Shiri2008-08-17 11:07:53
This stuff is taking space in my notepad file and it won't be relevant anymore, so I thought I'd dump it here in case anything was curious. This isn't actually a log, it's just recordings of the various experiences of myself, Amarysse and Wuylinfe that I took so I wouldn't, you know, forget what was going on all the time like I would otherwise. Should be in chronological order, spanned over days.
A soft, feminine voice barely whispers at the back of your mind, strangely
familiar yet at the same time lost and forgotten.
A barely audible sigh, tinged with sadness, passes by your ear and is gone.
The voice lingers for but a moment longer in your mind before it fades away,
its soft and gentle nature lost to the quietest whip of wind.
A familiar voice speaks lightly into the depths of your mind, too distant and
timid to be heard over the swarming thoughts of your subconscious.
Like the gurgling of the faintest bubbling brook the voice washes over your mind
once more, as if vying one last time to be heard before it relents and drifts
The sheer silence and separation of your mind brings clarity to the whispering
voice, though it is still barely audible as it speaks to you endlessly, like the
gentlest wind across your ears, "H... ..."
Your senses heightened by introspection, the voice rings truer and louder than
ever before, though you now notice that its words are fragmented and weak at
their very core. The whispers float past your ears, crackling, "Ti.e..
N.....ough. Decis...s... P..hs... Mu.t.. Paths!"
A whispering voice sings within your mind, but is soon drowned out and lost to
the buffeting astral winds.
Slowly, the voice becomes clearer and more defined, though your neurotic mind
finds it harder to comprehend and understand.
Like the gentlest summer breeze, she whispers inaudibly within your mind,
suddenly becoming distraught and confused as she calls out between sobs, "Sto.
...., you mu...cea..! I ...ll c....e!"
The familiar female voice briefly touches your mind once more, though it sounds
to be exhausted and is almost completely inaudible. It departs with a heaving
A gentle voice pulls at the edges of your mind, the soft and familiar tones
soothing your aggression.
As your mind clears from meditation, the voice grows louder and gains clarity
within you. Though it speaks no words this time, your senses grow weary and your
eyelids flutter as the sentience conveys a need for sleep.
You feel yourself falling through the open sky until a beautiful woman swoops
down and collects you in Her arms, landing atop the peak of Mount Seirode. She
takes you by the hand and leads you to the edge, where you see the sun slowly
breaking over the horizon. Looking downwards, you see the Basin consumed half by
a thick white fog, and half by a looming wyrden forest. As though time suddenly
rushes forwards, you see the two march towards one another, mingling with a
harsh reality. Just as one side appears to be achieving superiority over the
other, your senses fade to blackness and you are left feeling torn and
The soft and familiar presence departs quickly from your mind once more, its
vision bestowed and its energy spent.
Your mind reels as your subconscious is touched by a strangely familiar
presence. A series of strange images suddenly rise to overwhelm your thoughts.
An enormous wall of sound crashes through the area as two mighty figures tower
overhead in a brutal fight. A massive figure of pure blinding light pits its
strength against an equally large figure composed of dense purple haze, each
seeking to subdue the other through sheer power and will. Kneeling before the
fighting figures and weeping, a frail winged woman wails, "Stop this, you must
cease! I shall choose!"
Amarysse tells you, "While you were in the tomb, did you notice the Lady Isune
frowning as She slept?"
Your mind reels as your subconscious is touched by a strangely familiar
presence. A series of strange images suddenly rise to overwhelm your thoughts.
You find yourself walking down a long road, but suddenly stumble as the ground
falls away beneath your feet. Your surroundings disintegrate, leaving nothing
but an expanse of clear white light as your company. A winged figure flies down
from above to float before you, Her wings composed of brilliant snow and
platinum feathers. Her body is flawless and perfect in its nakedness, though Her
skin is strangely wrought between porcelain and purple tones, seemingly
struggling for superiority over the Goddess. Stretching a single hand out
towards you, She says in nary a whisper, "An artist must not ignore that which
She creates..."
Amarysse, of the Wyrden Hymns says to you, "The first was of the battling
figures, the second of Mount Seirode, the third of the crumbling road, and the
last... of a violent storm, in which She knelt, shivering at a crossroads, and
begged for help."
You are walking casually along a dark mountain range in the middle of the night
until you notice that the sky is bare: abandoned by the moon and the stars such
that no light exists to illuminate your surroundings. A crash of thunder
explodes in your ears as a heavy rain breaks down upon you, nightmarish images
flickering along your peripheral vision. Breaking into a run, you suddenly halt
as you come across a naked winged woman shivering twenty feet before you, Her
face tear-struck and wrought with confusion. Before Her lie two paths: the
northwesterly path is obscured within a choking white haze, whilst the
northeastern trails away through a dark mauve fog. With an insurmountable
desperation, She turns Her head back towards you with a heart-wrenching
innocence and pleads for help.
You see yourself standing within a lush green glade, brimming with beautiful
flowers and long grasses, filling the air with a rich and heavenly fragrance.
Walking forward, you notice the trees around you leaning inwards, their boughs
becoming purplish and wyrden as you move on. A sense of dread weighs heavily
upon your heart as you push forth, seeing the entombed body of Isune in the
darkness ahead. Her body is glowing brightly, but at the boundaries of the light
push tendrils of purple power, which seek desperately to mingle and entwine with
the essence of the slumbering Goddess. In Her sleep, Isune turns Her head
towards you and whispers quietly, "Time is short... The decision can be avoided
no longer."
Beware, o City of Light, for the dreamer stirs, and the path that rises ahead
splits in twain. Two shall come together and separate anew. Power waxes and wanes
under the dark moon, and she shall be led into grace or ruin. Listen: ye are the
chosen! Her fate is yours to grasp or let fall!
A soft, feminine voice barely whispers at the back of your mind, strangely
familiar yet at the same time lost and forgotten.
A barely audible sigh, tinged with sadness, passes by your ear and is gone.
The voice lingers for but a moment longer in your mind before it fades away,
its soft and gentle nature lost to the quietest whip of wind.
A familiar voice speaks lightly into the depths of your mind, too distant and
timid to be heard over the swarming thoughts of your subconscious.
Like the gurgling of the faintest bubbling brook the voice washes over your mind
once more, as if vying one last time to be heard before it relents and drifts
The sheer silence and separation of your mind brings clarity to the whispering
voice, though it is still barely audible as it speaks to you endlessly, like the
gentlest wind across your ears, "H... ..."
Your senses heightened by introspection, the voice rings truer and louder than
ever before, though you now notice that its words are fragmented and weak at
their very core. The whispers float past your ears, crackling, "Ti.e..
N.....ough. Decis...s... P..hs... Mu.t.. Paths!"
A whispering voice sings within your mind, but is soon drowned out and lost to
the buffeting astral winds.
Slowly, the voice becomes clearer and more defined, though your neurotic mind
finds it harder to comprehend and understand.
Like the gentlest summer breeze, she whispers inaudibly within your mind,
suddenly becoming distraught and confused as she calls out between sobs, "Sto.
...., you mu...cea..! I ...ll c....e!"
The familiar female voice briefly touches your mind once more, though it sounds
to be exhausted and is almost completely inaudible. It departs with a heaving
A gentle voice pulls at the edges of your mind, the soft and familiar tones
soothing your aggression.
As your mind clears from meditation, the voice grows louder and gains clarity
within you. Though it speaks no words this time, your senses grow weary and your
eyelids flutter as the sentience conveys a need for sleep.
You feel yourself falling through the open sky until a beautiful woman swoops
down and collects you in Her arms, landing atop the peak of Mount Seirode. She
takes you by the hand and leads you to the edge, where you see the sun slowly
breaking over the horizon. Looking downwards, you see the Basin consumed half by
a thick white fog, and half by a looming wyrden forest. As though time suddenly
rushes forwards, you see the two march towards one another, mingling with a
harsh reality. Just as one side appears to be achieving superiority over the
other, your senses fade to blackness and you are left feeling torn and
The soft and familiar presence departs quickly from your mind once more, its
vision bestowed and its energy spent.
Your mind reels as your subconscious is touched by a strangely familiar
presence. A series of strange images suddenly rise to overwhelm your thoughts.
An enormous wall of sound crashes through the area as two mighty figures tower
overhead in a brutal fight. A massive figure of pure blinding light pits its
strength against an equally large figure composed of dense purple haze, each
seeking to subdue the other through sheer power and will. Kneeling before the
fighting figures and weeping, a frail winged woman wails, "Stop this, you must
cease! I shall choose!"
Amarysse tells you, "While you were in the tomb, did you notice the Lady Isune
frowning as She slept?"
Your mind reels as your subconscious is touched by a strangely familiar
presence. A series of strange images suddenly rise to overwhelm your thoughts.
You find yourself walking down a long road, but suddenly stumble as the ground
falls away beneath your feet. Your surroundings disintegrate, leaving nothing
but an expanse of clear white light as your company. A winged figure flies down
from above to float before you, Her wings composed of brilliant snow and
platinum feathers. Her body is flawless and perfect in its nakedness, though Her
skin is strangely wrought between porcelain and purple tones, seemingly
struggling for superiority over the Goddess. Stretching a single hand out
towards you, She says in nary a whisper, "An artist must not ignore that which
She creates..."
Amarysse, of the Wyrden Hymns says to you, "The first was of the battling
figures, the second of Mount Seirode, the third of the crumbling road, and the
last... of a violent storm, in which She knelt, shivering at a crossroads, and
begged for help."
You are walking casually along a dark mountain range in the middle of the night
until you notice that the sky is bare: abandoned by the moon and the stars such
that no light exists to illuminate your surroundings. A crash of thunder
explodes in your ears as a heavy rain breaks down upon you, nightmarish images
flickering along your peripheral vision. Breaking into a run, you suddenly halt
as you come across a naked winged woman shivering twenty feet before you, Her
face tear-struck and wrought with confusion. Before Her lie two paths: the
northwesterly path is obscured within a choking white haze, whilst the
northeastern trails away through a dark mauve fog. With an insurmountable
desperation, She turns Her head back towards you with a heart-wrenching
innocence and pleads for help.
You see yourself standing within a lush green glade, brimming with beautiful
flowers and long grasses, filling the air with a rich and heavenly fragrance.
Walking forward, you notice the trees around you leaning inwards, their boughs
becoming purplish and wyrden as you move on. A sense of dread weighs heavily
upon your heart as you push forth, seeing the entombed body of Isune in the
darkness ahead. Her body is glowing brightly, but at the boundaries of the light
push tendrils of purple power, which seek desperately to mingle and entwine with
the essence of the slumbering Goddess. In Her sleep, Isune turns Her head
towards you and whispers quietly, "Time is short... The decision can be avoided
no longer."
Beware, o City of Light, for the dreamer stirs, and the path that rises ahead
splits in twain. Two shall come together and separate anew. Power waxes and wanes
under the dark moon, and she shall be led into grace or ruin. Listen: ye are the
chosen! Her fate is yours to grasp or let fall!
Unknown2008-08-17 14:20:47
Damnit Shiri you made me think something was going on with Isune again! 
Haha, thanks for posting up the logs. I was there for only like... 5% of it =s

Haha, thanks for posting up the logs. I was there for only like... 5% of it =s
Shiri2008-08-17 16:24:31
Naturally this misses out all the dialogue and Amarysse vs. Nejii dorama, but I didn't think to record those. Sorry!