Unknown2008-07-30 16:09:25
Simple enough idea.
1. Demigods would have an optional skill they could use in Lieu of Teleport or Tesseract when those skills are available to them. Something like DEMISHIFT
2. Would have a low essence cost, maybe 50 per use.
3. Would have a specific message for each Demigod, specifiable in a manner similar as to Shouts and Zaps.
EX. Geb has a Dragon theme, right?
You see: Flares of draconic flame erupt from Geb's back as a hole is ripped in the Planes.
Geb sees: As you search for, wings of flame erupt from your back, preparing you for a journey through Aetherspace.
and others in same room see: The roars of dragons boom out as a hole to Aetherspace is ripped, the winged form of Geb visible within.
You see: Geb dives into the hole in space, spreading his wings as the hole closes behind him.
Geb sees: You hurl yourself into the currents of Aetherspace, soaring upon them till you land yourself next to
and others in same room see: Motes of flame dissapear on Geb's back as he erupts from the hole in space, closing it behind him as the last of the fires dissapear from him.
NOTE: This is just my god awful writing skills. It would proabably be handled differently as per the content of the Teleport/Tesseracts. Just an idea.
1. Demigods would have an optional skill they could use in Lieu of Teleport or Tesseract when those skills are available to them. Something like DEMISHIFT
2. Would have a low essence cost, maybe 50 per use.
3. Would have a specific message for each Demigod, specifiable in a manner similar as to Shouts and Zaps.
EX. Geb has a Dragon theme, right?
You see: Flares of draconic flame erupt from Geb's back as a hole is ripped in the Planes.
Geb sees: As you search for
You see: Geb dives into the hole in space, spreading his wings as the hole closes behind him.
Geb sees: You hurl yourself into the currents of Aetherspace, soaring upon them till you land yourself next to
NOTE: This is just my god awful writing skills. It would proabably be handled differently as per the content of the Teleport/Tesseracts. Just an idea.
Unknown2008-07-30 17:05:24

Anywho, ya get my point. The wait for feedback awaits!
Exeryte2008-07-30 17:51:36
It would be nice to have a shop for demigods/ascendants to "buy" extra flavor/RP frills.
Aura of Teleportation: customize your teleporting message, kind of like Kialkarkea suggested.
Aura of Motion: customize your entry/exit message (I can dream).
Aura of Ascending: customize your ascending to the havens message.
Aura of Ambience: gives off customizable ambience every few minutes. You can have up to three.
Aura of Dominance: customizable world-entrance message. Synl's idea.
Clasps: you can only own one. They act as a permanent karma blessing for that seal.
Crystals: change the damage-type of your zap. Synl's idea again.
Eateries: random foods for demigod/ascendant "flavor."
Servants: Invincible, they do nothing but follow you around and respond to whenever your name is mentioned. Imagine this...
...for only 40 million essence!
EDIT: Added Aura of Dominance and crystals.
Proprietor: Trader Bob.
        aura1234: an Aura of Teleportation                        20    15000000es
        aura2345: an Aura of Motion                              20    20000000es
        aura3123: an Aura of Ascending                            20    15000000es
        aura4123: an Aura of Ambience                            20    5000000es
        aura8234: an Aura of Dominance                            20    100000000es
      clasp3456: a clasp of Nature                              20    20000000es
      clasp4567: a clasp of Chaos                                20    20000000es
      clasp5678: a clasp of War                                  20    20000000es
      clasp6789: a clasp of Justice                              20    20000000es
      clasp7890: a clasp of Knowledge                            20    20000000es
      clasp1111: a clasp of Beauty                              20    20000000es
      clasp2222: a clasp of Life                                20    20000000es
      clasp3333: a clasp of Death                                20    20000000es
      clasp4444: a clasp of Harmony                              20    20000000es
    crystal7123: a crystal of electricity                        20    5000000es
    crystal8123: a crystal of magic                              20    5000000es
    crystal9123: a crystal of poison                            20    5000000es
    crystal2234: a crystal of fire                              20    5000000es
    crystal3234: a crystal of coldness                          20    5000000es
    crystal4234: a crystal of asphyxiation                      20    5000000es
    crystal5234: a crystal of psychic                            20    5000000es
    crystal6234: a crystal of cutting                            20    5000000es
    crystal7234: a crystal of blunt                              20    5000000es
        cake5555: Estarra's trademark carrot cake                20    50000es
        soup6666: Morgfyre's hearty chicken soup                  20    40000es
      cookie7777: Viravain's fresh chocolate chip cookie          20    40000es
      bread8888: Terentia's homemade bread                      20    40000es
    sandwich9999: Lisaera's famous BLT                            20    40000es
    servant1123: an adoring servant                              20    10000000es
      toady2123: a brown-nosing toady                            20    10000000es
      lackey5123: a fawning lackey                                20    10000000es
      slave6123: a humble slave                                  20    10000000es
        aura1234: an Aura of Teleportation                        20    15000000es
        aura2345: an Aura of Motion                              20    20000000es
        aura3123: an Aura of Ascending                            20    15000000es
        aura4123: an Aura of Ambience                            20    5000000es
        aura8234: an Aura of Dominance                            20    100000000es
      clasp3456: a clasp of Nature                              20    20000000es
      clasp4567: a clasp of Chaos                                20    20000000es
      clasp5678: a clasp of War                                  20    20000000es
      clasp6789: a clasp of Justice                              20    20000000es
      clasp7890: a clasp of Knowledge                            20    20000000es
      clasp1111: a clasp of Beauty                              20    20000000es
      clasp2222: a clasp of Life                                20    20000000es
      clasp3333: a clasp of Death                                20    20000000es
      clasp4444: a clasp of Harmony                              20    20000000es
    crystal7123: a crystal of electricity                        20    5000000es
    crystal8123: a crystal of magic                              20    5000000es
    crystal9123: a crystal of poison                            20    5000000es
    crystal2234: a crystal of fire                              20    5000000es
    crystal3234: a crystal of coldness                          20    5000000es
    crystal4234: a crystal of asphyxiation                      20    5000000es
    crystal5234: a crystal of psychic                            20    5000000es
    crystal6234: a crystal of cutting                            20    5000000es
    crystal7234: a crystal of blunt                              20    5000000es
        cake5555: Estarra's trademark carrot cake                20    50000es
        soup6666: Morgfyre's hearty chicken soup                  20    40000es
      cookie7777: Viravain's fresh chocolate chip cookie          20    40000es
      bread8888: Terentia's homemade bread                      20    40000es
    sandwich9999: Lisaera's famous BLT                            20    40000es
    servant1123: an adoring servant                              20    10000000es
      toady2123: a brown-nosing toady                            20    10000000es
      lackey5123: a fawning lackey                                20    10000000es
      slave6123: a humble slave                                  20    10000000es
Aura of Teleportation: customize your teleporting message, kind of like Kialkarkea suggested.
Aura of Motion: customize your entry/exit message (I can dream).
Aura of Ascending: customize your ascending to the havens message.
Aura of Ambience: gives off customizable ambience every few minutes. You can have up to three.
Aura of Dominance: customizable world-entrance message. Synl's idea.

Clasps: you can only own one. They act as a permanent karma blessing for that seal.
Crystals: change the damage-type of your zap. Synl's idea again.
Eateries: random foods for demigod/ascendant "flavor."
Servants: Invincible, they do nothing but follow you around and respond to whenever your name is mentioned. Imagine this...
The soul of Shuyin says, "Exeryte is a tank."
An adoring servant's eyes lit up.
An adoring servant says, "Exeryte! Exeryte! The very name is music to my ears!"
A brown-nosing toady says, "Exeryte is the greatest illithoid of them all! And he isn't too hard on the eyes!"
A fawning lackey swoons.
A fawning lackey says, "Oh, Exeryte! What a man!"
A humble slave says, "My master is a kind one. He is a great man!"
An adoring servant's eyes lit up.
An adoring servant says, "Exeryte! Exeryte! The very name is music to my ears!"
A brown-nosing toady says, "Exeryte is the greatest illithoid of them all! And he isn't too hard on the eyes!"
A fawning lackey swoons.
A fawning lackey says, "Oh, Exeryte! What a man!"
A humble slave says, "My master is a kind one. He is a great man!"
...for only 40 million essence!
EDIT: Added Aura of Dominance and crystals.
Kaervas2008-07-30 18:23:45
Exeryte's idea gets my seal of approval.
Unknown2008-07-30 18:28:04
what about the power cost of teleporting normally?
Xenthos2008-07-30 18:30:20
QUOTE(krin1 @ Jul 30 2008, 02:28 PM) 538797
what about the power cost of teleporting normally?
Goes away with certain artifacts... and in this case, it would be substituting essence for power instead of being free.
Nyir2008-07-30 18:53:22
I like this, especially Exeryte's version. More customizing = good. It's one of the reasons I enjoy Lusternia's version of Level 100 more than Achaea's. 

Bael2008-07-30 19:01:03
Only if Ex buys me a BLT.
And maybe a carrot cake.

And maybe a carrot cake.

Xenthos2008-07-30 19:03:06
Ooo, ooo. If a non-Demigod/Ascendant eats one of these food items, they should explode.
I really like this idea.
*crow trickster Bael cake*
I really like this idea.
*crow trickster Bael cake*
Bael2008-07-30 19:04:40
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jul 30 2008, 07:03 PM) 538806
Ooo, ooo. If a non-Demigod/Ascendant eats one of these food items, they should explode.
Nom nom nom BOOM

Leiliadhe2008-07-30 19:18:41
I think all of Ex's ideas are feasible, except maybe some of the shop things and the ambience. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon fantasizing about getting demigod and sinking into a pool of shadows whenever I teleport. 

Unknown2008-07-30 19:22:19
QUOTE(Kaervas @ Jul 30 2008, 08:23 PM) 538795
Exeryte's idea gets my seal of approval.
It would give demigods something to do with all that essence.
Unknown2008-07-30 19:24:33
I approve.
Gwylifar2008-07-30 21:53:02
QUOTE(Exeryte @ Jul 30 2008, 01:51 PM) 538786
It would be nice to have a shop for demigods/ascendants to "buy" extra flavor/RP frills.
Now this is a very interesting and cool idea.
Revan2008-07-30 22:39:56
yes, I greatly approve
Arix2008-07-30 23:08:20
mmmm, Demigod-flavoured teleport
Shaddus2008-07-30 23:15:43
QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 30 2008, 06:08 PM) 538862
mmmm, Demigod-flavoured teleport
I am against this. Only cause it won't effect me

What about the lackies, what do they do? Passive influence bonus, or some such?
Arin2008-07-30 23:21:38
Wait wait... Morgfyre can't be selling food because he'd eat it all...
Everything is cool, just not sure about the servants because that seems to be encroaching on the territories of pets and manse dwellers.
Everything is cool, just not sure about the servants because that seems to be encroaching on the territories of pets and manse dwellers.
Esano2008-07-30 23:39:41
I support this idea.
Only issue with the teleport is that the target needs to know it's a teleport without any "Hm, this is new -- OMG I'M DYING!". Possibly add this as a subtext onto the original message, or have a new standard message that precedes all of them?
Only issue with the teleport is that the target needs to know it's a teleport without any "Hm, this is new -- OMG I'M DYING!". Possibly add this as a subtext onto the original message, or have a new standard message that precedes all of them?
Unknown2008-07-30 23:42:49
If you have aethersight, it tells you if it's a teleport at least.