Guild ledger members

by Aramel

Back to Ideas.

Aramel2008-06-23 23:49:52
Currently, guild ledger members is hugely messy. I get to see all 376 people in my guild, without them being sorted by alphabet, level, race, last login, or anything. This is hugely annoying, and I think I (and my fellow GAs) would welcome something that went like:

GUILD LEDGER MEMBERS NAME which would be alphabetical.
GUILD LEDGER MEMBERS RANK starting from the highest down.
GUILD LEDGER MEMBERS to find a specific person.

Please? Pretty please?
Zalandrus2008-06-23 23:57:07
Wouldn't you want to have the option of ranking everything in the reverse order too?
Kante2008-06-23 23:57:15
As someone that's almost been a GA, I still agree. Seconded.
Aramel2008-06-24 00:00:54
Wouldn't you want to have the option of ranking everything in the reverse order too?

That would be good too, if it's not too much coding trouble!
Lendren2008-06-24 00:16:09
I just copy it and paste into EditPlus and sort it there. (EditPlus isn't free but there must be some that can sort by column that are...)

I suppose one could do it in zMUD/CMUD/etc. but it seems like a lot of work.
Aramel2008-06-24 00:42:01
I'd just like it to be an IG thing. It's annoying.
Everiine2008-06-24 01:27:16
I idea'd it a while back, maybe twice. Right now, I only use the ledger for a few things-- summoning and finding stuck Braves. The rest is impossible to use (unless you use an outside app, which I wholeheartedly disagree with. Outside apps should be optional, not required, to do/use something).
Lendren2008-06-24 13:48:08
Calling it unusable without an external app is a bit of an overstatement in my opinion. It's not terribly useful to begin with, and sorting really doesn't make it tremendously more so. The main thing I use it for is seeing who's online off-plane, and I don't need to sort for that.

Now, if you want something that's unusable without an external app, look at a powerlog. That needs this kind of treatment a hundred times as badly, and it's been this way since the game opened. So I doubt the guild ledger members list is going to get changed before powerlogs are.

Generally, the ledgers are not useful anyway, and sorting isn't going to change that. They're especially noteworthy in that they offer no benefit to the GA himself, only to the rest of the guild -- where the GM artifact is useful for the GM and the guild (if it gets used), and the GC artifact is hugely useful for the GC. But at least we have something! It'd just be nice if there was something in it for us, too, even just something tiny.

But until then, support my "karma for teachers teaching their guild novices" proposal. Bump it and maybe Estarra will notice.