Computer Cleanup

by Myndaen

Back to The Real World.

Myndaen2008-07-25 04:45:53
So.. I just recently got a Lenovo T61 thinkpad with Windows Vista. (I love it. I don't care that people hate it. I really like it. That's not the point of this thread!)

However... Of late, the space on my computer has just been decreasing and decreasing and decreasing. What's unusual about that is while although yes, I am download ainme after anime, I'm always transferring it to my external hard drive and then deleting it from mine (emptying the recycle bin.)

I have nooooo idea what else could do this to my computer. Anyone have any thoughts? Or how could I track it down?
Rakor2008-07-25 04:54:42

shows you an image of everything on your computer, makes it much easier to determine what's taking up space (the bigger stuff)