Unknown2008-08-06 17:05:20
Facets of verdant crystal glimmer as Asooth'i, the Jade Judge takes up a torn diary adorned with gleaming jade stones in his hands.
A flicker of awareness passes over his eyes as he flips through the pages with bandaged hands.
Awareness is soon replaced by a calm intelligence as his eyes flash with with glimmering emerald light.
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "I am Asooth'i, the Jade Judge, and I see all things in balance."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge turns his calm eyes towards Ragniliff and gives her a slight nod of acknowledgment.
As Dylara gives a fiery garnet bowl of gleaming orange and red to him, the slumbering hands of Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight grasp the bowl with a sudden movement, bringing it steadily to his lips.
The glowing red poison trickles into the lips of Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight, hissing and sputtering as stray droplets turn into tendrils of fiery red mist that add to the flaming aura about him.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight lifts his head slowly as he wakes, a pulsing red glow in his eyes.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight says, "Who..? I... can't remember..."
Tendrils of red bright as flame dance and flicker as Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight takes up an ancient diary aflame with fiery garnet dust in his hands.
A flash of passionate awareness passes over his eyes as he flips through the pages with bandaged hands.
Mere awareness is soon replaced by vivid animacy as his eyes burn with a right red light, his bandaged fingers dancing across the book.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight exclaims, "Yes! I am Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight! Passion drives me!"
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight turns towards Dylara and takes her hand in a firm grip, squeezing and shaking it before letting go with a fiery smile.
Whorls of shadows spin around Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch as she takes up a stygian diary of onyx coverings in her hands.
A flicker of sorrowful recognition passes over her eyes as she flips through the pages with mummified hands.
Recognition is soon replaced by rage as her eyes flare with a wrathful white glow, clear and discerning in the swirl of dark tendrils that rise around her.
You see Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch yell, "I am Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch! Anger empowers me!"
Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch turns her whitely smouldering eyes towards Dylara and gives her a slight nod of acknowledgment.
Facets of violet crystal glimmer as Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress takes up a tattered diary lined with sombre amethyst dust in her hands.
A flicker of sorrowful recognition passes over her eyes as she flips through the pages with veiled hands.
Recognition is soon replaced by a calm resolve as her eyes flare with a lavender glow, clear and discerning in the flutter of veils that rise around her to some unfelt breeze.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "I am Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress. I have survived."
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress turns her inscrutible eyes towards Synl and gives him a slight nod of acknowledgment.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother raises her withered hands in joy.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Grandmother bless you!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "I now have enough for the sanctification!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother takes the corpses of the predators one by one into her hands, hefting them slowly before cutting deeply into their necks with a crystal ritual blade.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother lifts the corpses one by one above the scorpion altar, allowing their blood to drip, hissing, onto the stinger of the stone scorpion.
As the droplets of blood drip down the stone scorpion, a soft radiance begins to fill the chamber, emanating from the altar itself.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother finishes draining the last predator of blood and kneels down with head bowed and crimson hands clasped.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Grandmother Scorpion, these are the sacrifices we have brought for You and for Your children. The predators of your chosen now have felt Your ceaseless wrath and have paid with their blood. Sanctify us with this blood, and make us worthy to know You and to touch Your wisdom in days ahead."
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother gets to her feet once more slowly, a soft smile on her face.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Thank you for your help, stranger, though if you are willing, I still require that the Staff of the Scorpion be retrieved before the ritual can begin.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Why, this is the Staff of the Scorpion!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother strokes her wizened hand along the glimmering staff.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Now then is the time for the ritual! All is ready!"
You see Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother yell, "Old Ones, I beseech you as the Grandmother's Voice! Come to me so we may speak to Her once more and know Her presence through you! It is time!"
A cloud of verdant mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Asooth'i, the Jade Judge.
A cloud of angry black mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch.
A cloud of violet mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress.
A cloud of fire red mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother arranges her wispy veils and performs a slow curtsey toward the arrayed mummies.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Let us begin!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother clenches the Staff of the Scorpion in her two hands, lifting it above her head and above the altar of the stone scorpion.
The four Old Ones rise to attention behind Wise Lady, silently watching her motions as glimmering mists surround them in colours of jade, onyx, amethyst, and garnet.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Grandmother Scorpion! Hear our collective call! I, as the Voice of your secret thoughts, call you!"
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "And I am Asooth'i who calls you, the bearer of your sacred judgments."
Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch exclaims, "I am Shyust'i who calls you, o Scorpion. You know my bitter wrath, for it is your own!"
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "And I am Belay'i who calls you, for you have taught me how to survive."
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight exclaims, "And me, Lady Scorpion! You know my zeal for you! With passion, I call you!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother jabs the stinger of the staff into the stone scorpion's chest, a bright flash of light and a loud cracking sound obscuring sight and hearing.
When the light fades, you see the Staff of the Scorpion broken in Wise Lady's hands, the stinger completely shattered. Blood runs down the stone scorpion of the altar, slowly covering the entire carving as a soft whispering breeze begins to range about the chamber.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother kneels down respectifully.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Grandmother Scorpion, the Voice You granted to me I pass back to You. Bless us with Your presence and Your speaking once more, I beseech You, in the name of Lady Tzaraziko Your friend, and in the
name of the Old Ones You sheltered."
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "We wait for your choice, Grandmother."
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother bows her head slowly and humbly as the Old Ones follow suit in deference.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress quivers and shakes as she appears to be taken control of by a wild and savage force.
Whorls and arcs of white light begin to trace along the amethyst cheeks of Belay'i as her eyes flash and flicker with power.
A strong violet mist rises up behind Belay'i, forming into the shape of a giant Scorpion.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "I will not allow the scourge of the Soulless to long touch my sacred sanctuaries as long as one of my children draws breath."
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "Thus says I the Scorpion, I who survived aeons, I who escaped the teeth of the Devourers and still lives on."
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress suddenly collapses, the mist Scorpion behind her blown away by a chilling breeze.
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge quivers and shakes as he appears to be taken control of by a wild and savage force.
Whorls and arcs of white light begin to trace along the jade cheeks of Asooth'i as his eyes flash and flicker with power.
A calm emerald mist rises up behind Asooth'i, forming into the shape of a giant Scorpion.
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "The children of the Scorpion will rise again when the predators of Her people fall forever."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "Thus says the Scorpion, who judges and balances, who grants peace and makes war."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge suddenly collapses, the mist Scorpion behind him blown away by a chilling breeze.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother heaves a sigh of relief, prostrating herself on the ground, veils askew.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Thank You for Your words, Grandmother Scorpion! We will take them to heart!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother stands up slowly, turning to each mummy in turn, nodding her thanks, before lifting the Staff of the Scorpion above her head. The staff shimmers briefly, then vanishes.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Much thanks to you stranger, for all your help."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of him. With a weak nod, he fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of her. With a weak nod, she fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of her. With a weak nod, she fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of him. With a weak nod, he fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
(We only got the fully-Awakened Belay'i message, so as people get the ones for the other three, please PM them to me and I'll add them here, thanks.)
A flicker of awareness passes over his eyes as he flips through the pages with bandaged hands.
Awareness is soon replaced by a calm intelligence as his eyes flash with with glimmering emerald light.
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "I am Asooth'i, the Jade Judge, and I see all things in balance."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge turns his calm eyes towards Ragniliff and gives her a slight nod of acknowledgment.
As Dylara gives a fiery garnet bowl of gleaming orange and red to him, the slumbering hands of Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight grasp the bowl with a sudden movement, bringing it steadily to his lips.
The glowing red poison trickles into the lips of Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight, hissing and sputtering as stray droplets turn into tendrils of fiery red mist that add to the flaming aura about him.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight lifts his head slowly as he wakes, a pulsing red glow in his eyes.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight says, "Who..? I... can't remember..."
Tendrils of red bright as flame dance and flicker as Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight takes up an ancient diary aflame with fiery garnet dust in his hands.
A flash of passionate awareness passes over his eyes as he flips through the pages with bandaged hands.
Mere awareness is soon replaced by vivid animacy as his eyes burn with a right red light, his bandaged fingers dancing across the book.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight exclaims, "Yes! I am Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight! Passion drives me!"
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight turns towards Dylara and takes her hand in a firm grip, squeezing and shaking it before letting go with a fiery smile.
Whorls of shadows spin around Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch as she takes up a stygian diary of onyx coverings in her hands.
A flicker of sorrowful recognition passes over her eyes as she flips through the pages with mummified hands.
Recognition is soon replaced by rage as her eyes flare with a wrathful white glow, clear and discerning in the swirl of dark tendrils that rise around her.
You see Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch yell, "I am Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch! Anger empowers me!"
Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch turns her whitely smouldering eyes towards Dylara and gives her a slight nod of acknowledgment.
Facets of violet crystal glimmer as Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress takes up a tattered diary lined with sombre amethyst dust in her hands.
A flicker of sorrowful recognition passes over her eyes as she flips through the pages with veiled hands.
Recognition is soon replaced by a calm resolve as her eyes flare with a lavender glow, clear and discerning in the flutter of veils that rise around her to some unfelt breeze.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "I am Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress. I have survived."
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress turns her inscrutible eyes towards Synl and gives him a slight nod of acknowledgment.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother raises her withered hands in joy.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Grandmother bless you!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "I now have enough for the sanctification!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother takes the corpses of the predators one by one into her hands, hefting them slowly before cutting deeply into their necks with a crystal ritual blade.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother lifts the corpses one by one above the scorpion altar, allowing their blood to drip, hissing, onto the stinger of the stone scorpion.
As the droplets of blood drip down the stone scorpion, a soft radiance begins to fill the chamber, emanating from the altar itself.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother finishes draining the last predator of blood and kneels down with head bowed and crimson hands clasped.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Grandmother Scorpion, these are the sacrifices we have brought for You and for Your children. The predators of your chosen now have felt Your ceaseless wrath and have paid with their blood. Sanctify us with this blood, and make us worthy to know You and to touch Your wisdom in days ahead."
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother gets to her feet once more slowly, a soft smile on her face.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Thank you for your help, stranger, though if you are willing, I still require that the Staff of the Scorpion be retrieved before the ritual can begin.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Why, this is the Staff of the Scorpion!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother strokes her wizened hand along the glimmering staff.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Now then is the time for the ritual! All is ready!"
You see Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother yell, "Old Ones, I beseech you as the Grandmother's Voice! Come to me so we may speak to Her once more and know Her presence through you! It is time!"
A cloud of verdant mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Asooth'i, the Jade Judge.
A cloud of angry black mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch.
A cloud of violet mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress.
A cloud of fire red mist swirls into the chamber and coalesces into the form of Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother arranges her wispy veils and performs a slow curtsey toward the arrayed mummies.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Let us begin!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother clenches the Staff of the Scorpion in her two hands, lifting it above her head and above the altar of the stone scorpion.
The four Old Ones rise to attention behind Wise Lady, silently watching her motions as glimmering mists surround them in colours of jade, onyx, amethyst, and garnet.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Grandmother Scorpion! Hear our collective call! I, as the Voice of your secret thoughts, call you!"
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "And I am Asooth'i who calls you, the bearer of your sacred judgments."
Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch exclaims, "I am Shyust'i who calls you, o Scorpion. You know my bitter wrath, for it is your own!"
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "And I am Belay'i who calls you, for you have taught me how to survive."
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight exclaims, "And me, Lady Scorpion! You know my zeal for you! With passion, I call you!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother jabs the stinger of the staff into the stone scorpion's chest, a bright flash of light and a loud cracking sound obscuring sight and hearing.
When the light fades, you see the Staff of the Scorpion broken in Wise Lady's hands, the stinger completely shattered. Blood runs down the stone scorpion of the altar, slowly covering the entire carving as a soft whispering breeze begins to range about the chamber.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother kneels down respectifully.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Grandmother Scorpion, the Voice You granted to me I pass back to You. Bless us with Your presence and Your speaking once more, I beseech You, in the name of Lady Tzaraziko Your friend, and in the
name of the Old Ones You sheltered."
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "We wait for your choice, Grandmother."
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother bows her head slowly and humbly as the Old Ones follow suit in deference.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress quivers and shakes as she appears to be taken control of by a wild and savage force.
Whorls and arcs of white light begin to trace along the amethyst cheeks of Belay'i as her eyes flash and flicker with power.
A strong violet mist rises up behind Belay'i, forming into the shape of a giant Scorpion.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "I will not allow the scourge of the Soulless to long touch my sacred sanctuaries as long as one of my children draws breath."
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress says, "Thus says I the Scorpion, I who survived aeons, I who escaped the teeth of the Devourers and still lives on."
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress suddenly collapses, the mist Scorpion behind her blown away by a chilling breeze.
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge quivers and shakes as he appears to be taken control of by a wild and savage force.
Whorls and arcs of white light begin to trace along the jade cheeks of Asooth'i as his eyes flash and flicker with power.
A calm emerald mist rises up behind Asooth'i, forming into the shape of a giant Scorpion.
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "The children of the Scorpion will rise again when the predators of Her people fall forever."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge says, "Thus says the Scorpion, who judges and balances, who grants peace and makes war."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge suddenly collapses, the mist Scorpion behind him blown away by a chilling breeze.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother heaves a sigh of relief, prostrating herself on the ground, veils askew.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother exclaims, "Thank You for Your words, Grandmother Scorpion! We will take them to heart!"
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother stands up slowly, turning to each mummy in turn, nodding her thanks, before lifting the Staff of the Scorpion above her head. The staff shimmers briefly, then vanishes.
Wise Lady, Voice of the Grandmother says, "Much thanks to you stranger, for all your help."
Asooth'i, the Jade Judge's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of him. With a weak nod, he fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
Shyust'i, the Onyx Witch's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of her. With a weak nod, she fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
Belay'i, the Amethyst Enchantress's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of her. With a weak nod, she fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
Lerest'i, the Garnet Knight's eyes slowly dim as strength seems to go out of him. With a weak nod, he fades away in swirling amethyst mists.
(We only got the fully-Awakened Belay'i message, so as people get the ones for the other three, please PM them to me and I'll add them here, thanks.)
Diamondais2008-08-06 17:14:10
Should've told me, I would've saved Onyx and Garnet. 

Daganev2008-08-06 17:20:28
Whats this from?
man, I'm so out of date on these things.
man, I'm so out of date on these things.
Unknown2008-08-06 20:03:51
Just happened yesterday Dag, no worries!