Kaervas2008-07-29 22:35:18
This is an old log I just came across randomly, figured I might as well post it for others to enjoy.
Veonira tells you, "Come here."
You tell Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench, "What's going on?"
Veonira tells you, "Come here, Dark Reaper :P."
A narrow, barren ravine.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Blending neatly with the shadows around her, Madam Yoraghu stands here calm and quiet. Madam Yith crouches in the shadows, her bloody eyes peering out beneath her cowl. Death
Trooper Deimos is here. He wields an ancestral klangaxe in his left hand. Balizar is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a blighted symbol of pestilence in his left hand and an Ouroborian greatshield in his right. Veonira is here, smiling
faintly. She wields a twisted staff in her left hand.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Madam Yith pinches Deimos on his behind, obviously testing for firmness.
Veonira's eyes sparkle with amusement.
A wry smile spreads across Balizar's face.
Deimos's eyes widen in disbelief as he softly exclaims, "Whoa."
Madam Yith exclaims, "The Dark Reaper!"
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to Madam Yith, "That can be arranged."
Madam Yith grovels in the dirt before you.
You incline your head politely to those around you.
Madam Yoraghu exclaims, "Hail, Dark Reaper!"
Madam Yoraghu grovels in the dirt.
Deimos inclines his head politely to you.
Veonira gives you a peck on the cheek.
Balizar raises his hand in greeting to you and says "Hi!"
Madam Yith says, "You honor us with your presence."
Madam Yith says, "Is this your first wife?"
Madam Yoraghu says, "We are humbled."
Madam Yith gives Veonira the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
You say, "Indeed she is my first wife."
Balizar, the Sinister Minister says, "Catty."
Balizar tilts his head and listens intently.
Madam Yoraghu says, "Need you another, Dark Reaper?"
Veonira clears her throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "His only wife."
Madam Yith exclaims, "Then surely he needs more!"
Madam Yoraghu exclaims, "How can any male have but one wife? It's...unnatural!"
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench places her hand delicately upon your arm.
You say, "I do quite well with one wife."
Madam Yith says, "We come to honor the pact, Dark Reaper."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
A narrow, barren ravine.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. The tainted, barren wastes of the Blasted Land stretch out as far as the eye can see, the hard earth cracked and blistered by heat, and scarred with great gashes. Mountains rise
high to the east, ringing the forsaken lands. A vast scar has been rent through the earth, scoured into a steep ravine wherein lurks the bleached skull of a serpent of legendary, nightmarish size. Blending neatly with the shadows around her, Madam
Yoraghu stands here calm and quiet. Madam Yith crouches in the shadows, her bloody eyes peering out beneath her cowl. Towering above you, this massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Death Trooper Deimos is here. He wields
an ancestral klangaxe in his left hand. Balizar is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a blighted symbol of pestilence in his left hand and an Ouroborian greatshield in his right. Veonira is here, smiling faintly. She wields a twisted staff in
her left hand.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Balizar, the Sinister Minister says, "I wish they would honor it already."
Madam Yith stares implacably at Balizar.
Veonira gives Balizar the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say, "That is good to hear."
Madam Yoraghu says to Balizar, "Your impatience and rudeness is bothersome."
A narrow, barren ravine.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. The tainted, barren wastes of the Blasted Land stretch out as far as the eye can see, the hard earth cracked and blistered by heat, and scarred with great gashes. Mountains rise
high to the east, ringing the forsaken lands. A vast scar has been rent through the earth, scoured into a steep ravine wherein lurks the bleached skull of a serpent of legendary, nightmarish size. Blending neatly with the shadows around her, Madam
Yoraghu stands here calm and quiet. Madam Yith crouches in the shadows, her bloody eyes peering out beneath her cowl. Towering above you, this massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Death Trooper Deimos is here. He wields
an ancestral klangaxe in his left hand. Balizar is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a blighted symbol of pestilence in his left hand and an Ouroborian greatshield in his right. Veonira is here, smiling faintly. She wields a twisted staff in
her left hand.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Madam Yith says, "We have been told you are of Magnagora, Dark Reaper. Is that where you wish us to go?"
Veonira tells you, "Say yes!"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "I'm not sure who told you that."
Balizar shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Madam Yith gives Balizar the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say, "I live within the Glomdoring Forest."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "You did ask where he was from."
Madam Yoraghu says, "That is the one! The over city's sister of which I spoke."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "Not his current residence."
Balizar nods solemnly to Veonira.
Madam Yith says, "Then one of us should go with the Dark Reaper and one of us should go honor the pact with Warlord Dooofus."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "It is Warlord Daevos."
Madam Yith says, "Ah excuse me..."
Madam Yith says, "Doovus."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "A good effort."
Madam Yoraghu says, "I shall honour the High Priest's pact with the dark mistress in this Glondorking."
Veonira gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Veonira subjects you to a merciless teasing.
A wry smile spreads across Balizar's face.
You peer at Madam Yoraghu unscrupulously.
Madam Yoraghu cowers in a corner, fearful of your wrath.
Madam Yith says, "I think it is I who should go with the Dark Reaper."
Madam Yith strokes you tenderly.
Veonira glares at Madam Yith with intense hatred, and a slight, ominous rumble echoes forth from the ground.
Madam Yith glances askance at Veonira.
Madam Yith says, "He looks most virile."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "Perhaps I should send a chaperone, then."
Madam Yoraghu says, "Indeed he does, but this one is far more attractive."
Madam Yoraghu strokes Deimos tenderly.
Deimos shivers violently.
"yoraghu146927"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Madam Yoraghu
"archdemon110464"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a hideous archdemon
"yith118726"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Madam Yith
"mammoth77192"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a wooly mammoth
Number of objects: 4
The dark, shadowy figure of Madam Yoraghu stands patiently within the shadows, glaring with a silent authority at those that dare to approach. Small, crimson coloured eyes mark a grotesquely disfigured face with a sharp intelligence just above a
sneering mouth of razor sharp teeth. Her serpentine body is cloaked in soft, flowing silks of pitchiest black and long, sinuous arms end in deadly sharp claws upon the tips of each finger.
Madam Yoraghu looks to be crushingly strong.
She weighs about 100 pounds.
You see nothing in it.
A midnight blue cloak engulfs Yith's figure, shifting as she moves to reveal brief glimpses of her lanky limbs and emaciated body. Despite the concealing garment, the illithoid's tense crouch and vicious, precise actions resemble those of a coiled
snake about to strike. Her skin is ashen and clammy, shot through with palpitating blue veins. A deep cowl casts shadows over her sunken cheeks and obscures her features. Blood-rimmed eyes gleam out from its cover, above a circular mouth that often
gapes in a rictus resembling a smile, full of spiny yellow teeth. A nimbus of psionic energy blurs the air around Yith, crackling with ill will.
Madam Yith looks to be crushingly strong.
She weighs about 131 pounds.
You see nothing in it.
Madam Yoraghu says, "Then again..."
Madam Yoraghu says, "Great power will be mine at the Dark Reaper's side..."
Madam Yoraghu bumps Veonira away with a hip and latches onto Kaervas's arm.
Madam Yith says, "It should be my duty to be at the Dark Reaper's side."
"Hmph!" Veonira snorts.
Madam Yith hunches slightly and flares her body as she hisses warningly at Madam Yoraghu.
Your current clan will now be the 'Bellator Societas' clan.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to you, "Do something, love."
You say, "Such a hard decision."
Veonira cuffs you upside your head.
Balizar rolls his eyes.
Deimos chuckles long and heartily.
Madam Yoraghu says, "But his home was assigned to me, dear sister."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "Regardless of who accompanies my husband, neither of you shall be honored with his love or touch. You would have better luck with Deimos."
Balizar swings his arm up and high fives Deimos enthusiastically.
Death Trooper Deimos says to Veonira, "Thats so cold."
The corners of Veonira's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Madam Yith says, "I am more attractive than you, Madam Yoraghu. He should definitely choose me."
Madam Yith gives Veonira the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Veonira mumbles incoherently.
Madam Yoraghu peers intently at Yith's face then smirks, "Is that a hair I see growing just there?". She points at Yith's chin with a clawed finger.
A viscanti boy walks in from the east, carefully surveying his surroundings.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to you, "It will be the wooden bench for you tonight."
You say, "Appearance doesn't really concern me much I have to say."
Madam Yith says, "Apparently so."
Madam Yith gives Veonira the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
You say, "Trying to insult my wife won't get you far either."
Madam Yoraghu laughs haughtily at Madam Yith.
Madam Yith growls menacingly at Madam Yoraghu.
You say, "So were you each assigned to a place or will I get to choose one of you?"
Lightning fast, Madam Yoraghu spins around and plants an elbow into the stomach of Madam Yith who falls to the ground. Hissing threatening, Madam Yoraghu steps on the neck of Madam Yith, pushing her deeper into the sand.
You say, "Come on now, I'm not sure there's any need for that."
Madam Yoraghu exclaims, "Yield to me!"
Madam Yith says, "I yield."
Madam Yith stands up, brushing sand of herself. Pointedly not looking at Madam Yoraghu.
You tell Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench, "What's going on?"
Veonira tells you, "Come here, Dark Reaper :P."
A narrow, barren ravine.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Blending neatly with the shadows around her, Madam Yoraghu stands here calm and quiet. Madam Yith crouches in the shadows, her bloody eyes peering out beneath her cowl. Death
Trooper Deimos is here. He wields an ancestral klangaxe in his left hand. Balizar is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a blighted symbol of pestilence in his left hand and an Ouroborian greatshield in his right. Veonira is here, smiling
faintly. She wields a twisted staff in her left hand.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Madam Yith pinches Deimos on his behind, obviously testing for firmness.
Veonira's eyes sparkle with amusement.
A wry smile spreads across Balizar's face.
Deimos's eyes widen in disbelief as he softly exclaims, "Whoa."
Madam Yith exclaims, "The Dark Reaper!"
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to Madam Yith, "That can be arranged."
Madam Yith grovels in the dirt before you.
You incline your head politely to those around you.
Madam Yoraghu exclaims, "Hail, Dark Reaper!"
Madam Yoraghu grovels in the dirt.
Deimos inclines his head politely to you.
Veonira gives you a peck on the cheek.
Balizar raises his hand in greeting to you and says "Hi!"
Madam Yith says, "You honor us with your presence."
Madam Yith says, "Is this your first wife?"
Madam Yoraghu says, "We are humbled."
Madam Yith gives Veonira the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
You say, "Indeed she is my first wife."
Balizar, the Sinister Minister says, "Catty."
Balizar tilts his head and listens intently.
Madam Yoraghu says, "Need you another, Dark Reaper?"
Veonira clears her throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "His only wife."
Madam Yith exclaims, "Then surely he needs more!"
Madam Yoraghu exclaims, "How can any male have but one wife? It's...unnatural!"
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench places her hand delicately upon your arm.
You say, "I do quite well with one wife."
Madam Yith says, "We come to honor the pact, Dark Reaper."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
A narrow, barren ravine.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. The tainted, barren wastes of the Blasted Land stretch out as far as the eye can see, the hard earth cracked and blistered by heat, and scarred with great gashes. Mountains rise
high to the east, ringing the forsaken lands. A vast scar has been rent through the earth, scoured into a steep ravine wherein lurks the bleached skull of a serpent of legendary, nightmarish size. Blending neatly with the shadows around her, Madam
Yoraghu stands here calm and quiet. Madam Yith crouches in the shadows, her bloody eyes peering out beneath her cowl. Towering above you, this massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Death Trooper Deimos is here. He wields
an ancestral klangaxe in his left hand. Balizar is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a blighted symbol of pestilence in his left hand and an Ouroborian greatshield in his right. Veonira is here, smiling faintly. She wields a twisted staff in
her left hand.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Balizar, the Sinister Minister says, "I wish they would honor it already."
Madam Yith stares implacably at Balizar.
Veonira gives Balizar the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say, "That is good to hear."
Madam Yoraghu says to Balizar, "Your impatience and rudeness is bothersome."
A narrow, barren ravine.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. The tainted, barren wastes of the Blasted Land stretch out as far as the eye can see, the hard earth cracked and blistered by heat, and scarred with great gashes. Mountains rise
high to the east, ringing the forsaken lands. A vast scar has been rent through the earth, scoured into a steep ravine wherein lurks the bleached skull of a serpent of legendary, nightmarish size. Blending neatly with the shadows around her, Madam
Yoraghu stands here calm and quiet. Madam Yith crouches in the shadows, her bloody eyes peering out beneath her cowl. Towering above you, this massive mammoth has a thick, shaggy hide and long yellowed tusks. Death Trooper Deimos is here. He wields
an ancestral klangaxe in his left hand. Balizar is here, pondering thoughtfully. He wields a blighted symbol of pestilence in his left hand and an Ouroborian greatshield in his right. Veonira is here, smiling faintly. She wields a twisted staff in
her left hand.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Madam Yith says, "We have been told you are of Magnagora, Dark Reaper. Is that where you wish us to go?"
Veonira tells you, "Say yes!"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "I'm not sure who told you that."
Balizar shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Madam Yith gives Balizar the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say, "I live within the Glomdoring Forest."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "You did ask where he was from."
Madam Yoraghu says, "That is the one! The over city's sister of which I spoke."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "Not his current residence."
Balizar nods solemnly to Veonira.
Madam Yith says, "Then one of us should go with the Dark Reaper and one of us should go honor the pact with Warlord Dooofus."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "It is Warlord Daevos."
Madam Yith says, "Ah excuse me..."
Madam Yith says, "Doovus."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "A good effort."
Madam Yoraghu says, "I shall honour the High Priest's pact with the dark mistress in this Glondorking."
Veonira gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Veonira subjects you to a merciless teasing.
A wry smile spreads across Balizar's face.
You peer at Madam Yoraghu unscrupulously.
Madam Yoraghu cowers in a corner, fearful of your wrath.
Madam Yith says, "I think it is I who should go with the Dark Reaper."
Madam Yith strokes you tenderly.
Veonira glares at Madam Yith with intense hatred, and a slight, ominous rumble echoes forth from the ground.
Madam Yith glances askance at Veonira.
Madam Yith says, "He looks most virile."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "Perhaps I should send a chaperone, then."
Madam Yoraghu says, "Indeed he does, but this one is far more attractive."
Madam Yoraghu strokes Deimos tenderly.
Deimos shivers violently.
"yoraghu146927"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Madam Yoraghu
"archdemon110464"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a hideous archdemon
"yith118726"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Madam Yith
"mammoth77192"Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a wooly mammoth
Number of objects: 4
The dark, shadowy figure of Madam Yoraghu stands patiently within the shadows, glaring with a silent authority at those that dare to approach. Small, crimson coloured eyes mark a grotesquely disfigured face with a sharp intelligence just above a
sneering mouth of razor sharp teeth. Her serpentine body is cloaked in soft, flowing silks of pitchiest black and long, sinuous arms end in deadly sharp claws upon the tips of each finger.
Madam Yoraghu looks to be crushingly strong.
She weighs about 100 pounds.
You see nothing in it.
A midnight blue cloak engulfs Yith's figure, shifting as she moves to reveal brief glimpses of her lanky limbs and emaciated body. Despite the concealing garment, the illithoid's tense crouch and vicious, precise actions resemble those of a coiled
snake about to strike. Her skin is ashen and clammy, shot through with palpitating blue veins. A deep cowl casts shadows over her sunken cheeks and obscures her features. Blood-rimmed eyes gleam out from its cover, above a circular mouth that often
gapes in a rictus resembling a smile, full of spiny yellow teeth. A nimbus of psionic energy blurs the air around Yith, crackling with ill will.
Madam Yith looks to be crushingly strong.
She weighs about 131 pounds.
You see nothing in it.
Madam Yoraghu says, "Then again..."
Madam Yoraghu says, "Great power will be mine at the Dark Reaper's side..."
Madam Yoraghu bumps Veonira away with a hip and latches onto Kaervas's arm.
Madam Yith says, "It should be my duty to be at the Dark Reaper's side."
"Hmph!" Veonira snorts.
Madam Yith hunches slightly and flares her body as she hisses warningly at Madam Yoraghu.
Your current clan will now be the 'Bellator Societas' clan.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to you, "Do something, love."
You say, "Such a hard decision."
Veonira cuffs you upside your head.
Balizar rolls his eyes.
Deimos chuckles long and heartily.
Madam Yoraghu says, "But his home was assigned to me, dear sister."
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says, "Regardless of who accompanies my husband, neither of you shall be honored with his love or touch. You would have better luck with Deimos."
Balizar swings his arm up and high fives Deimos enthusiastically.
Death Trooper Deimos says to Veonira, "Thats so cold."
The corners of Veonira's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Madam Yith says, "I am more attractive than you, Madam Yoraghu. He should definitely choose me."
Madam Yith gives Veonira the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Veonira mumbles incoherently.
Madam Yoraghu peers intently at Yith's face then smirks, "Is that a hair I see growing just there?". She points at Yith's chin with a clawed finger.
A viscanti boy walks in from the east, carefully surveying his surroundings.
Archmage Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench says to you, "It will be the wooden bench for you tonight."
You say, "Appearance doesn't really concern me much I have to say."
Madam Yith says, "Apparently so."
Madam Yith gives Veonira the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
You say, "Trying to insult my wife won't get you far either."
Madam Yoraghu laughs haughtily at Madam Yith.
Madam Yith growls menacingly at Madam Yoraghu.
You say, "So were you each assigned to a place or will I get to choose one of you?"
Lightning fast, Madam Yoraghu spins around and plants an elbow into the stomach of Madam Yith who falls to the ground. Hissing threatening, Madam Yoraghu steps on the neck of Madam Yith, pushing her deeper into the sand.
You say, "Come on now, I'm not sure there's any need for that."
Madam Yoraghu exclaims, "Yield to me!"
Madam Yith says, "I yield."
Madam Yith stands up, brushing sand of herself. Pointedly not looking at Madam Yoraghu.
Shaddus2008-07-30 00:16:54
No wonder Yith is such a
, she got turned down.