Somaria2008-06-09 02:08:37
Celina arrives from the down.
Celina inclines her head politely to you.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "We must speak, now."
You begin to follow Celina.
You follow Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart ether to Redoubt of the Endless.
You follow Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart north to A view on eternity.
A view on eternity.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The marble archway in the southern wall opens into a wide, many-windowed chamber looking out over the edge of a barren cliff into sheer nothingness. Far below, a swirling miasma clings to a set of spheres that roll and collide with each other. Within the manse, elegant marble pillars frame and support arching windows that look over the cliff and out into a twilight skyscape. An enormous black crow is here, sleeping soundly. Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana is here. She wields an elegant viola of the engine in her left hand. Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and a golden sunburst shield in her right.
You see a single exit leading south.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana stands, back to the archway, regarding the Void.
Distantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Bring her forwards, cousin."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana turns in a swirl of robes, her face impassive.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart gruffly shoves Somaria forward.
Somaria tenses, keeping her gaze cast to the floor as she falls to her knees before Sthai.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana eyes you with blatant disinterest.
Over Somaria's head, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "It still remembers how to kneel properly? Impressive."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart places a firm hand on Somaria's shoulder, talons pressing against flesh.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "I'm surprised as you are, Mistress."
Sthai smirks.
Drily, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "But then again, she did serve the Resurgence and the Exalted, one supposes there are other ways of practicing proper kneeling posture."
Somaria stares at the floor blankly, hands gripping the hem of her robes tightly to cease their trembling.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says to Sthai, "One can't expect much more from such a weed."
Celina curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "Come to think of it, didn't the Celestines practice that with their angels and postulants before the Exalted returned? Fascinating."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana nods thoughtfully in agreement.
Snarling, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "I've seen the way she looks at my husband."
You have emoted: Somaria grips the silk more tightly, holding her tongue.
Lips curving very slightly at the edges, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "What else would you expect from a whore, cousin?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "After all, she's undoubtedly sold her body for the n'Kylbar name. I wonder how much they paid?"
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "Revan must be desperate for Gabranth to own a wife, for them to be fishing for such trash."
Talons digging deeper into the flesh, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Too much, undoubtedly."
You murmur, "I will not take the n'Kylbar name."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "The desperate are so terribly quick to overplay their hands, mm? Sad, really."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Though I doubt that maggot Gabranth could find much better. A pathetic match. Made for each other."
With a slow nod to Celina, Sthai shows her understanding.
You have emoted: Somaria shakes her head slowly, and only slightly, becoming quiet once more.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "They've both failed at all they've reached for, mm, indeed. Their children should be worthy contributors to the n'Rotri Workhouse."
Celina's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Offhandedly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "The brat's already destined for fertilizer in any case."
Smirking, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Perhaps the Jardin is looking to hire? They might take after their whore of a mother."
Dismissing the idea with a flick of her wrist, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Even Luciden isn't desperate enough to take in Celestian spawn."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "I doubt the n'Kylbar will be overjoyed to have her former children amongst them."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana gives an elaborate shrug.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Unless Revan's... proclivities... remain the same."
Sthai coughs softly.
Somaria shifts her gaze cautiously to the south, before fixating it back to the floor in front of her.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana dismisses the conversation with a flick of her fingers.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana stares down at you impassively.
Clinically, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "A disappointing failure of a puppet."
Flatly, you murmur to Sthai, "May I go now?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "It's speaking. Hit it."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart hisses with amusement. Clenching her fist, ebony talons driving deep into the flesh.
Celina steps up to you and, in one smooth motion, backhands you viciously across the face.
Somaria silently turns her face with the slap, bringing her dull, lifeless gaze back to the floor after a small pause.
Impassively, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "I was still speaking. Now then."
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Ironic, really, that you bear the n'Kylbar name. The last one was much the same as you. Multiple communes, cities, Gods, husbands... substantial amounts of wasted effort in order to gain attention and baubles.."
Canting her head slightly to one side, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Also a n'Kylbar. It does lead one to wonder."
Sthai gives a pained sigh.
Briskly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Overall, a failure."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart emits a high, amused growl.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "A failure as a student, a failure as a follower, a failure even within her own personal life. A complete wreck of a girl, clawing and begging for attention from those she betrays."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "So tell me, Failure, why did you come crawling back to Him? You've burnt everything you've reached for with your own hands, betrayed every principle you've sworn to protect - and to add insult to insignicant injury, have tried hard... so very hard... to be a subtle, conniving wench, when a fool could see that you entirely lack the skill."
Hesitantly, you murmur, "I only seek to appease Him, Tongue."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana inspects her fingernails, then casually backhands you, driving her back against Celina's talons.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Try again."
You have emoted: Somaria winces, trying hard to keep her composure.
Blandly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "I could merely have the Priest rip the truth from your mind and leave you a mewling child for the citizens of the Undercity to torment, eternally aware of what you once were and what might have been."
You wince in pain.
Folding her hands within her sleeves, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "But I am, to a degree, merciful. Now. Tell me, Failure, why are you here?"
Icily, you say, "He is the Master and I am nothing before Him. I came crawling back because I am pathetically lost without Him."
Sthai gives a pained sigh.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana backhands you again, almost as an afterthought.
You exclaim, "I don't understand what it is you want, Tongue!"
Pleasantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Do watch your mouth, little fool."
You have emoted: Somaria takes a slow breath in, resuming her grip upon her robes.
Folding her hands once more, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your meaningless mouthing of formula aside, what is it you WANT, Failure?"
You murmur, "I want the brand removed."
Sthai smirks.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Well and so."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And Gabranth n'Kylbar? One assumes, a means to an end."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And not a terribly subtle one."
You narrow your eyes to thin slits.
Gabranth tells you, "Heya."
Sthai smirks.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Come now, what is this, number four?"
Sthai yawns suddenly and mightily.
You tell Initiate of Alluvium, Gabranth n'Kylbar, "I can't.. talk right now.."
Blandly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "I wonder, does the Jardin count?"
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "No matter."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Turning and striding away to gaze out of the window once more, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Everything has a price, Makiare."
Smiling thinly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Everything."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart twitches her fingers, drawing a few fresh lines of blood.
Distantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your betrayal, and inability to succeed, has brought you to the Glomdoring."
You blink.
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "To the doorstep of Marshal Rillaen. An old friend of mine."
Examining her fingernails, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "An old friend who owes me... a substantial favor. Several of them."
Somaria ignoring the pain in her should, finally lifts her gaze to Sthai, eyes widened.
Not turning, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The life of a traitoress is worthless compared to the good favor of the Engine."
Folding her hands behind her back, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Also a relative."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sthai's lips.
Celina smirks.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Brother of my husband, in fact."
Tilting her head slightly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And one imagines that you have already made yourself unwelcome in your usual manner."
Sthai nods her head at Celina, showing her acceptance.
Drily, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Who would have thought it, with your... sparkling personality and spotless background."
Turning, robes swirling about her, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Let us be quite clear, Makiare, I was content to leave you to die a slow, miserable death, a weed amidst the Glomdoring, meat for Celina and her kin."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart drags her tongue across her feral muzzle.
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "But then again, you never were content to leave old wounds be, were you? And now, you fully comprehend your situation, I believe. Having shat upon every doorstep in the Engine, you have risked your last bastion of safety for an illusion of power within a Great House."
You murmur, "You misunderstand, Tongue.."
With a pained sigh, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Which brings us here, to this chamber... Celina, hit it again."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart jerks her talons across the raw flesh, drawing deep furrows.
Somaria grips her robes harder, prepared for the slap this time, though not the cuts, wincing pathetically.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says to you, "You will be silent, K'sh'kia."
Not stirring, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "You're not even a terribly effective pawn."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Disappointing. You've learned nothing."
Folding her hands within her sleeves, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "I am, however, not without some speck of mercy. There is one task that will stay my hand from your ejection from the Glomdoring and the hand of every mortal in the Basin turned against you."
As an afterthought, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "By the way, you surely didn't think the Priest would consent to Gabranth n'Kylbar wedding a Traitor within his own Order? Foolish girl."
Shaking her head, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Nay, not terribly well analyzed. At any rate."
Sthai purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "My Eyes within the Glomdoring have brought word of your court of a Celestian God."
Drily, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The Enigma, is it not?"
You narrow your eyes to thin slits.
Sthai smirks.
Impatiently, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Well?"
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart jerks Somaria's wounded shoulder forward, prompting an answer.
Reluctantly, you say, "The Enigma visits me, aye."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana nods pensively.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Well and so."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You have a bargaining chip to preserve you, Failure."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "This is your task. Complete it, and I shall spare you. Fail it, and I will render your life even more useless than it currently is."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You will join the Order of the Enigma."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You will rise within the ranks - quietly, but with distinction."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You will discover the hidden ways of His Order. And then, you shall deliver the secrets to my Student."
Sthai nods her head at Celina.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Via a journal, which shall be provided."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The entry of His temple, the composition of His Order, each conversation."
With an elaborate shrug, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And this is the measure of your life, Makiare."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Succeed within two years, and we shall see what further use you may be."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "Return her to the Glomdoring."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart jerks Somaria to her feet.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Get up, K'sh'kia."
Celina inclines her head politely to Sthai.
You follow Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart ether to the Portals of Glomdoring.
Celina coughs softly.
Hissing into Somaria's ear, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Do not even think of betraying us, Somaria. The Eye of Crow sees Truth. You would be wise to remember this."
Celina inclines her head politely to you.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "We must speak, now."
You begin to follow Celina.
You follow Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart ether to Redoubt of the Endless.
You follow Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart north to A view on eternity.
A view on eternity.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The marble archway in the southern wall opens into a wide, many-windowed chamber looking out over the edge of a barren cliff into sheer nothingness. Far below, a swirling miasma clings to a set of spheres that roll and collide with each other. Within the manse, elegant marble pillars frame and support arching windows that look over the cliff and out into a twilight skyscape. An enormous black crow is here, sleeping soundly. Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana is here. She wields an elegant viola of the engine in her left hand. Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and a golden sunburst shield in her right.
You see a single exit leading south.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana stands, back to the archway, regarding the Void.
Distantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Bring her forwards, cousin."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana turns in a swirl of robes, her face impassive.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart gruffly shoves Somaria forward.
Somaria tenses, keeping her gaze cast to the floor as she falls to her knees before Sthai.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana eyes you with blatant disinterest.
Over Somaria's head, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "It still remembers how to kneel properly? Impressive."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart places a firm hand on Somaria's shoulder, talons pressing against flesh.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "I'm surprised as you are, Mistress."
Sthai smirks.
Drily, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "But then again, she did serve the Resurgence and the Exalted, one supposes there are other ways of practicing proper kneeling posture."
Somaria stares at the floor blankly, hands gripping the hem of her robes tightly to cease their trembling.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says to Sthai, "One can't expect much more from such a weed."
Celina curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "Come to think of it, didn't the Celestines practice that with their angels and postulants before the Exalted returned? Fascinating."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana nods thoughtfully in agreement.
Snarling, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "I've seen the way she looks at my husband."
You have emoted: Somaria grips the silk more tightly, holding her tongue.
Lips curving very slightly at the edges, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "What else would you expect from a whore, cousin?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "After all, she's undoubtedly sold her body for the n'Kylbar name. I wonder how much they paid?"
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "Revan must be desperate for Gabranth to own a wife, for them to be fishing for such trash."
Talons digging deeper into the flesh, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Too much, undoubtedly."
You murmur, "I will not take the n'Kylbar name."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "The desperate are so terribly quick to overplay their hands, mm? Sad, really."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Though I doubt that maggot Gabranth could find much better. A pathetic match. Made for each other."
With a slow nod to Celina, Sthai shows her understanding.
You have emoted: Somaria shakes her head slowly, and only slightly, becoming quiet once more.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "They've both failed at all they've reached for, mm, indeed. Their children should be worthy contributors to the n'Rotri Workhouse."
Celina's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Offhandedly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "The brat's already destined for fertilizer in any case."
Smirking, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Perhaps the Jardin is looking to hire? They might take after their whore of a mother."
Dismissing the idea with a flick of her wrist, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Even Luciden isn't desperate enough to take in Celestian spawn."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "I doubt the n'Kylbar will be overjoyed to have her former children amongst them."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana gives an elaborate shrug.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Unless Revan's... proclivities... remain the same."
Sthai coughs softly.
Somaria shifts her gaze cautiously to the south, before fixating it back to the floor in front of her.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana dismisses the conversation with a flick of her fingers.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana stares down at you impassively.
Clinically, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "A disappointing failure of a puppet."
Flatly, you murmur to Sthai, "May I go now?"
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "It's speaking. Hit it."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart hisses with amusement. Clenching her fist, ebony talons driving deep into the flesh.
Celina steps up to you and, in one smooth motion, backhands you viciously across the face.
Somaria silently turns her face with the slap, bringing her dull, lifeless gaze back to the floor after a small pause.
Impassively, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "I was still speaking. Now then."
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Ironic, really, that you bear the n'Kylbar name. The last one was much the same as you. Multiple communes, cities, Gods, husbands... substantial amounts of wasted effort in order to gain attention and baubles.."
Canting her head slightly to one side, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Also a n'Kylbar. It does lead one to wonder."
Sthai gives a pained sigh.
Briskly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Overall, a failure."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart emits a high, amused growl.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "A failure as a student, a failure as a follower, a failure even within her own personal life. A complete wreck of a girl, clawing and begging for attention from those she betrays."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "So tell me, Failure, why did you come crawling back to Him? You've burnt everything you've reached for with your own hands, betrayed every principle you've sworn to protect - and to add insult to insignicant injury, have tried hard... so very hard... to be a subtle, conniving wench, when a fool could see that you entirely lack the skill."
Hesitantly, you murmur, "I only seek to appease Him, Tongue."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana inspects her fingernails, then casually backhands you, driving her back against Celina's talons.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Try again."
You have emoted: Somaria winces, trying hard to keep her composure.
Blandly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "I could merely have the Priest rip the truth from your mind and leave you a mewling child for the citizens of the Undercity to torment, eternally aware of what you once were and what might have been."
You wince in pain.
Folding her hands within her sleeves, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "But I am, to a degree, merciful. Now. Tell me, Failure, why are you here?"
Icily, you say, "He is the Master and I am nothing before Him. I came crawling back because I am pathetically lost without Him."
Sthai gives a pained sigh.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana backhands you again, almost as an afterthought.
You exclaim, "I don't understand what it is you want, Tongue!"
Pleasantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Do watch your mouth, little fool."
You have emoted: Somaria takes a slow breath in, resuming her grip upon her robes.
Folding her hands once more, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your meaningless mouthing of formula aside, what is it you WANT, Failure?"
You murmur, "I want the brand removed."
Sthai smirks.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Well and so."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And Gabranth n'Kylbar? One assumes, a means to an end."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And not a terribly subtle one."
You narrow your eyes to thin slits.
Gabranth tells you, "Heya."
Sthai smirks.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Come now, what is this, number four?"
Sthai yawns suddenly and mightily.
You tell Initiate of Alluvium, Gabranth n'Kylbar, "I can't.. talk right now.."
Blandly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "I wonder, does the Jardin count?"
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "No matter."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Turning and striding away to gaze out of the window once more, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Everything has a price, Makiare."
Smiling thinly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Everything."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart twitches her fingers, drawing a few fresh lines of blood.
Distantly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Your betrayal, and inability to succeed, has brought you to the Glomdoring."
You blink.
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "To the doorstep of Marshal Rillaen. An old friend of mine."
Examining her fingernails, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "An old friend who owes me... a substantial favor. Several of them."
Somaria ignoring the pain in her should, finally lifts her gaze to Sthai, eyes widened.
Not turning, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The life of a traitoress is worthless compared to the good favor of the Engine."
Folding her hands behind her back, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Also a relative."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sthai's lips.
Celina smirks.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Brother of my husband, in fact."
Tilting her head slightly, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And one imagines that you have already made yourself unwelcome in your usual manner."
Sthai nods her head at Celina, showing her acceptance.
Drily, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Who would have thought it, with your... sparkling personality and spotless background."
Turning, robes swirling about her, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Let us be quite clear, Makiare, I was content to leave you to die a slow, miserable death, a weed amidst the Glomdoring, meat for Celina and her kin."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart drags her tongue across her feral muzzle.
Thoughtfully, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "But then again, you never were content to leave old wounds be, were you? And now, you fully comprehend your situation, I believe. Having shat upon every doorstep in the Engine, you have risked your last bastion of safety for an illusion of power within a Great House."
You murmur, "You misunderstand, Tongue.."
With a pained sigh, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Which brings us here, to this chamber... Celina, hit it again."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart jerks her talons across the raw flesh, drawing deep furrows.
Somaria grips her robes harder, prepared for the slap this time, though not the cuts, wincing pathetically.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says to you, "You will be silent, K'sh'kia."
Not stirring, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "You're not even a terribly effective pawn."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Disappointing. You've learned nothing."
Folding her hands within her sleeves, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "I am, however, not without some speck of mercy. There is one task that will stay my hand from your ejection from the Glomdoring and the hand of every mortal in the Basin turned against you."
As an afterthought, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "By the way, you surely didn't think the Priest would consent to Gabranth n'Kylbar wedding a Traitor within his own Order? Foolish girl."
Shaking her head, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Nay, not terribly well analyzed. At any rate."
Sthai purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "My Eyes within the Glomdoring have brought word of your court of a Celestian God."
Drily, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The Enigma, is it not?"
You narrow your eyes to thin slits.
Sthai smirks.
Impatiently, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Well?"
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart jerks Somaria's wounded shoulder forward, prompting an answer.
Reluctantly, you say, "The Enigma visits me, aye."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana nods pensively.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Well and so."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You have a bargaining chip to preserve you, Failure."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "This is your task. Complete it, and I shall spare you. Fail it, and I will render your life even more useless than it currently is."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You will join the Order of the Enigma."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You will rise within the ranks - quietly, but with distinction."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to you, "You will discover the hidden ways of His Order. And then, you shall deliver the secrets to my Student."
Sthai nods her head at Celina.
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Via a journal, which shall be provided."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "The entry of His temple, the composition of His Order, each conversation."
With an elaborate shrug, Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "And this is the measure of your life, Makiare."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says, "Succeed within two years, and we shall see what further use you may be."
Sthai d'Murani, Aois-Dana says to Celina, "Return her to the Glomdoring."
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart jerks Somaria to her feet.
Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Get up, K'sh'kia."
Celina inclines her head politely to Sthai.
You follow Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart ether to the Portals of Glomdoring.
Celina coughs softly.
Hissing into Somaria's ear, Crowspeaker Celina d'Murani, the Ebon Heart says, "Do not even think of betraying us, Somaria. The Eye of Crow sees Truth. You would be wise to remember this."
In Somaria's defense since people seem to loooove insulting her, she didn't whore herself out in Le Jardin. She had plenty of requests, accepted one of them and after that was like, "Eff this." Regarding her skipping about the basin? I'm happy to explain that too, via requests in a PM.
Other than that, I'm just a little peeved at how

Because there's no way she's

Unknown2008-06-09 02:25:45
Lol org roleplay ALWAYS ALWAYS, is this High ranking org member talks :censor: to low ranking org member. Low ranking org member attempts to reply back Low ranker gets enemied. Basic formula for all cities communes and anything else, It is basicly a poison to start rp in an org place.
Celina2008-06-09 02:40:14
QUOTE(krin1 @ Jun 8 2008, 09:25 PM) 519299
Lol org roleplay ALWAYS ALWAYS, is this High ranking org member talks
to low ranking org member. Low ranking org member attempts to reply back Low ranker gets enemied. Basic formula for all cities communes and anything else, It is basicly a poison to start rp in an org place.

Wtf are you talking about? Somaria isn't in the Order. If you actually had a clue (about anything) you would know Fain Order RP is very subserviant. You show respect and kiss the butts of those that can help you advance. Somaria wanted something, so she has to pay for it.
And she wasn't "enemied" to anything. Pay attention.
Kharaen2008-06-09 02:53:33
I don't think Somaria's a whore, but you have to be insane to want to be an n'Kylbar, and even worse to be Gabranth's wife o.0
Shishi2008-06-09 02:57:10
Sounds like an opening for some fun RP. Figuring out how to turn things against the people trying to manipulate you, showing you aren't just a pawn, giving back some RP to Sthai and Celina and every one else. I don't really know the situation or Somaria or Sthai or Celina for that matter, but it seems like it could be cool. Send me a PM if you want to see some of the ideas I'd do if I were in the situation to have some fun with it. You'd have to give me some idea how Somaria is RP wise though.
Gabranth2008-06-09 02:57:22
Somaria was in his order, but long story.
This situation is just ugh right now, she doesn't get any breaks it seems, which is understandable given her past, but it's still intensely frustrating.
This situation is just ugh right now, she doesn't get any breaks it seems, which is understandable given her past, but it's still intensely frustrating.
Unknown2008-06-09 03:13:56
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 9 2008, 02:40 AM) 519303
Wtf are you talking about? Somaria isn't in the Order. If you actually had a clue (about anything) you would know Fain Order RP is very subserviant. You show respect and kiss the butts of those that can help you advance. Somaria wanted something, so she has to pay for it.
And she wasn't "enemied" to anything. Pay attention.
And she wasn't "enemied" to anything. Pay attention.
First off wtf are you talking about. 2nd, please just don't type anything ever again please.
3, Never once did i say Fains order is always always etc. 4, please double read point 2.
Aison2008-06-09 03:29:55
Bringing it to forums isn't going to help it, it will just make it worse.
The best advice I have is to fix it in-game and either attempt to fix your name and show others what you're made of, or scoff at them, tell them to
off, and go about with your life.
The best advice I have is to fix it in-game and either attempt to fix your name and show others what you're made of, or scoff at them, tell them to

Celina2008-06-09 03:39:31
QUOTE(shishi @ Jun 8 2008, 09:57 PM) 519306
Sounds like an opening for some fun RP. Figuring out how to turn things against the people trying to manipulate you, showing you aren't just a pawn, giving back some RP to Sthai and Celina and every one else. I don't really know the situation or Somaria or Sthai or Celina for that matter, but it seems like it could be cool. Send me a PM if you want to see some of the ideas I'd do if I were in the situation to have some fun with it. You'd have to give me some idea how Somaria is RP wise though.
I agree! Sometimes RP situations aren't ideal. It took me a long while to work my way up so that Sthai would actually consider me a worthy student. I think Somaria could really have some fun with it, deceiving a god and an order that is very focused on deceipt or even actually trying to get back into Fain's favor but doing it in a way that won't betray Elostian...or actually betray elostian! Opportunities abound! Fain's order has given me some of the best RP opportunities.
QUOTE(krin1 @ Jun 8 2008, 10:13 PM) 519309
First off wtf are you talking about. 2nd, please just don't type anything ever again please.
3, Never once did i say Fains order is always always etc. 4, please double read point 2.
3, Never once did i say Fains order is always always etc. 4, please double read point 2.

I....never really know what you are talking about.
edit: @Aison: I agree with you too!
Belloc2008-06-09 04:12:27
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 8 2008, 09:40 PM) 519303
Wtf are you talking about? Somaria isn't in the Order. If you actually had a clue (about anything) you would know Fain Order RP is very subserviant. You show respect and kiss the butts of those that can help you advance. Somaria wanted something, so she has to pay for it.
And she wasn't "enemied" to anything. Pay attention.
And she wasn't "enemied" to anything. Pay attention.

Love you Som!
Daereth2008-06-09 04:13:03
QUOTE(Somaria @ Jun 8 2008, 09:08 PM) 519291
In Somaria's defense since people seem to loooove insulting her, she didn't whore herself out in Le Jardin. She had plenty of requests, accepted one of them and after that was like, "Eff this." Regarding her skipping about the basin? I'm happy to explain that too, via requests in a PM.
I seem to remember you accepting quite a few of them? Then again, since I was one of the few people who had privs to see who was who, it's likely that alot of people would believe you if you told them you hadn't.
Unknown2008-06-09 04:29:27
Instead of complaining, do something about it.
This is the sort of stuff that should have a big weigh on your character.
Either she puckers up and says, "
you, I don't have to take this sort of
from you, you stupid
." Or, she goes, "I'm sorry, you're right, I have and am messed up, I will try to change."
This should be a point where Somaria has to decide what she really wants, and what she can and cannot do.
Is Somaria a dreamer? Does she think anything is possible? If so, she surely would not give up, even after being abused.
If she's the sort of character to be whacked around and mope about it, then, by all means, let her mope it out.
If she's the sort of character who would admit she's messed up and will change, only to sneak behind their backs and attempt to kill them in some sort of psychotic revenge, then do that.
Thanks for the interesting RP log, though?
This is the sort of stuff that should have a big weigh on your character.
Either she puckers up and says, "

This should be a point where Somaria has to decide what she really wants, and what she can and cannot do.
Is Somaria a dreamer? Does she think anything is possible? If so, she surely would not give up, even after being abused.
If she's the sort of character to be whacked around and mope about it, then, by all means, let her mope it out.
If she's the sort of character who would admit she's messed up and will change, only to sneak behind their backs and attempt to kill them in some sort of psychotic revenge, then do that.
Thanks for the interesting RP log, though?
Nyir2008-06-09 04:31:44
I don't know Somaria, but I don't see why you are complaining about your situation (if you are indeed complaining). I thought the log was a fun read with all three people, and this whole ordeal presents nice potential for dramatic character development. Either Somaria betrays Elostian, or she doesn't. Or she does but keeps it successfully secret! Or perhaps she passes fake information on to Fain's order?
I think you might have more options open to you than you think!
I think you might have more options open to you than you think!
Bashara2008-06-09 05:35:10
Maybe this is little old skeptical, antisocial, anti-RP me, but why the F-
-K would anyone sit through that?
Even if it were for an opportunity to become Vernal and receive a (Lusternian) monthly allowance of 1,000 credits, I wouldn't sit there and take that kind of crap from a Divine or anyone else.
On topic: Great, awesome, outstanding acting/roleplay. Really, I might adapt that for a DnD campaign I'm running next month.
Edit: For a chance to become a Vernal + 1,000 cr a month, I would make Bashara wear a pink dress and marry a man. Personally, I wouldn't sit for that s-
-t, and neither would Bashara (in terms of his demeanor). But my metagamer nature takes over when there's credits and power involved 

Even if it were for an opportunity to become Vernal and receive a (Lusternian) monthly allowance of 1,000 credits, I wouldn't sit there and take that kind of crap from a Divine or anyone else.
On topic: Great, awesome, outstanding acting/roleplay. Really, I might adapt that for a DnD campaign I'm running next month.
Edit: For a chance to become a Vernal + 1,000 cr a month, I would make Bashara wear a pink dress and marry a man. Personally, I wouldn't sit for that s-

Aison2008-06-09 05:40:38
Sthai is my favorite. 

Unknown2008-06-09 05:46:50
QUOTE(Aison @ Jun 9 2008, 01:40 AM) 519407
Sthai is my favorite. 

Sthai is a really good RPer.
But she talks... a lot. A lot a lot. A lot a lot a lot. :X
Celina2008-06-09 05:52:08
QUOTE(Bashara @ Jun 9 2008, 12:35 AM) 519398
Maybe this is little old skeptical, antisocial, anti-RP me, but why the F-
-Kwould anyone sit through that?

Some people prefer a different type of RP. The "I'm big and I don't take crap from nobody" has been done and is boring for some. Honestly, I see it as really limited and uninteresting. Really good RP that revolves around Fain is really layered and isn't for someone like you, obviously. It's about manipulation, even if that means groveling before other people for the chance to advance your own agenda. We are all maggots jockeying for his attention, and if you want have to get through his higher ups first. You'll even notice I address Sthai as my superior.
If you want to be in Fain's order, you are going to get abused by Fain and/or his priests multiple times. It doesn't make it bad RP.
QUOTE(Aison @ Jun 9 2008, 12:40 AM) 519407
Sthai is my favorite. 

She's really awesome at what she does.
Aison2008-06-09 06:21:43
Although her info was kinda warped, since Somaria was never in Eventru's order. She asked about it once but was denied because she used to be mag. And celestines don't touch their angels.
Unknown2008-06-09 06:23:27
QUOTE(Aison @ Jun 9 2008, 02:21 AM) 519446
Although her info was kinda warped, since Somaria was never in Eventru's order. She asked about it once but was denied because she used to be mag. And celestines don't touch their angels.
Isn't it usually, "I've been touched by an angel"? Not, "I've touched my angel"?
Arix2008-06-09 06:24:54
I just assumed it was from bad posture