Kaalak2008-06-16 21:09:28
So the setup is I have a manse and I wanted creative feedback on a few things. The person I asked made an alt...and well here you go. If she wants, she can claim her identity.
(Celest): Please welcome Cassiela who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as
a new citizen!
Cassiela has just left you message #7642.
(Academy): Cassiela says, "H-hello..."
(Academy): Cassiela says, "War! Oh no, none of that!"
You tell Cassiela, Child of Light, "(
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
(Academy): Korthian says, "Who is going to war."
You teleport along the aether strands to Cassiela.
The Path of Solitude. (road).
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. The stars twinkle in
the clear night sky. Cassiela, Child of Light is here.
You see exits leading east, west, and in.
(Academy): Cassiela says, "Whoever... who is this "Rayes" person?"
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Cassiela, Child of Light blinks myopically.
You see Cassiela say something, but her voice is drowned out by the wind.
You have emoted: Kaalak choaks on a laugh.
You beckon to Cassiela.
Cassiela begins to follow you.
You tell Cassiela, Child of Light, "Wind and all."
l cas
She is an ordinary human. She is completely naked.
Cassiela tells you, "And why does this Rayes person want me to talk to him
You have emoted: Kaalak realizes Cassiela is naked and keeps his hand rather
Cassiela tells you, "I don't know him! Oh, it's all so confusing..."
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
You pat Cassiela in a friendly manner.
Cassiela, Child of Light covers coverself.
Cassiela, Child of Light covers herself
Cassiela shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Kaalak looks world weary.
You say, "Kids these days and their naked cavorting."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I'm not cavorting!"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "...s-sir."
Cassiela shivers violently.
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
You say, "Blessings unto the Light."
As you speak the blessing, the Seraph smiles warmly at you. Suddenly a bright
light envelops you, and as it fades you find yourself in a different location.
Cassiela follows you ether.
Cassiela follows you in.
In the antechamber of the Celestine Cloister.
A rhythmic thrumming saturates the area, drawing attention to a war shrine of
Terentia nearby. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the
ground. A painting of Raziela the Loving Radiance is proudly exhibited on a
nearby wall. An enormous chest rests here, constructed of a sturdy pale wood
stained pure ivory.
You give plain grey trousers to Cassiela, Child of Light.
Cassiela slips into plain grey trousers.
You say, "Hmm."
Cassiela blushes furiously.
'A bracelet just won't do as your top
Cassiela, Child of Light crosses her arms over her chest.
You say, "There we go."
You say, "Walk like that."
Horrified, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "They're not that small!"
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Cassiela blushes furiously.
Kaalak murmurs "why do I get the crazy ones?"
get tunic from chest
You take a plain grey tunic from a gold-enamelled chest.
Glittering motes of light encircle a plain grey tunic, before releasing it in
your grasp.
Cassiela crosses her arms and sulks wildly.
You give a plain grey tunic to Cassiela, Child of Light.
Cassiela slips into a plain grey tunic.
You say, "Here. Dress. Very good."
Cassiela, Child of Light breathes a sigh of relief.
You have emoted: Kaalak gripes and mutters.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Brightly, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Oh, she's pretty! What's that on her
Cassiela points accusingly at a painting of Raziela the Loving Radiance.
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Kaalak reaches into his backpack for a ruler.
Kaalak slaps the ruler into his palm.
Cassiela, Child of Light folds in on herself, a bit pale.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "W-w-what... s-sir, I... er."
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
'Let me explain the chain of command
Cassiela, Child of Light hides behind the chest.
'Its the chain I beat you with until you understand who is in rutting command
You say, "Its the chain I beat you with until you understand who is in rutting
(Academy): Cassiela says, "Don't let him beat me!"
You say, "I have an odd sensation of needing an architectural critic. I think
you'll do."
(Academy): Kialkarkea says, "Hmm?"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But I don't know anything about arch-whatsits!"
You have emoted: Kaalak brandishes the ruler.
(Academy): Cassiela says, "Kaalak! He threatened to b-beat me! W-with the chain
of command!"
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
Cassiela, Child of Light drops down behind the chest.
(Academy): You say, "Thus begins your lessons in sarcasm."
(Academy): Korthian says, "Haha."
Cassiela whimpers like a wounded puppy.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "P-please don't beat meeeee!"
(Academy): Kialkarkea says, "Use the shield of novicehood."
(Academy): Cassiela says, "B-but I d-don't h-have a shield!"
You say, "Yes. Foolishness is not a shield."
You say, "However I think you would do well cleaning cobblestones."
You ponder Cassiela thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
You say, "If you can grasp the concept."
You say, "Come along."
You portal to Chateau de Kaalak.
Cassiela follows you ether.
A august marble entrance hall.
You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the
aetherplex system.
You see exits leading north (open door), northeast (open door), southeast, south
(open door), and northwest (closed door).
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "What's a foyar?"
You say, "Here we are then."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Is it like a boyar?"
You say, "Hmm?"
Kaalak looks perplexed.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I-in... n-never mind."
Kaalak mouths 'boyar'
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's very pretty!"
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I like the symbols!"
Cassiela, Child of Light points at the cuneform.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "They're so comforting!"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "They remind me of..."
You say, "Facinating. All this construction and years of labour equals
Cassiela drifts away from the conversation, lost in her daydreams.
Cassiela, Child of Light goes fuzzy-eyed and starts drooling a bit.
You say, "Stop that. You are a celestine not a blathering idiot."
Cassiela puts her hands on her hips and says "Huh?"
You say, "Or I'll feed you to the Illthoids."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Illth-whatsits?"
Cassiela, Child of Light hops.
You grumble angrily.
Cassiela follows you southeast.
A serene meditative space.
You say, "The newest room."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I see a peeeeeriod."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Where it shouldn't be!"
Cassiela hops about the area madly.
You glance askance.
You say, "Crap."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Same as the hall."
The corners of Cassiela's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
You furrow your brow and exclaim "Doh!"
You brandish a bottle of eisweinn menacingly.
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
You say, "Done?"
Cassiela, Child of Light attempts to find something to hide behind, and finally
yanks her shirt up to hide within it.
(Censored): Censored (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Eh?"
(Censored): You say, "Unofficialy I may have a novice for you to
Muffled by the shirt, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Okay!"
Cassiela, Child of Light walks into the wall.
(Censored): Censored (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Someone
Kaalak screams 'WHY' silently.
(Censored) You say, "She just walked into a wall after getting
tangled up in her shirt."
Cassiela follows you south.
A scriptorium illuminated by daylight.
Its smooth finish gleaming faintly, a darkwood bookshelf rests against the wall
here. You may use the BOOKSHELF commands here.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "What's a scripts-it?"
Cassiela, Child of Light beams vacantly.
Brandishing his ruler, you say to Cassiela, "Do NOT drool on the books."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But they're pretty! Like berries!"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "You've got a lot of candles."
Patiently, you say, "A scriptorium is where you scribe things."
Cassiela, Child of Light sticks her head back out the top of the tunic.
You say, "And I might add."
Brightly, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Do you ever set things on fire with
You say, "I..."
Kaalak looks flummoxed.
You say, "As I was saying."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "The jars smell bad. Is this also the bathroom?"
Kaalak points to the candle with a trembling finger.
You say, "SEEE? FIRE."
Cassiela, Child of Light wanders over and sticks her head over one of the jars.
Cassiela, Child of Light reels.
You say, "This is NOT a lavatory!"
Plaintively, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But I need to wee!"
You say, "You should have gone before we left!"
Cassiela wails like an old woman.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "You didn't let me!"
Cassiela follows you down.
The Stairs of the Last Nine. (road).
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. The
stars twinkle in the clear night sky.
You see exits leading up and down.
You say, "There. corner. Hurry."
Cassiela, Child of Light hides in the corner. Loud noises, rather bewildering,
escape from behind a convenient rock.
Cassiela, Child of Light emits a loud, satisfied groan.
Kaalak hurredly takes a breath of fresh air.
You say, "Pull up your pants."
Kaalak looks into the distance.
Cassiela, Child of Light hurriedly pulls her pants up.
Cassiela beams broadly at you.
< Back to the Manse>
You say, "Gold star...for effort."
Cassiela beams broadly.
Cassiela follows you northeast.
An indoor fighting ring.
You see a single exit leading southwest (open door).
2868h, 4300m, 4176e, 10p, 11958en, 20120w elrx-
Blankly, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "You use swords?"
Cassiela, Child of Light wanders around poking at things.
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
Staring at Cassiela irritatedly while wondering how long it will take
for the mechanical sparring dummy to punch out the errant novice you say,
"Mostly it is for the gears."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "That's why you have all the oil!"
Cassiela beams broadly.
You glance askance.
Cassiela nods solemnly.
You say, "Why else would I have it?"
You say, "Don't answer that."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I... okay."
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
Cassiela follows you southwest.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "For the swords?"
Sighing, you say to Cassiela, "Yes. The swords. To keep them pointy."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Ohhh."
Cassiela follows you north.
A brightly lit kitchen with small servant quarter.
A luxurious queen-sized bed towers here.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But why do you keep it so far from the bedroom?"
You say, "This I did not design. Previous owner."
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's huuuuge!"
Cassiela, Child of Light runs over and jumps on the bed.
You say, "I don't know how things work at your...home. But in most we do ...get
Cassiela, Child of Light bounces up and down.
Cassiela, Child of Light shrieks, "WHEEEE!"
You say, "The springs are expensive."
abjure web cassiela
Cassiela walks in divine grace. You may not harm her.
You say, "Oh bother."
Cassiela, Child of Light comes, down, a large spanging noise emanating from the
In a small voice, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "...whoops."
Kaalak watches as his web spell fizzles.
Cassiela shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Kaalak stares at you for a moment, then quickly grabs both
corners of the coverlet, wrapping you very quickly in it.
Cassiela blinks incredulously at you.
Muffled, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Mrfle."
Kaalak ties the coverlet together quickly, allowing your head
and shoes exit from the restraint.
You say, "There. You can hop along and not touch things."
Cassiela, Child of Light hops.
Cassiela, Child of Light promptly falls over.
You say, "Kids these days. Think they can outsmart an old elf."
Cassiela, Child of Light wriggles around in the coverlet.
Kaalak rights you and ties a rope around the coverlet's waist
to lead.
You say, "Much better. Hop when I pull."
Cassiela follows you south.
A august marble entrance hall.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I need ta go to the bathroom again."
Kaalak smiles, happy with himself.
You crease your brow in a frown.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I doooo."
Kaalak considers banging his head agains the wall.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I think I ate something bad."
Kaalak unties the coverlet.
Cassiela shivers violently.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Really bad."
< So of course I portaled to HER Manse >
You portal to A Manse
Cassiela follows you ether.
You say, "There must be a lavatory around here someplace."
You say, "I'd imagine the owner won't mind."
Cassiela beams broadly.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Okay!"
You say, "Why that is an INTERESTING throne."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's huuuuge."
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
Kaalak ties a hankerchief around his nose in expectation of
Cassiela's actions.
Cassiela, Child of Light crouches out of sight behind the chair. A series of
incredibly horrifying sounds and smells emerge.
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
You cast a suspicious eye about your surroundings.
Cassiela, Child of Light steps out from behind the chair.
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
Pulling up her pants, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "All done!"
You tell Cassiela, Child of Light, "(this is disgusting by the way)"
Cassiela tells you, "((I'm cracking up. :>))"
Kaalak smokes heavily. His face is filled in a black cloud for
a moment.
You say, "Yes much better."
A august marble entrance hall.
You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the
aetherplex system.
You say, "Don't touch anything."
Cassiela follows you northwest.
A cavernous earthen chamber.
You say, "So you may have wondered."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's biiiiiig."
You say, "Where the artifacts come from."
You say, "They are extracted from here."
Cassiela nods her head sagely.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It looks wet!"
Cassiela, Child of Light wanders around.
Kaalak looks nervously at you.
Cassiela, Child of Light emits a high-pitched giggle.
Kaalak puts a firm hand on your shoulder, steering you to keep
you on the path.
You say, "Yes. It would not be appropriate for you to die in here. I have a
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I thought you might!"
Cassiela peers about herself unscrupulously.
With a stage whisper, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It was a LOT of oil."
Kaalak ponders the physics of hiding a small skeleton.
Kaalak peers at his shovel thoughfully.
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
Cassiela, Child of Light smiles with heart-breaking innocence.
You mutter, "..t it ... of ... misery."
Cassiela follows you northwest.
An arcane laborotory.
You say, "Anyway."
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
You say, "Oh yes. This is not done."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "That's a lot of doors!"
You say, "I need to buy a chest at some point."
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
You say to Cassiela, "No keep your shirt on."
You say, "An actual chet."
You say, "Chest."
You say, "With an iron lick. That opens."
Cassiela, Child of Light nods and drools a bit.
You say, "BOTHER."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "O-kaaaay!"
Cassiela follows you southeast.
Cassiela follows you up.
A luxurious sleeping chamber.
You see a single exit leading down.
You say, "Not my creation. Niahms' I think."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Who's Niaaaahm?"
You say, "Or was it Nariah's? No it was Nephthasia I think."
You say, "The previous owner."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Okay!"
You say, "So. Tour over."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I like the amaranths!"
You say, "Yes....well...we'll have to work that out of your system."
Kaalak eyes the shovel.

(Celest): Please welcome Cassiela who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as
a new citizen!
Cassiela has just left you message #7642.
(Academy): Cassiela says, "H-hello..."
(Academy): Cassiela says, "War! Oh no, none of that!"
You tell Cassiela, Child of Light, "(

You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
(Academy): Korthian says, "Who is going to war."
You teleport along the aether strands to Cassiela.
The Path of Solitude. (road).
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. The stars twinkle in
the clear night sky. Cassiela, Child of Light is here.
You see exits leading east, west, and in.
(Academy): Cassiela says, "Whoever... who is this "Rayes" person?"
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Cassiela, Child of Light blinks myopically.
You see Cassiela say something, but her voice is drowned out by the wind.
You have emoted: Kaalak choaks on a laugh.
You beckon to Cassiela.
Cassiela begins to follow you.
You tell Cassiela, Child of Light, "Wind and all."
l cas
She is an ordinary human. She is completely naked.
Cassiela tells you, "And why does this Rayes person want me to talk to him
You have emoted: Kaalak realizes Cassiela is naked and keeps his hand rather
Cassiela tells you, "I don't know him! Oh, it's all so confusing..."
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
You pat Cassiela in a friendly manner.
Cassiela, Child of Light covers coverself.
Cassiela, Child of Light covers herself
Cassiela shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Kaalak looks world weary.
You say, "Kids these days and their naked cavorting."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I'm not cavorting!"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "...s-sir."
Cassiela shivers violently.
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
You say, "Blessings unto the Light."
As you speak the blessing, the Seraph smiles warmly at you. Suddenly a bright
light envelops you, and as it fades you find yourself in a different location.
Cassiela follows you ether.
Cassiela follows you in.
In the antechamber of the Celestine Cloister.
A rhythmic thrumming saturates the area, drawing attention to a war shrine of
Terentia nearby. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the
ground. A painting of Raziela the Loving Radiance is proudly exhibited on a
nearby wall. An enormous chest rests here, constructed of a sturdy pale wood
stained pure ivory.
You give plain grey trousers to Cassiela, Child of Light.
Cassiela slips into plain grey trousers.
You say, "Hmm."
Cassiela blushes furiously.
'A bracelet just won't do as your top
Cassiela, Child of Light crosses her arms over her chest.
You say, "There we go."
You say, "Walk like that."
Horrified, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "They're not that small!"
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Cassiela blushes furiously.
Kaalak murmurs "why do I get the crazy ones?"
get tunic from chest
You take a plain grey tunic from a gold-enamelled chest.
Glittering motes of light encircle a plain grey tunic, before releasing it in
your grasp.
Cassiela crosses her arms and sulks wildly.
You give a plain grey tunic to Cassiela, Child of Light.
Cassiela slips into a plain grey tunic.
You say, "Here. Dress. Very good."
Cassiela, Child of Light breathes a sigh of relief.
You have emoted: Kaalak gripes and mutters.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Brightly, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Oh, she's pretty! What's that on her
Cassiela points accusingly at a painting of Raziela the Loving Radiance.
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Kaalak reaches into his backpack for a ruler.
Kaalak slaps the ruler into his palm.
Cassiela, Child of Light folds in on herself, a bit pale.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "W-w-what... s-sir, I... er."
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
'Let me explain the chain of command
Cassiela, Child of Light hides behind the chest.
'Its the chain I beat you with until you understand who is in rutting command
You say, "Its the chain I beat you with until you understand who is in rutting
(Academy): Cassiela says, "Don't let him beat me!"
You say, "I have an odd sensation of needing an architectural critic. I think
you'll do."
(Academy): Kialkarkea says, "Hmm?"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But I don't know anything about arch-whatsits!"
You have emoted: Kaalak brandishes the ruler.
(Academy): Cassiela says, "Kaalak! He threatened to b-beat me! W-with the chain
of command!"
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
Cassiela, Child of Light drops down behind the chest.
(Academy): You say, "Thus begins your lessons in sarcasm."
(Academy): Korthian says, "Haha."
Cassiela whimpers like a wounded puppy.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "P-please don't beat meeeee!"
(Academy): Kialkarkea says, "Use the shield of novicehood."
(Academy): Cassiela says, "B-but I d-don't h-have a shield!"
You say, "Yes. Foolishness is not a shield."
You say, "However I think you would do well cleaning cobblestones."
You ponder Cassiela thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
You say, "If you can grasp the concept."
You say, "Come along."
You portal to Chateau de Kaalak.
Cassiela follows you ether.
A august marble entrance hall.
You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the
aetherplex system.
You see exits leading north (open door), northeast (open door), southeast, south
(open door), and northwest (closed door).
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "What's a foyar?"
You say, "Here we are then."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Is it like a boyar?"
You say, "Hmm?"
Kaalak looks perplexed.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I-in... n-never mind."
Kaalak mouths 'boyar'
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's very pretty!"
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I like the symbols!"
Cassiela, Child of Light points at the cuneform.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "They're so comforting!"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "They remind me of..."
You say, "Facinating. All this construction and years of labour equals
Cassiela drifts away from the conversation, lost in her daydreams.
Cassiela, Child of Light goes fuzzy-eyed and starts drooling a bit.
You say, "Stop that. You are a celestine not a blathering idiot."
Cassiela puts her hands on her hips and says "Huh?"
You say, "Or I'll feed you to the Illthoids."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Illth-whatsits?"
Cassiela, Child of Light hops.
You grumble angrily.
Cassiela follows you southeast.
A serene meditative space.
You say, "The newest room."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I see a peeeeeriod."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Where it shouldn't be!"
Cassiela hops about the area madly.
You glance askance.
You say, "Crap."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Same as the hall."
The corners of Cassiela's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
You furrow your brow and exclaim "Doh!"
You brandish a bottle of eisweinn menacingly.
"Eep!", Cassiela screams in fright.
You say, "Done?"
Cassiela, Child of Light attempts to find something to hide behind, and finally
yanks her shirt up to hide within it.
(Censored): Censored (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Eh?"
(Censored): You say, "Unofficialy I may have a novice for you to
Muffled by the shirt, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Okay!"
Cassiela, Child of Light walks into the wall.
(Censored): Censored (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Someone
Kaalak screams 'WHY' silently.
(Censored) You say, "She just walked into a wall after getting
tangled up in her shirt."
Cassiela follows you south.
A scriptorium illuminated by daylight.
Its smooth finish gleaming faintly, a darkwood bookshelf rests against the wall
here. You may use the BOOKSHELF commands here.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "What's a scripts-it?"
Cassiela, Child of Light beams vacantly.
Brandishing his ruler, you say to Cassiela, "Do NOT drool on the books."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But they're pretty! Like berries!"
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "You've got a lot of candles."
Patiently, you say, "A scriptorium is where you scribe things."
Cassiela, Child of Light sticks her head back out the top of the tunic.
You say, "And I might add."
Brightly, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Do you ever set things on fire with
You say, "I..."
Kaalak looks flummoxed.
You say, "As I was saying."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "The jars smell bad. Is this also the bathroom?"
Kaalak points to the candle with a trembling finger.
You say, "SEEE? FIRE."
Cassiela, Child of Light wanders over and sticks her head over one of the jars.
Cassiela, Child of Light reels.
You say, "This is NOT a lavatory!"
Plaintively, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But I need to wee!"
You say, "You should have gone before we left!"
Cassiela wails like an old woman.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "You didn't let me!"
Cassiela follows you down.
The Stairs of the Last Nine. (road).
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. The
stars twinkle in the clear night sky.
You see exits leading up and down.
You say, "There. corner. Hurry."
Cassiela, Child of Light hides in the corner. Loud noises, rather bewildering,
escape from behind a convenient rock.
Cassiela, Child of Light emits a loud, satisfied groan.
Kaalak hurredly takes a breath of fresh air.
You say, "Pull up your pants."
Kaalak looks into the distance.
Cassiela, Child of Light hurriedly pulls her pants up.
Cassiela beams broadly at you.
< Back to the Manse>
You say, "Gold star...for effort."
Cassiela beams broadly.
Cassiela follows you northeast.
An indoor fighting ring.
You see a single exit leading southwest (open door).
2868h, 4300m, 4176e, 10p, 11958en, 20120w elrx-
Blankly, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "You use swords?"
Cassiela, Child of Light wanders around poking at things.
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
Staring at Cassiela irritatedly while wondering how long it will take
for the mechanical sparring dummy to punch out the errant novice you say,
"Mostly it is for the gears."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "That's why you have all the oil!"
Cassiela beams broadly.
You glance askance.
Cassiela nods solemnly.
You say, "Why else would I have it?"
You say, "Don't answer that."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I... okay."
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
Cassiela follows you southwest.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "For the swords?"
Sighing, you say to Cassiela, "Yes. The swords. To keep them pointy."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Ohhh."
Cassiela follows you north.
A brightly lit kitchen with small servant quarter.
A luxurious queen-sized bed towers here.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "But why do you keep it so far from the bedroom?"
You say, "This I did not design. Previous owner."
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
You give Cassiela the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's huuuuge!"
Cassiela, Child of Light runs over and jumps on the bed.
You say, "I don't know how things work at your...home. But in most we do ...get
Cassiela, Child of Light bounces up and down.
Cassiela, Child of Light shrieks, "WHEEEE!"
You say, "The springs are expensive."
abjure web cassiela
Cassiela walks in divine grace. You may not harm her.
You say, "Oh bother."
Cassiela, Child of Light comes, down, a large spanging noise emanating from the
In a small voice, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "...whoops."
Kaalak watches as his web spell fizzles.
Cassiela shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Kaalak stares at you for a moment, then quickly grabs both
corners of the coverlet, wrapping you very quickly in it.
Cassiela blinks incredulously at you.
Muffled, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Mrfle."
Kaalak ties the coverlet together quickly, allowing your head
and shoes exit from the restraint.
You say, "There. You can hop along and not touch things."
Cassiela, Child of Light hops.
Cassiela, Child of Light promptly falls over.
You say, "Kids these days. Think they can outsmart an old elf."
Cassiela, Child of Light wriggles around in the coverlet.
Kaalak rights you and ties a rope around the coverlet's waist
to lead.
You say, "Much better. Hop when I pull."
Cassiela follows you south.
A august marble entrance hall.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I need ta go to the bathroom again."
Kaalak smiles, happy with himself.
You crease your brow in a frown.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I doooo."
Kaalak considers banging his head agains the wall.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I think I ate something bad."
Kaalak unties the coverlet.
Cassiela shivers violently.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Really bad."
< So of course I portaled to HER Manse >
You portal to A Manse
Cassiela follows you ether.
You say, "There must be a lavatory around here someplace."
You say, "I'd imagine the owner won't mind."
Cassiela beams broadly.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Okay!"
You say, "Why that is an INTERESTING throne."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's huuuuge."
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
Kaalak ties a hankerchief around his nose in expectation of
Cassiela's actions.
Cassiela, Child of Light crouches out of sight behind the chair. A series of
incredibly horrifying sounds and smells emerge.
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
You cast a suspicious eye about your surroundings.
Cassiela, Child of Light steps out from behind the chair.
2868h, 4380m, 4176e, 10p, 11960en, 20120w elrx-
Pulling up her pants, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "All done!"
You tell Cassiela, Child of Light, "(this is disgusting by the way)"
Cassiela tells you, "((I'm cracking up. :>))"
Kaalak smokes heavily. His face is filled in a black cloud for
a moment.
You say, "Yes much better."
A august marble entrance hall.
You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the
aetherplex system.
You say, "Don't touch anything."
Cassiela follows you northwest.
A cavernous earthen chamber.
You say, "So you may have wondered."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It's biiiiiig."
You say, "Where the artifacts come from."
You say, "They are extracted from here."
Cassiela nods her head sagely.
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It looks wet!"
Cassiela, Child of Light wanders around.
Kaalak looks nervously at you.
Cassiela, Child of Light emits a high-pitched giggle.
Kaalak puts a firm hand on your shoulder, steering you to keep
you on the path.
You say, "Yes. It would not be appropriate for you to die in here. I have a
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I thought you might!"
Cassiela peers about herself unscrupulously.
With a stage whisper, Cassiela, Child of Light says, "It was a LOT of oil."
Kaalak ponders the physics of hiding a small skeleton.
Kaalak peers at his shovel thoughfully.
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
Cassiela, Child of Light smiles with heart-breaking innocence.
You mutter, "..t it ... of ... misery."
Cassiela follows you northwest.
An arcane laborotory.
You say, "Anyway."
Utterly entranced, Cassiela emits a long "Ooooh."
You say, "Oh yes. This is not done."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "That's a lot of doors!"
You say, "I need to buy a chest at some point."
You peer at Cassiela unscrupulously.
You say to Cassiela, "No keep your shirt on."
You say, "An actual chet."
You say, "Chest."
You say, "With an iron lick. That opens."
Cassiela, Child of Light nods and drools a bit.
You say, "BOTHER."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "O-kaaaay!"
Cassiela follows you southeast.
Cassiela follows you up.
A luxurious sleeping chamber.
You see a single exit leading down.
You say, "Not my creation. Niahms' I think."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Who's Niaaaahm?"
You say, "Or was it Nariah's? No it was Nephthasia I think."
You say, "The previous owner."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "Okay!"
You say, "So. Tour over."
Cassiela, Child of Light says, "I like the amaranths!"
You say, "Yes....well...we'll have to work that out of your system."
Kaalak eyes the shovel.
Nariah2008-06-16 21:22:04
Totally not obvious who that is!
Thumbs up on discipline, thumbs down on not pulling it through. You need to stop by Nihilists and see what we do with unruly novices
Thumbs up on discipline, thumbs down on not pulling it through. You need to stop by Nihilists and see what we do with unruly novices

Shaddus2008-06-17 00:40:13

Rutting Command?
I need one of those.