Kante2008-06-11 01:54:42
Those of you who have experience in these skillsets, or have knowledge of them, if you could please list the pros and cons of each?
Xavius2008-06-11 02:29:16
Expect incoming changes.
Runes is generally agreed to be the best one on one combat tertiary, at least for druids who have sap. It's also completely flavorless and lacking in utility and defense.
Dreamweaving is a solid choice for PvP. Better group combat options than runes. More options in general than runes--there is, really and truly, one correct way to play a tri-trans runic druid, but dreamweaving involves exploiting system malfunctions to be fully effective, or sleep attrition if that doesn't work out. Minor defensive and utility skills.
Ecology is a poor PvP choice. Better utility than dreamweaving. Charms provide solid DMP, which is a huge deal for the otherwise squishy druids. If you expect to be doing more PvE than PvP, ecology is ok.
Runes is generally agreed to be the best one on one combat tertiary, at least for druids who have sap. It's also completely flavorless and lacking in utility and defense.
Dreamweaving is a solid choice for PvP. Better group combat options than runes. More options in general than runes--there is, really and truly, one correct way to play a tri-trans runic druid, but dreamweaving involves exploiting system malfunctions to be fully effective, or sleep attrition if that doesn't work out. Minor defensive and utility skills.
Ecology is a poor PvP choice. Better utility than dreamweaving. Charms provide solid DMP, which is a huge deal for the otherwise squishy druids. If you expect to be doing more PvE than PvP, ecology is ok.
Unknown2008-06-11 02:37:46
If you go for runes, learn to rad. Also learn to be patient with your group buddies because the whole time, anything they say to you will be in this form: "RAD (person) RAD RAD GO GO"
Celina2008-06-11 03:12:16
Ecology sucks. You'll think it's fine, then one day you'll fight a warrior with immunity and you will forever hate ecology. Honestly, as an offensive skillset...it's a joke. The DMP isn't even that great. The saving grace of Ecology is transmigrate (which, if you are BT...you don't need) and forestsmudge for group combat. That's it.
I know nothing about runes because no one does runes anymore.
Dreamweaving is meh. It used to be a solid choice, but the racial overhaul left it severely gimped in terms of speed...and because we have void, don't expect many upgrades.
Okay that wasn't very helpful. Pick dreamweaving if you want to do PVP.
I know nothing about runes because no one does runes anymore.
Dreamweaving is meh. It used to be a solid choice, but the racial overhaul left it severely gimped in terms of speed...and because we have void, don't expect many upgrades.
Okay that wasn't very helpful. Pick dreamweaving if you want to do PVP.
Shiri2008-06-11 03:55:01
I don't think void is anything like on the same level as sap for ensuring you don't get upgrades.
Krellan2008-06-11 03:59:14
If you're fighting, runes or dreamweaving. Runes if you can't trans. If you can trans, either runes or Dreamweaving or if you can get up to mythical or such. Runes is much better at the lower skill ranks for all around fighting.
If you're a basher take ecology.
If you like to spy on people or other such, dreamweaving has the most RP potential.
If you're a basher take ecology.
If you like to spy on people or other such, dreamweaving has the most RP potential.
Celina2008-06-11 04:00:35
Yes, people beat the Sap horse to death. Druids do need to be looked at so that the ONE druid holding the demesne isn't the only one actually contributing to the fight and the rest can do something other than poke them with their cudgel or spam vines (which don't stack). Sap is wonderful and I don't think is OP or UP in any way...but people cure out of it all the time. It can't be whored. And only one druid can use it on you at a time.
Go Dreamweaver.
Go Dreamweaver.
Krellan2008-06-11 04:11:05
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 10 2008, 11:00 PM) 520198
Yes, people beat the Sap horse to death. Druids do need to be looked at so that the ONE druid holding the demesne isn't the only one actually contributing to the fight and the rest can do something other than poke them with their cudgel or spam vines (which don't stack). Sap is wonderful and I don't think is OP or UP in any way...but people cure out of it all the time. It can't be whored. And only one druid can use it on you at a time.
Go Dreamweaver.
Go Dreamweaver.
Be a runist if you cannot trans. even if you can runists are very strong. Runes is like a four times slower version hexes Celina. So if you went runist you could contribute other than cudgel. Besides, thorn lashing is much better than vining, it's over a second faster, stacks, will end up doing more damage than your cudgel, and can lead to an instant kill.
Celina2008-06-11 04:23:41
QUOTE(Krellan @ Jun 10 2008, 11:11 PM) 520204
Be a runist if you cannot trans. even if you can runists are very strong. Runes is like a four times slower version hexes Celina. So if you went runist you could contribute other than cudgel. Besides, thorn lashing is much better than vining, it's over a second faster, stacks, will end up doing more damage than your cudgel, and can lead to an instant kill.
I actually never bothered going past mythical druidry because everything after is kind of meh. I bought guild credits earlier today just for thornlash though

Krellan2008-06-11 04:38:30
It's makes your time last longer and your cudgel stronger. If you're at fabled druidry, it means your cudgel is half as strong as it should be. But yes, pvp even trans cudgel does bad damage. I actually would just use stagform and use headbutt cause my headbutt did 1600 damage all around.
Celina2008-06-11 04:46:01
QUOTE(Krellan @ Jun 10 2008, 11:38 PM) 520218
It's makes your time last longer and your cudgel stronger. If you're at fabled druidry, it means your cudgel is half as strong as it should be. But yes, pvp even trans cudgel does bad damage. I actually would just use stagform and use headbutt cause my headbutt did 1600 damage all around.
I know what it does

Stupid crow.
/second derail.
Xenthos2008-06-11 04:47:02
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 11 2008, 12:46 AM) 520223
I know what it does
I was a mage for a long time. The cost just doesn't outweigh the benefit. Cudgel will always suck and effects are easy to set up again. Why is stag so much better?! Stagstomp, gore, headbutt. Swoop sucks! Compare it to gore. Gore attacks health, instas at below 1/4th, and can impale. Swoop...attacks mana, and kills at 1/4th.
Stupid crow.
/second derail.

Stupid crow.
/second derail.
I already told you to go through, make a list, check it twice, and then send a copy to Xavius and myself. I'll be doing it myself anyways, but more people working on it isn't a bad thing.
Shiri2008-06-11 04:49:58
...gore is worse than swoop, FYI.
Xenthos2008-06-11 04:51:10
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 11 2008, 12:49 AM) 520231
...gore is worse than swoop, FYI.
Depends on what you're doing with it. For general use, gore is better (impale, any elevation), because swoop can just be sipped/sparkled off (doesn't even need a healing scroll, and requires perching in the trees above a non-moving target who doesn't shield). For the insta-kill part, swoop is better, though.
Celina2008-06-11 04:54:07
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jun 10 2008, 11:47 PM) 520228
I already told you to go through, make a list, check it twice, and then send a copy to Xavius and myself. I'll be doing it myself anyways, but more people working on it isn't a bad thing.
Started earlier today.

Xenthos2008-06-11 04:55:02
QUOTE(Celina @ Jun 11 2008, 12:54 AM) 520235
Started earlier today.
I'm still working on it. Some skills I have problems with but don't know a solution for, so instead of just sending you a list of things that I think suck..I'm trying to give suggestions.

I appreciate that.
I think I've already got a pretty good handle on the things that suck at this point

Shiri2008-06-11 04:55:09
Most people don't use gore and swoop for general use, though, right? I guess you -could- use gore for the impale during saplock, but you may as well vine, it's more reliable and the druids have trouble getting health below half to begin with.
Xenthos2008-06-11 04:56:17
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 11 2008, 12:55 AM) 520237
Most people don't use gore and swoop for general use, though, right? I guess you -could- use gore for the impale during saplock, but you may as well vine, it's more reliable and the druids have trouble getting health below half to begin with.
I see gore used semi-frequently for the impale chance in group combat (not spammed, obviously, since it costs power-- but I do occasionally see it when there's a Hartstone around). Swoop really can't be used for general use, as I pointed out above.
Shiri2008-06-11 04:57:48
I gueeeee-eeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeess. Ok, I'll concede that one. Still, gore can't be said to be -better- than swoop, only roughly equal to it.
Celina2008-06-11 05:11:01
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 10 2008, 11:57 PM) 520241
I gueeeee-eeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeess. Ok, I'll concede that one. Still, gore can't be said to be -better- than swoop, only roughly equal to it.
I was thinking more along the lines of things druids can use when they aren't the demesne holder. As it is, Hartstone has several more options that Blacktalon. We really are just like a pack of rats gnawing at the target.