Unknown2008-08-16 17:25:39
A spire of glowing coral glows wildly, as the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water
floats within the coral, beginning to glow the same azure light as the spire
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer says, "Dropped it, lad. Watch your
You bow your head and close your eyes, radiating a powerful, refreshing health
aura around yourself.
Mariello nods his head emphatically.
Soft rippling waves of energy coalesce around me, before spreading downwards,
washing out across and through the waters in a dizzying display of light,
ranging from the deepest of blues to the softest blues of the clear sy.
Mariello Shervalian says, "I shall try."
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer exclaims, "Oh my, cover the eyes!"
The churning winds and swirling clouds above the Inner Sea ripple and crackle
with thunder, raining fiery streams of lightning down upon the tossing waves.
Elodres places both hands over his eyes, blocking the world from sight.
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer places both hands over his eyes, blocking the
world from sight.
The coral spire begins to glow a brilliant blue, motes of light racing up from
the depths. The spire begins to vibrate and the crystals within quiver in
response, a soft, whisper-y hum washing upwards from beneath the waves.
Mariello Shervalian looks away.
Spreading her arms wide, Accalia spins clockwise and a shimmering white orb
springs up around her.
Suddenly the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water erupts into a single beam of pure
azure light, which climbs along its haft in fluid tendrils of liquid light.
Lukretia blinks.
The tip of the staff begins to fade away from sight as the beam grows more
intense, spreading outwards and consuming more and more of the Pearl Staff of
Rushing Water.
A pinprick of light races upwards from the heart of the Inner Sea, trailing
azure energy. Slowly the tail begins to expand, and the pinprick becomes a solid
The clouds above the Inner Sea begin to turn and swirl, racing about the eye of
the storm, now pierced by the beam, with a flurry of lightning racing from cloud
to cloud and from cloud to water.
A spire of glowing coral fades away as the light expands and envelops you,
washing outwards.
A cool azure light washes over you, your skin tingling with an expectant
feeling, one of excitement yet a calm, refreshed feeling.
The Inner Sea disappears beneath the onslaught of the azure glow, shining
brilliantly. Small motes of white and deep blue float about the curtain of
energy, disappearing and reemerging farther up.
The light slowly begins to shimmer, as the curtain turns to falling water.
Within moments it begins to clear, the dark and furious clouds now gone.
Cool water splashes down upon you as the azure light begins to fade,
miraculously into a pure, crystalline rainfall.
Grandmistress Saaga Dekoven, The Dean of Twilight blinks, trying to shield her
eyes with a sleeve.
Sarrasri takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and
shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a
Elodres gives Mariello a wild cheer!
The Inner Sea.
Silvery moonlight sparkles in the air. A smattering of clouds fills the sky,
lacing it with spiderwebs of grey. The ocean swells and rises, sometimes
cresting with white foam. Rife with seaweed and plant life, the salty waters are
crystal blue, a sparkling azure landscape that stretches out as far as the eye
can see. Though the waters are relatively warm, a dangerous undertow can be felt
lurking beneath the surface. The almost hypnotic rise and fall of the ocean is
broken only by the occasional seagull cawing to its mates, or by the splash of a
fish arcing out of the waters. Floating on the ocean waves is a large mass of
sargassum seaweed. The base of an enormous spire of glowing emerald coral grows
from the sea floor here and twists up and out of sight.
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer exclaims, "And look at that! No death!"
Dark storm clouds linger on the edge of the Basin of Life, slowly dissipating
into the distant winds.
floats within the coral, beginning to glow the same azure light as the spire
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer says, "Dropped it, lad. Watch your
You bow your head and close your eyes, radiating a powerful, refreshing health
aura around yourself.
Mariello nods his head emphatically.
Soft rippling waves of energy coalesce around me, before spreading downwards,
washing out across and through the waters in a dizzying display of light,
ranging from the deepest of blues to the softest blues of the clear sy.
Mariello Shervalian says, "I shall try."
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer exclaims, "Oh my, cover the eyes!"
The churning winds and swirling clouds above the Inner Sea ripple and crackle
with thunder, raining fiery streams of lightning down upon the tossing waves.
Elodres places both hands over his eyes, blocking the world from sight.
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer places both hands over his eyes, blocking the
world from sight.
The coral spire begins to glow a brilliant blue, motes of light racing up from
the depths. The spire begins to vibrate and the crystals within quiver in
response, a soft, whisper-y hum washing upwards from beneath the waves.
Mariello Shervalian looks away.
Spreading her arms wide, Accalia spins clockwise and a shimmering white orb
springs up around her.
Suddenly the Pearl Staff of Rushing Water erupts into a single beam of pure
azure light, which climbs along its haft in fluid tendrils of liquid light.
Lukretia blinks.
The tip of the staff begins to fade away from sight as the beam grows more
intense, spreading outwards and consuming more and more of the Pearl Staff of
Rushing Water.
A pinprick of light races upwards from the heart of the Inner Sea, trailing
azure energy. Slowly the tail begins to expand, and the pinprick becomes a solid
The clouds above the Inner Sea begin to turn and swirl, racing about the eye of
the storm, now pierced by the beam, with a flurry of lightning racing from cloud
to cloud and from cloud to water.
A spire of glowing coral fades away as the light expands and envelops you,
washing outwards.
A cool azure light washes over you, your skin tingling with an expectant
feeling, one of excitement yet a calm, refreshed feeling.
The Inner Sea disappears beneath the onslaught of the azure glow, shining
brilliantly. Small motes of white and deep blue float about the curtain of
energy, disappearing and reemerging farther up.
The light slowly begins to shimmer, as the curtain turns to falling water.
Within moments it begins to clear, the dark and furious clouds now gone.
Cool water splashes down upon you as the azure light begins to fade,
miraculously into a pure, crystalline rainfall.
Grandmistress Saaga Dekoven, The Dean of Twilight blinks, trying to shield her
eyes with a sleeve.
Sarrasri takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and
shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a
Elodres gives Mariello a wild cheer!
The Inner Sea.
Silvery moonlight sparkles in the air. A smattering of clouds fills the sky,
lacing it with spiderwebs of grey. The ocean swells and rises, sometimes
cresting with white foam. Rife with seaweed and plant life, the salty waters are
crystal blue, a sparkling azure landscape that stretches out as far as the eye
can see. Though the waters are relatively warm, a dangerous undertow can be felt
lurking beneath the surface. The almost hypnotic rise and fall of the ocean is
broken only by the occasional seagull cawing to its mates, or by the splash of a
fish arcing out of the waters. Floating on the ocean waves is a large mass of
sargassum seaweed. The base of an enormous spire of glowing emerald coral grows
from the sea floor here and twists up and out of sight.
Manchal, the Scholarly Aquamancer exclaims, "And look at that! No death!"
Dark storm clouds linger on the edge of the Basin of Life, slowly dissipating
into the distant winds.
Unknown2008-08-16 17:26:35
Dude. Are you serious?
Some people must not be very happy right now.
Some people must not be very happy right now.
Unknown2008-08-16 17:57:45
Bye bye Geomantic champion staff?
Aison2008-08-16 18:37:07
You guys sound behind on the times. These events are to replace bard and mage champion artifacts into more sensible items.
Unknown2008-08-16 18:39:51
Oh, I know. But I didn't think that the Storm was one of those, considering it's scale and the fact that if affected Serenwilde to. :/
Sarrasri2008-08-16 18:53:50
I thought the storms and such in Serenwilde were cool and fun, though I do have to wonder why Serenwilde was involved at all.
It got a bit bothersome when we had this all affecting the forest and we go to the spirits as usual to just be met with "We can't do anything about it." in general. It meant we were forced to rely on Celest to just even get the storm out of Serenwilde.
The fact that when there were crystal droppings, much of the time I would scent around the sea, I'd find other Serens there that were dropping crystals and no Celestians was bothersome as well. Those crystals were tedious.

Xenthos2008-08-16 19:22:55
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Aug 16 2008, 02:53 PM) 546764
I thought the storms and such in Serenwilde were cool and fun, though I do have to wonder why Serenwilde was involved at all.
It got a bit bothersome when we had this all affecting the forest and we go to the spirits as usual to just be met with "We can't do anything about it." in general. It meant we were forced to rely on Celest to just even get the storm out of Serenwilde.
The fact that when there were crystal droppings, much of the time I would scent around the sea, I'd find other Serens there that were dropping crystals and no Celestians was bothersome as well. Those crystals were tedious.

The event was set up so that Celenwilde could have fun together, as is their wont.

(That, or it went to Seren after the Serens tried to fight it in Celest... as a "Hey, why are you getting involved in our business?" message, but who knows!)
Unknown2008-08-16 19:24:40
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 16 2008, 07:22 PM) 546792
The event was set up so that Celenwilde could have fun together, as is their wont. 
(That, or it went to Seren after the Serens tried to fight it in Celest... as a "Hey, why are you getting involved in our business?" message, but who knows!)

(That, or it went to Seren after the Serens tried to fight it in Celest... as a "Hey, why are you getting involved in our business?" message, but who knows!)
Oh, that's probably true.

Rika2008-08-16 20:11:35
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Aug 17 2008, 06:53 AM) 546764
I thought the storms and such in Serenwilde were cool and fun, though I do have to wonder why Serenwilde was involved at all.
It got a bit bothersome when we had this all affecting the forest and we go to the spirits as usual to just be met with "We can't do anything about it." in general. It meant we were forced to rely on Celest to just even get the storm out of Serenwilde.
The fact that when there were crystal droppings, much of the time I would scent around the sea, I'd find other Serens there that were dropping crystals and no Celestians was bothersome as well. Those crystals were tedious.

QFT. This sucks so much.

Xenthos2008-08-16 20:12:41
QUOTE(rika @ Aug 16 2008, 04:11 PM) 546826
QFT. This sucks so much. 

Well, hey, y'all wanted to be a part of Celest's event!

Rika2008-08-16 20:15:00
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 17 2008, 08:12 AM) 546827
Well, hey, y'all wanted to be a part of Celest's event! 

I didn't, nor did many of the novices who had to die. There are better ways to get people involved than to kill them off. So this event was utter fail, from a Seren perspective. From a Celest perspective, why the nil do they need to go through with such an annoying event when the forests got it so easily?
Unknown2008-08-16 20:15:51
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 16 2008, 08:12 PM) 546827
Well, hey, y'all wanted to be a part of Celest's event! 

I think Xenthos is getting a very dark amusement from this, since you guys were critical of Glom's "Stay out of it if it doesn't concern us" attitude towards events, you took the opposite route and got screwed.
Xenthos2008-08-16 20:18:47
QUOTE(rika @ Aug 16 2008, 04:15 PM) 546828
I didn't, nor did many of the novices who had to die. There are better ways to get people involved than to kill them off. So this event was utter fail, from a Seren perspective. From a Celest perspective, why the nil do they need to go through with such an annoying event when the forests got it so easily?
The question is more "Why did Serenwilde get involved in the first place," I think. At least, if the tempest did do that due to Serenwilde's involvement.

Sarrasri2008-08-16 20:19:18
Thing is, there were those in Serenwilde going "This is Celest's problem, we don't need to help them. It doesn't affect us and that's all that matters." First time I died to a tempest, it was just to get a painting. 

Unknown2008-08-16 20:20:24
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Aug 16 2008, 08:19 PM) 546834
Thing is, there were those in Serenwilde going "This is Celest's problem, we don't need to help them. It doesn't affect us and that's all that matters." First time I died to a tempest, it was just to get a painting. 

But were those that got involved? I'm sure there were Gloms who tried to feed the Ulcer, but most didn't and the Kephera killed Crow as a result.
Rika2008-08-16 20:24:46
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 17 2008, 08:18 AM) 546833
The question is more "Why did Serenwilde get involved in the first place," I think. At least, if the tempest did do that due to Serenwilde's involvement.
Though it's also possible it was set up to do that from the beginning, it doesn't really make much sense, unless there's a lot more to come. (Which there still may be!)

There probably is, though for this part of the overall artifact events, I think it is over. Still, I'm hoping Magnagora's artifact event will end up with them being screwed over just as much, and somehow it'll involve Glomdoring too. It's things like this, on top of all the past events such as Aestra and Raziela which is telling many people (moreso Celestians than Serens) that they shouldn't bother with events. It always ends up with many hours lost of experience and little to no reward for yourself and huge rewards for the 'other' side. Don't get me wrong, I think the Lusternian admins are great, but from an event perspective, I really thought they had learnt from this.
Xenthos2008-08-16 20:26:16
QUOTE(rika @ Aug 16 2008, 04:24 PM) 546840
There probably is, though for this part of the overall artifact events, I think it is over. Still, I'm hoping Magnagora's artifact event will end up with them being screwed over just as much, and somehow it'll involve Glomdoring too. It's things like this, on top of all the past events such as Aestra and Raziela which is telling many people (moreso Celestians than Serens) that they shouldn't bother with events. It always ends up with many hours lost of experience and little to no reward for yourself and huge rewards for the 'other' side. Don't get me wrong, I think the Lusternian admins are great, but from an event perspective, I really thought they had learnt from this.
Where are the "huge rewards" for any side in these artifact-tradein events?

Rika2008-08-16 20:30:00
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 17 2008, 08:26 AM) 546842
Where are the "huge rewards" for any side in these artifact-tradein events?
The Celestines get to design a new GH from the ground up, which is a better reward than any of the rest of us have seen (or expect to see).

To me, the huge rewards for the 'other' side is the fact that none of the Magnagoran or Glom characters were forced into giving up hours of experience. Sure, Celest definitely got the better deal than Seren this time. So, tell me, what rewards did Seren get, at all? I'd like to remind you that White Hart actually cried for help when the tempests were attacking him. From a Seren POV, we had no choice but to throw ourselves at the tempests. I think of the group of about 15-20, only about 5 managed to survive.
Unknown2008-08-16 20:31:40
QUOTE(rika @ Aug 16 2008, 08:30 PM) 546845
To me, the huge rewards for the 'other' side is the fact that none of the Magnagoran or Glom characters were forced into giving up hours of experience. Sure, Celest definitely got the better deal than Seren this time. So, tell me, what rewards did Seren get, at all? I'd like to remind you that White Hart actually cried for help when the tempests were attacking him. From a Seren POV, we had no choice but to throw ourselves at the tempests. I think of the group of about 15-20, only about 5 managed to survive.
How're those huge rewards? That's a wierd definition.

Rika2008-08-16 20:33:33
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Aug 17 2008, 08:31 AM) 546847
How're those huge rewards? That's a wierd definition. 

It is in comparison to what we got, which was nothing and a whole heap of time and experience wasted.