Xiel2008-08-26 03:05:36
Butter Sweetpease lays the charms on either side of the stem carefully and bows
her head, squeezing her eyes shut very tightly as though thinking hard.
Touching the first charm, Butter Sweetpease says, "Mother Moon, if ye please...
can ye bless our babe with the silver light, for the sake of all yer children
who have been so kind to us?"
A incandescent silver glow emanates from the moonlit charm, briefly blinding in
its brilliance as it edges everyone in the room with an argent radiance, though
this passes quickly, soaking into the seedling.
Touching the second charm, Butter Sweetpease says, "Mother Night, ye and yours
have also been kind. Will ye please bless our babe with shadow as well?"
The light in the room darkens ominously as shadows writhe across the ground,
twining around your ankles as though seeking to climb your limbs and seep into
your very soul. A moment later, the shadows similarly fade, soaked into the
thriving sprout.
Taking a deep breath, Butter Sweetpease says, "It is well, Perri, right?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease wraps an arm around Butter and nods, taking a deep
The seedling shifts as the single bud at the top begins to split open. Butter
leans forward, gasping, as Perriwinkle hovers over her shoulder.
Slowly the yellow flower unfolds, petal by petal, and then rising from the
little plant, the form of a child manifests. Butter reaches forward
instinctively and takes the baby into her arms.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease opens his mouth wide, gazing at the little babe.
Cuddling the baby in her arms, her eyes wide, Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh,
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh! Oh!"
Turning joyfully to her husband, tears in her eyes, Butter Sweetpease says,
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Butter!!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "It's a boy!!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease bounces up and down.
Close to weeping, Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "I have never.. well, when we got
married I was nearly this happy, but... never this happy!!"
Blinking at her son, Butter Sweetpease says, "Look at his hair... it's white..."
Butter Sweetpease says, "And it stands out so.. what shall we name him, dear?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease stands on his tiptoes and gazes at the baby with large
eyes, fidgeting with indecision.
Rubbing his chin, Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Ah that's a hard choice,
Touching the baby's head tentatively, Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Look at
his hair!"
Butter Sweetpease beams broadly at Perriwinkle Sweetpease.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "I know! I know!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease bounces up and down.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Let's call him Dandelion!!"
Utterly entranced, Butter Sweetpease emits a long "Ooooh."
Midnight Ritualist, Xiphoid Caelicus says, "A Weed?"
Indignant, Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Our baby is not a weed!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Say hello, Dandelion!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease gives Dandelion Sweetpease a friendly cuddle.
Dandelion Sweetpease gurgles like a babe.
The bright, inquisitive face of this little fae child is especially round and
chubby, his brilliant green eyes fascinated with the world around him. His
short, fluffy hair stands up around his head in a peculiar halo of white. A
wispy material like spun spidersilk comprises his baby clothes, hugging his
little body warmly with only a few buttons down the front. Several silver beads
are strung upon a bracelet tied loosely about his wrist, and he crows with
obvious delight whenever an idle movement of his hand sets them jangling
Dandelion Sweetpease does not look particularly dangerous.
He weighs about 1 pounds and 9 ounce(s).
He is loyal to the Faethorn Realm.
You cannot see what Dandelion Sweetpease is holding.
Gurgling quietly to himself, baby Dandelion Sweetpease is here playing with
his toes.
Wyrden Snare Ashteru d'Illici, Ward of the Wyrd says, "He's kinda fat."
Frowning, Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "He's not fat!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "He's perfect!"
Waving his arms in the air, Dandelion Sweetpease suddenly stops laughing, only
staring up at the world above him with intense concentration.
Dandelion Sweetpease goes still and closes his eyes, an ethereal glow emanating
from his very skin. The soft green light grows slowly stronger as the child
screws up his face in concentration.
Suddenly, the child splits into a mass of laughing dandelion puffs that disperse
through Faethorn in a rapid wave!
You see Butter Sweetpease yell, "Dandelion, stop that...get back here!"
Butter Sweetpease runs around madly, flapping her arms in a blind panic.
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "My baby!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh no! The baby!!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh dear, Perri...!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh dear!"
Butter Sweetpease says, "Oh dea.r.. what can make him come home?"
Butter Sweetpease peers around at the stoves, desperate for an idea.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease creases his brow in a frown.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Honeycake!"
A small ball of energy pauses briefly in his laughter as though listening.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Your cakes, Butter!"
Butter Sweetpease says, "A cake...what?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Your, your cakes!"
Butter Sweetpease pops a cake out of the oven and covers it with candied
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "If it is all the same to thee, will ye bring this
to the, ah... the pieces of my boy, Dandelion? He likes well to float around
like that, but I prefer my son whole!"
Butter Sweetpease hands a warm honey cake to Sioned.
--insert honeycake/puff spam here--
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "I prefer my son whole too..."
Perriwinkle Sweetpease jumps up and tries to grab the puffs floating by in the
Iwiertas raises his hands and clouds form and darken overhead, releasing a heavy
rain that drenches the area.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Don't soak my son in the process!"
Butter Sweetpease seems to relax a bit.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease wraps a comforting arm around Butter Sweetpease.
Butter Sweetpease snuggles up close to Perriwinkle Sweetpease and leans
comfortably on him.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "They'll find all of him soon!"
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You ask, "How many is that now?"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh dear, I lost count!"
Veyda d'Illici says, "Have ten fae babies."
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Dear Gods, not that many! Imagine if they were all
this naughty!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease gulps nervously.
Butter Sweetpease fans herself with a hand, trying to keep her cool.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease fans Butter Sweetpease with a hand, trying to keep her
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "You all right, Butter?"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "I was expecting one child, not, ah... one child
that suddenly becomes thirteen that flit around Faethorn like those strange
spores people speak of!"
Quatte arrives from the northwest.
The faintest breeze from the northwest brings with it a giggling dandelion puff.
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh Dandelion, ye silly boy!"
Humming cheerfully, Butter gathers a fuzzy dandelion puff into her arms.
Butter Sweetpease says, "Oh, my son, now that I have all of ye, will ye not
please Mum and come together again?"
Slowly, a warm green glow arises from Butter's arms and the fuzzy dandelion
puffs she holds. Childish laughter echoes around as they merge seamlessly
together, and in the next moment she lays her baby boy on the ground.
Butter laughs merrily as Dandelion babbles happily up at her as though telling
her all about his fine adventure.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "That's my boy!"
Butter Sweetpease gives Dandelion Sweetpease a friendly cuddle.
Butter Sweetpease says, "Do yer Mum a favour and not do that again, son."
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Thank ye all for the help!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Who's your daddy?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease gives Dandelion Sweetpease a friendly cuddle.
Dandelion Sweetpease gurgles at Perriwinkle Sweetpease like a new born babe.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Did you see that?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "He gurgled at me!"
Dandelion Sweetpease holds out his arms for a hug.
You give Dandelion Sweetpease a compassionate hug.
Putting his little arms around you, Dandelion Sweetpease cuddles in close.
her head, squeezing her eyes shut very tightly as though thinking hard.
Touching the first charm, Butter Sweetpease says, "Mother Moon, if ye please...
can ye bless our babe with the silver light, for the sake of all yer children
who have been so kind to us?"
A incandescent silver glow emanates from the moonlit charm, briefly blinding in
its brilliance as it edges everyone in the room with an argent radiance, though
this passes quickly, soaking into the seedling.
Touching the second charm, Butter Sweetpease says, "Mother Night, ye and yours
have also been kind. Will ye please bless our babe with shadow as well?"
The light in the room darkens ominously as shadows writhe across the ground,
twining around your ankles as though seeking to climb your limbs and seep into
your very soul. A moment later, the shadows similarly fade, soaked into the
thriving sprout.
Taking a deep breath, Butter Sweetpease says, "It is well, Perri, right?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease wraps an arm around Butter and nods, taking a deep
The seedling shifts as the single bud at the top begins to split open. Butter
leans forward, gasping, as Perriwinkle hovers over her shoulder.
Slowly the yellow flower unfolds, petal by petal, and then rising from the
little plant, the form of a child manifests. Butter reaches forward
instinctively and takes the baby into her arms.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease opens his mouth wide, gazing at the little babe.
Cuddling the baby in her arms, her eyes wide, Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh,
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh! Oh!"
Turning joyfully to her husband, tears in her eyes, Butter Sweetpease says,
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Butter!!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "It's a boy!!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease bounces up and down.
Close to weeping, Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "I have never.. well, when we got
married I was nearly this happy, but... never this happy!!"
Blinking at her son, Butter Sweetpease says, "Look at his hair... it's white..."
Butter Sweetpease says, "And it stands out so.. what shall we name him, dear?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease stands on his tiptoes and gazes at the baby with large
eyes, fidgeting with indecision.
Rubbing his chin, Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Ah that's a hard choice,
Touching the baby's head tentatively, Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Look at
his hair!"
Butter Sweetpease beams broadly at Perriwinkle Sweetpease.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "I know! I know!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease bounces up and down.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Let's call him Dandelion!!"
Utterly entranced, Butter Sweetpease emits a long "Ooooh."
Midnight Ritualist, Xiphoid Caelicus says, "A Weed?"
Indignant, Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Our baby is not a weed!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Say hello, Dandelion!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease gives Dandelion Sweetpease a friendly cuddle.
Dandelion Sweetpease gurgles like a babe.
The bright, inquisitive face of this little fae child is especially round and
chubby, his brilliant green eyes fascinated with the world around him. His
short, fluffy hair stands up around his head in a peculiar halo of white. A
wispy material like spun spidersilk comprises his baby clothes, hugging his
little body warmly with only a few buttons down the front. Several silver beads
are strung upon a bracelet tied loosely about his wrist, and he crows with
obvious delight whenever an idle movement of his hand sets them jangling
Dandelion Sweetpease does not look particularly dangerous.
He weighs about 1 pounds and 9 ounce(s).
He is loyal to the Faethorn Realm.
You cannot see what Dandelion Sweetpease is holding.
Gurgling quietly to himself, baby Dandelion Sweetpease is here playing with
his toes.
Wyrden Snare Ashteru d'Illici, Ward of the Wyrd says, "He's kinda fat."
Frowning, Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "He's not fat!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "He's perfect!"
Waving his arms in the air, Dandelion Sweetpease suddenly stops laughing, only
staring up at the world above him with intense concentration.
Dandelion Sweetpease goes still and closes his eyes, an ethereal glow emanating
from his very skin. The soft green light grows slowly stronger as the child
screws up his face in concentration.
Suddenly, the child splits into a mass of laughing dandelion puffs that disperse
through Faethorn in a rapid wave!
You see Butter Sweetpease yell, "Dandelion, stop that...get back here!"
Butter Sweetpease runs around madly, flapping her arms in a blind panic.
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "My baby!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh no! The baby!!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh dear, Perri...!"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh dear!"
Butter Sweetpease says, "Oh dea.r.. what can make him come home?"
Butter Sweetpease peers around at the stoves, desperate for an idea.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease creases his brow in a frown.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Honeycake!"
A small ball of energy pauses briefly in his laughter as though listening.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Your cakes, Butter!"
Butter Sweetpease says, "A cake...what?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Your, your cakes!"
Butter Sweetpease pops a cake out of the oven and covers it with candied
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "If it is all the same to thee, will ye bring this
to the, ah... the pieces of my boy, Dandelion? He likes well to float around
like that, but I prefer my son whole!"
Butter Sweetpease hands a warm honey cake to Sioned.
--insert honeycake/puff spam here--
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "I prefer my son whole too..."
Perriwinkle Sweetpease jumps up and tries to grab the puffs floating by in the
Iwiertas raises his hands and clouds form and darken overhead, releasing a heavy
rain that drenches the area.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "Don't soak my son in the process!"
Butter Sweetpease seems to relax a bit.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease wraps a comforting arm around Butter Sweetpease.
Butter Sweetpease snuggles up close to Perriwinkle Sweetpease and leans
comfortably on him.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "They'll find all of him soon!"
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You ask, "How many is that now?"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh dear, I lost count!"
Veyda d'Illici says, "Have ten fae babies."
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Dear Gods, not that many! Imagine if they were all
this naughty!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease gulps nervously.
Butter Sweetpease fans herself with a hand, trying to keep her cool.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease fans Butter Sweetpease with a hand, trying to keep her
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "You all right, Butter?"
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "I was expecting one child, not, ah... one child
that suddenly becomes thirteen that flit around Faethorn like those strange
spores people speak of!"
Quatte arrives from the northwest.
The faintest breeze from the northwest brings with it a giggling dandelion puff.
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Oh Dandelion, ye silly boy!"
Humming cheerfully, Butter gathers a fuzzy dandelion puff into her arms.
Butter Sweetpease says, "Oh, my son, now that I have all of ye, will ye not
please Mum and come together again?"
Slowly, a warm green glow arises from Butter's arms and the fuzzy dandelion
puffs she holds. Childish laughter echoes around as they merge seamlessly
together, and in the next moment she lays her baby boy on the ground.
Butter laughs merrily as Dandelion babbles happily up at her as though telling
her all about his fine adventure.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "That's my boy!"
Butter Sweetpease gives Dandelion Sweetpease a friendly cuddle.
Butter Sweetpease says, "Do yer Mum a favour and not do that again, son."
Butter Sweetpease exclaims, "Thank ye all for the help!"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Who's your daddy?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease gives Dandelion Sweetpease a friendly cuddle.
Dandelion Sweetpease gurgles at Perriwinkle Sweetpease like a new born babe.
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Did you see that?"
Perriwinkle Sweetpease exclaims, "He gurgled at me!"
Dandelion Sweetpease holds out his arms for a hug.
You give Dandelion Sweetpease a compassionate hug.
Putting his little arms around you, Dandelion Sweetpease cuddles in close.
Aw, so cute.

Massively editted to cut out the 'zomg, cute' spam.
Unknown2008-08-26 03:15:02
Oh, see! He didn't explode, he just scattered!
Hazar2008-08-26 03:17:32
I was the last one in the room with the baby!
I also got to see him start throwing everyone who touched him through the air.
I also got to see him start throwing everyone who touched him through the air.
Unknown2008-08-26 04:04:57
I am amused by the fae baby.
Silvanus2008-08-26 04:05:07
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Who's your daddy?"
Diamondais2008-08-26 04:10:21
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Aug 26 2008, 12:05 AM) 550190
Perriwinkle Sweetpease says, "Who's your daddy?"
Aramel2008-08-26 04:17:26
Daedalion was going "Are you sure it's yours? It looks like me!" or something halfway through. 

Unknown2008-08-26 04:58:49

Aison2008-08-26 05:13:44
What's with the sudden attack of babies?!
I never new a Glom baby could be so... happy.
And cute!
I never new a Glom baby could be so... happy.
And cute!

Diamondais2008-08-26 05:15:48
QUOTE(Aison @ Aug 26 2008, 01:13 AM) 550204
What's with the sudden attack of babies?!
I never new a Glom baby could be so... happy.
And cute!
I never new a Glom baby could be so... happy.
And cute!

Glom baby?

It's a fae baby.
The Glom babies were hardly cute, or nice.
Shiri2008-08-26 05:16:28
QUOTE(Aison @ Aug 26 2008, 06:13 AM) 550204
What's with the sudden attack of babies?!
I never new a Glom baby could be so... happy.
And cute!
I never new a Glom baby could be so... happy.
And cute!

By no means is it a Gloom baby. It's Butter's and Perriwinkle's, and Seren and Glom both helped (Seren more, from what I saw, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.)
Unknown2008-08-26 19:53:37
First of all...
So cute.
Second of all, I logged on RIGHT as this was starting, and was disconnected about a quarter of the way through, only to reconnect for the naming. Seems like Butter's having us go on lots of 'find and retrieve' missions, isn't she?
Wish someone would post the boxly Riddle-Game. That was fun, except when the box beat us. Was fun to test out knowledge of Lusternian trivia, 'specially since I solved two of the riddles.

Second of all, I logged on RIGHT as this was starting, and was disconnected about a quarter of the way through, only to reconnect for the naming. Seems like Butter's having us go on lots of 'find and retrieve' missions, isn't she?
Wish someone would post the boxly Riddle-Game. That was fun, except when the box beat us. Was fun to test out knowledge of Lusternian trivia, 'specially since I solved two of the riddles.

Bhiele2008-08-26 23:26:01
Awww!! Dandelions and baby combined? I think I am D-E-D from cute. I bet it was like Anne Geddes gone wild.