourish, Bellarin slips a golden sun flail into a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
Arkynn blinks.
Arkynn scratches his head looking for an idea.
Bellarin removes a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Bellarin removes a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain asks Bellarin if she is okay.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "As We were saying@!"
Eventru coughs softly.
Eventru creases His brow in a frown.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "This woman, this lucidian - a shard of Xyl,
who was not known for His love of others, not known for His compassion, not
known for His kindness - wishes to spend the rest of her life bound to you, hand
to hand, lips to lips, heart to heart, and soul within soul. To move as two no
more, but as one being. One union."
Kialkarkea coughs softly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Yet she shows the compassion of Raziela,
and carries the light and love of Celestia in her heart."
The sun reaches the zenith of the firmament, pausing in his quest to allow the
land to bask in his shining golden rays.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain bites his lip and slinks back to his seat.
The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "She is an Aquamancer - not all of the
waters are caressing and gentle. Some are cold, pulling, drawing and
unforgiving. Wild, tempestuous. No doubt within Kialkarkea all of these lurk -
the coldness of Xyl, the love of Raziela, and the warm caress of the morning
Eventru smiles softly.
Eventru smiles softly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "...Oh by Dynara."
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
Sylvanis jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Ashtyn pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Sylvanis.
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "We have been so withdrawn into Our
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And Our workings."
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Ashtyn comes into view.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Kialkarkea, "HE."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "By the Twin Daughters of Yudhe, you mortals
confound Us."
Eventru mutters discontentedly.
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Don't worry, Divinity, many
of us mortals make the mistake."
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus says to Eventru, "I assure You, it's a common
mistake Lord."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says to Eventru, "Sorry m'Lord, I sometimes
confound myself too."
A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
Eventru utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Bellarin, "Do you know this? Do you accept
not all will be pleasant, that the white waters of the storm will come as surely
as the warm sands of the noon-time beaches?"
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says to Kialkarkea, "We should just
change sexes, since people keep thinking your the girl and i'm the guy."
Haylen snickers softly to herself.
Rauros stares blankly into space.
Rauros stares blankly at Bellarin.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It's quite obvious to Us who wears the
pants in this relationship."
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
You giggle happily.
Bellarin giggles happily.
Dame Haylen Mersalius, Aspirant of Aegis says, "I was beginning to wonder if I
was at the wrong wedding..."
Twilxo chuckles long and heartily.
A cherubic smile comes over Haylen as she gazes around, wide-eyed and innocent.
Rauros wraps a comforting arm around Kialkarkea.
Ayrk giggles happily.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain returns to his seat.
Arkynn chuckles long and heartily.
Valonah laughs out loud.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now. Let Us continue, with appropriate
Haylen slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Haylen mutters and traces a glowing circle before her. She steps through the
circle and suddenly vanishes from sight.
Bellarin's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
The corners of Haylen's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Kialkarkea suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Kialkarkea.
"Pah" Haylen says with disgust.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Let's see who dares."
You say, "Shaddus again."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Damn it!"
Shaddus suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
Shaddus eats a kafe bean.
Shaddus eats a stalk of faeleaf.
Eventru begins to wield a spear of golden steel in His right hand.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eventru slams a spear of golden steel down upon
Shaddus. Eventru hacks his cheek for a small flesh wound.
Shaddus eats a sparkleberry.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
Izekeal sprinkles a circle of salt around Shaddus, and a shimmering white orb
springs up around him.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Shaddus licks Eventru.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Haylen peers at Izekeal unscrupulously.
You give Izekeal the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
Eventru razes Shaddus's magical shield with a spear of golden steel.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eventru slams a spear of golden steel down upon
Shaddus, who brandishes Gleipnir. Eventru's spear hacks into his chain, which
deflects the blow easily.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eventru slams a spear of golden steel down upon
Shaddus. Eventru hacks his chest for a small surface wound.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says to Shaddus, "LEAVE."
Shaddus eats a sparkleberry.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
Letting a spear of golden steel droop, Eventru suddenly heaves it up at Shaddus.
Eventru's hack leaves a long, bleeding rend in his belly.
The blade shears through Shaddus's body, coming clean through the other side
with a strangely quiet swish. He appears momentarily surprised, before his eyes
glaze over in death and he collapses to the ground.
Shaddus has been slain by Eventru.
A ghostly form rises from Shaddus's body followed by a bright flash. A new
breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
Shaddus eats a kafe bean.
Shaddus utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Eventru.
Shaddus eats a stalk of faeleaf.
Shaddus takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
Shaddus takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his chest.
Letting a spear of golden steel droop, Eventru suddenly heaves it up at Shaddus.
Eventru hacks his belly, merely scratching the flesh.
Shaddus eats a sparkleberry.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
A high pitched noise bursts through the aether, crescendoing to an ear-splitting
squeal. As the noise dies down, the Tainted Broadcasting Centre releases thick
new plumes of tainted smoke into the skies.
Letting a spear of golden steel droop, Eventru suddenly heaves it up at Shaddus.
Eventru's stroke to his left leg hacks a long wound to his calf.
The blade shears through Shaddus's body, coming clean through the other side
with a strangely quiet swish. He appears momentarily surprised, before his eyes
glaze over in death and he collapses to the ground.
Shaddus has been slain by Eventru.
Globglob Mesherbrub shouts, "Behold, Basin! Our faithful servant, Madara has
returned Us to power!"
Seeing his situation to be hopeless, Shaddus begins uttering fervent prayers for
You say, "Why did you help him, Izekeal?"
Arkynn ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You give Izekeal the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Shadow Warrior Izekeal, Guardian of Nature says, "I was trying to prevent
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus says, "Is anybody here a tracker? I'd like
that body perserved."
With the smallest flick of His finger, Eventru sends Izekeal flying headlong
into the depths of the Astral Plane.
Izekeal leaves to the ether.
Haylen cheers wildly!
3215h, 4350m, 4575e, 10p exkdb-cheer eventru
You give Eventru a wild cheer!
"Wow!" Arkynn exclaims!
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Perhaps Shaddus would enjoy a
short time as a plant.."
Kialkarkea claps his hands together merrily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Further disruptions will be met with Our
extreme displeasure."
Kialkarkea nods his head emphatically.
You see Eventru, Crown of the Exalted shout, "Let Us speak quite plainly. The
next person to dare to interrupt this wedding will discover the true displeasure
of a very angry Elder God. A fury that even that Traitor Fain would cow before."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain mutters a prayer to the Supernals for a peaceful
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Eventru smiles softly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now."
(Serenwilde): Leshukt says, "Yes, I wholeheartedly agree."
Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his
journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Blade of the Ouroboros shouts, "Lord
Fain cows before no one!"
You see Eventru, Crown of the Exalted shout, "Silence."
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Subtle Touch echoes, "Please permit me to laugh.
Cowards cannot hope to compete with the fury of the True Gods, Lord Eventru.
Don't even try."
Eventru sucks thoughtfully on His teeth.
Kialkarkea gives a pained sigh.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Resist... urge... to yell
Unblooded Aidyn shouts, "He might not cowl, even!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "He will not hear you."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Oh good."
A gentle rolling of waves laps at the sand's edge.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "He's found his way to Frosticia."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Hmph."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "At any rate."
Arkynn ponders the situation.
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Enough of them."
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Without an aethership, I
Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard shouts, "Which angry elder god
are you speaking of, the only one I hear is a petulant child of a divine, who
can only attack those who can not attack him back."
Eventru ceases to wield a spear of golden steel in His right hand.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says, "I knew I forgot to snub someone..."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
You see Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus shout, "So you planned to do to me
Shaddus. Do you need to add Hypocrite to your list of shames?"
Arkynn thrusts his palm towards his forehead and hits it with a resounding
The bright sun shines down upon you.
"Shh!" Bellarin says to Kialkarkea, putting a finger to her lips.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Kialkarkea, "They cannot hear you."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "They are quickly finding themselves on
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Bellarin."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Do you love this man?"
"Heh heh heh" Sylvanis chuckles.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`'s voice reverberates, "I do sincerely hope neither of
you are going to be crying foul later for displeasing an Elder God after being
given so many chances to behave."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "I do love this man."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Who is a man. And an Aquamancer. And is
named Kialkarkea."
"Heh heh heh" Arkynn chuckles.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Kialkarkea, "We hope that makes up for all
of the mistakes."
Bellarin giggles happily.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says, "And a mighty fine dresser."
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove whispers to Kialkarkea, "You're
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus smiles and says to Eventru, "Sir, I've never
held an issue with people mistaking my gender. Simply would cause a stroke."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And do you, Kialkarkea, promise to love
this woman, who is clearly wearing the pants in this union?"
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Rauros, whose eyes glow with holy power.
Haylen gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Arkynn rolls on the floor, laughing.
You giggle happily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "To live as one, not two? To be a union, not
two halves of a whole, but one whole?"
Rauros mutters and traces the glowing symbol of a rose before him. He smiles as
the rose floats towards him and enters his chest, making him somehow look much
more attractive.
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus laughingly says, "I do!"
The spheres start to thrum with energy, getting brighter
Your artistic eye immediately notices the flaws in what is obviously an
The bright sun shines down upon you.
The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well! We, Eventru, Crown of the
Exalted, give to you Our blessing!"
Raising His hands above His head, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted sends flares of
gold and ivory light skywards.
A rapturous light flares above the Toronada Flats, heralding the wedding of the
male Aquamancer Kialkarkea to the female Paladin, Bellarin.
The spheres now shoot into the air, incredibly high before bursting into bright
bursts of color and light.
of golden light. Twisting and dancing whirls of ivory ribbon mingle in the air
above you with whorls of yellow gold ribbon.
A golden glow raises up from the Toronada River before fading away as Eventru,
Crown of the Exalted descends into the nearby sands.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Greetings to each of you, mortals."
Dame Haylen Mersalius, Aspirant of Aegis says, "Greetings Lord."
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Hail, Divinity!.. again!"
Haylen's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard shouts, "Can you turn that down,
please? My eyes are hurting!"
Kialkarkea's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Howling winter winds herald the sounds of cracking ice as the piercing voice of
Asmodea Kamau crackles through the aethers, "So close them."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain motions at a celestial archangel to stop playing
with the pooka.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now."
Bellarin's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Kialkarkea beams broadly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Each of you have come, to witness the
wedding of Bellarin and Kilakarkea, who have asked Us to bind two together as
one, to live within the glory and love of the Light."
Small spheres of light, in all kinds of colours dance around the area, sparkling
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kialkarkea."
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kialkar... Kealka..."
Eventru stares implacably at Kialkarkea.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kia."
Bellarin giggles happily.
Kialkarkea grins sheepishly, a faint blush in his cheeks.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Mind if We simply call you Kia?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Good."
Eventru utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain smiles warmly at Kialkarkea.
Haylen snickers softly to herself.
"Heh heh heh" Sylvanis chuckles.
The spheres move, to dance around the two wedders feet, soft sounds of joy
coming from them
Bellarin's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "We have watched both of these two closely,
as they serve New Celest. Bellarin can oft be found upon the field of battle,
struggling to lead the charge against the tide of darkness that comes from the
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Threatening to consume, corrupt, devour,
and defile."
Twilxo jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Valonah pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Twilxo.
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Valonah comes into view.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Kialkarkea has always served faithfully as
well - never one to shy from battle, always at the fore when some young one
needs help - always worrying over Raziela, after her... incident."
A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
Eventru smiles softly at Kialkarkea.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain looks pale at the mention of Her Loving Radiance.
Bellarin shuffles her feet uneasily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Yes. We see many things - always aware."
Arkynn ponders the situation.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "For it is upon the backs of the followers,
not the leaders, that New Celest and the Light is carried."
The spheres now rise, to float above the heads of the two, glowing brightly, and
the music gets louder, as if reaching for a climax
Valonah searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It is to the paladin and the aquamancer
that follow the Celestine. It is to the man, to the woman - never the name."
Eventru reaches over and ruffles Bellarin's hair fondly.
Eventru reaches over and ruffles Kialkarkea's hair fondly.
Valonah turns translucent and then vanishes, leaving behind a cloud of sparkling
motes of light.
Bellarin giggles happily.
A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain opens his mouth to say something but stops himself
and just smiles.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "For a head is but a head without an arm to
loft a sword, or lips to kiss the salty breeze of the sea."
Twilxo jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Valonah pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Twilxo.
Ayrk arrives following Seer Valonah Dekoven, Priestess of the Night.
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Valonah comes into view.
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "Oppose the Exalted One and fall, faeling.
There is only madness and hunger in the arms of the Soulless."
An Imperial Merian Premier slips into a defense stance, both of his silvery
steel blades held before him.
Eventru's eyes sparkle with amusement at an Imperial Merian Premier.
Eventru reaches over and ruffles an Imperial Merian Premier's hair fondly.
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "Ah, have you come to assist us in protecting
the Exalted One's shrines, Eventru?"
ellarin snickers softly to herself.
Ayrk, Voice of Darkness says, "Phew.. Made it!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to an Imperial Merian Premier, "Stand down,
Premier. Stand down."
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "I am one of the Premiers, a force of Imperial
Merians who have taken up the blade for the Exalted One."
Ayrk gives Bellarin a compassionate hug.
An Imperial Merian Premier says, "Though we might fight with steel, much of our
power comes from Him."
An Imperial Merian Premier crosses his blades before him, bowing his head and
whispering a soft prayer.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain nearly falls out of his chair.
Arkynn blinks.
Pointedly ignoring the newcomers, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says to Eventru, "Yes, Lord?"
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Izekeal arrives from the east.
Bellarin suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Bellarin.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "This woman, this lucidian - a shard of Xyl,
who was not known for His love of others, not known for His compassion, not
known for His kindness - wishes to spend the rest of her life bound to you, hand
to hand, lips to lips, heart to heart, and soul within soul. To move as two no
more, but as one being. One union."
Eventru narrows His eyes to thin slits.
Bellarin suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Bellarin.
"Eep!", Bellarin screams in fright.
You say to Bellarin, "MOVE."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says, "Shaddus."
Bellarin suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Bellarin.
Eventru raises His fists above His head. Concentrating briefly, He causes
rippling blue fire to flow from the heavens above into a ball of energy between
His upraised fists. Scornfully, He throws His fists forward, sending a beam of
crackling energy to incinerate Shaddus.
Shaddus has been slain by Eventru.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Jigan gives a pained sigh.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Good thing i kept these."
You give a pained sigh.
Earthen Attendant Jigan, Nil's Cook says to Bellarin, "I apologize, I tried to
keep them from pestering the wedding. I didn't know they'd react badly."
You bow your head and close your eyes, radiating a powerful, refreshing health
aura around yourself.
You see Eventru, Crown of the Exalted shout, "Never dare to steal a bride from a
wedding We are performing. Far worse will rain down upon you next time."
You briefly touch two fingers to Bellarin's forehead, and shift your refreshing
health aura to her.
You bow your head and close your eyes, radiating a powerful, refreshing health
aura around yourself.
You briefly touch two fingers to Kialkarkea's forehead, and shift your
refreshing health aura to him.
With a flourish, Bellarin slips a golden sun flail into a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
With a flourish, Bellarin slips a golden sun flail into a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
Arkynn blinks.
Arkynn scratches his head looking for an idea.
Bellarin removes a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Bellarin removes a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain asks Bellarin if she is okay.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "As We were saying@!"
Eventru coughs softly.
Eventru creases His brow in a frown.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "This woman, this lucidian - a shard of Xyl,
who was not known for His love of others, not known for His compassion, not
known for His kindness - wishes to spend the rest of her life bound to you, hand
to hand, lips to lips, heart to heart, and soul within soul. To move as two no
more, but as one being. One union."
Kialkarkea coughs softly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Yet she shows the compassion of Raziela,
and carries the light and love of Celestia in her heart."
The sun reaches the zenith of the firmament, pausing in his quest to allow the
land to bask in his shining golden rays.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain bites his lip and slinks back to his seat.
The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "She is an Aquamancer - not all of the
waters are caressing and gentle. Some are cold, pulling, drawing and
unforgiving. Wild, tempestuous. No doubt within Kialkarkea all of these lurk -
the coldness of Xyl, the love of Raziela, and the warm caress of the morning
Eventru smiles softly.
Eventru smiles softly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "...Oh by Dynara."
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
Sylvanis jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
You sense Ashtyn pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Sylvanis.
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "We have been so withdrawn into Our
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And Our workings."
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and
then quickly solidifies as Ashtyn comes into view.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Kialkarkea, "HE."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "By the Twin Daughters of Yudhe, you mortals
confound Us."
Eventru mutters discontentedly.
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Don't worry, Divinity, many
of us mortals make the mistake."
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus says to Eventru, "I assure You, it's a common
mistake Lord."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says to Eventru, "Sorry m'Lord, I sometimes
confound myself too."
A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
Eventru utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Bellarin, "Do you know this? Do you accept
not all will be pleasant, that the white waters of the storm will come as surely
as the warm sands of the noon-time beaches?"
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says to Kialkarkea, "We should just
change sexes, since people keep thinking your the girl and i'm the guy."
Haylen snickers softly to herself.
Rauros stares blankly into space.
Rauros stares blankly at Bellarin.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It's quite obvious to Us who wears the
pants in this relationship."
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
You giggle happily.
Bellarin giggles happily.
Dame Haylen Mersalius, Aspirant of Aegis says, "I was beginning to wonder if I
was at the wrong wedding..."
Twilxo chuckles long and heartily.
A cherubic smile comes over Haylen as she gazes around, wide-eyed and innocent.
Rauros wraps a comforting arm around Kialkarkea.
Ayrk giggles happily.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain returns to his seat.
Arkynn chuckles long and heartily.
Valonah laughs out loud.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now. Let Us continue, with appropriate
Haylen slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Haylen mutters and traces a glowing circle before her. She steps through the
circle and suddenly vanishes from sight.
Bellarin's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
The corners of Haylen's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Kialkarkea suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
You sense Shaddus pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Kialkarkea.
"Pah" Haylen says with disgust.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Let's see who dares."
You say, "Shaddus again."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Damn it!"
Shaddus suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
Shaddus eats a kafe bean.
Shaddus eats a stalk of faeleaf.
Eventru begins to wield a spear of golden steel in His right hand.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eventru slams a spear of golden steel down upon
Shaddus. Eventru hacks his cheek for a small flesh wound.
Shaddus eats a sparkleberry.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
Izekeal sprinkles a circle of salt around Shaddus, and a shimmering white orb
springs up around him.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Shaddus licks Eventru.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
Bellarin slips into a black scabbard with a gold horn.
Haylen peers at Izekeal unscrupulously.
You give Izekeal the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
Eventru razes Shaddus's magical shield with a spear of golden steel.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
With a flourish, Bellarin draws a golden sun flail from a black scabbard with a
gold horn.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eventru slams a spear of golden steel down upon
Shaddus, who brandishes Gleipnir. Eventru's spear hacks into his chain, which
deflects the blow easily.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eventru slams a spear of golden steel down upon
Shaddus. Eventru hacks his chest for a small surface wound.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says to Shaddus, "LEAVE."
Shaddus eats a sparkleberry.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
Letting a spear of golden steel droop, Eventru suddenly heaves it up at Shaddus.
Eventru's hack leaves a long, bleeding rend in his belly.
The blade shears through Shaddus's body, coming clean through the other side
with a strangely quiet swish. He appears momentarily surprised, before his eyes
glaze over in death and he collapses to the ground.
Shaddus has been slain by Eventru.
A ghostly form rises from Shaddus's body followed by a bright flash. A new
breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
Shaddus eats a kafe bean.
Shaddus utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Eventru.
Shaddus eats a stalk of faeleaf.
Shaddus takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
Shaddus takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his chest.
Letting a spear of golden steel droop, Eventru suddenly heaves it up at Shaddus.
Eventru hacks his belly, merely scratching the flesh.
Shaddus eats a sparkleberry.
Shaddus takes a drink from an onyx vial.
A high pitched noise bursts through the aether, crescendoing to an ear-splitting
squeal. As the noise dies down, the Tainted Broadcasting Centre releases thick
new plumes of tainted smoke into the skies.
Letting a spear of golden steel droop, Eventru suddenly heaves it up at Shaddus.
Eventru's stroke to his left leg hacks a long wound to his calf.
The blade shears through Shaddus's body, coming clean through the other side
with a strangely quiet swish. He appears momentarily surprised, before his eyes
glaze over in death and he collapses to the ground.
Shaddus has been slain by Eventru.
Globglob Mesherbrub shouts, "Behold, Basin! Our faithful servant, Madara has
returned Us to power!"
Seeing his situation to be hopeless, Shaddus begins uttering fervent prayers for
You say, "Why did you help him, Izekeal?"
Arkynn ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You give Izekeal the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Shadow Warrior Izekeal, Guardian of Nature says, "I was trying to prevent
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus says, "Is anybody here a tracker? I'd like
that body perserved."
With the smallest flick of His finger, Eventru sends Izekeal flying headlong
into the depths of the Astral Plane.
Izekeal leaves to the ether.
Haylen cheers wildly!
3215h, 4350m, 4575e, 10p exkdb-cheer eventru
You give Eventru a wild cheer!
"Wow!" Arkynn exclaims!
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Perhaps Shaddus would enjoy a
short time as a plant.."
Kialkarkea claps his hands together merrily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Further disruptions will be met with Our
extreme displeasure."
Kialkarkea nods his head emphatically.
You see Eventru, Crown of the Exalted shout, "Let Us speak quite plainly. The
next person to dare to interrupt this wedding will discover the true displeasure
of a very angry Elder God. A fury that even that Traitor Fain would cow before."
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain mutters a prayer to the Supernals for a peaceful
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Eventru smiles softly.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now."
(Serenwilde): Leshukt says, "Yes, I wholeheartedly agree."
Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his
journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Blade of the Ouroboros shouts, "Lord
Fain cows before no one!"
You see Eventru, Crown of the Exalted shout, "Silence."
Sohei Revan n'Kylbar, the Subtle Touch echoes, "Please permit me to laugh.
Cowards cannot hope to compete with the fury of the True Gods, Lord Eventru.
Don't even try."
Eventru sucks thoughtfully on His teeth.
Kialkarkea gives a pained sigh.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Resist... urge... to yell
Unblooded Aidyn shouts, "He might not cowl, even!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "He will not hear you."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Oh good."
A gentle rolling of waves laps at the sand's edge.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "He's found his way to Frosticia."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "Hmph."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "At any rate."
Arkynn ponders the situation.
Eventru's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across His face.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Enough of them."
Connoisseur Twilxo, Crescendo of the Majors says, "Without an aethership, I
Sohei of the Despondent Faith, Shaddus Mes'ard shouts, "Which angry elder god
are you speaking of, the only one I hear is a petulant child of a divine, who
can only attack those who can not attack him back."
Eventru ceases to wield a spear of golden steel in His right hand.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says, "I knew I forgot to snub someone..."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
You see Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus shout, "So you planned to do to me
Shaddus. Do you need to add Hypocrite to your list of shames?"
Arkynn thrusts his palm towards his forehead and hits it with a resounding
The bright sun shines down upon you.
"Shh!" Bellarin says to Kialkarkea, putting a finger to her lips.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Kialkarkea, "They cannot hear you."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "They are quickly finding themselves on
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Now!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Bellarin."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Do you love this man?"
"Heh heh heh" Sylvanis chuckles.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`'s voice reverberates, "I do sincerely hope neither of
you are going to be crying foul later for displeasing an Elder God after being
given so many chances to behave."
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove says, "I do love this man."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Who is a man. And an Aquamancer. And is
named Kialkarkea."
"Heh heh heh" Arkynn chuckles.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to Kialkarkea, "We hope that makes up for all
of the mistakes."
Bellarin giggles happily.
Rauros Gilmire, Light's Chain says, "And a mighty fine dresser."
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Grand Apostle Bellarin, Marshal of the Dove whispers to Kialkarkea, "You're
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus smiles and says to Eventru, "Sir, I've never
held an issue with people mistaking my gender. Simply would cause a stroke."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And do you, Kialkarkea, promise to love
this woman, who is clearly wearing the pants in this union?"
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Rauros, whose eyes glow with holy power.
Haylen gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Arkynn rolls on the floor, laughing.
You giggle happily.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "To live as one, not two? To be a union, not
two halves of a whole, but one whole?"
Rauros mutters and traces the glowing symbol of a rose before him. He smiles as
the rose floats towards him and enters his chest, making him somehow look much
more attractive.
Aqua Initiate Kialkarkea Diodorus laughingly says, "I do!"
The spheres start to thrum with energy, getting brighter
Your artistic eye immediately notices the flaws in what is obviously an
The bright sun shines down upon you.
The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well! We, Eventru, Crown of the
Exalted, give to you Our blessing!"
Raising His hands above His head, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted sends flares of
gold and ivory light skywards.
A rapturous light flares above the Toronada Flats, heralding the wedding of the
male Aquamancer Kialkarkea to the female Paladin, Bellarin.
The spheres now shoot into the air, incredibly high before bursting into bright
bursts of color and light.
Twilxo2008-06-05 02:08:25
Wonder who made those lovely spheres
Wonder who made those lovely spheres
Unknown2008-06-05 02:19:16
QUOTE(Twilxo @ Jun 4 2008, 10:08 PM) 518172
Wonder who made those lovely spheres
Wonder who made those lovely spheres
Certainly not a bard with illusions...

Ardmore2008-06-05 02:30:58
What a bunch of morons for trying to interfere with the wedding. They need to make it like Achaea and have anyone that screws with a weddings get disfavoured and zapped about 10-15 times. Depending on which God it is.
Aison2008-06-05 02:35:05
Uhm... wow... I always thought Kia was a girl and Bellarin was a boy... :/
Unknown2008-06-05 02:36:24
QUOTE(Aison @ Jun 4 2008, 10:35 PM) 518189
Uhm... wow... I always thought Kia was a girl and Bellarin was a boy... :/

Aison2008-06-05 02:37:59

Twilxo2008-06-05 03:36:02
Well, i'm sure theres a reason Aison is Eventru's order head
Unknown2008-06-05 03:37:10
QUOTE(Aison @ Jun 4 2008, 09:35 PM) 518189
Uhm... wow... I always thought Kia was a girl and Bellarin was a boy... :/
Bellarin is overly bubbly and happy for no reason at all
How do you people get that SHE is a GUY!?!
-sigh- and to think i could go a day without my brain hurting
Lokin2008-06-05 03:57:41
-sigh- and to think i could go a day without my brain hurting
You date me, not a chance.
Unknown2008-06-05 04:19:57
QUOTE(Lokin @ Jun 4 2008, 10:57 PM) 518222
You date me, not a chance.
You date me, not a chance.
No, Sweetie. I don't count you being that you do it on a regular basis
Technically it's like your job
Lokin2008-06-05 04:36:57
Still counts!
Mortexia2008-06-08 08:23:05

Ninja edit: And Aison, aren't you a guy?

Aison2008-06-08 17:13:13
QUOTE(Mortexia @ Jun 8 2008, 01:23 AM) 519097

Ninja edit: And Aison, aren't you a guy?

Sister Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted (Female Human).

Although Aison is a boy's name... (i.e. Aeson from the Iliad). And Aison's not very pretty, so I guess one could mistake her for an adolescent boy.
I guess.

edit: and um, if you mean like... out of character... I'm a chick. And no I'm not posting pics to prove this

Unknown2008-06-08 18:37:51
QUOTE(Aison @ Jun 8 2008, 01:13 PM) 519177

Although Aison is a boy's name... (i.e. Aeson from the Iliad). And Aison's not very pretty, so I guess one could mistake her for an adolescent boy.
I guess.

edit: and um, if you mean like... out of character... I'm a chick. And no I'm not posting pics to prove this

You type like a girl! <3
Aison2008-06-08 18:44:44
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Jun 8 2008, 11:37 AM) 519203
You type like a girl! <3