Lendren2008-07-13 22:20:09
Since a lot of people have asked to see this cleaned-up log I thought it'd be easiest to just post it here. This was an open meeting for anyone interested in learning about Lady Maylea, hosted by Her order at the Spiritsinger stage near the beginning of Vestian 211. I've edited out most of the crowd-reaction emotes, random interruptions, etc. as well as the lengthy milk-and-cookies party that followed.
"Ok!" Rika exclaims.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "So.. on behalf of Lady Maylea and Her Divine Order, I'd like to welcome and thank you all for coming here today."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "It has not been very long since Her return to the First World, and many are hoping to learn more about Her, myself included. This is partly why we are having this discussion."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Today, those from Her Order present will be sharing a couple of their experiences with Her with everyone else. I think that it is through these experiences that we have come to know Her and Her teachings better."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "After we've shared our experiences, you will have a chance to ask us about what we know about Her. We will do our best to satisfy your interests."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Okay, I'll get us started."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I am very glad Lady Maylea chose to return to the First World. In Her first few months of being here, I remember visiting Her Fulcrux many times. I felt it brought to me a sort of peacefulness, a place where I could think."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "It was during these visits that I first got to meet with Her. She was unlike any of the other Elders I have met. She treated me with friendliness, instead of how many of the other Elders would down on mortals. This is what drew me towards Her at first. I felt that She truly understood me."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "I had been one of Lord Ayridion's followers, and His death brought to me great pain. This pain lingered for many years, until I met Her. I was torn between dwelling on the past and moving on. I believe it was Her kindness that allowed me to see that there was a chance of happiness if I chose to move on. I knew that She saw me as something different, something of beauty. It was because of this that I chose to follow Her, to serve and to learn."
Rika ponders the situation.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I have been asked a few times what it means to be in Her Order. To me, being in Her Order gives me a feeling of being closer to Her. I feel like I belong, something that I have not been able to find in any other God. The rest of the mortals in Her Order are supportive of me, and most of all, She still sees each of us as being beautiful in our own ways. That is what is what is most significant to me about being in Her Order."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity looks thoughtful and says, "I hope I haven't bored you all to death."
A golden-eyed bard claps her hands together merrily.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Alright, enough talking from me. I'll let Lendren share what he feels about Her."
Rika flashes Lendren a joyous smile.
Lendren blushes furiously.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "I was expecting to be listening more than talking today, so while I try to just express things that have been in my mind, but not put into words, I'll try not to ramble. Saying fewer words takes more preparation, at least for me. Most of the time I spend writing is spent unwriting!"
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Anyway, while I was tempted to talk about the story of how a number of people, including me at times, helped bring colours to a rainbow orchid and eventually to learn of Lady Maylea's existence, and the song I wrote about that event, really that experience... and the song... would take too much telling before it meant anything to anyone who wasn't there. Maybe a play, some day."
The corners of Lendren's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Instead, the moment clearest in my mind, the defining moment if you will, was a very casual and friendly conversation I had with Lady Maylea when neither I nor anyone else know who She was, while she was still in disguise as... well, anyway, She was in disguise, let's leave it at that."
Lendren shuffles his feet uneasily.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "We talked for a long time about paintings and song and beauty and many other things, and one thing struck me, an idea that I think had been in my mind, sprouting, for a long time but that She -- without even revealing who She was to me -- had brought to bloom, just in a friendly and undirected discussion."
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "People often imagine that there is a great gulf between being joyful, playful, mirthful, and perhaps childlike, and being serious and dedicated to a purpose. That being an adult means throwing away what a child is."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "But this is a false dichotomy, and in Her appreciation for Beauty itself, and for the act of creation by which Beauty is fashioned from colour or light or words or thoughts, She stood right at the point where those things intersected, and made each other greater."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "One can smile and laugh and dance and sing, and be full of joy, and this does not make one any less serious than those who are somber and reserved and grave. If you do it right, if you surround yourself in Beauty, then it makes you *more* dedicated, more focused on your responsibility, more inspired by your purpose and the grave significance it has, than one who is always serious and dour."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "For Beauty can be many things but one of the things it is most plainly is the world itself being full of joy, and what could make one more determined to preserve the world, to preserve life, to preserve Beauty itself, than the joy we share when we drink in the colours of Beauty displayed before us?"
Lendren smiles softly.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "So when we celebrate, we are not brushing aside our responsibility, we are not being immature. We're embracing them, and finding joy in them. This was not the only thing that drew me to Lady Maylea, but it alone would have been enough."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Perhaps I presume too much to cast this as a precept of Hers; I mean it only as something I personally found in my thoughts, in my heart, after being touched by Her words. But there is enough love in that to sustain me."
Lendren bows his head reverently, and then lifts it with a broad grin.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Now, I'm going to celebrate that it's not my turn anymore. Who's next?"
Geb Kamau says, "I am."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Thank you, Lendren. Geb!"
A golden-eyed bard cheers merrily, clapping her hands together.
Geb Kamau says, "I am a very private person, so please bear with me as I gather publicly state my thoughts."
Geb Kamau says, "See, I have a problem speaking about my feelings. Anyhow, I will start with speaking a little bit about me."
Geb Kamau says, "I am a killer."
Rika peers about herself unscrupulously.
Geb Kamau says, "I, on a daily basis, take the lives of those who would harm others."
Geb Kamau says, "It is my strong desire that one day, I will not be needed in this capacity anymore."
Geb Kamau says, "I am not a person who is able to speak in flowing words, or create objects of beauty. What I can do is help protect those who can do those things."
Geb Kamau says, "I came to Lady Maylea with the express desire to help her and the rest of my order members spread love, joy, and beauty to the rest of the basin. I let her know that though I am unable to do such things myself, I will do what is ever in my power to protect those who will be doing it."
Geb Kamau says, "She let me know that she understood me and accepted me into her service, and so here I am."
Geb Kamau says, "Well, I am done. Thank you for bearing with me."
Rika flashes Geb a joyous smile.
A golden-eyed bard smiles warmly at Geb.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles broadly and says, "Thank you, Geb. Aramel's turn!"
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Well, I get to finish up, I guess."
Aramel ponders the situation.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "I used to be one of those people who adamantly wouldn't follow a Divine. I can't say I wasn't tempted - a few times I came close to seeking the Enigma or Lady Lisaera - but each time I stopped. I can't rightly say what stopped me. Just that the Divine are powerful, so powerful that I am as nothing next to them. An insect to be squashed at will."
Aramel shudders violently.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "It's probably unfair."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Since I know our Seren Divine usually don't do that to us."
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "But the fear was always there. With such imbalance of power, how is it possible to not fear? And where there is fear, how can there be love and trust? Only servitude, shaking and frightened."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Or so I thought."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "So I stayed far away from orders, avoided Divine when I could, and generally tried to keep my head down."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Then one day a woman wandered into the basin - into the Wilde - seeking help. I'm not sure how many of you were here when the wildflowers blossomed and rioted over the mountains."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Well, she sought help to persuade them to be less... enthusiastic. And this woman came to the Serenwilde and spoke with many of us, and I found her to be charming and friendly. The Wilde invited her to stay, and I did wish that she would. I imagined a little house somewhere in the woods, a little like Bandrui's, maybe."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "We helped with the flowers, going on a trip all over the Basin to gather colours on an orchid. Lendren wrote a song about that, if you'd like to hear it a bit later."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "When we were done, I gave the flower to the woman, and sure enough, she worked her enchantment on the wildflowers. I was glad, thinking that our task was done and we could go home. But what happened next gave me the surprise of my life, as she rose into the sky and revealed herself to be an Elder Goddess."
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "You can imagine that I was rather shocked. And frightened, to some extent, that I had unwittingly spoken to one of the same Elders I'd tried so hard to avoid! But then I took thought - the woman and the Goddess were one and the same person. I had liked her and felt comfortable with her when I had not known she was a Goddess, and was I to cast that potential friendship away at this new knowledge?"
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "I won't deny that I was nervous. But I stopped hiding and spoke to Her afterwards, and found that it was not as I thought. Not all the Divine are as the Traitors, treating their followers as slaves beneath notice. Sometimes there is a following born of wisdom and knowledge instead of fear."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "My lady values discussion, I think, and even expects honest disagreement. So I cast aside my fear, and asked to follow Her, and She accepted me. And here I am."
Aramel beams broadly.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "That's all, I think. And it wasn't half as scary as I thought!"
A golden-eyed bard smiles softly.
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Thank you, Aramel."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Now, Xiel, have something to share?"
Xiel blinks.
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity sticks out her tongue and says, "No, you don't have a choice."
Aramel smirks at Xiel.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks, "Uh..huh. What exactly am I sharing now?"
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks, "The glory that is my cooking or my music?"
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says to Xiel, "Cookies."
Xiel nods his head sagely.
"Ahah!" Xiel exclaims triumphantly.
Rika thrusts her palm towards her forehead and hits it with a resounding *smack*!
Xiel's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "Alright though, more seriously, I suppose."
Xiel ponders the situation.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks, "What can I say, really, when someone comes to a point in their life when they have to make a choice about whether or not they have found their own particular niche in life?"
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "It was in this that I myself first came to the Lady Maylea. It was...intriguing, I have to admit, to find out the presence of a new Divine who shares a lot of the same qualities that I have."
Xiel ponders the situation.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "So we spoke and we discussed about everything. The commune we belong to, the guild that I lead with others alongside me, and about myself, especially."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "And even now I still find myself questioning the things I come across still. It is in this, however, that I've found out more about myself than I'd have thought at first."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "Perhaps this could happen for those curious as well. I'm not here to advertise or anything like that, but I am here to speak about my experience as one of Her own."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "And it was with Her that I've come to grow and even approach the things I've never even considered before. And..I believe that's it."
Xiel twiddles his thumbs.
Rika smiles softly at Xiel.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "I'm not good with discussions, so I hope you all pardon me if that just came through as something confusing."
Xiel inclines his head politely to those around him.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity laughingly says, "Thank you, Xiel."
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother raises her hand.
Rika peers about herself unscrupulously.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says to Sarulen, "Have you got a question, Sarulen?"
Xiel tilts his head curiously at Sarulen.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother smiles and says, "I do."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says to Sarulen, "Well, guess we can start the questions now."
Lendren smiles softly.
Rika tilts her head and listens intently to Sarulen.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "As I have not been here for the greater part of the presentation, My question may have already been asked though I ask you to please bear with me."
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "What are the Lady's Views on the Taint? Also how does she feel about the pseudo outer court that has been amassing in her honour?"
A golden-eyed bard blinks incredulously at Sarulen.
Lendren tilts his head curiously.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Pseudo-outer-court?"
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "People who want to be in the order, but aren't?"
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "Basicly."
Comprehension flashes across Xiel's face.
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Oh."
A golden-eyed bard exclaims, "Those are two very large questions, and so surprising to hear them together!"
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "I think you meant outer circle."
Aramel flaps her arms madly.
Trias nods his head at a golden-eyed bard, showing his acceptance.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "But more so the people that dropped their own thoughts to try to join a new rising goddess's order."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Alright, I'll answer the second question first."
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Sarulen's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity looks thoughtful and says, "Lady Maylea really wishes to be able to open Her Order more publicly, but unfortunately, this is not something She can do at this point in time."
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "My main concern here I guess is people that just want to "try something new" so to speak."
Aramel blinks.
Comprehension flashes across Rika's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara looks vaguely interested.
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "In regards to the first question, however, if I remember correctly, the very reason my Lady came to the Serenwilde was that it was the closest thing to how She remembered the world that once was. The Taint, which, in its very nature, changes and even destroys whatever it comes across, is something which..takes away the meaning of things as they were meant to be. I hope that's understandable."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "This is what I believe, anyway. I'm not sure how the Lady would word it exactly."
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "Well, that's why Lady Maylea isn't letting every Trias, Sarulen, and Miakoda into Her order, yet, She wants to watch and see who is serious."
Trias coughs softly.
Deep in thought, a golden-eyed bard leans her cheek on her hand.
A golden-eyed bard says, "I am not overly concerned with people wishing to try something new. I have taken a great deal of time with those in the Order and I think it would become apparent should someone not be very committed."
Rika flashes a golden-eyed bard a joyous smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says to Sarulen, "Have we answered your questions?"
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "For the moment I have no further questions."
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "And yes they have been answered Thank you Good Bard."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Alright then. Has anyone else got anything else to ask?"
Trias looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "Is there a tentative date as to when the Order will be open to the public, so to speak?"
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "Just out of curiousity, of course."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I wish there was. At least there would be something to look forward to!"
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks Rika, "Who says there isn't something to look forward to?"
Xiel peers at Rika unscrupulously.
"Pish posh," says Xiel with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity sticks out her tongue and says, "Well, there is, but we'd at least know when."
A golden-eyed bard says, "I also look forward to that time."
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Xiel's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sarulen flashes a golden-eyed bard a joyous smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "I am sure you will all be notified when such a time comes."
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "Well, even if you couldn't think up of one, do feel free to just pull one of us aside. We'd be happy to share with you what we know."
Lendren nods solemnly.
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Warmly, A golden-eyed bard says, "I concur."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "I'm sure at least one of you will come up with a question after the discussion. I know I do."
Xiel nods his head sagely.
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Alright. Since it seems like no one has anything else to ask.."
Xiel tilts his head curiously at Rika.
A golden-eyed bard gets to her feet and dusts herself off.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "I hope this has enlightened you all a bit about Lady Maylea. I believe the different views we Order members have shared shows that She is means something different to all of us. This is something I wanted to show to you."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I thank you all again for coming. As Xiel said, if you ever want to learn more, you can speak to any one of us, Lady Maylea included!"
Moving forward to squeeze Rika's hand, A golden-eyed bard says, "Thank you for this, Rika."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "So.. on behalf of Lady Maylea and Her Divine Order, I'd like to welcome and thank you all for coming here today."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "It has not been very long since Her return to the First World, and many are hoping to learn more about Her, myself included. This is partly why we are having this discussion."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Today, those from Her Order present will be sharing a couple of their experiences with Her with everyone else. I think that it is through these experiences that we have come to know Her and Her teachings better."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "After we've shared our experiences, you will have a chance to ask us about what we know about Her. We will do our best to satisfy your interests."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Okay, I'll get us started."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I am very glad Lady Maylea chose to return to the First World. In Her first few months of being here, I remember visiting Her Fulcrux many times. I felt it brought to me a sort of peacefulness, a place where I could think."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "It was during these visits that I first got to meet with Her. She was unlike any of the other Elders I have met. She treated me with friendliness, instead of how many of the other Elders would down on mortals. This is what drew me towards Her at first. I felt that She truly understood me."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "I had been one of Lord Ayridion's followers, and His death brought to me great pain. This pain lingered for many years, until I met Her. I was torn between dwelling on the past and moving on. I believe it was Her kindness that allowed me to see that there was a chance of happiness if I chose to move on. I knew that She saw me as something different, something of beauty. It was because of this that I chose to follow Her, to serve and to learn."
Rika ponders the situation.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I have been asked a few times what it means to be in Her Order. To me, being in Her Order gives me a feeling of being closer to Her. I feel like I belong, something that I have not been able to find in any other God. The rest of the mortals in Her Order are supportive of me, and most of all, She still sees each of us as being beautiful in our own ways. That is what is what is most significant to me about being in Her Order."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity looks thoughtful and says, "I hope I haven't bored you all to death."
A golden-eyed bard claps her hands together merrily.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Alright, enough talking from me. I'll let Lendren share what he feels about Her."
Rika flashes Lendren a joyous smile.
Lendren blushes furiously.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "I was expecting to be listening more than talking today, so while I try to just express things that have been in my mind, but not put into words, I'll try not to ramble. Saying fewer words takes more preparation, at least for me. Most of the time I spend writing is spent unwriting!"
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Anyway, while I was tempted to talk about the story of how a number of people, including me at times, helped bring colours to a rainbow orchid and eventually to learn of Lady Maylea's existence, and the song I wrote about that event, really that experience... and the song... would take too much telling before it meant anything to anyone who wasn't there. Maybe a play, some day."
The corners of Lendren's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Instead, the moment clearest in my mind, the defining moment if you will, was a very casual and friendly conversation I had with Lady Maylea when neither I nor anyone else know who She was, while she was still in disguise as... well, anyway, She was in disguise, let's leave it at that."
Lendren shuffles his feet uneasily.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "We talked for a long time about paintings and song and beauty and many other things, and one thing struck me, an idea that I think had been in my mind, sprouting, for a long time but that She -- without even revealing who She was to me -- had brought to bloom, just in a friendly and undirected discussion."
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "People often imagine that there is a great gulf between being joyful, playful, mirthful, and perhaps childlike, and being serious and dedicated to a purpose. That being an adult means throwing away what a child is."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "But this is a false dichotomy, and in Her appreciation for Beauty itself, and for the act of creation by which Beauty is fashioned from colour or light or words or thoughts, She stood right at the point where those things intersected, and made each other greater."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "One can smile and laugh and dance and sing, and be full of joy, and this does not make one any less serious than those who are somber and reserved and grave. If you do it right, if you surround yourself in Beauty, then it makes you *more* dedicated, more focused on your responsibility, more inspired by your purpose and the grave significance it has, than one who is always serious and dour."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "For Beauty can be many things but one of the things it is most plainly is the world itself being full of joy, and what could make one more determined to preserve the world, to preserve life, to preserve Beauty itself, than the joy we share when we drink in the colours of Beauty displayed before us?"
Lendren smiles softly.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "So when we celebrate, we are not brushing aside our responsibility, we are not being immature. We're embracing them, and finding joy in them. This was not the only thing that drew me to Lady Maylea, but it alone would have been enough."
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Perhaps I presume too much to cast this as a precept of Hers; I mean it only as something I personally found in my thoughts, in my heart, after being touched by Her words. But there is enough love in that to sustain me."
Lendren bows his head reverently, and then lifts it with a broad grin.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Now, I'm going to celebrate that it's not my turn anymore. Who's next?"
Geb Kamau says, "I am."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Thank you, Lendren. Geb!"
A golden-eyed bard cheers merrily, clapping her hands together.
Geb Kamau says, "I am a very private person, so please bear with me as I gather publicly state my thoughts."
Geb Kamau says, "See, I have a problem speaking about my feelings. Anyhow, I will start with speaking a little bit about me."
Geb Kamau says, "I am a killer."
Rika peers about herself unscrupulously.
Geb Kamau says, "I, on a daily basis, take the lives of those who would harm others."
Geb Kamau says, "It is my strong desire that one day, I will not be needed in this capacity anymore."
Geb Kamau says, "I am not a person who is able to speak in flowing words, or create objects of beauty. What I can do is help protect those who can do those things."
Geb Kamau says, "I came to Lady Maylea with the express desire to help her and the rest of my order members spread love, joy, and beauty to the rest of the basin. I let her know that though I am unable to do such things myself, I will do what is ever in my power to protect those who will be doing it."
Geb Kamau says, "She let me know that she understood me and accepted me into her service, and so here I am."
Geb Kamau says, "Well, I am done. Thank you for bearing with me."
Rika flashes Geb a joyous smile.
A golden-eyed bard smiles warmly at Geb.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles broadly and says, "Thank you, Geb. Aramel's turn!"
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Well, I get to finish up, I guess."
Aramel ponders the situation.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "I used to be one of those people who adamantly wouldn't follow a Divine. I can't say I wasn't tempted - a few times I came close to seeking the Enigma or Lady Lisaera - but each time I stopped. I can't rightly say what stopped me. Just that the Divine are powerful, so powerful that I am as nothing next to them. An insect to be squashed at will."
Aramel shudders violently.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "It's probably unfair."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Since I know our Seren Divine usually don't do that to us."
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "But the fear was always there. With such imbalance of power, how is it possible to not fear? And where there is fear, how can there be love and trust? Only servitude, shaking and frightened."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Or so I thought."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "So I stayed far away from orders, avoided Divine when I could, and generally tried to keep my head down."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Then one day a woman wandered into the basin - into the Wilde - seeking help. I'm not sure how many of you were here when the wildflowers blossomed and rioted over the mountains."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Well, she sought help to persuade them to be less... enthusiastic. And this woman came to the Serenwilde and spoke with many of us, and I found her to be charming and friendly. The Wilde invited her to stay, and I did wish that she would. I imagined a little house somewhere in the woods, a little like Bandrui's, maybe."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "We helped with the flowers, going on a trip all over the Basin to gather colours on an orchid. Lendren wrote a song about that, if you'd like to hear it a bit later."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "When we were done, I gave the flower to the woman, and sure enough, she worked her enchantment on the wildflowers. I was glad, thinking that our task was done and we could go home. But what happened next gave me the surprise of my life, as she rose into the sky and revealed herself to be an Elder Goddess."
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "You can imagine that I was rather shocked. And frightened, to some extent, that I had unwittingly spoken to one of the same Elders I'd tried so hard to avoid! But then I took thought - the woman and the Goddess were one and the same person. I had liked her and felt comfortable with her when I had not known she was a Goddess, and was I to cast that potential friendship away at this new knowledge?"
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "I won't deny that I was nervous. But I stopped hiding and spoke to Her afterwards, and found that it was not as I thought. Not all the Divine are as the Traitors, treating their followers as slaves beneath notice. Sometimes there is a following born of wisdom and knowledge instead of fear."
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "My lady values discussion, I think, and even expects honest disagreement. So I cast aside my fear, and asked to follow Her, and She accepted me. And here I am."
Aramel beams broadly.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "That's all, I think. And it wasn't half as scary as I thought!"
A golden-eyed bard smiles softly.
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "Thank you, Aramel."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Now, Xiel, have something to share?"
Xiel blinks.
Xiel peers about himself unscrupulously.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity sticks out her tongue and says, "No, you don't have a choice."
Aramel smirks at Xiel.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks, "Uh..huh. What exactly am I sharing now?"
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks, "The glory that is my cooking or my music?"
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says to Xiel, "Cookies."
Xiel nods his head sagely.
"Ahah!" Xiel exclaims triumphantly.
Rika thrusts her palm towards her forehead and hits it with a resounding *smack*!
Xiel's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "Alright though, more seriously, I suppose."
Xiel ponders the situation.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks, "What can I say, really, when someone comes to a point in their life when they have to make a choice about whether or not they have found their own particular niche in life?"
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "It was in this that I myself first came to the Lady Maylea. It was...intriguing, I have to admit, to find out the presence of a new Divine who shares a lot of the same qualities that I have."
Xiel ponders the situation.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "So we spoke and we discussed about everything. The commune we belong to, the guild that I lead with others alongside me, and about myself, especially."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "And even now I still find myself questioning the things I come across still. It is in this, however, that I've found out more about myself than I'd have thought at first."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "Perhaps this could happen for those curious as well. I'm not here to advertise or anything like that, but I am here to speak about my experience as one of Her own."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "And it was with Her that I've come to grow and even approach the things I've never even considered before. And..I believe that's it."
Xiel twiddles his thumbs.
Rika smiles softly at Xiel.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "I'm not good with discussions, so I hope you all pardon me if that just came through as something confusing."
Xiel inclines his head politely to those around him.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity laughingly says, "Thank you, Xiel."
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother raises her hand.
Rika peers about herself unscrupulously.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says to Sarulen, "Have you got a question, Sarulen?"
Xiel tilts his head curiously at Sarulen.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother smiles and says, "I do."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says to Sarulen, "Well, guess we can start the questions now."
Lendren smiles softly.
Rika tilts her head and listens intently to Sarulen.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "As I have not been here for the greater part of the presentation, My question may have already been asked though I ask you to please bear with me."
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "What are the Lady's Views on the Taint? Also how does she feel about the pseudo outer court that has been amassing in her honour?"
A golden-eyed bard blinks incredulously at Sarulen.
Lendren tilts his head curiously.
Lendren Starfall, Herald of the Seasons says, "Pseudo-outer-court?"
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "People who want to be in the order, but aren't?"
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "Basicly."
Comprehension flashes across Xiel's face.
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "Oh."
A golden-eyed bard exclaims, "Those are two very large questions, and so surprising to hear them together!"
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara says, "I think you meant outer circle."
Aramel flaps her arms madly.
Trias nods his head at a golden-eyed bard, showing his acceptance.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "But more so the people that dropped their own thoughts to try to join a new rising goddess's order."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Alright, I'll answer the second question first."
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Sarulen's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity looks thoughtful and says, "Lady Maylea really wishes to be able to open Her Order more publicly, but unfortunately, this is not something She can do at this point in time."
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "My main concern here I guess is people that just want to "try something new" so to speak."
Aramel blinks.
Comprehension flashes across Rika's face.
Wildeflower Aramel Talnara looks vaguely interested.
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "In regards to the first question, however, if I remember correctly, the very reason my Lady came to the Serenwilde was that it was the closest thing to how She remembered the world that once was. The Taint, which, in its very nature, changes and even destroys whatever it comes across, is something which..takes away the meaning of things as they were meant to be. I hope that's understandable."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "This is what I believe, anyway. I'm not sure how the Lady would word it exactly."
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "Well, that's why Lady Maylea isn't letting every Trias, Sarulen, and Miakoda into Her order, yet, She wants to watch and see who is serious."
Trias coughs softly.
Deep in thought, a golden-eyed bard leans her cheek on her hand.
A golden-eyed bard says, "I am not overly concerned with people wishing to try something new. I have taken a great deal of time with those in the Order and I think it would become apparent should someone not be very committed."
Rika flashes a golden-eyed bard a joyous smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says to Sarulen, "Have we answered your questions?"
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "For the moment I have no further questions."
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Student Ritualist, Sarulen Faebright, of the Mother says, "And yes they have been answered Thank you Good Bard."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Alright then. Has anyone else got anything else to ask?"
Trias looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "Is there a tentative date as to when the Order will be open to the public, so to speak?"
Serenade of the Spirits, Trias Talnara says, "Just out of curiousity, of course."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I wish there was. At least there would be something to look forward to!"
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest asks Rika, "Who says there isn't something to look forward to?"
Xiel peers at Rika unscrupulously.
"Pish posh," says Xiel with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity sticks out her tongue and says, "Well, there is, but we'd at least know when."
A golden-eyed bard says, "I also look forward to that time."
Rika's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Xiel's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sarulen flashes a golden-eyed bard a joyous smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "I am sure you will all be notified when such a time comes."
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "Well, even if you couldn't think up of one, do feel free to just pull one of us aside. We'd be happy to share with you what we know."
Lendren nods solemnly.
A wry smile spreads across Aramel's face.
Warmly, A golden-eyed bard says, "I concur."
Lord Xiel Talnara, Avatar of the Tempest says, "I'm sure at least one of you will come up with a question after the discussion. I know I do."
Xiel nods his head sagely.
Xiel's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "Alright. Since it seems like no one has anything else to ask.."
Xiel tilts his head curiously at Rika.
A golden-eyed bard gets to her feet and dusts herself off.
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity smiles and says, "I hope this has enlightened you all a bit about Lady Maylea. I believe the different views we Order members have shared shows that She is means something different to all of us. This is something I wanted to show to you."
Rika Talnara, Phrase of Serenity says, "I thank you all again for coming. As Xiel said, if you ever want to learn more, you can speak to any one of us, Lady Maylea included!"
Moving forward to squeeze Rika's hand, A golden-eyed bard says, "Thank you for this, Rika."
Rika2008-07-14 00:42:16
I expected people to have more questions. 
I was going to say a bit more after Xiel finished, but then Sarulen wanted to ask something. I hate these situations where you don't want to say no to people but if you don't, it ruins your plans.

I was going to say a bit more after Xiel finished, but then Sarulen wanted to ask something. I hate these situations where you don't want to say no to people but if you don't, it ruins your plans.
Unknown2008-07-14 03:35:20
I should have been there, I really should
Aramel2008-07-14 11:14:49
The party afterwards was fun, especially since there were people who didn't know her disguise.
as always.