Karnagan2008-07-18 13:23:09
How about a Battlechess mode designed to rack up highscores? By saying BATTLECHESS CHALLENGE PLAYER TO , you would start a Battlechess game where the winner would be the person with a higher number of points, and the person who killed the opposite king would actually LOSE if they didn't have the requisite point value. This way, not every game would be a single rush to get the queen kingside. Point values would be as follows:
Pawn = 1 point
Knight = 3 points
Bishop = 4 points
Rook = 6 points
Queen = 9 points
King = immediately terminates game. If the capturing player does not have the point value required, they automatically lose.
Pawn = 1 point
Knight = 3 points
Bishop = 4 points
Rook = 6 points
Queen = 9 points
King = immediately terminates game. If the capturing player does not have the point value required, they automatically lose.
Xenthos2008-07-18 16:08:21
Not a bad idea, and would require a bit more strategy. However, maybe make it so that the points-things are related to the piece doing the capturing as well: that is, a Pawn capturing a Queen would gain the most points, while a Queen capturing a pawn would gain almost nothing (perhaps just 1), while a pawn capturing a pawn might generate 3 or so instead. This way you'd really have to think about all your pieces and not just rely on the queen to do the damage.
Karnagan2008-07-18 16:25:14
I like your addition to the idea, Xenthos. In general, a low-mobility piece like a pawn would have a higher score modifier for capturing a high value piece, while a high-mobility piece like a Rook would have a lower score modifier. Of course, do bear in mind that Knights are considered low mobility or high mobility depending the skill level of the player using them.
Rika2008-07-18 20:40:20
And make capturing player pieces worth more points than denizen pieces.
Fania2008-07-23 05:37:09
I think it's a great idea!
Unknown2008-07-26 02:19:34
Add points for promoting pawns too. Thats surely worth note!