Nyir2008-07-28 21:54:24
The sound of rustling brush comes from nearby, preceding the entry of a doddering old man, leaning on the supporting arm of a little dancing girl.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
Arilyon narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Xenthos ponders a doddering old man thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Clutching at the girl's arm, A doddering old man says, "Now would you look at that, dear. Aison was right! Big hole, right in the middle of it."
A doddering old man gives a diseased hole the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to a little dancing girl, "Something tells me you likely know more of this than you let on."
A little dancing girl pats the old man's arm gently.
Eyeing the wound on the tree, A doddering old man says, "That's big. Why, I saw something like this once before, you know."
A little dancing girl glances askance at Arilyon.
'Oh?' Arilyon exclaims quizzically at a doddering old man.
Tugging at his beard with one hand, A doddering old man says, "Why, you know. It looks like that one time that giant windmill came at me. Remember that, dear? Turned right into a giant! Cast that spell of mine. Five alarm. That's it. Right through it. Big mark."
A doddering old man tugs urgently on a little dancing girl's sleeve.
A doddering old man says, "Remember that, deary?"
A little dancing girl nods obligingly to the old man.
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Offering senile smile complete with a glazed look in his eyes, A doddering old man says, "Oh yes, yes."
Frowning, A doddering old man says, "But that one looks real bad, don't you think?"
A doddering old man gives Xenthos the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A doddering old man says, "You been drinking too much of the wine, haven't you?"
A doddering old man says, "Can smell it from here, Talkan. Lay off it a bit, bad for your liver."
A doddering old man pats Xenthos in a friendly manner.
A little dancing girl gently touches the boundary of the hole, wrinkling her nose at the pus.
Xenthos raises an eyebrow at a doddering old man.
Tugging at his beard with a frown, A doddering old man says, "Don't get too close, dear. Don't know what's going to leap out at you."
Arilyon ponders Xenthos thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
A little dancing girl moves silently back over to the old man, unobtrusively wiping her fingers off on his sleeve as she takes his arm.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "You think a spell caused this then? I can't say it looks much like it has been burned.."
Arilyon chews on her lip, deep in thought.
Suddenly taken by a rush of excitement, A doddering old man exclaims, "A spell? I know a spell!"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Something is.. infecting it."
A doddering old man exclaims, "A mighty powerful one, too!"
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man says, "Why, it was called, er..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Five alarm?"
A doddering old man says, "Fire alarm! No, that's not it.."
Tugging at the little girl's arm, A doddering old man says, "Do you remember it, deary?"
A little dancing girl kisses the old man sweetly on the cheek and smiles.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "I do not believe we want to make another hole, no."
A doddering old man says, "Five alarm. Six alarm. Seven alarm. No, that's not it. Fire extinguisher! No, no... Erm..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Indeed not."
A doddering old man exclaims, "Feathers and lemons!"
A little dancing girl twirls her finger through the air idly.
A doddering old man exclaims, "That's the solution!"
Arilyon blinks.
Xenthos blinks.
Arilyon tilts her head curiously at a doddering old man.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Quickly, Talkan! Get me some lemons!"
A doddering old man urges Xenthos onwards.
Xenthos looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man exclaims, "And you, Doman. Go on, get the feathers!"
A doddering old man urges Kaervas onwards.
You say, "My cudgel had feathers upon it. One part is solved it would seem."
Kaervas peers about himself unscrupulously.
A doddering old man says, "Aison? Dear, where did Aison go?"
A little dancing girl points accusingly at you.
A doddering old man says, "Oh, Meliana! So glad to see you! Didn't recognize you, dear."
A doddering old man greets you with a sincere smile.
You greet a doddering old man with a sincere smile.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist idly plucks off a feather from his wings, and gives it to the old man.
A doddering old man clutches the feather and smiles widely.
Arilyon picks up a mellow fruit salad.
Arilyon ponders a mellow fruit salad thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "May be some lemons in this I suppose."
Smiling, A doddering old man says, "Oh, thank you, Elcyrion dear. Very kind of you."
A doddering old man exclaims, "No no, we need lots of lemons!"
Kaervas's eyes sparkle with amusement.
A doddering old man says, "Can't bleach someone's hair with salad."
Arilyon picks up a citrus seaweed salad.
Arilyon opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
A doddering old man twirls the feather idly between his thumb and forefinger, blithely smiling at his surroundings.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "I.. well..I hardly see what bleaching someone's hair would do to help the Tree.."
A little dancing girl looks pleadingly at Arilyon as though expecting her to solve all the old man's problems.
The body of Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill
with emotion.
Bael throws back his head and howls like a wolf.
Bael doffs the hood of jade-collared greatrobes of scorched leather cordially.
You have emoted: Nyir bows her head respectfully.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "It could probably be used to give him a bit of a cleansing, at the very least."
Blinking, A doddering old man says, "Tree? What Tree? It's the night of the Festival, isn't it?"
A doddering old man says, "Time to die your hair, dear."
A doddering old man says, "Dye! Dye your hair! Yes! No, we're not killing anything..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant grabs at her hair protectively.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "No no.. that's quite alright.."
A doddering old man peers at Arilyon unscrupulously.
A doddering old man exclaims, "No, not you!"
A doddering old man gives Xenthos the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Her!"
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Xenthos looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man exclaims, "She'll be the belle of the ball!"
Arilyon hides a grin behind her hand.
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Arilyon gives a mellow fruit salad to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
Arilyon gives a citrus seaweed salad to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
Arilyon urges Xenthos onwards.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "So. I am now both Talkan, and female?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Maybe Talkan is female?"
Kaervas gently places a golden mask of Talkan upon his face. As he peels it away, he assumes a new identity.
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes! Finest woman at the celebration. No one will deny you your wedding night, dear."
A doddering old man's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I've never really gotten a good look at him."
A doddering old man says, "Talkan? Where's Talkan?"
Xenthos points accusingly at Talkan.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Er.. her?"
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Right there."
Arilyon points accusingly at Talkan.
Talkan takes a deep breath, and his very presence seems to brighten.
A doddering old man peers at Talkan unscrupulously.
Talkan says, "Well I actually am female."
A doddering old man says, "No, that's not Talkan. Definitely a doman."
A doddering old man nods his head at Talkan.
A tall, frail creature, this human male is as old as the frayed robes he wears. His face, tanned from the sun and lined with the wrinkles of a long life - some born of smiles and others of tears, some of wisdom and others wrought from the raw elements. His eyes, dark and beady lined with tawny-streaked violet, hold a burning sense of awareness, a piercing gaze that sees far more than they should. A scraggly white beard juts from his pointed, aged chin, growing down from his upper lip and half-obscuring his thin lips, white teeth and charmingly crooked smile. His nose, pointed and spotted lightly with age spots, provides a comical vantage point from which is eyes look down. Atop his head rests a bent and frayed hat, crooked and its tip somewhat limp and leaning to one side. Long gnarled fingers and spotted hands come out from the ends of the travel-stained robes, his skin hanging loosely from his scrawny arms.
A doddering old man does not even register your presence as a threat.
Ponderously, A doddering old man says, "Where did I leave my hat? Dear, have you seen my hat?"
A doddering old man tugs pleadingly at the girl's hand on his arm.
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "I am quite intrigued by this man and his assignment of names to people they do not belong to."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "You're wearing it."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "It does make me think."
A little dancing girl gently tweaks the old man's nose and tugs at the hat on his head.
Arilyon tells you, "He's been about the Ravenwood before..."
A doddering old man says, "Wearing it? Wearing what? Wearing - oh, dear, please, not the hat. Very precious, you see."
A doddering old man says, "Don't want to lose it again."
Arilyon tells you, "Searching for his hat.. apparently he's got a rivalry with a doorknob that keeps stealing it."
Xenthos gives a scarecrow hat to a doddering old man.
A doddering old man gives a conical grey hat the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
A little dancing girl kisses the old man on the cheek and smiles.
A doddering old man gives a scarecrow hat the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
Arilyon tells you, "At least it is not the creepy little girl with him this time."
A doddering old man gives a scarecrow hat to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
A doddering old man says, "Here you are, Aison dear."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "But what is there to a name, I wonder? This is why I find him and either his vast confusion or unfathomable wisdom interesting. Heh."
Patting Xenthos consolingly, A doddering old man exclaims, "Not to worry, we'll pretty you up. Be the belle of the ball, Princess, yes you will!"
Xenthos draws shadowy, ephemeral veils across his Ascendant form with the sweep of a hand, crawling with nightmares and horrors that claw their way into your mind and raise goosebumps across your skin.
A little dancing girl peers at Xenthos unscrupulously.
Peering about, A doddering old man says, "Did you hear that, Doman?"
Talkan says, "Scary."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "Has this girl been sighted before? Was the eerie girl with the man as well?"
You heave a sigh of relief as Xenthos makes a slashing motion and parts the shadowy nightmare veils that wreathe his form.
Arilyon tells you, "Oh truly. He's a strange one at best. Though I'm not certain yet what to make of him."
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes. Sounded like someone getting their back hair removed. Very painful."
Talkan nods her head sagely.
A little dancing girl trots over to Xenthos, completely unafraid, and opens her arms for a hug.
Arilyon tells you, "She's usually seen usually about the same time as he is. I've never seen them travelling together though."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "Interesting, hmm."
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist raises an eyebrow, but does not lift his arms.
Clad in a cropped tunic and long, flowing trousers, this little girl is as slender and flexible as a reed. The soft, billowing material of her clothing is a muted shade of blue, decorated along the hems and seams with a hint of silvery thread. One shade darker than the fabric, embroidery covers the clothing in curved, never-ending lines. Though she can move as silently as the wind, placing each foot with care, the bangles around her wrists and ankles chime together merrily when she dances. Jewels glitter in her long, dark hair, pulled from her face elegantly to augment the soft, pale skin of her face and her deep blue eyes.
A little dancing girl appears to lack strength.
She weighs about 87 pounds.
You cannot see what a little dancing girl is holding.
Eyeing the little girl, A doddering old man says, "Don't hug her too much! You'll smear her makeup. Especially her lipstick."
Smiling at Xenthos, A doddering old man says, "Didn't it, Princess?"
Arilyon hides a grin behind her hand.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Took forever to put on, I say!"
A little dancing girl throws her arms around Xenthos.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "I have little experience with Aison and how much she smears her lipstick, I am afraid."
Pulling his hat from his head to dab at the corners of his eyes, A doddering old man says, "Oh, now isn't that cute..."
Sniffling, A doddering old man says, "Just... Just... Just precious, isn't it, Doman? When're you going to find a nice man, like Aison here?"
A little dancing girl drops neatly onto the ground and picks up a pebble to play with.
Talkan says, "I'm nearly on the verge of tears myself."
A doddering old man continues to dab at the corners of his eyes, which tear ever so slightly.
Arilyon shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Arilyon gives a rad rune to a little dancing girl.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant smiles with a wink and says to a little dancing girl, "Those are usually much more fun to play with."
You grin and nod.
After a moment, a doddering old man takes a deep breath and pushes his hat back onto his head, tear-stained and all.
Glaring at you, a doddering old man prods you repeatedly, the height of rudeness.
You give a doddering old man the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say to a doddering old man, "Ayes?"
A doddering old man says, "Leira! Why are you being so quiet?"
A little dancing girl turns the run over in her hands with interest.
A doddering old man says, "Normally you've far more to say about this."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "About... what?"
You say, "Really? I always found I was a quiet sort myself."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
A doddering old man exclaims, "About the Festival!"
You say to Xenthos, "Aison smearing her lipstick, I suppose."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to you, "I believe I have heard all about that subject that I wish to. Perhaps a bit too much, in fact."
Xenthos looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Arilyon nods her head at Xenthos, showing her acceptance.
You say to a doddering old man, "Have they the streamers, lanterns, and other decorations prepared? I do love a good festival."
A glazed look in his eyes and a smile on his face, A doddering old man says, "The dancing's been fabulous, hasn't it? Bit too much for my old knees, but..."
Bael's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
Arilyon ponders the Tree of Trees thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
A faint song drifts past on the breeze, the melody both gentle and vicious in demeanor.
You say, "Ah, there is the song for dancing."
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes! Brilliant streamers, all yellow and gold and blue! Not just any blue, though. That blue you see in the Crystal Sea, my dear. And the lanterns! Oh, made of wax and paper, and the Kephera have come for the dancing. They brought some food, but I don't think I'm much a fan of loti mushrooms, you see..."
A doddering old man smiles widely as he gazes about him, clearly lost in his own mind.
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement at Bael.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to a doddering old man, "Eat too much?"
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "Did they bring kephera cheesecake?"
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "It does have a delightful crunch."
Talkan nods her head at Xenthos.
Blinking, A doddering old man says, "Did who bring cheesecake?"
A doddering old man gives Xenthos the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "The kepherans, of course."
A doddering old man says, "Kepherans? To what?"
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man scratches his scalp beneath the brim of his hat, looking about in confusion.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "To our outing here... at the festival. Or wherever we supposedly are."
A doddering old man says, "I don't see any kephera."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "The Festival, of course!"
A doddering old man says, "Festival?"
With a slow nod to a doddering old man, Bael shows his understanding.
Eyes lighting up, A doddering old man says, "Is there a festival coming?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Xenthos, "I'm beginning to think maybe he spent too much time here as well."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to Arilyon, "He might have just eaten too much."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to Arilyon, "It is possible that we have spent so much time here that we are imagining this whole thing."
A doddering old man says, "This seems like a poor time for a festival, though. Tree of Trees is sick, you see."
With a slow nod to Xenthos, Arilyon shows her understanding.
Sternly, A doddering old man says, "Not something to celebrate."
You say, "I quite agree."
You nod your head enthusiastically.
You say to a doddering old man, "Do you know what caused the hole in the Tree?"
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes! Why, Clangoru was rushing down the battlefield, you see, and Loboshi was right behind him. Then Orlachmar, waving his big sword, was running right behind him, and me, well, I was just sitting at the back, watching quietly. And that doorknob, Fain, was placing bets on who'd..."
A doddering old man scratches his head in confusion.
A doddering old man says, "Have you seen my hat?"
Xenthos gives a scarecrow hat to a doddering old man.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Oh Fain is the doorknob!"
A doddering old man says, "No no, that's not my hat."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "That makes so much more sense now!"
You say, "That makes sense."
A doddering old man gives a conical grey hat to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
A doddering old man plops a scarecrow's hat on his head and smiles widely.
A little dancing girl wrinkles her nose at the old man, fanning her hand in front of her face.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "It suits you. You're quite dashing."
You have emoted: Nyir nods her head solemnly in agreement.
A doddering old man hums happily as he begins to pull at the edges of the hat, which starts to unravel.
You say, "A shame I am no artist. I would paint a portrait of you right here and now."
Bael's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
Arilyon chews on her lip, deep in thought.
A worried expression crossing his face, A doddering old man says, "No, no. I think I would like my hat back."
A doddering old man tugs urgently on Xenthos's sleeve.
A doddering old man gives a scarecrow hat to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
Xenthos gives a conical grey hat to a doddering old man.
A doddering old man thanks Xenthos profusely.
A doddering old man pulls the hat back over the top of his head, tugging at the frayed and tattered brim to ensure it is on snug.
A doddering old man's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Bael's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
Bael's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep sleep.
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
A doddering old man says, "So, why is everyone standing around?"
You say, "Because of the hole, or the festival, or something along those lines."
A doddering old man exclaims, "It's rude to watch a man when he's about to relieve himself, you know!"
Talkan says, "We just love to stand around."
A little dancing girl places both hands over her eyes, blocking the world from sight.
"Shoo! Shoo!" A doddering old man says as he waves all those around him away.
A doddering old man says, "Go on! And leave the paper."
A little dancing girl begins to follow you.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "There is a better spot to the north."
A little dancing girl urges you onwards.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
A doddering old man says, "To the north?"
Amidst gigantic and entangling roots.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
A little dancing girl wipes the back of her hand across her forehead in relief.
Amidst gigantic and entangling roots.
Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. An enigmatic smile on her face, a little girl stands here poised on her toes.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
You smile and say to a little dancing girl, "What is your name, really?"
A little dancing girl opens her arms for a hug.
You have emoted: Nyir awkwardly gives a little dancing girl a small hug.
A little dancing girl leans her cheek against your shoulder and smiles.
You say to a little dancing girl, "Who is that man to you, as well? He seems quite a mystery to the rest of us."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Bael arrives from the west.
A little dancing girl twirls a finger through the air and shrugs.
Arilyon arrives from the northwest.
You smile and say to Bael, "This girl is quite a sweetheart."
The corners of Bael's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "I just want to take her to the Glomdoring and let her live with us!"
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
A little dancing girl beams broadly, her cheek still on Nyir's shoulder.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to you, "Can she cook anything nice?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "You're always thinking of your stomach. Do I not feed you enough pie?"
You say, "I am not sure, but perhaps she can dance for us."
Bael shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows sticks out his tongue and says, "I'm hungry."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "If you eat much more, your wings will not be enough to make you fly."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "Luckily, I brought a snack."
Bael waves about a little honey cake energetically.
A little dancing girl clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth scoldingly.
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "I do not think she can talk. A mute, perhaps. A shame, I think she really is interesting in her own right."
Arilyon tells you, "You may be right. I do not believe I have heard her speak."
A little dancing girl turns the rad rune over in her hands again thoughtfully.
You say to Arilyon, "Maybe if she grows to like runes, we can take her to the Murder."
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You ponder a little dancing girl thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "True enough."
Bael ponders a little dancing girl thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
A little dancing girl peers up at Nyir suspiciously.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says to you, "She would obviously be a better witch."
You say to a little dancing girl, "Why the suspicious look? Would you not like it in Glomdoring?"
A wood nymph is dragged screaming out of the shadows, which bind around her.
A sprite is dragged screaming out of the shadows, which bind around her.
You smile and say, "It is quite beautiful there. Have you visited yet?"
Looking slightly worried at the situation a little dancing girl quickly hides behind you.
Arilyon gives Bael the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A little dancing girl peeks out from behind Nyir, eyeing Bael with distrust.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to Bael, "Perhaps you should give her your honeycake. You obviously do not need it."
"Ahah!" Bael exclaims triumphantly.
Arilyon nods her head at Xenthos, showing her acceptance.
You say to a little dancing girl, "Do not worry. Bael is kind. He just has quite a stomach to him."
You nod your head sagely.
Bael gives a little honey cake to a little dancing girl.
Bael pats a little dancing girl in a friendly manner.
A little dancing girl opens her arms to Bael for a hug.
"Awwwww!" Arilyon says.
Bael gives a little dancing girl a compassionate hug.
A little dancing girl snuggles up close to Bael and leans comfortably on him.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "She's a quiet one."
Arilyon nods her head sagely.
You say to Bael, "I do not think she can speak."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Perhaps she is unable to speak."
Comprehension flashes across Bael's face.
Arilyon nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
You say, "I do wish to know her name, though."
You say to a little dancing girl, "Might you be able to write it out on a scrap sheet of paper?"
A little dancing girl twirls her finger through the air.
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "She did that before when I asked her name. I wonder if that is her way of saying 'No' or something similar?"
You ponder the situation.
Arilyon tells you, "Hrm.. or perhaps we're supposed to figure it out."
A little dancing girl giggles silently into her hands.
Arilyon chews on her lip, deep in thought.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Perhaps we're supposed to guess."
A little dancing girl nods her head enthusiastically.
"Ahah!" Arilyon exclaims triumphantly.
You have emoted: Nyir twirls a gnarled finger in the air thoughtfully.
A little dancing girl gives a little honey cake to Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Do we get a hint?"
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says to a little dancing girl, "No no, it's yours."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Trust me.. he eats enough sweets."
Arilyon gives Bael the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A little dancing girl cups her hands together and mimes drinking from them.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says, "I have a lot to eat once we head back to the Tree."
Arilyon ponders a little dancing girl thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Bael puts his hands on his hips and goes "Hmmm!"
You say, "You are thirsty?"
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
A little dancing girl shakes her head.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "Or was that our hint?"
You nod your head.
A little dancing girl nods her head enthusiastically.
Arilyon puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "Goodness.."
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to you, "Any ideas?"
You say, "My ideas do not make much sense. Wine, thirst, water - those are not names, really."
Arilyon nods her head in agreement.
You say, "Unless she is named after a drink of sorts."
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
A little dancing girl flashes you a joyous smile.
Utterly entranced, Arilyon emits a long "Ooooh."
Bael ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Ambrosia?"
A little dancing girl makes a face.
Arilyon giggles happily.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "Juice!"
Arilyon giggles happily at you.
Childishly, a little dancing girl sticks her tongue out at you.
You look thoughtful and say, "No? Hmm."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "Tonic."
A little dancing girl thrusts her palm towards her forehead and hits it with a resounding *smack*!
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Sherry?"
A little dancing girl shakes her head.
Arilyon giggles happily.
You laughingly say, "That at least makes sense."
Arilyon gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
A little dancing girl nods her head sagely.
A little dancing girl subjects Bael to a merciless teasing.
Arilyon snickers at Bael.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I think Tonic would be a nice name."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "You would."
A little dancing girl points accusingly at Bael.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Brandy?"
A little dancing girl claps her hands together merrily.
Arilyon shouts out a happy "Yay!"
You say to Arilyon, "You're good!"
Bael grins mischievously at Arilyon.
Arilyon grins mischievously at you.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to you, "Either I'm an exceptional guesser or an alcoholic."
A little dancing girl opens her arms for a big hug.
You smile and say to a little dancing girl, "It is nice to meet you, Brandy."
Arilyon gives a little dancing girl a compassionate hug.
You say to Arilyon, "Maybe you are a little of both."
You tap your nose knowingly.
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "After the time spent upon this Bubble, I may well be when we return."
A little dancing girl kisses Arilyon nicely on the cheek.
Arilyon smiles softly at a little dancing girl.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "Better hope Lehki doesn't run into you while you're in that state."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "I do rather like that name."
You nod your head at Arilyon, showing your acceptance.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "That would require him to wake up."
Arilyon murmurs softly to herself.
The corners of Bael's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "That it would."
Arilyon purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I do wonder how they arrived here."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks skeptical and says, "I don't think the man was in any state to pilot a craft."
A little dancing girl giggles into her hands again.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "That or our little Brandy here is quite the savant."
A little dancing girl flaps her arms madly.
You say, "It wouldn't surprise me. You learn quite a few things when you listen rather than talk."
Arilyon giggles happily.
You nod your head sagely.
Arilyon nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
A little dancing girl jumps blithely into the air and flaps her arms again.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant smiles and says, "I'm assuming you flew here?"
You say, "You flew?"
A little dancing girl grins and nods.
Proceeded by confused mumbling, an elderly man dressed in grey robes ambles in from the northeast.
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says to a little dancing girl, "You'll have to teach me how to do that."
Bael flutters his eyelashes charmingly.
Bael looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Bael flits about happily.
A little dancing girl nods solemnly at Bael.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "You'd have to stop eating pie first."
Bael says, "Pssshhhh..."
A little dancing girl tugs urgently on Bael's sleeve.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Pie?!"
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to Bael, "You flap your wings, and rise into the air."
A doddering old man says, "Tervic, did you say pie?"
Xenthos rises gracefully into the skies on currents of power which swirl around him.
Arilyon opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
Xenthos swoops down from the skies, grasping Bael firmly with his talons.
Xenthos swiftly lifts him, kicking and screaming, into the skies.
Xenthos drops down from above and alights gently upon the ground, as the swirling currents of power holding him aloft dissipate.
You beat your wings furiously, hovering in the air.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Like that."
Comprehension flashes across Bael's face.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I see."
A little dancing girl says, "Pssshhhh..."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to Xenthos, "But can I fly through the space like that?"
Bael flits about happily.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to a doddering old man, "Yes.. lots and lots of pie."
Arilyon nods her head sagely.
A doddering old man squeals in excitement.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Piiie!"
Arilyon points accusingly at Bael.
A little dancing girl tugs urgently on a doddering old man's sleeve.
A doddering old man says, "What about Truffles?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "But he ate it all."
Bael grins and nods.
A doddering old man says, "Yes dear?"
A little dancing girl points upwards.
Amidst gigantic and entangling roots.
Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. An enigmatic smile on her face, a little girl stands here poised on her toes. Bound by dark shadows, a wood nymph stands here. A sprite hovers quietly here, a halo of dark shadows binding her form. An elderly man gazes about here, shrouded in travel-stained robes of grey. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand. Arilyon is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows sticks out his tongue and says to a doddering old man, "If you like sweets, you can have all you can eat once we get back to Glomdoring."
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 12th of Dioni, 212 years after the Coming of Estarra.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Up? Oh yes! It's time to climb the Tree!"
A doddering old man exclaims, "We'll go visit the man behind the curtain!"
A little dancing girl urges a doddering old man onwards.
A doddering old man grabs protectively at a little dancing girl.
Xenthos looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Man behind the curtain?"
A little dancing girl blithely flaps her wings, the bangles on her wrists chiming together.
A doddering old man says, "Curtains? No dear, they'd look horrible here."
Arilyon glances askance.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Alright! Very well! Come on, dear! Let's take a climb up the Tree of Trees!"
Arilyon purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
say if you find Lehki there, do let him know he needs to come here, ayes?
You say, "If you find Lehki there, do let him know he needs to come here, ayes?"
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "They left."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "What will you find at the top?"
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
Muttering fervently beneath his breath, an elderly man ambles off to the west.
"Ahah!" Arilyon exclaims triumphantly.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressings here. There are 3 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here.
There are no obvious exits.
Arilyon arrives from the west.
Arilyon reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls herself up and disappears into the treetops.
You reach upwards and concentrate on finding a sturdy branch, then lift yourself up with relative ease.
In the trees above before the Tree of Trees.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
You snap your fingers.
Arilyon tilts her head curiously.
Bael swings gracefully up from the ground.
You say, "They must be high, high up."
You carefully watch your footing and shimmy down from the treetops.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 3 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand.
There are no obvious exits.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Bael clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon scratches her head in confusion.
Clad in a cropped tunic and long, flowing trousers, this little girl is as slender and flexible as a reed. The soft, billowing material of her clothing is a muted shade of blue, decorated along the hems and seams with a hint of silvery thread. One shade darker than the fabric, embroidery covers the clothing in curved, never-ending lines. Though she can move as silently as the wind, placing each foot with care, the bangles around her wrists and ankles chime together merrily when she dances. Jewels glitter in her long, dark hair, pulled from her face elegantly to augment the soft, pale skin of her face and her deep blue
A little dancing girl appears to lack strength.
She weighs about 87 pounds.
You cannot see what a little dancing girl is holding.
Bael gives a little honey cake to a little dancing girl.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I have quite enough now."
Bael waves about a garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing energetically.
Bael eats a garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing with obvious gusto.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks skeptical and says, "At least it's salad."
A little dancing girl licks a little honey cake.
Bael rolls his eyes skyward and splurts, "Pfffft."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I do eat my leaves once in a while."
A doddering old man shouts, "Yodel le hee-HOO!!!"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Are they coated in honey?"
A little dancing girl blinks as she looks upward.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
Xenthos rises gracefully into the skies on currents of power which swirl around him.
Arilyon begins to flap her wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament.
Xenthos drops down from above and alights gently upon the ground, as the swirling currents of power holding him aloft dissipate.
You begin to flap your wings powerfully and rise quickly up into the firmament.
Flying above before the Tree of Trees.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
An armoured viper falls away to the ground.
You begin to descend, the wind whistling past you as the earth draws ever closer. You land easily, back on the ground again.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand.
There are no obvious exits.
The following beings are in your entourage:
A little dancing girl#11689.
The following players are in your entourage:
Bael reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Arilyon descends from above.
Your order is obeyed.
An armoured viper obediently falls into line behind you.
Bael clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
You pat an armoured viper in a friendly manner.
An armoured viper bares its fangs in warning.
A doddering old man shouts, "Yoooooodelllle HEEEEE-HOoooO!!!"
You say, "Following me even to the skies."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "That's devotion."
A little dancing girl clamours over to the tree, climbing as fast as she can.
Arilyon reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls herself up and disappears into the treetops.
You reach upwards and concentrate on finding a sturdy branch, then lift yourself up with relative ease.
In the trees above before the Tree of Trees.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
You carefully watch your footing and shimmy down from the treetops.
Arilyon clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
You say, "I do hope they will be okay."
Bael leaves to the east.
Bael arrives from the west.
You say, "I rather liked that girl. She would have made an interesting addition to the Murder."
You nod your head sagely.
Arilyon nods her head sagely.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "It's always the quiet ones you have to look out for though."
You say, "Precisely why she'd be wonderful!"
You clap your hands together merrily.
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Bael leaves to the north.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon makes a short, vexed sound.
Bael arrives from the west.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks skeptical and says, "Alas, we're no closer to figuring out what has happened to the Tree than we were before the visit though."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Though at least it was a wonderful break from the watching."
You nod your head at Arilyon, showing your acceptance.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "All we can do is hope that the man brings back news whenever he gets back."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "You expect he would remember whatever he finds? If anything?"
Bael shrugs helplessly.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I think it proved much easier to decipher what the girl had to say than the man."
You grin and nod.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "It's all we have to go on. Maybe amidst his babbling he'll tell us something."
A doddering old man shouts, "Yoooooodelllle HEEEEE- Hey! What are you doing here! Hey! Get away! Don't - oh dear, no, please don't pull on that, that's very important, you see and - oh dear, you're rocking the branch and-."
A bloodcurdling shriek pierces your surroundings, growing progressively louder as something disturbs the thick branches of the Tree of Trees far above.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
Your eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across your face.
Arilyon narrows her eyes and stares upwards.
Bael begins to flap his wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament.
You say, "It would be a shame if that man were to die. Then again..."
Arilyon reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls herself up and disappears into the treetops.
You say, "Maybe falling on his head would help him be more coherent."
Arilyon clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
You scratch your head in confusion.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon begins to flap her wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament.
Bael clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Bael begins to sing an enchanting song.
Arilyon descends from above.
Arilyon makes a short, vexed sound.
The branches above violently shake and give way to the flailing form of a befuddled old man, who slams into the ground with a sickening crunch.
Bael winces in pain.
Arilyon winces in pain.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. An elderly man gazes about here, shrouded in travel-stained robes of grey. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand. Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
You peer at the corpse of a doddering old man unscrupulously.
You say, "Oh dear."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "And now all the healers have left us up here..."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "What was her name again? Brandy, was it, or Sherry?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Brandy."
You say, "Brandy, ayes."
Bael nods his head emphatically.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
Arilyon gives the corpse of a doddering old man a concerned look.
Your eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across your face.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I.. well I'm not really sure what we can do.."
Arilyon removes a cloak of crow feathers.
You say, "If we could revive him, maybe he would have his head on straight. A little dying never hurt one's senses, at the least."
Arilyon ponders the situation.
A soft rain of chicken feathers flutter down from the branches above, which finally close over the hole created by the old man's fall.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. The crumpled form of a befuddled old man lies here, smashed violently against the ground. Arilyon is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand.
There are no obvious exits.
You squint suspiciously at your surroundings.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Chicken... feathers..?"
You say, "What would those be doing here?"
As the chicken feathers collect, they obscure the crumpled form of the befuddled old man's corpse.
A soft breeze rushes through the area, sending the chicken feathers about in a whirlwind of white, before disappearing into the brush, leaving nothing behind.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
Arilyon narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Xenthos ponders a doddering old man thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Clutching at the girl's arm, A doddering old man says, "Now would you look at that, dear. Aison was right! Big hole, right in the middle of it."
A doddering old man gives a diseased hole the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to a little dancing girl, "Something tells me you likely know more of this than you let on."
A little dancing girl pats the old man's arm gently.
Eyeing the wound on the tree, A doddering old man says, "That's big. Why, I saw something like this once before, you know."
A little dancing girl glances askance at Arilyon.
'Oh?' Arilyon exclaims quizzically at a doddering old man.
Tugging at his beard with one hand, A doddering old man says, "Why, you know. It looks like that one time that giant windmill came at me. Remember that, dear? Turned right into a giant! Cast that spell of mine. Five alarm. That's it. Right through it. Big mark."
A doddering old man tugs urgently on a little dancing girl's sleeve.
A doddering old man says, "Remember that, deary?"
A little dancing girl nods obligingly to the old man.
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Offering senile smile complete with a glazed look in his eyes, A doddering old man says, "Oh yes, yes."
Frowning, A doddering old man says, "But that one looks real bad, don't you think?"
A doddering old man gives Xenthos the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A doddering old man says, "You been drinking too much of the wine, haven't you?"
A doddering old man says, "Can smell it from here, Talkan. Lay off it a bit, bad for your liver."
A doddering old man pats Xenthos in a friendly manner.
A little dancing girl gently touches the boundary of the hole, wrinkling her nose at the pus.
Xenthos raises an eyebrow at a doddering old man.
Tugging at his beard with a frown, A doddering old man says, "Don't get too close, dear. Don't know what's going to leap out at you."
Arilyon ponders Xenthos thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
A little dancing girl moves silently back over to the old man, unobtrusively wiping her fingers off on his sleeve as she takes his arm.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "You think a spell caused this then? I can't say it looks much like it has been burned.."
Arilyon chews on her lip, deep in thought.
Suddenly taken by a rush of excitement, A doddering old man exclaims, "A spell? I know a spell!"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Something is.. infecting it."
A doddering old man exclaims, "A mighty powerful one, too!"
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man says, "Why, it was called, er..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Five alarm?"
A doddering old man says, "Fire alarm! No, that's not it.."
Tugging at the little girl's arm, A doddering old man says, "Do you remember it, deary?"
A little dancing girl kisses the old man sweetly on the cheek and smiles.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "I do not believe we want to make another hole, no."
A doddering old man says, "Five alarm. Six alarm. Seven alarm. No, that's not it. Fire extinguisher! No, no... Erm..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Indeed not."
A doddering old man exclaims, "Feathers and lemons!"
A little dancing girl twirls her finger through the air idly.
A doddering old man exclaims, "That's the solution!"
Arilyon blinks.
Xenthos blinks.
Arilyon tilts her head curiously at a doddering old man.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Quickly, Talkan! Get me some lemons!"
A doddering old man urges Xenthos onwards.
Xenthos looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man exclaims, "And you, Doman. Go on, get the feathers!"
A doddering old man urges Kaervas onwards.
You say, "My cudgel had feathers upon it. One part is solved it would seem."
Kaervas peers about himself unscrupulously.
A doddering old man says, "Aison? Dear, where did Aison go?"
A little dancing girl points accusingly at you.
A doddering old man says, "Oh, Meliana! So glad to see you! Didn't recognize you, dear."
A doddering old man greets you with a sincere smile.
You greet a doddering old man with a sincere smile.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist idly plucks off a feather from his wings, and gives it to the old man.
A doddering old man clutches the feather and smiles widely.
Arilyon picks up a mellow fruit salad.
Arilyon ponders a mellow fruit salad thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "May be some lemons in this I suppose."
Smiling, A doddering old man says, "Oh, thank you, Elcyrion dear. Very kind of you."
A doddering old man exclaims, "No no, we need lots of lemons!"
Kaervas's eyes sparkle with amusement.
A doddering old man says, "Can't bleach someone's hair with salad."
Arilyon picks up a citrus seaweed salad.
Arilyon opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
A doddering old man twirls the feather idly between his thumb and forefinger, blithely smiling at his surroundings.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "I.. well..I hardly see what bleaching someone's hair would do to help the Tree.."
A little dancing girl looks pleadingly at Arilyon as though expecting her to solve all the old man's problems.
The body of Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill
with emotion.
Bael throws back his head and howls like a wolf.
Bael doffs the hood of jade-collared greatrobes of scorched leather cordially.
You have emoted: Nyir bows her head respectfully.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "It could probably be used to give him a bit of a cleansing, at the very least."
Blinking, A doddering old man says, "Tree? What Tree? It's the night of the Festival, isn't it?"
A doddering old man says, "Time to die your hair, dear."
A doddering old man says, "Dye! Dye your hair! Yes! No, we're not killing anything..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant grabs at her hair protectively.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "No no.. that's quite alright.."
A doddering old man peers at Arilyon unscrupulously.
A doddering old man exclaims, "No, not you!"
A doddering old man gives Xenthos the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Her!"
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Xenthos looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man exclaims, "She'll be the belle of the ball!"
Arilyon hides a grin behind her hand.
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Arilyon gives a mellow fruit salad to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
Arilyon gives a citrus seaweed salad to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
Arilyon urges Xenthos onwards.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "So. I am now both Talkan, and female?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Maybe Talkan is female?"
Kaervas gently places a golden mask of Talkan upon his face. As he peels it away, he assumes a new identity.
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes! Finest woman at the celebration. No one will deny you your wedding night, dear."
A doddering old man's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I've never really gotten a good look at him."
A doddering old man says, "Talkan? Where's Talkan?"
Xenthos points accusingly at Talkan.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Er.. her?"
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Right there."
Arilyon points accusingly at Talkan.
Talkan takes a deep breath, and his very presence seems to brighten.
A doddering old man peers at Talkan unscrupulously.
Talkan says, "Well I actually am female."
A doddering old man says, "No, that's not Talkan. Definitely a doman."
A doddering old man nods his head at Talkan.
A tall, frail creature, this human male is as old as the frayed robes he wears. His face, tanned from the sun and lined with the wrinkles of a long life - some born of smiles and others of tears, some of wisdom and others wrought from the raw elements. His eyes, dark and beady lined with tawny-streaked violet, hold a burning sense of awareness, a piercing gaze that sees far more than they should. A scraggly white beard juts from his pointed, aged chin, growing down from his upper lip and half-obscuring his thin lips, white teeth and charmingly crooked smile. His nose, pointed and spotted lightly with age spots, provides a comical vantage point from which is eyes look down. Atop his head rests a bent and frayed hat, crooked and its tip somewhat limp and leaning to one side. Long gnarled fingers and spotted hands come out from the ends of the travel-stained robes, his skin hanging loosely from his scrawny arms.
A doddering old man does not even register your presence as a threat.
Ponderously, A doddering old man says, "Where did I leave my hat? Dear, have you seen my hat?"
A doddering old man tugs pleadingly at the girl's hand on his arm.
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "I am quite intrigued by this man and his assignment of names to people they do not belong to."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "You're wearing it."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "It does make me think."
A little dancing girl gently tweaks the old man's nose and tugs at the hat on his head.
Arilyon tells you, "He's been about the Ravenwood before..."
A doddering old man says, "Wearing it? Wearing what? Wearing - oh, dear, please, not the hat. Very precious, you see."
A doddering old man says, "Don't want to lose it again."
Arilyon tells you, "Searching for his hat.. apparently he's got a rivalry with a doorknob that keeps stealing it."
Xenthos gives a scarecrow hat to a doddering old man.
A doddering old man gives a conical grey hat the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
A little dancing girl kisses the old man on the cheek and smiles.
A doddering old man gives a scarecrow hat the once-over, eyeing it suspiciously.
Arilyon tells you, "At least it is not the creepy little girl with him this time."
A doddering old man gives a scarecrow hat to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
A doddering old man says, "Here you are, Aison dear."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "But what is there to a name, I wonder? This is why I find him and either his vast confusion or unfathomable wisdom interesting. Heh."
Patting Xenthos consolingly, A doddering old man exclaims, "Not to worry, we'll pretty you up. Be the belle of the ball, Princess, yes you will!"
Xenthos draws shadowy, ephemeral veils across his Ascendant form with the sweep of a hand, crawling with nightmares and horrors that claw their way into your mind and raise goosebumps across your skin.
A little dancing girl peers at Xenthos unscrupulously.
Peering about, A doddering old man says, "Did you hear that, Doman?"
Talkan says, "Scary."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "Has this girl been sighted before? Was the eerie girl with the man as well?"
You heave a sigh of relief as Xenthos makes a slashing motion and parts the shadowy nightmare veils that wreathe his form.
Arilyon tells you, "Oh truly. He's a strange one at best. Though I'm not certain yet what to make of him."
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes. Sounded like someone getting their back hair removed. Very painful."
Talkan nods her head sagely.
A little dancing girl trots over to Xenthos, completely unafraid, and opens her arms for a hug.
Arilyon tells you, "She's usually seen usually about the same time as he is. I've never seen them travelling together though."
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "Interesting, hmm."
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist raises an eyebrow, but does not lift his arms.
Clad in a cropped tunic and long, flowing trousers, this little girl is as slender and flexible as a reed. The soft, billowing material of her clothing is a muted shade of blue, decorated along the hems and seams with a hint of silvery thread. One shade darker than the fabric, embroidery covers the clothing in curved, never-ending lines. Though she can move as silently as the wind, placing each foot with care, the bangles around her wrists and ankles chime together merrily when she dances. Jewels glitter in her long, dark hair, pulled from her face elegantly to augment the soft, pale skin of her face and her deep blue eyes.
A little dancing girl appears to lack strength.
She weighs about 87 pounds.
You cannot see what a little dancing girl is holding.
Eyeing the little girl, A doddering old man says, "Don't hug her too much! You'll smear her makeup. Especially her lipstick."
Smiling at Xenthos, A doddering old man says, "Didn't it, Princess?"
Arilyon hides a grin behind her hand.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Took forever to put on, I say!"
A little dancing girl throws her arms around Xenthos.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "I have little experience with Aison and how much she smears her lipstick, I am afraid."
Pulling his hat from his head to dab at the corners of his eyes, A doddering old man says, "Oh, now isn't that cute..."
Sniffling, A doddering old man says, "Just... Just... Just precious, isn't it, Doman? When're you going to find a nice man, like Aison here?"
A little dancing girl drops neatly onto the ground and picks up a pebble to play with.
Talkan says, "I'm nearly on the verge of tears myself."
A doddering old man continues to dab at the corners of his eyes, which tear ever so slightly.
Arilyon shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Arilyon gives a rad rune to a little dancing girl.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant smiles with a wink and says to a little dancing girl, "Those are usually much more fun to play with."
You grin and nod.
After a moment, a doddering old man takes a deep breath and pushes his hat back onto his head, tear-stained and all.
Glaring at you, a doddering old man prods you repeatedly, the height of rudeness.
You give a doddering old man the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say to a doddering old man, "Ayes?"
A doddering old man says, "Leira! Why are you being so quiet?"
A little dancing girl turns the run over in her hands with interest.
A doddering old man says, "Normally you've far more to say about this."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "About... what?"
You say, "Really? I always found I was a quiet sort myself."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
A doddering old man exclaims, "About the Festival!"
You say to Xenthos, "Aison smearing her lipstick, I suppose."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to you, "I believe I have heard all about that subject that I wish to. Perhaps a bit too much, in fact."
Xenthos looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Arilyon nods her head at Xenthos, showing her acceptance.
You say to a doddering old man, "Have they the streamers, lanterns, and other decorations prepared? I do love a good festival."
A glazed look in his eyes and a smile on his face, A doddering old man says, "The dancing's been fabulous, hasn't it? Bit too much for my old knees, but..."
Bael's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
Arilyon ponders the Tree of Trees thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
A faint song drifts past on the breeze, the melody both gentle and vicious in demeanor.
You say, "Ah, there is the song for dancing."
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes! Brilliant streamers, all yellow and gold and blue! Not just any blue, though. That blue you see in the Crystal Sea, my dear. And the lanterns! Oh, made of wax and paper, and the Kephera have come for the dancing. They brought some food, but I don't think I'm much a fan of loti mushrooms, you see..."
A doddering old man smiles widely as he gazes about him, clearly lost in his own mind.
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement at Bael.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to a doddering old man, "Eat too much?"
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "Did they bring kephera cheesecake?"
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "It does have a delightful crunch."
Talkan nods her head at Xenthos.
Blinking, A doddering old man says, "Did who bring cheesecake?"
A doddering old man gives Xenthos the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "The kepherans, of course."
A doddering old man says, "Kepherans? To what?"
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A doddering old man scratches his scalp beneath the brim of his hat, looking about in confusion.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "To our outing here... at the festival. Or wherever we supposedly are."
A doddering old man says, "I don't see any kephera."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "The Festival, of course!"
A doddering old man says, "Festival?"
With a slow nod to a doddering old man, Bael shows his understanding.
Eyes lighting up, A doddering old man says, "Is there a festival coming?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Xenthos, "I'm beginning to think maybe he spent too much time here as well."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to Arilyon, "He might have just eaten too much."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to Arilyon, "It is possible that we have spent so much time here that we are imagining this whole thing."
A doddering old man says, "This seems like a poor time for a festival, though. Tree of Trees is sick, you see."
With a slow nod to Xenthos, Arilyon shows her understanding.
Sternly, A doddering old man says, "Not something to celebrate."
You say, "I quite agree."
You nod your head enthusiastically.
You say to a doddering old man, "Do you know what caused the hole in the Tree?"
A doddering old man says, "Oh yes! Why, Clangoru was rushing down the battlefield, you see, and Loboshi was right behind him. Then Orlachmar, waving his big sword, was running right behind him, and me, well, I was just sitting at the back, watching quietly. And that doorknob, Fain, was placing bets on who'd..."
A doddering old man scratches his head in confusion.
A doddering old man says, "Have you seen my hat?"
Xenthos gives a scarecrow hat to a doddering old man.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Oh Fain is the doorknob!"
A doddering old man says, "No no, that's not my hat."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "That makes so much more sense now!"
You say, "That makes sense."
A doddering old man gives a conical grey hat to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
A doddering old man plops a scarecrow's hat on his head and smiles widely.
A little dancing girl wrinkles her nose at the old man, fanning her hand in front of her face.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "It suits you. You're quite dashing."
You have emoted: Nyir nods her head solemnly in agreement.
A doddering old man hums happily as he begins to pull at the edges of the hat, which starts to unravel.
You say, "A shame I am no artist. I would paint a portrait of you right here and now."
Bael's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
Arilyon chews on her lip, deep in thought.
A worried expression crossing his face, A doddering old man says, "No, no. I think I would like my hat back."
A doddering old man tugs urgently on Xenthos's sleeve.
A doddering old man gives a scarecrow hat to Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist.
Xenthos gives a conical grey hat to a doddering old man.
A doddering old man thanks Xenthos profusely.
A doddering old man pulls the hat back over the top of his head, tugging at the frayed and tattered brim to ensure it is on snug.
A doddering old man's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Bael's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
Bael's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep sleep.
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
A doddering old man says, "So, why is everyone standing around?"
You say, "Because of the hole, or the festival, or something along those lines."
A doddering old man exclaims, "It's rude to watch a man when he's about to relieve himself, you know!"
Talkan says, "We just love to stand around."
A little dancing girl places both hands over her eyes, blocking the world from sight.
"Shoo! Shoo!" A doddering old man says as he waves all those around him away.
A doddering old man says, "Go on! And leave the paper."
A little dancing girl begins to follow you.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to a doddering old man, "There is a better spot to the north."
A little dancing girl urges you onwards.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
A doddering old man says, "To the north?"
Amidst gigantic and entangling roots.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
A little dancing girl wipes the back of her hand across her forehead in relief.
Amidst gigantic and entangling roots.
Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. An enigmatic smile on her face, a little girl stands here poised on her toes.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
You smile and say to a little dancing girl, "What is your name, really?"
A little dancing girl opens her arms for a hug.
You have emoted: Nyir awkwardly gives a little dancing girl a small hug.
A little dancing girl leans her cheek against your shoulder and smiles.
You say to a little dancing girl, "Who is that man to you, as well? He seems quite a mystery to the rest of us."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Bael arrives from the west.
A little dancing girl twirls a finger through the air and shrugs.
Arilyon arrives from the northwest.
You smile and say to Bael, "This girl is quite a sweetheart."
The corners of Bael's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "I just want to take her to the Glomdoring and let her live with us!"
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
A little dancing girl beams broadly, her cheek still on Nyir's shoulder.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to you, "Can she cook anything nice?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "You're always thinking of your stomach. Do I not feed you enough pie?"
You say, "I am not sure, but perhaps she can dance for us."
Bael shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows sticks out his tongue and says, "I'm hungry."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "If you eat much more, your wings will not be enough to make you fly."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "Luckily, I brought a snack."
Bael waves about a little honey cake energetically.
A little dancing girl clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth scoldingly.
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "I do not think she can talk. A mute, perhaps. A shame, I think she really is interesting in her own right."
Arilyon tells you, "You may be right. I do not believe I have heard her speak."
A little dancing girl turns the rad rune over in her hands again thoughtfully.
You say to Arilyon, "Maybe if she grows to like runes, we can take her to the Murder."
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You ponder a little dancing girl thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "True enough."
Bael ponders a little dancing girl thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
A little dancing girl peers up at Nyir suspiciously.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says to you, "She would obviously be a better witch."
You say to a little dancing girl, "Why the suspicious look? Would you not like it in Glomdoring?"
A wood nymph is dragged screaming out of the shadows, which bind around her.
A sprite is dragged screaming out of the shadows, which bind around her.
You smile and say, "It is quite beautiful there. Have you visited yet?"
Looking slightly worried at the situation a little dancing girl quickly hides behind you.
Arilyon gives Bael the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A little dancing girl peeks out from behind Nyir, eyeing Bael with distrust.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to Bael, "Perhaps you should give her your honeycake. You obviously do not need it."
"Ahah!" Bael exclaims triumphantly.
Arilyon nods her head at Xenthos, showing her acceptance.
You say to a little dancing girl, "Do not worry. Bael is kind. He just has quite a stomach to him."
You nod your head sagely.
Bael gives a little honey cake to a little dancing girl.
Bael pats a little dancing girl in a friendly manner.
A little dancing girl opens her arms to Bael for a hug.
"Awwwww!" Arilyon says.
Bael gives a little dancing girl a compassionate hug.
A little dancing girl snuggles up close to Bael and leans comfortably on him.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "She's a quiet one."
Arilyon nods her head sagely.
You say to Bael, "I do not think she can speak."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Perhaps she is unable to speak."
Comprehension flashes across Bael's face.
Arilyon nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
You say, "I do wish to know her name, though."
You say to a little dancing girl, "Might you be able to write it out on a scrap sheet of paper?"
A little dancing girl twirls her finger through the air.
You tell Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant, "She did that before when I asked her name. I wonder if that is her way of saying 'No' or something similar?"
You ponder the situation.
Arilyon tells you, "Hrm.. or perhaps we're supposed to figure it out."
A little dancing girl giggles silently into her hands.
Arilyon chews on her lip, deep in thought.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Perhaps we're supposed to guess."
A little dancing girl nods her head enthusiastically.
"Ahah!" Arilyon exclaims triumphantly.
You have emoted: Nyir twirls a gnarled finger in the air thoughtfully.
A little dancing girl gives a little honey cake to Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Do we get a hint?"
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says to a little dancing girl, "No no, it's yours."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Trust me.. he eats enough sweets."
Arilyon gives Bael the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
A little dancing girl cups her hands together and mimes drinking from them.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says, "I have a lot to eat once we head back to the Tree."
Arilyon ponders a little dancing girl thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Bael puts his hands on his hips and goes "Hmmm!"
You say, "You are thirsty?"
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
A little dancing girl shakes her head.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "Or was that our hint?"
You nod your head.
A little dancing girl nods her head enthusiastically.
Arilyon puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "Goodness.."
Arilyon looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to you, "Any ideas?"
You say, "My ideas do not make much sense. Wine, thirst, water - those are not names, really."
Arilyon nods her head in agreement.
You say, "Unless she is named after a drink of sorts."
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
A little dancing girl flashes you a joyous smile.
Utterly entranced, Arilyon emits a long "Ooooh."
Bael ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Ambrosia?"
A little dancing girl makes a face.
Arilyon giggles happily.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "Juice!"
Arilyon giggles happily at you.
Childishly, a little dancing girl sticks her tongue out at you.
You look thoughtful and say, "No? Hmm."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "Tonic."
A little dancing girl thrusts her palm towards her forehead and hits it with a resounding *smack*!
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Sherry?"
A little dancing girl shakes her head.
Arilyon giggles happily.
You laughingly say, "That at least makes sense."
Arilyon gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
A little dancing girl nods her head sagely.
A little dancing girl subjects Bael to a merciless teasing.
Arilyon snickers at Bael.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I think Tonic would be a nice name."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "You would."
A little dancing girl points accusingly at Bael.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Brandy?"
A little dancing girl claps her hands together merrily.
Arilyon shouts out a happy "Yay!"
You say to Arilyon, "You're good!"
Bael grins mischievously at Arilyon.
Arilyon grins mischievously at you.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to you, "Either I'm an exceptional guesser or an alcoholic."
A little dancing girl opens her arms for a big hug.
You smile and say to a little dancing girl, "It is nice to meet you, Brandy."
Arilyon gives a little dancing girl a compassionate hug.
You say to Arilyon, "Maybe you are a little of both."
You tap your nose knowingly.
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "After the time spent upon this Bubble, I may well be when we return."
A little dancing girl kisses Arilyon nicely on the cheek.
Arilyon smiles softly at a little dancing girl.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "Better hope Lehki doesn't run into you while you're in that state."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "I do rather like that name."
You nod your head at Arilyon, showing your acceptance.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "That would require him to wake up."
Arilyon murmurs softly to herself.
The corners of Bael's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "That it would."
Arilyon purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I do wonder how they arrived here."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks skeptical and says, "I don't think the man was in any state to pilot a craft."
A little dancing girl giggles into her hands again.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "That or our little Brandy here is quite the savant."
A little dancing girl flaps her arms madly.
You say, "It wouldn't surprise me. You learn quite a few things when you listen rather than talk."
Arilyon giggles happily.
You nod your head sagely.
Arilyon nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
A little dancing girl jumps blithely into the air and flaps her arms again.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant smiles and says, "I'm assuming you flew here?"
You say, "You flew?"
A little dancing girl grins and nods.
Proceeded by confused mumbling, an elderly man dressed in grey robes ambles in from the northeast.
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows smiles and says to a little dancing girl, "You'll have to teach me how to do that."
Bael flutters his eyelashes charmingly.
Bael looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Bael flits about happily.
A little dancing girl nods solemnly at Bael.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to Bael, "You'd have to stop eating pie first."
Bael says, "Pssshhhh..."
A little dancing girl tugs urgently on Bael's sleeve.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Pie?!"
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says to Bael, "You flap your wings, and rise into the air."
A doddering old man says, "Tervic, did you say pie?"
Xenthos rises gracefully into the skies on currents of power which swirl around him.
Arilyon opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
Xenthos swoops down from the skies, grasping Bael firmly with his talons.
Xenthos swiftly lifts him, kicking and screaming, into the skies.
Xenthos drops down from above and alights gently upon the ground, as the swirling currents of power holding him aloft dissipate.
You beat your wings furiously, hovering in the air.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Like that."
Comprehension flashes across Bael's face.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I see."
A little dancing girl says, "Pssshhhh..."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says to Xenthos, "But can I fly through the space like that?"
Bael flits about happily.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says to a doddering old man, "Yes.. lots and lots of pie."
Arilyon nods her head sagely.
A doddering old man squeals in excitement.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Piiie!"
Arilyon points accusingly at Bael.
A little dancing girl tugs urgently on a doddering old man's sleeve.
A doddering old man says, "What about Truffles?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "But he ate it all."
Bael grins and nods.
A doddering old man says, "Yes dear?"
A little dancing girl points upwards.
Amidst gigantic and entangling roots.
Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. An enigmatic smile on her face, a little girl stands here poised on her toes. Bound by dark shadows, a wood nymph stands here. A sprite hovers quietly here, a halo of dark shadows binding her form. An elderly man gazes about here, shrouded in travel-stained robes of grey. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand. Arilyon is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows sticks out his tongue and says to a doddering old man, "If you like sweets, you can have all you can eat once we get back to Glomdoring."
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 12th of Dioni, 212 years after the Coming of Estarra.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Up? Oh yes! It's time to climb the Tree!"
A doddering old man exclaims, "We'll go visit the man behind the curtain!"
A little dancing girl urges a doddering old man onwards.
A doddering old man grabs protectively at a little dancing girl.
Xenthos looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Man behind the curtain?"
A little dancing girl blithely flaps her wings, the bangles on her wrists chiming together.
A doddering old man says, "Curtains? No dear, they'd look horrible here."
Arilyon glances askance.
A doddering old man exclaims, "Alright! Very well! Come on, dear! Let's take a climb up the Tree of Trees!"
Arilyon purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
say if you find Lehki there, do let him know he needs to come here, ayes?
You say, "If you find Lehki there, do let him know he needs to come here, ayes?"
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "They left."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "What will you find at the top?"
A doddering old man peers about himself unscrupulously.
Muttering fervently beneath his breath, an elderly man ambles off to the west.
"Ahah!" Arilyon exclaims triumphantly.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressings here. There are 3 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here.
There are no obvious exits.
Arilyon arrives from the west.
Arilyon reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls herself up and disappears into the treetops.
You reach upwards and concentrate on finding a sturdy branch, then lift yourself up with relative ease.
In the trees above before the Tree of Trees.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
You snap your fingers.
Arilyon tilts her head curiously.
Bael swings gracefully up from the ground.
You say, "They must be high, high up."
You carefully watch your footing and shimmy down from the treetops.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 3 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand.
There are no obvious exits.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Bael clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon scratches her head in confusion.
Clad in a cropped tunic and long, flowing trousers, this little girl is as slender and flexible as a reed. The soft, billowing material of her clothing is a muted shade of blue, decorated along the hems and seams with a hint of silvery thread. One shade darker than the fabric, embroidery covers the clothing in curved, never-ending lines. Though she can move as silently as the wind, placing each foot with care, the bangles around her wrists and ankles chime together merrily when she dances. Jewels glitter in her long, dark hair, pulled from her face elegantly to augment the soft, pale skin of her face and her deep blue
A little dancing girl appears to lack strength.
She weighs about 87 pounds.
You cannot see what a little dancing girl is holding.
Bael gives a little honey cake to a little dancing girl.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I have quite enough now."
Bael waves about a garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing energetically.
Bael eats a garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing with obvious gusto.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks skeptical and says, "At least it's salad."
A little dancing girl licks a little honey cake.
Bael rolls his eyes skyward and splurts, "Pfffft."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "I do eat my leaves once in a while."
A doddering old man shouts, "Yodel le hee-HOO!!!"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Are they coated in honey?"
A little dancing girl blinks as she looks upward.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.
Xenthos rises gracefully into the skies on currents of power which swirl around him.
Arilyon begins to flap her wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament.
Xenthos drops down from above and alights gently upon the ground, as the swirling currents of power holding him aloft dissipate.
You begin to flap your wings powerfully and rise quickly up into the firmament.
Flying above before the Tree of Trees.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
An armoured viper falls away to the ground.
You begin to descend, the wind whistling past you as the earth draws ever closer. You land easily, back on the ground again.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand.
There are no obvious exits.
The following beings are in your entourage:
A little dancing girl#11689.
The following players are in your entourage:
Bael reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Arilyon descends from above.
Your order is obeyed.
An armoured viper obediently falls into line behind you.
Bael clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
You pat an armoured viper in a friendly manner.
An armoured viper bares its fangs in warning.
A doddering old man shouts, "Yoooooodelllle HEEEEE-HOoooO!!!"
You say, "Following me even to the skies."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "That's devotion."
A little dancing girl clamours over to the tree, climbing as fast as she can.
Arilyon reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls herself up and disappears into the treetops.
You reach upwards and concentrate on finding a sturdy branch, then lift yourself up with relative ease.
In the trees above before the Tree of Trees.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
You carefully watch your footing and shimmy down from the treetops.
Arilyon clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
You say, "I do hope they will be okay."
Bael leaves to the east.
Bael arrives from the west.
You say, "I rather liked that girl. She would have made an interesting addition to the Murder."
You nod your head sagely.
Arilyon nods her head sagely.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks thoughtful and says, "It's always the quiet ones you have to look out for though."
You say, "Precisely why she'd be wonderful!"
You clap your hands together merrily.
Arilyon's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Bael leaves to the north.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon makes a short, vexed sound.
Bael arrives from the west.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant looks skeptical and says, "Alas, we're no closer to figuring out what has happened to the Tree than we were before the visit though."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Though at least it was a wonderful break from the watching."
You nod your head at Arilyon, showing your acceptance.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "All we can do is hope that the man brings back news whenever he gets back."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "You expect he would remember whatever he finds? If anything?"
Bael shrugs helplessly.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I think it proved much easier to decipher what the girl had to say than the man."
You grin and nod.
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "It's all we have to go on. Maybe amidst his babbling he'll tell us something."
A doddering old man shouts, "Yoooooodelllle HEEEEE- Hey! What are you doing here! Hey! Get away! Don't - oh dear, no, please don't pull on that, that's very important, you see and - oh dear, you're rocking the branch and-."
A bloodcurdling shriek pierces your surroundings, growing progressively louder as something disturbs the thick branches of the Tree of Trees far above.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
Your eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across your face.
Arilyon narrows her eyes and stares upwards.
Bael begins to flap his wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament.
You say, "It would be a shame if that man were to die. Then again..."
Arilyon reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls herself up and disappears into the treetops.
You say, "Maybe falling on his head would help him be more coherent."
Arilyon clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
You scratch your head in confusion.
Xenthos reaches up and grabs a sturdy branch, then pulls himself up and disappears into the treetops.
Xenthos clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Arilyon begins to flap her wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament.
Bael clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Bael begins to sing an enchanting song.
Arilyon descends from above.
Arilyon makes a short, vexed sound.
The branches above violently shake and give way to the flailing form of a befuddled old man, who slams into the ground with a sickening crunch.
Bael winces in pain.
Arilyon winces in pain.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. An elderly man gazes about here, shrouded in travel-stained robes of grey. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand. Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant is here. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right.
There are no obvious exits.
You peer at the corpse of a doddering old man unscrupulously.
You say, "Oh dear."
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "And now all the healers have left us up here..."
Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows says, "What was her name again? Brandy, was it, or Sherry?"
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "Brandy."
You say, "Brandy, ayes."
Bael nods his head emphatically.
Arilyon creases her brow in a frown.
Arilyon gives the corpse of a doddering old man a concerned look.
Your eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across your face.
Druidess Arilyon, the Dark Savant says, "I.. well I'm not really sure what we can do.."
Arilyon removes a cloak of crow feathers.
You say, "If we could revive him, maybe he would have his head on straight. A little dying never hurt one's senses, at the least."
Arilyon ponders the situation.
A soft rain of chicken feathers flutter down from the branches above, which finally close over the hole created by the old man's fall.
Before the Tree of Trees.
Branches stretching out towards infinity, the Tree of Trees has laid roots down in the soil here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Covered in bone armour, a giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 3 ginger-mint soba noodles here. There are 4 creamy fusilli noodles with shrimp raviolis here. There are 2 summer harvest salads here. There are 3 mellow fruit salads here. There are 3 citrus seaweed salads here. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. The crumpled form of a befuddled old man lies here, smashed violently against the ground. Arilyon is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields a platinum shield with Urlach's horn in her left hand and a mystic cudgel in her right. Penumbra Bael, Servant of the Shadows is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his right hand. Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist is here. He wields a baleful rapier of darkened steel in each hand.
There are no obvious exits.
You squint suspiciously at your surroundings.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Chicken... feathers..?"
You say, "What would those be doing here?"
As the chicken feathers collect, they obscure the crumpled form of the befuddled old man's corpse.
A soft breeze rushes through the area, sending the chicken feathers about in a whirlwind of white, before disappearing into the brush, leaving nothing behind.
Shishi2008-07-28 22:53:44
I've learned a few things, I wish I played Shishi enough to meet the old man, Bael wears female robes, and Fizban still can't cast featherfall. 

Xenthos2008-07-29 00:49:48
We agreed that this never happened! 

Shaddus2008-07-29 01:44:16
QUOTE(shishi @ Jul 28 2008, 05:53 PM) 538175
I've learned a few things, I wish I played Shishi enough to meet the old man, Bael wears female robes, and Fizban still can't cast featherfall. 

I kind of hope his fireball isn't a six-alarm
Aison2008-07-29 02:13:32

Bael2008-07-29 02:18:26
QUOTE(shishi @ Jul 28 2008, 10:53 PM) 538175
Bael wears female robes
I make them masculine.
Xenthos2008-07-29 02:56:10
QUOTE(Aison @ Jul 28 2008, 10:13 PM) 538207

Sorry. I did try to say it didn't happen!
Arilyon2008-07-29 03:32:42
