Unknown2008-07-01 21:22:19
I have started making my nexus system, and need help. I am using Vadimuses Vadi 2.0 as a base and converting everything from Achaea to Lusternia
and have never played Lusternia soo all I need is:
Reasons why someone could not eat curative herbs. i.e crushed windpipe, anorexia I need em all even the ones I just listed please
Reasons why someone could not apply salves.
Reasons why someone could not sip elixirs.
Reasons why someone could not smoke pipes.
Reasons why someone could not focus body.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from things like webs, ropes, transfixes.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from impalement. ((if its differant from above))
Reasons why someone could not stand.
And any other info YOU think I could use, this system will be available to the public.
It will probably take 2-4 months cause I have time, just not alot of it.
I appreciate the help
and Forren you ROCK for taking your time and energy on copying all those cure/affliction lines
and have never played Lusternia soo all I need is:
Reasons why someone could not eat curative herbs. i.e crushed windpipe, anorexia I need em all even the ones I just listed please
Reasons why someone could not apply salves.
Reasons why someone could not sip elixirs.
Reasons why someone could not smoke pipes.
Reasons why someone could not focus body.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from things like webs, ropes, transfixes.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from impalement. ((if its differant from above))
Reasons why someone could not stand.
And any other info YOU think I could use, this system will be available to the public.
It will probably take 2-4 months cause I have time, just not alot of it.
I appreciate the help
and Forren you ROCK for taking your time and energy on copying all those cure/affliction lines
Bashara2008-07-02 21:28:57
QUOTE(Garmr @ Jul 1 2008, 09:22 PM) 527506
I have started making my nexus system, and need help. I am using Vadimuses Vadi 2.0 as a base and converting everything from Achaea to Lusternia
and have never played Lusternia soo all I need is:
Reasons why someone could not eat curative herbs. i.e crushed windpipe, anorexia I need em all even the ones I just listed please
Reasons why someone could not apply salves.
Reasons why someone could not sip elixirs.
Reasons why someone could not smoke pipes.
Reasons why someone could not focus body.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from things like webs, ropes, transfixes.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from impalement. ((if its differant from above))
Reasons why someone could not stand.
And any other info YOU think I could use, this system will be available to the public.
It will probably take 2-4 months cause I have time, just not alot of it.
I appreciate the help
and Forren you ROCK for taking your time and energy on copying all those cure/affliction lines
and have never played Lusternia soo all I need is:
Reasons why someone could not eat curative herbs. i.e crushed windpipe, anorexia I need em all even the ones I just listed please
Reasons why someone could not apply salves.
Reasons why someone could not sip elixirs.
Reasons why someone could not smoke pipes.
Reasons why someone could not focus body.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from things like webs, ropes, transfixes.
Reasons why someone could not writhe from impalement. ((if its differant from above))
Reasons why someone could not stand.
And any other info YOU think I could use, this system will be available to the public.
It will probably take 2-4 months cause I have time, just not alot of it.
I appreciate the help
and Forren you ROCK for taking your time and energy on copying all those cure/affliction lines
Off the top of my head:
Slickness: Prevents applying salves/herbs
Slitthroat/CrushWindpipe/ShatterJaw: Cannot eat/drink, think it affects smoking, too.
Impatience: cannot use focus body/mind/spirit, maybe other things.
Paralysis: Cannot writhe out of restrictions and impale or stand.
Restrictions: cannot stand.
P.S.: I'm coding in Nexus, too.
Unknown2008-07-03 00:26:53
Can you really make a system without having ever played?
Casilu2008-07-03 00:40:50
QUOTE(krin1 @ Jul 2 2008, 05:26 PM) 528001
Can you really make a system without having ever played?
honours garmr
Garmr Kel'evra, Tender of the Swarms (Male Loboshigaru).
He is 17 years old, having been born on the 10th of Estar, 193 years after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 542nd in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Shade in the Great Collective of Glomdoring.
He is a Wyrden Ravager in the Nekotai.
He holds the position of a Tender of the Swarms in the Nekotai.
He is a Professor in the Shadowmaze.
He is a Riverwalker in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is a graduate of the Shadowmaze (honours).
His motto: 'Wisdom without Naivety. Guile without Failure.'
He is considered to be approximately 15% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
Just a first-timer is my guess.
Neuf2008-07-03 01:01:52
You'll need to note that smoking herbs uses herb balance.
And add in ego healing with bromide, using healing balance.
Also, factor in wound curing, uses healing/mana/bromide balance.
Focus body/mind/spirit on one balance.
Charm focus balance for curing damatic afflictions using a mind/focus enchantment.
And add in ego healing with bromide, using healing balance.
Also, factor in wound curing, uses healing/mana/bromide balance.
Focus body/mind/spirit on one balance.
Charm focus balance for curing damatic afflictions using a mind/focus enchantment.
Unknown2008-07-04 02:05:25
QUOTE(krin1 @ Jul 2 2008, 05:26 PM) 528001
Can you really make a system without having ever played?
Indeed, I have never played Lusternia but I have played Achaea for freaking ever. I know what is needed to build one, but if you notice in my first post, I asked for some help, and I am happy to say I am getting alot of it

Shiri2008-07-04 02:17:04
Bashara is wrong, shatterjaw doesn't prevent eating/drinking at all.
Also, I think you can writhe while paralysed but I'll have to check that (ran out of mantakaya)
Also, I think you can writhe while paralysed but I'll have to check that (ran out of mantakaya)
Casilu2008-07-05 23:39:55
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jul 3 2008, 07:17 PM) 528407
Bashara is wrong, shatterjaw doesn't prevent eating/drinking at all.
Also, I think you can writhe while paralysed but I'll have to check that (ran out of mantakaya)
Also, I think you can writhe while paralysed but I'll have to check that (ran out of mantakaya)
You can. And broken jaw just slows down the balance. What does mangled tongue do Shiri?
Rika2008-07-05 23:43:32
No, a broken jaw (if it is the same bonecrusher breakjaw that I have) just means you take damage whenever eating.
vorld2008-07-06 00:42:20
it's the same as bonecrusher I think
Shiri2008-07-06 01:08:58
QUOTE(casilu @ Jul 6 2008, 12:39 AM) 529230
You can. And broken jaw just slows down the balance. What does mangled tongue do Shiri?
Broken jaw doesn't even slow down the balance, Rika is correct.
Mangled tongue just harrasses bard songs.
Bashara2008-07-06 01:18:15
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jul 4 2008, 02:17 AM) 528407
Bashara is wrong, shatterjaw doesn't prevent eating/drinking at all.
Also, I think you can writhe while paralysed but I'll have to check that (ran out of mantakaya)
Also, I think you can writhe while paralysed but I'll have to check that (ran out of mantakaya)
Shatterjaw =/= BrokenJaw, guys. And Shiri is right, I was wrong:
Bodypart: Head
Minimum Wound State: Heavy
Maneuver: Jab, two-handed axe
Shattering the jaw causes difficulty with eating and drinking. It is more
difficult to fully cure than other jaw injuries.
Bodypart: Head
Minimum Wound State: Heavy
Maneuver: Jab, two-handed axe
Shattering the jaw causes difficulty with eating and drinking. It is more
difficult to fully cure than other jaw injuries.
From what I remember, it deals damage when you eat or sip, or it increases your balance time, I can't find out. I do know that it requires you to apply health and regeneration to cure it.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18150w elrxdb-sip mantakaya
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
You shrug off the effects of the poison. (times like a billion)
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18164w elrxdb-sip mantakaya
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18164w elrxdbp-
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18164w elrxdbp-writhe
You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18178w elrdbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18206w elrxdbp-diag
You are:
an insomniac.
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
You shrug off the effects of the poison. (times like a billion)
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18164w elrxdb-sip mantakaya
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18164w elrxdbp-
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18164w elrxdbp-writhe
You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18178w elrdbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4479h, 4092m, 3855e, 10p, 19755en, 18206w elrxdbp-diag
You are:
an insomniac.
Yes, you can writhe while paralyzed.
Unknown2008-07-08 06:53:54
2% done!!!
though I must say, Lusternia's combat is......complex
The following is INCOMPLETE and made for me, just showing a basic idea of what I am doing
(because someone sent me a message wondering wtf)
#if $2=none {#send apply $1
#if $sys_echo {#echo (apply $1)}
} else {#send apply $1 to $2
#if $sys_echo {#echo (apply $1 to $2)}
#set salve $1
#set sys_applyingto $2
#set healingsalve 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingsalve {
#set healingsalve 0
#set check_salve 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {salve_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#if ($asleep=0 and !$stunned and !$paused and !$aeon and $bal_balance and $bal_arms) {
#set check_balance 0
#if ($impaled and !$healingwrithe and $writhing!=from_impalement) {
} elsif $bal_equilibrium {
#if $paralysis=0 and ($rightleg=0 and $leftleg=0) {
#if $prone and !$healingprone {stand}
#if ($rightleg or $leftleg or ($rightarm and $leftarm)) {salve_check}
#if !$paralysis and ($rightleg=0 and $leftleg=0) and $legs=0 {
#if !$healingprone and $prone {
#if $paralysis=0 and $check_smokemisc {check_smokemisc}
#if !$defupcheckbal and $sys_keepup and $redefupbalfree {redefupbalfree}
#if $sys_dofree1 {
#set sys_dofree1 0}
#if $sys_dofree2 {
#set sys_dofree2 0}
#if $sys_dofree3 {
#set sys_dofree3 0}
#if $sys_dofree4 {
#set sys_dofree4 0}
#if $sys_dofree5 {
#set sys_dofree5 0}
#if $sys_dofree6 {
#set sys_dofree6 0}
#if $sys_dofree7 {
#set sys_dofree7 0}
#if $sys_dofree8 {
#set sys_dofree8 0}
#if $sys_dofree9 {
#set sys_dofree9 0}
#if $sys_dofree10 {
#set sys_dofree10 0}
#if $sys_usingdiagnose and $my_diagnose {
} elsif $lusted {
reject $lusted
} elsif $defupcheckbal and $sys_deffing {
} else {redefupbal}
} else {
#set check_balance 1}
#if !$stunned and $asleep=0 and $aeon=0 and ($rightarm=0 or $leftarm=0) {
#set check_smokemisc 0
#if $sys_myrtlepipepuffs <=0 and $sys_myrtlepipeid {
#send outr myrtle
#send put myrtle in $sys_myrtlepipeid
#set check_smoke 1}
#if $sys_faeleafpipepuffs <=0 and $sys_faeleafpipeid {
#send outr faeleaf
#send put faeleaf in $sys_faeleafpipeid
#set check_smoke 1}
#if $sys_coltsfootpipepuffs <=0 and $sys_coltsfootpipeid {
#send outr coltsfoot
#send put coltsfoot in $sys_coltsfootpipeid
#set check_smoke 1}
#if ($vmy_relight or $anorexia or $impatience or $masochism or $shyness or $loneliness) and $vsys_coltsfootpipestatus="out" and $vsys_coltsfootpipeid!=0 {
#send light $sys_coltsfootpipeid with tinderbox
#set sys_lastlit coltsfoot}
#if ($my_relight or $crushed_windpipe or $hemiplegy or $pierced_nerves or $severphrenic) and $sys_myrtlepipestatus="out" and $sys_myrtlepipeid!=0 {
#send light $sys_myrtlenpipeid with tinderbox
#set vsys_lastlit myrtle}
#if ($my_relight or ($def_rebounding=0 and (($sys_keepup and $keep_rebounding) or ($defupchecksmoke and $defup_rebounding)))) and $sys_faeleafpipestatus="out" and $sys_faeleafpipeid!=0 {
#send light $sys_fealeafpipeid with tinderbox
#set vsys_lastlit faeleaf}
#send concentrate
#set healingconcentrate 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingconcentrate=1 {
#set healingconcentrate 0
#set check_misc 1
#set check_balance 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {check_all} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send def
#if $bal_balance and $bal_arms and $bal_equilibrium and !$stunned and !$aeon {#set def_sneaking 0
#set def_bracing 0
#set def_agility 0
#set def_gripping 0
#if $bal_balance and $bal_arms and $bal_equilibrium and !$paused {
#if $defup_sneaking and !$def_sneaking {
#send sneak
} elsif !$def_agility and $defup_agility {
#send stealth agility
} elsif !$def_bracing and $defup_bracing {
#send stealth bracing
} elsif !$def_gripping and $defup_gripping {
#send grip
} else {
#set defupcheckbal 0
#if !$def_insomnia and $defup_insomnia {
#if $sys_deffing {
#if !$defupcheckbal and !$defupcheckpurg and !$defupchecksalve and !$defupcheckherb and !$defupchecksmoke {
#set sys_deffing 0
#echo : Ready for combat! ($sys_mode defences mode)
} else {
#if $defupcheckbal {balance_check}
#if $defupcheckherb {herb_check}
#if $defupcheckpurg {purgative_check}
#if $defupchecksalve {salve_check}
#if $defupchecksmoke {smoke_check}
#if $defupcheckpurg or $defupchecksalve or $defupcheckherb or $defupchecksmoke {
#if ($def_frost or !$defup_frost) and ($def_fire or !$defup_fire) and ($def_quicksilver or !$defup_quicksilver) and ($def_vitae or !$defup_vitae) {
#set defupcheckpurg 0}
#if ($vdef_caloric or !$vdefup_caloric) and ($vdef_mass or !$vdefup_mass) {
#set defupchecksalve 0}
#if ($def_deaf=1 or !$defup_deaf) and ($def_blind or !$defup_blind) and ($def_kafe or !$defup_kafe) {
#set defupcheckherb 0}
#if ($def_rebounding=1 or !$defup_rebounding) {
#set defupchecksmoke 0}
#if !$defupcheckpurg and !$defupchecksalve and !$defupcheckherb and !$defupchecksmoke {defupcheckfinish}
#if ($1=me or $1="$1") and $bal_balance=1 and $bal_arms and $bal_equilibrium=1 {
resetaffs no_msg
#set sys_usingdiagnose 1
#groupon diagnose
#send diag
#wait $sys_wait
#groupoff diagnose
} else {
#send diag $1}
#if ($1=me or $1="$1") and $bal_balance=1 and $bal_arms and $bal_equilibrium=1 {
resetaffs no_msg
#set sys_usingdiagnose 1
#groupon diagnose
#send diag
#wait $sys_wait
#groupoff diagnose
} else {
#send diag $1}
#if $sys_do1=0 {
#set sys_do1 $*
//So that we can stack things with do
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do2=0 {
#set sys_do2 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do3=0 {
#set sys_do3 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do4=0 {
#set sys_do4 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do5=0 {
#set sys_do5 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do6=0 {
#set sys_do6 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do7=0 {
#set sys_do7 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do8=0 {
#set sys_do8 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do9=0 {
#set sys_do9 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do10=0 {
#set sys_do10 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} else {
#echo : Sorry, the do queue is full! Wait until some items clear up.}
#if $sys_dofree1=0 {
#set sys_dofree1 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree2=0 {
#set sys_dofree2 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree3=0 {
#set sys_dofree3 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree4=0 {
#set sys_dofree4 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree5=0 {
#set sys_dofree5 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree6=0 {
#set sys_dofree6 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree7=0 {
#set sys_dofree7 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree8=0 {
#set sys_dofree8 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree9=0 {
#set sys_dofree9 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree10=0 {
#set sys_dofree10 $*
} else {
#echo : Sorry, the dofree queue is full! Wait until some items clear up.}
#set sys_dofree10 $sys_dofree9
#set sys_dofree9 $sys_dofree8
#set sys_dofree8 $sys_dofree7
#set sys_dofree7 $sys_dofree6
#set sys_dofree6 $sys_dofree5
#set sys_dofree5 $sys_dofree4
#set sys_dofree4 $sys_dofree3
#set sys_dofree3 $sys_dofree2
#set sys_dofree2 $sys_dofree1
#set sys_dofree1 $*
#if $1="$1" {
#if $sys_dorepeat {
#set sys_dorepeat 0
#set sys_do1 0
#echo : Do-Repeat disabled.
} else {
#set sys_dorepeat 1
#echo : Do-Repeat enabled; will repeat the first command in the queue.}
} else {
#set sys_dorepeat 1
#set sys_do1 $*
#echo : Do-Repeat enabled; will repeat '$sys_do1' forever.
#set sys_usingdiagnose 1
#set healingherb 1
#send outr $1
#send eat $1
#if $sys_echo {#echo (outr|eat $1)}
#set sys_eating $1
#add sys_herbtick 1
#if $sys_herbtick>=10 {#set sys_herbtick 1}
check_herbreset $sys_herbtick
#set sys_haway 1
inr all herb
#send insomnia
#set healinginsomnia 1
#wait $vsys_wait
#if $healinginsomnia {
#set healinginsomnia 0
#set check_herb 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$vsys_lagallowance) {herb_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send light $sys_myrtlepipeid with tinderbox
#send light $sys_coltsfootpipeid with tinderbox
#send light $sys_faeleafpipeid with tinderbox
#if $sys_myrtlepipestatus="out" {#set sys_lastlit myrtle}
#if $sys_coltsfootpipestatus="out" {#set sys_lastlit coltsfoot}
#if $sys_faeleafpipestatus="out" {#set sys_lastlit faeleaf}
#if $stunned=0 and !$paused and $aeon=0 {
#set check_misc 0
#if $asleep=1 and $healingwake=0 {
} elsif $asleep=0 {
#if ($writhing=0 and ($webbed=1 or $bound=1 or $transfixed=1 or $roped=1)) {writhe}
#if !$haemophilia and $bleeding>60 and $currentmana>60 and $my_clotting) {#send clot}
#if $disrupted=1 and $confusion=0 {#send concentrate}
#if $fear {#send compose}
#if $anorexia=0 and $bal_purgative and $crotamine=1 {purgative_check}
#if $bal_purgative and !$stunned and !$paused and !$aeon {
#set check_purgative 0
#if !$anorexia and $crotimin {#send drink crotamine}
#if $def_quicksilver=0 and (($keep_quicksilver and $sys_keepup) or ($defupcheckpurg and $defup_quicksilver)) {
sip quicksilver
#set def_quicksilver 0.5
} elsif !$def_fire or (($chilled or frozen)) and (($keep_fire and $sys_keepup) or ($defupcheckpurg and $defup_fire)) {
sip fire
} elsif !$def_frost or $ablaze and (($keep_frost and $sys_keepup) or ($defupcheckpurg and $vdefup_frost)) {
sip frost
} elsif !$def_love {
sip love
} elsif $defupcheckpurg {
#if $defup_sneaking and !$def_sneaking {
#send sneak
} elsif !$def_agility and $defup_agility {
#send stealth agility
} elsif !$def_bracing and $defup_bracing {
#send stealth bracing
} elsif !$def_gripping and $defup_gripping {
#send grip
} else {
#if $vsys_do1 {
#if !$vsys_dorepeat {#set vsys_do1 0}
} elsif $vsys_do2 {
#set vsys_do2 0
} elsif $vsys_do3 {
#set vsys_do3 0
} elsif $vsys_do4 {
#set vsys_do4 0
} elsif $vsys_do5 {
#set vsys_do5 0
} elsif $vsys_do6 {
#set vsys_do6 0
} elsif $vsys_do7 {
#set vsys_do7 0
} elsif $vsys_do8 {
#set vsys_do8 0
} elsif $vsys_do9 {
#set vsys_do9 0
} elsif $vsys_do10 {
#set vsys_do10 0}
} else {
#if $vsys_do1 {
#if !$vsys_dorepeat {#set vsys_do1 0}
} elsif $vsys_do2 {
#set vsys_do2 0
} elsif $vsys_do3 {
#set vsys_do3 0
} elsif $vsys_do4 {
#set vsys_do4 0
} elsif $vsys_do5 {
#set vsys_do5 0
} elsif $vsys_do6 {
#set vsys_do6 0
} elsif $vsys_do7 {
#set vsys_do7 0
} elsif $vsys_do8 {
#set vsys_do8 0
} elsif $vsys_do9 {
#set vsys_do9 0
} elsif $vsys_do10 {
#set vsys_do10 0}
#if !$def_insomnia and $defup_insomnia {
#set redefupbalfree 0
#if ($asleep=0 and !$stunned and !$paused and !$aeon and $vbal_salve=1 and !$slickness and !$healingsalve) {
#set vcheck_salve 0
#if ($slit_throat) {
apply_salve mending head
sstore$sys_mode no_msg
sstoredefences$sys_mode no_msg
check_pipeoption s
#if $1="basic" {
#set sys_mode basic
sload$sys_mode no_msg
sloaddefences$sys_mode no_msg
check_pipeoption l
#set defupcheckbal 1
#set defupcheckpurg 1
#set defupchecksalve 1
#set defupcheckherb 1
#set defupchecksmoke 1
#set vsys_deffing 1
} elsif $1="combat" {
#set sys_mode combat
sload$vsys_mode no_msg
sloaddefences$vsys_mode no_msg
check_pipeoption l
#set defupcheckbal 1
#set defupcheckpurg 1
#set defupchecksalve 1
#set defupcheckherb 1
#set defupchecksmoke 1
#set sys_deffing 1
} else {
#echo : '$1' is an invalid defences mode - please select either basic or combat.}
#send smoke $sys_coltsfootpipeid
#if $sys_echo {#echo (smoke coltsfoot)}
#set sys_smoking coltsfoot
#set healingsmoke 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if ($healingsmoke) {
#set healingsmoke 0
#set check_smoke 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {smoke_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send smoke $sys_faeleafpipeid
#if $sys_echo {#echo (smoke faeleaf)}
#set sys_smoking faeleaf
#set healingsmoke 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if ($healingsmoke) {
#set healingsmoke 0
#set check_smoke 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {smoke_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send smoke $sys_myrtlepipeid
#if $sys_echo {#echo (smoke myrtle)}
#set sys_smoking myrtle
#set healingsmoke 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if ($healingsmoke) {
#set healingsmoke 0
#set check_smoke 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {smoke_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#if $1="$1" {
#send stand
#set healingprone 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingprone {
#set healingprone 0
#set check_balance 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {balance_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
} else {
#send stand $1}
turnoff $1
turnon $!
#if $1=keepup {
#set sys_keepup 0
#echo : Auto keepup is now off.
} elsif $1=antiillusion or $1="anti-illusion" or $1="a" {
#set sys_aillusion 0
#echo : Anti-illusion disabled.
} elsif $1=bashing or $1=bash {
#set sys_bashingtrigs 0
#groupoff bashing
#echo : Bashing triggers disabled.
#echo : Syntax - turnoff
#if $1=keepup {
#set sys_keepup 1
#echo : Auto keepup on.
} elsif $1=antiillusion or $1="anti-illusion" or $1="a" {
#set sys_aillusion 1
#echo : Anti-illusion enabled.
} elsif $1=bashing or $1=bash {
#set sys_bashingtrigs 1
#groupon bashing
#echo : Bashing triggers enabled.
#if $sys_do1 {
#echo : '$sys_do1' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do1 0
} elsif $sys_do2 {
#echo : '$sys_do2' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do2 0
} elsif $sys_do3 {
#echo : '$sys_do3' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do3 0
} elsif $sys_do4 {
#echo : '$sys_do4' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do4 0
} elsif $sys_do5 {
#echo : '$sys_do5' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do5 0
} elsif $vsys_do6 {
#echo : '$vsys_do6' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do6 0
} elsif $vsys_do7 {
#echo : '$vsys_do7' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do7 0
} elsif $sys_do8 {
#echo : '$vsys_do8' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do8 0
} elsif $vsys_do9 {
#echo : '$sys_do9' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do9 0
} elsif $vsys_do10 {
#echo : '$vsys_do10' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do10 0
} else {
#echo : The do queue is empty already.}
#if $sys_dofree1 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree1' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree1 0
} elsif $sys_dofree2 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree2' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree2 0
} elsif $sys_dofree3 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree3' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree3 0
} elsif $sys_dofree4 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree4' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree4 0
} elsif $sys_dofree5 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree5' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree5 0
} elsif $sys_dofree6 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree6' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree6 0
} elsif $sys_dofree7 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree7' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree7 0
} elsif $sys_dofree8 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree8' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree8 0
} elsif $sys_dofree9 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree9' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree9 0
} elsif $sys_dofree10 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree10' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree10 0
} else {
#echo : The dofree queue is empty already.}
#send wake
#set healingwake 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingwake {
#set healingwake 0
#set check_misc 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {misc_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send writhe
#set writhing 1
#set healingwrithe 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingwrithe=1 {
#set writhing 0
#set healingwrithe 0
#set check_misc 1
#set check_balance 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {check_all} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
though I must say, Lusternia's combat is......complex

The following is INCOMPLETE and made for me, just showing a basic idea of what I am doing
(because someone sent me a message wondering wtf)
#if $sys_echo {#echo (apply $1)}
} else {#send apply $1 to $2
#if $sys_echo {#echo (apply $1 to $2)}
#set salve $1
#set sys_applyingto $2
#set healingsalve 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingsalve {
#set healingsalve 0
#set check_salve 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {salve_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#set check_balance 0
#if ($impaled and !$healingwrithe and $writhing!=from_impalement) {
} elsif $bal_equilibrium {
#if $paralysis=0 and ($rightleg=0 and $leftleg=0) {
#if $prone and !$healingprone {stand}
#if ($rightleg or $leftleg or ($rightarm and $leftarm)) {salve_check}
#if !$paralysis and ($rightleg=0 and $leftleg=0) and $legs=0 {
#if !$healingprone and $prone {
#if $paralysis=0 and $check_smokemisc {check_smokemisc}
#if !$defupcheckbal and $sys_keepup and $redefupbalfree {redefupbalfree}
#if $sys_dofree1 {
#set sys_dofree1 0}
#if $sys_dofree2 {
#set sys_dofree2 0}
#if $sys_dofree3 {
#set sys_dofree3 0}
#if $sys_dofree4 {
#set sys_dofree4 0}
#if $sys_dofree5 {
#set sys_dofree5 0}
#if $sys_dofree6 {
#set sys_dofree6 0}
#if $sys_dofree7 {
#set sys_dofree7 0}
#if $sys_dofree8 {
#set sys_dofree8 0}
#if $sys_dofree9 {
#set sys_dofree9 0}
#if $sys_dofree10 {
#set sys_dofree10 0}
#if $sys_usingdiagnose and $my_diagnose {
} elsif $lusted {
reject $lusted
} elsif $defupcheckbal and $sys_deffing {
} else {redefupbal}
} else {
#set check_balance 1}
#set check_smokemisc 0
#if $sys_myrtlepipepuffs <=0 and $sys_myrtlepipeid {
#send outr myrtle
#send put myrtle in $sys_myrtlepipeid
#set check_smoke 1}
#if $sys_faeleafpipepuffs <=0 and $sys_faeleafpipeid {
#send outr faeleaf
#send put faeleaf in $sys_faeleafpipeid
#set check_smoke 1}
#if $sys_coltsfootpipepuffs <=0 and $sys_coltsfootpipeid {
#send outr coltsfoot
#send put coltsfoot in $sys_coltsfootpipeid
#set check_smoke 1}
#if ($vmy_relight or $anorexia or $impatience or $masochism or $shyness or $loneliness) and $vsys_coltsfootpipestatus="out" and $vsys_coltsfootpipeid!=0 {
#send light $sys_coltsfootpipeid with tinderbox
#set sys_lastlit coltsfoot}
#if ($my_relight or $crushed_windpipe or $hemiplegy or $pierced_nerves or $severphrenic) and $sys_myrtlepipestatus="out" and $sys_myrtlepipeid!=0 {
#send light $sys_myrtlenpipeid with tinderbox
#set vsys_lastlit myrtle}
#if ($my_relight or ($def_rebounding=0 and (($sys_keepup and $keep_rebounding) or ($defupchecksmoke and $defup_rebounding)))) and $sys_faeleafpipestatus="out" and $sys_faeleafpipeid!=0 {
#send light $sys_fealeafpipeid with tinderbox
#set vsys_lastlit faeleaf}
#set healingconcentrate 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingconcentrate=1 {
#set healingconcentrate 0
#set check_misc 1
#set check_balance 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {check_all} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#if $bal_balance and $bal_arms and $bal_equilibrium and !$stunned and !$aeon {#set def_sneaking 0
#set def_bracing 0
#set def_agility 0
#set def_gripping 0
#if $defup_sneaking and !$def_sneaking {
#send sneak
} elsif !$def_agility and $defup_agility {
#send stealth agility
} elsif !$def_bracing and $defup_bracing {
#send stealth bracing
} elsif !$def_gripping and $defup_gripping {
#send grip
} else {
#set defupcheckbal 0
#if !$defupcheckbal and !$defupcheckpurg and !$defupchecksalve and !$defupcheckherb and !$defupchecksmoke {
#set sys_deffing 0
#echo : Ready for combat! ($sys_mode defences mode)
} else {
#if $defupcheckbal {balance_check}
#if $defupcheckherb {herb_check}
#if $defupcheckpurg {purgative_check}
#if $defupchecksalve {salve_check}
#if $defupchecksmoke {smoke_check}
#if $defupcheckpurg or $defupchecksalve or $defupcheckherb or $defupchecksmoke {
#set defupcheckpurg 0}
#if ($vdef_caloric or !$vdefup_caloric) and ($vdef_mass or !$vdefup_mass) {
#set defupchecksalve 0}
#if ($def_deaf=1 or !$defup_deaf) and ($def_blind or !$defup_blind) and ($def_kafe or !$defup_kafe) {
#set defupcheckherb 0}
#if ($def_rebounding=1 or !$defup_rebounding) {
#set defupchecksmoke 0}
#if !$defupcheckpurg and !$defupchecksalve and !$defupcheckherb and !$defupchecksmoke {defupcheckfinish}
resetaffs no_msg
#set sys_usingdiagnose 1
#groupon diagnose
#send diag
#wait $sys_wait
#groupoff diagnose
} else {
#send diag $1}
resetaffs no_msg
#set sys_usingdiagnose 1
#groupon diagnose
#send diag
#wait $sys_wait
#groupoff diagnose
} else {
#send diag $1}
#set sys_do1 $*
//So that we can stack things with do
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do2=0 {
#set sys_do2 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do3=0 {
#set sys_do3 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do4=0 {
#set sys_do4 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do5=0 {
#set sys_do5 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do6=0 {
#set sys_do6 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do7=0 {
#set sys_do7 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do8=0 {
#set sys_do8 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do9=0 {
#set sys_do9 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} elsif $sys_do10=0 {
#set sys_do10 $*
#set bal_balance 0
} else {
#echo : Sorry, the do queue is full! Wait until some items clear up.}
#set sys_dofree1 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree2=0 {
#set sys_dofree2 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree3=0 {
#set sys_dofree3 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree4=0 {
#set sys_dofree4 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree5=0 {
#set sys_dofree5 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree6=0 {
#set sys_dofree6 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree7=0 {
#set sys_dofree7 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree8=0 {
#set sys_dofree8 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree9=0 {
#set sys_dofree9 $*
} elsif $sys_dofree10=0 {
#set sys_dofree10 $*
} else {
#echo : Sorry, the dofree queue is full! Wait until some items clear up.}
#set sys_dofree9 $sys_dofree8
#set sys_dofree8 $sys_dofree7
#set sys_dofree7 $sys_dofree6
#set sys_dofree6 $sys_dofree5
#set sys_dofree5 $sys_dofree4
#set sys_dofree4 $sys_dofree3
#set sys_dofree3 $sys_dofree2
#set sys_dofree2 $sys_dofree1
#set sys_dofree1 $*
#if $sys_dorepeat {
#set sys_dorepeat 0
#set sys_do1 0
#echo : Do-Repeat disabled.
} else {
#set sys_dorepeat 1
#echo : Do-Repeat enabled; will repeat the first command in the queue.}
} else {
#set sys_dorepeat 1
#set sys_do1 $*
#echo : Do-Repeat enabled; will repeat '$sys_do1' forever.
#send outr $1
#send eat $1
#if $sys_echo {#echo (outr|eat $1)}
#set sys_eating $1
#add sys_herbtick 1
#if $sys_herbtick>=10 {#set sys_herbtick 1}
check_herbreset $sys_herbtick
inr all herb
#set healinginsomnia 1
#wait $vsys_wait
#if $healinginsomnia {
#set healinginsomnia 0
#set check_herb 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$vsys_lagallowance) {herb_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send light $sys_coltsfootpipeid with tinderbox
#send light $sys_faeleafpipeid with tinderbox
#if $sys_myrtlepipestatus="out" {#set sys_lastlit myrtle}
#if $sys_coltsfootpipestatus="out" {#set sys_lastlit coltsfoot}
#if $sys_faeleafpipestatus="out" {#set sys_lastlit faeleaf}
#set check_misc 0
#if $asleep=1 and $healingwake=0 {
} elsif $asleep=0 {
#if ($writhing=0 and ($webbed=1 or $bound=1 or $transfixed=1 or $roped=1)) {writhe}
#if !$haemophilia and $bleeding>60 and $currentmana>60 and $my_clotting) {#send clot}
#if $disrupted=1 and $confusion=0 {#send concentrate}
#if $fear {#send compose}
#if $anorexia=0 and $bal_purgative and $crotamine=1 {purgative_check}
#set check_purgative 0
#if !$anorexia and $crotimin {#send drink crotamine}
#if $def_quicksilver=0 and (($keep_quicksilver and $sys_keepup) or ($defupcheckpurg and $defup_quicksilver)) {
sip quicksilver
#set def_quicksilver 0.5
} elsif !$def_fire or (($chilled or frozen)) and (($keep_fire and $sys_keepup) or ($defupcheckpurg and $defup_fire)) {
sip fire
} elsif !$def_frost or $ablaze and (($keep_frost and $sys_keepup) or ($defupcheckpurg and $vdefup_frost)) {
sip frost
} elsif !$def_love {
sip love
} elsif $defupcheckpurg {
#send sneak
} elsif !$def_agility and $defup_agility {
#send stealth agility
} elsif !$def_bracing and $defup_bracing {
#send stealth bracing
} elsif !$def_gripping and $defup_gripping {
#send grip
} else {
#if $vsys_do1 {
#if !$vsys_dorepeat {#set vsys_do1 0}
} elsif $vsys_do2 {
#set vsys_do2 0
} elsif $vsys_do3 {
#set vsys_do3 0
} elsif $vsys_do4 {
#set vsys_do4 0
} elsif $vsys_do5 {
#set vsys_do5 0
} elsif $vsys_do6 {
#set vsys_do6 0
} elsif $vsys_do7 {
#set vsys_do7 0
} elsif $vsys_do8 {
#set vsys_do8 0
} elsif $vsys_do9 {
#set vsys_do9 0
} elsif $vsys_do10 {
#set vsys_do10 0}
} else {
#if $vsys_do1 {
#if !$vsys_dorepeat {#set vsys_do1 0}
} elsif $vsys_do2 {
#set vsys_do2 0
} elsif $vsys_do3 {
#set vsys_do3 0
} elsif $vsys_do4 {
#set vsys_do4 0
} elsif $vsys_do5 {
#set vsys_do5 0
} elsif $vsys_do6 {
#set vsys_do6 0
} elsif $vsys_do7 {
#set vsys_do7 0
} elsif $vsys_do8 {
#set vsys_do8 0
} elsif $vsys_do9 {
#set vsys_do9 0
} elsif $vsys_do10 {
#set vsys_do10 0}
#set redefupbalfree 0
#set vcheck_salve 0
#if ($slit_throat) {
apply_salve mending head
sstoredefences$sys_mode no_msg
check_pipeoption s
#if $1="basic" {
#set sys_mode basic
sload$sys_mode no_msg
sloaddefences$sys_mode no_msg
check_pipeoption l
#set defupcheckbal 1
#set defupcheckpurg 1
#set defupchecksalve 1
#set defupcheckherb 1
#set defupchecksmoke 1
#set vsys_deffing 1
} elsif $1="combat" {
#set sys_mode combat
sload$vsys_mode no_msg
sloaddefences$vsys_mode no_msg
check_pipeoption l
#set defupcheckbal 1
#set defupcheckpurg 1
#set defupchecksalve 1
#set defupcheckherb 1
#set defupchecksmoke 1
#set sys_deffing 1
} else {
#echo : '$1' is an invalid defences mode - please select either basic or combat.}
#if $sys_echo {#echo (smoke coltsfoot)}
#set sys_smoking coltsfoot
#set healingsmoke 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if ($healingsmoke) {
#set healingsmoke 0
#set check_smoke 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {smoke_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#if $sys_echo {#echo (smoke faeleaf)}
#set sys_smoking faeleaf
#set healingsmoke 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if ($healingsmoke) {
#set healingsmoke 0
#set check_smoke 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {smoke_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#if $sys_echo {#echo (smoke myrtle)}
#set sys_smoking myrtle
#set healingsmoke 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if ($healingsmoke) {
#set healingsmoke 0
#set check_smoke 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {smoke_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#send stand
#set healingprone 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingprone {
#set healingprone 0
#set check_balance 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {balance_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
} else {
#send stand $1}
#set sys_keepup 0
#echo : Auto keepup is now off.
} elsif $1=antiillusion or $1="anti-illusion" or $1="a" {
#set sys_aillusion 0
#echo : Anti-illusion disabled.
} elsif $1=bashing or $1=bash {
#set sys_bashingtrigs 0
#groupoff bashing
#echo : Bashing triggers disabled.
#echo : Syntax - turnoff
#set sys_keepup 1
#echo : Auto keepup on.
} elsif $1=antiillusion or $1="anti-illusion" or $1="a" {
#set sys_aillusion 1
#echo : Anti-illusion enabled.
} elsif $1=bashing or $1=bash {
#set sys_bashingtrigs 1
#groupon bashing
#echo : Bashing triggers enabled.
#echo : '$sys_do1' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do1 0
} elsif $sys_do2 {
#echo : '$sys_do2' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do2 0
} elsif $sys_do3 {
#echo : '$sys_do3' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do3 0
} elsif $sys_do4 {
#echo : '$sys_do4' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do4 0
} elsif $sys_do5 {
#echo : '$sys_do5' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do5 0
} elsif $vsys_do6 {
#echo : '$vsys_do6' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do6 0
} elsif $vsys_do7 {
#echo : '$vsys_do7' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do7 0
} elsif $sys_do8 {
#echo : '$vsys_do8' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do8 0
} elsif $vsys_do9 {
#echo : '$sys_do9' removed from the do queue.
#set vsys_do9 0
} elsif $vsys_do10 {
#echo : '$vsys_do10' removed from the do queue.
#set sys_do10 0
} else {
#echo : The do queue is empty already.}
#echo : '$sys_dofree1' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree1 0
} elsif $sys_dofree2 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree2' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree2 0
} elsif $sys_dofree3 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree3' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree3 0
} elsif $sys_dofree4 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree4' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree4 0
} elsif $sys_dofree5 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree5' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree5 0
} elsif $sys_dofree6 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree6' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree6 0
} elsif $sys_dofree7 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree7' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree7 0
} elsif $sys_dofree8 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree8' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree8 0
} elsif $sys_dofree9 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree9' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree9 0
} elsif $sys_dofree10 {
#echo : '$sys_dofree10' removed from the dofree queue.
#set sys_dofree10 0
} else {
#echo : The dofree queue is empty already.}
#set healingwake 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingwake {
#set healingwake 0
#set check_misc 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {misc_check} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
#set writhing 1
#set healingwrithe 1
#wait $sys_wait
#if $healingwrithe=1 {
#set writhing 0
#set healingwrithe 0
#set check_misc 1
#set check_balance 1
#if $sys_lag!=warned {
#add sys_lag 1
#if ($sys_lag<$sys_lagallowance) {check_all} else {
#echo : Warning, lag detected!
#set sys_lag warned}
Celina2008-07-08 07:36:15
Can you actually overhaul Vadi to such an extent to actually work for Lusternia? Things like bromide/ego, power, and the wounds system have no counterpart in Achaea. Not to mention things like cleanse/sap, focus body....actually the list is really long.
I played Achaea on Nexus for several years, and even played on Vadi for a bit before I left. Lusternia combat is far more complex. Good luck!
Things I can think of off the top of my head. They are by no means the only ones
Reasons why someone could not eat curative herbs. Windpipe, anorexia, throat lock from Telekinetics, crucify, maestoso*, batsbane?
Reasons why someone could not apply salves. Slickness is all I can think of, crucify, that monk technique where they wrap you in their chains...ninini or something
Reasons why someone could not sip elixirs. same as eating
Reasons why someone could not smoke pipes. Asthma, crucify
Reasons why someone could not focus body. Impatience, crucify?
Reasons why someone could not writhe from things like webs, ropes, transfixes. Nothing stops writhing I don't think
Reasons why someone could not writhe from impalement. ((if its differant from above))
Reasons why someone could not stand. Paralysis, tendons, amputation, 2 broken legs, entangled, grappled
Inquisition should be treated like stun which means you can't do anything.
Sap works like aeon, must be cured by rubbing a cleanse enchant. Can not be prone, entangled, paralysed or broken arms to rub cleanse.
Applying health heals deep wounds but takes elixer balance
*Maestoso prevents all auric ailment curing
Gosh, sitting here thinking about all the differences is overwhelming. That's what I have for now.
I played Achaea on Nexus for several years, and even played on Vadi for a bit before I left. Lusternia combat is far more complex. Good luck!
Things I can think of off the top of my head. They are by no means the only ones
Reasons why someone could not eat curative herbs. Windpipe, anorexia, throat lock from Telekinetics, crucify, maestoso*, batsbane?
Reasons why someone could not apply salves. Slickness is all I can think of, crucify, that monk technique where they wrap you in their chains...ninini or something
Reasons why someone could not sip elixirs. same as eating
Reasons why someone could not smoke pipes. Asthma, crucify
Reasons why someone could not focus body. Impatience, crucify?
Reasons why someone could not writhe from things like webs, ropes, transfixes. Nothing stops writhing I don't think
Reasons why someone could not writhe from impalement. ((if its differant from above))
Reasons why someone could not stand. Paralysis, tendons, amputation, 2 broken legs, entangled, grappled
Inquisition should be treated like stun which means you can't do anything.
Sap works like aeon, must be cured by rubbing a cleanse enchant. Can not be prone, entangled, paralysed or broken arms to rub cleanse.
Applying health heals deep wounds but takes elixer balance
*Maestoso prevents all auric ailment curing
Gosh, sitting here thinking about all the differences is overwhelming. That's what I have for now.
Unknown2008-07-08 07:49:09
uhhh I stripped Vadi's system butt naked, its a shell. I take the things I can use, leave the things I cant and add the things I have too. Pretty simple just time consuming. And Lusty combat isn't far more complex then Achaea, its just different in many ways
Celina2008-07-08 08:05:07
QUOTE(Garmr @ Jul 8 2008, 02:49 AM) 530126
uhhh I stripped Vadi's system butt naked, its a shell. I take the things I can use, leave the things I cant and add the things I have too. Pretty simple just time consuming. And Lusty combat isn't far more complex then Achaea, its just different in many ways
Just wait until you really play for a while. When it comes to complexity, Achaea doesn't hold a candle to Lusternia.
Lusternia basically includes every affliction in Lusternia...but throws on tons more. And deep wounds. Deep wounds are fun.
Unknown2008-07-08 23:39:57
I have a complete affliction list that was donated to me, there are about the same amount of afflictions in Lusternia as achaea
Rika2008-07-09 00:12:05
I'm pretty sure there are a lot more here.
Celina2008-07-09 00:34:04
QUOTE(Garmr @ Jul 8 2008, 06:39 PM) 530315
I have a complete affliction list that was donated to me, there are about the same amount of afflictions in Lusternia as achaea
Addiction/ Aeon/ Agoraphobia/ Anorexia/ Asthma/ Blindness/ Claustrophobia/ Clumsiness/ Confusion/ Curse/ Darkshade/ Deadening/ Deafness/ Deathsight/ Dementia/ Disfigurement/ Dissonance/ Dizziness/ Entangled/ Epilepsy/ Fear/ Generosity/ Hallucinations/ Haemophilia/ HealthLeech/ Hellsight/ Hypochondria/ Hypersomnia/ Impatience/ Justice/ Lethargy/ Loneliness/ Lover'sEffect/ Masochism/ ManaLeech/ Nausea/ Pacifism/ Paralysis/ Paranoia/ Peace/ Recklessness/ Scytherus/ Sensitivity/ Shyness/ Slickness/ Stupidity/ Stutterin/ Transfixed/ Vertigo
broken chest, broken nose, crushed foot, crushed windpipe, fractured arms,fractured skull,snapped ribs, slickness, anorexia, impatient, insomnia, loneliness, masochism, shyness, deafness, addiction, generosity, gluttony, lover'scurse, achromatic, aura, egovice, healthleech, manabarbs, powerspikes, reckless, daydreaming, narcolepsy, clumsiness, deadening, dizziness, epilepsy, omniphobia, vapors, disolacted arms/legs, gashed cheek, mangled tongue, punctured chest, rigormortis, severed ears, sliced open biceps/chest/gut/thighs, weakness, sensitivity, vertigo, crushed windpipe, hemiplegy, pierced nerves (arms/legs), severphrenic, confusion, dementia, hallucinations, paranoia, scrambled brain, stupidity, justice, pacified, powersink, punctured aura, succumb, burst vessels, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, hypochondria, vestiphobia, cut arteries (arms/legs), haemophilia, hip clotting, lacerated arms/legs, lethargy, malignant blood clots, relapsing, shoulder,sliced open forehead, dysentery, hypersomnia, love potion, vomiting, worms, asthma, black lung, punctured lung, shortness of breath, generosity, shyness, weakness, confusion, furrowed brow, healthleech, scalping, pox, scabies, sunallergy, chills, frozen, burning, disloyalty, broken arms/jaw/legs/wrists, slit throat, amputated arms, cracked elbows, mangled arms, twisted limbs, collapsed nerves, chest pain, collapsed lung, crushed chest burst organs, ruptured stomach, severed spine, disembowel, concussion, partially damaged head, pecked eyes, shattered jaw, amputated legs, cracked kneecaps, mangled legs, severed tendons, shattered ankles, ectoplasm, mud, sap,l ocked legs, locked throat, paralysed, enfeeble, omen, treebane, faeriefire, luminous, crucified, grappled, impaled, pinned leg, transfix,
I'm sure a few have been left out on both sides and I did my best to delete the duplicates but I'm sure there are still some. So this isn't 100% correct....but I think it shows you that Lusternia is much more complex than Achaea.
Both lists taken from HELP CURELIST.
Unknown2008-07-09 20:04:10
I meant Affliction Lines
look at Ethelon's Lusty systems then look at mmmm Vadi 2.0 take them apart and collect affliction lines. Compare and you will find something that may surprise you.
Also have you made a healing system before?
look at Ethelon's Lusty systems then look at mmmm Vadi 2.0 take them apart and collect affliction lines. Compare and you will find something that may surprise you.
Also have you made a healing system before?