Unknown2008-09-27 06:24:45
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Aes says, "Anyone want to join me on this expedition?"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Ok."
You teleport along the aether strands to Aes.
Atop an elaborate dais.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. A magnificent altar of gold-veined white quartz lies at the
centre of the dais, bearing ancient runes upon its surface. Squire Aes Dekoven,
Ward of Bellarin is here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, west, and northwest.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Aes says, "Let me know if your plan to teleport."
"Greetings!" Aes says with a smile.
You say, "It is."
Thick, oily smoke pours out of your mouth and creates an ankle-deep carpet of
seething black fog. As the smoke is soaked into the ground, the area turns
putrid and foul. This location is now tainted.
You nod your head sagely.
Chamber of charisma.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. A towering statue of King Gorgaliel, the Peacemaker stands at the
centre of the chamber.
You see a single exit leading south.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Aes says, "Anyone else?"
Atop an elaborate dais.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The high, vaulted ceiling is masked in shadows here,
towering above the open room and the raised dais. A many rayed star is laid out
in silver, etched with graceful precision into the flawless white marble of the
platform. Diaphanous red curtains hang over five identical arches, shrouding the
alcoves that lay beyond in enigma. A magnificent altar of gold-veined white
quartz lies at the centre of the dais, bearing ancient runes upon its surface.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin is here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, west, and northwest.
Hewn from gold-veined white quartz, the altar is roughly the size of an igasho
and taller than even the tallest dwarf. Borne upon the flat planes of its
surface are runes of unknown origin that glow with an eerie golden light. A
small hole at the foot of the altar catches your attention, its purpose
remaining unclear.
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--- atop an elaborate dais -------- 0:8:0 ---
You begin to follow Aes.
Aes's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
You discern:
You are standing in the Shallamurine Cathedral.
Your environment conforms to that of tainted urban.
You are within the continent of the Basin of Life.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.
Atop an elaborate dais.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The high, vaulted ceiling is masked in shadows here,
towering above the open room and the raised dais. A many rayed star is laid out
in silver, etched with graceful precision into the flawless white marble of the
platform. Diaphanous red curtains hang over five identical arches, shrouding the
alcoves that lay beyond in enigma. A magnificent altar of gold-veined white
quartz lies at the centre of the dais, bearing ancient runes upon its surface.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin is here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, west, and northwest.
Clarion voices echo through the halls as priestesses perform their daily
You say, "Anything you wanted to see?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Well....all of it."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "This is the main altar."
Atop an elaborate dais.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The high, vaulted ceiling is masked in shadows here,
towering above the open room and the raised dais. A many rayed star is laid out
in silver, etched with graceful precision into the flawless white marble of the
platform. Diaphanous red curtains hang over five identical arches, shrouding the
alcoves that lay beyond in enigma. A magnificent altar of gold-veined white
quartz lies at the centre of the dais, bearing ancient runes upon its surface.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin is here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, west, and northwest.
Aes nods her head emphatically.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Looks like something goes in the
The stillness of the moment is shattered by the sound of young priestesses at
work somewhere nearby.
You follow Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin north to chamber of charisma.
Aes puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
You say, "Off of that room, in the acloves, are statues to the Emanations."
Chamber of charisma.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of
clasped hands over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of King Gorgaliel, the
Peacemaker stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of
Bellarin is here.
You see a single exit leading south.
You say, "Here's Gorgaliel."
Aes nods her head emphatically.
Aes ponders a statue of Gorgaliel thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
Aes ponders you thoughtfully, looking you up and down.
Thick, oily smoke pours out of your mouth and creates an ankle-deep carpet of
seething black fog. As the smoke is soaked into the ground, the area turns
putrid and foul. This location is now tainted.
"Eep!", Aes screams in fright.
You say, "What?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Are you sure you can do that here?"
You say, "Yes."
You say, "I just did."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "No one will attack you will they?"
You say, "Might."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Maybe we shouldn't risk it."
You say, "If they do, I will make sure to kill them."
You say, "Rekill them, maybe."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Thats something I wanted to ask you
You say, "The place is naturally tainted."
You tilt your head and listen intently to Aes.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "This place is?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Aes puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Well anyway."
You say, "Got hit hard by the Taint. Everyone here but you is Undead."
Aes blinks.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "That may explain the reactions."
You say, "You wanted to ask me something?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "So, are you a killer, so to speak."
You say, "Yes."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Does that conflict with you ideals
about the fates making others easily killable?"
You shake your head.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "How so?"
You say, "People should not be killable, but there is nothing wrong with using
the fact that people are killable to kill people that want you to remain
You say, "I have nothing against dieing in general. Just me and other people who
do not want to die dieing."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Oh.."
Aes ponders a statue of Gorgaliel thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
You say, "Sort of like the differance between sex and rape."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Um right."
You say, "Rape is wrong because it is forced."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Please don't finsh that sentence."
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "Ok."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Sorry."
You say, "Feeling a mite prudish?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I've been hit on more in the past
three months more then I would have thought possible."
"Heh heh heh" you chuckle.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin (Female Elfen).
She is 34 years old, having been born on the 10th of Estar, 183 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
She is ranked 946th in Lusternia.
She is an extremely credible character.
She is a Riverwalker in the Fellowship of Explorers.
She is in the Urynmal eya Llanitha in the Divine Order of Elostian, the Enigma.
She is a graduate of the Empyreal Academy.
She is a member of the clan called 'Seekers Of The Eternal Flame.'
She is a member of the clan called 'The Armies of Light.'
She is a member of the clan called 'The Dekoven Lineage.'
Her motto: 'If I could make my dreams a reality...'
She is considered to be approximately 5% of your might.
She is a third generation member of the Great House of Dekoven.
See HONOURS FULL AES to view her 1 special honours.
You say, "By who?"
You say, "Celestians?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Almost everyone."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "A few glom faelings."
You say, "The same has happened to me."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "A lot of Seren girls."
You say, "Though, I was a rotting corpse at the time."
You say, "Strange how people overlook that."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "One thrid of the corp."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "And a couple of guys in the city."
You say, "Did you say yes to any of them?"
Aes shakes her head.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I'm weird I know...."
Clarion voices echo through the halls as priestesses perform their daily
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "One ofthe guys thought Nerra and i
Aes shivers violently.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Sorry....I'm ranting."
Narsrim glides in from the south.
Narsrim points an ominous beryl crown towards the south, and sparks fly out of
An icewall rises up to the south.
A wall blocks your way.
You can't burrow in this environment.
Narsrim ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Chamber of charisma.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of
clasped hands over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of King Gorgaliel, the
Peacemaker stands at the centre of the chamber. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the south. Aes is here, pondering thoughtfully. Justiciar Narsrim
D'cente` is here. He wields a gnarled iron tahto staff with both hands.
You see a single exit leading south.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Whast going on?"
Narsrim raises his hand in greeting and says "Hi!"
You say, "We are studying history."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Chamber of charisma.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of
clasped hands over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of King Gorgaliel, the
Peacemaker stands at the centre of the chamber. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the south. Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` is here. He wields a gnarled
iron tahto staff with both hands. Aes is here, pondering thoughtfully.
You see a single exit leading south.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "I don't think it is very appropriate for a
Paladin to be studying with a Geomancer, no?"
You say, "Ordermates."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Elostian."
You nod your head emphatically.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "It's still a violation of Celestian law."
You say, "Don't you have rules for Elostian's Order?"
You say, "We are allowed to debate things, or some such?"
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "We have rules handed down by the Supernals, I
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "This is an expedition."
You say, "Study the history of the Light."
You say, "Gorgaliel and Gorgulu as well as the coming of the Taint and the
fleeing of the Fates."
The stillness of the moment is shattered by the sound of young priestesses at
work somewhere nearby.
You say, "You can stay, just to make sure that I do not corrupt her or
Narsrim jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
Chamber of charisma.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks, "What is going on here?"
Narsrim points accusingly at you.
You doff a putrescent white corpse-skin hat cordially.
Chamber of charisma.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of
clasped hands over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of King Gorgaliel, the
Peacemaker stands at the centre of the chamber. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the south. Aes is here, pondering thoughtfully. Holy Mother Aison
La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here, shrouded. She wields a white gold tower
shield bearing a symbol in her left hand and a gleaming symbol of hope in her
right. Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` is here. He wields a gnarled iron tahto staff
with both hands.
You see a single exit leading south.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "This is an expedtion for our study."
You say, "Discussion on the nature of the Fates and Shallamar."
You say, "For the Order."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "You said you came
here to explore. You did not mention you were going to invite a maggot."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "Likewise, the history of Gorgulu is well
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I asked the whole order if they
would like to come, She was the only one who came."
Aison takes a drink from a glowing beryl vial.
Aison eats a horehound blossom.
You say, "Gorgaliel's?"
Narsrim nods his head emphatically.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "He like each of the Holy Emanations was
poisoned by the Taint."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Warped the worst by any,
if you ask me."
You say, "Aes does not seem to know much about the philosophies advocated by
Gorgaliel or about the nature of Shallamar before the Taint."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks you, "And I suppose you
think you're one to educate her?"
You say, "Would you like to help?"
You say, "More veiws is always better."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "And why would he be seaching in a tainted hole
such as this for those answers when they are well recorded in say... the World
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "She, my apologies."
You say, "This is a church to the Holy Emanations."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "This statue is use in a ritual to summon
Narsrim points accusingly at a statue of Gorgaliel.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted removes the spectacles from her
nose and huffs on each lens. Delicately, she cleans each one before replacing
the spectacles, now clean, back on the indent on the bridge of her nose.
Aison nods her head emphatically.
You say, "I don't plan on doing it."
You say, "I need my reserves."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Denust told me about the
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "He's in the Order of Elostian as
Aison slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Aison mutters and traces a glowing circle before her. She steps through the
circle and suddenly vanishes from sight.
You nod your head in agreement.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "However knowing the ways of the Tainted..."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "It would be very much like your kind to
confuse a young Celestian into accidently summoning Marani."
Aes shakes her head.
You say, "Why would we do that? We would suffer just as badly."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I was warned to leave Marani alone."
You say, "Marani is a Heretic."
You say, "A Fatalist and an evil abomination."
You say, "I am not planning to raise her."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "Magnagora is an evil abomination. The Demon
Lords are evil abominations. And you, Iytha, are an evil abdomination. Your
twisted lies are not effective against one such as I, but I am worried for Aes."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says to Aes, "And as you do not know how to summon
Marani, how can you be certain you will not accidently do so?"
You say, "You can stay and listen, to insure that I do not speak any lies."
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "This very chamber is a keystone in the
You say, "And to prevent the summoning."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "It's difficult to dissect your words when you
are not speaking."
Narsrim taps his foot with mild impatience.
You say, "You will listen, than? Excellent."
You say to Aes, "What were you wanting to ask before Narsrim showed up?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Um...isn't that the statue of your
master before he was tainted?"
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Gorgaliel did infact become Gorgulu."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "He was a peacemaker."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Leader of Shallamar and a advocate of peace and trust."
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
You say, "During the Taint, He became Gorgulu and turned inward, leaving the
Throne to Luciphage."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "What do you mean by "turned inward"?"
You say, "Shall we head to Lucipage's statue? A good look at him could help."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Do peace and tust speak to you in
You say, "He stopped paying attention to anything but His hungers."
You say to Aes, "I like peace, in general."
An invisible, feather-light touch upon your skin sends a foreboding chill down
your spine.
You say, "Any of you just feel something?"
You say, "Maybe a draft."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks, "The chill?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "It happens often here."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "Can you describe these hungers?"
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "I find it strange a former leader of the Holy
Emanations would suddenly abdicate his position because he was "hungry.""
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "Of course, I imagine there is more to the
You say, "He desires perfection of the physical form, which He thinks to look
like the Soulless or the Primal Gods. He wants essence, power and knowledge of
bodies. Generally, He gets that by eating them."
You say, "He is also quite insane, full of mental afflictions."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "There we go. We're getting closer to the
You say, "He uses physical and mental disease as a weapon, like the Soulless
It is now the 25th of Vestian, 217 years after the Coming of Estarra.
You say, "Fight fire with fire and such."
The air around Aison blurs as she chants under her breath. She shakes her head
and blinks in confusion.
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Fighting fire with fire
usually results in an even bigger fire."
You shrug helplessly.
The icewall to the south collapses into a pile of chipped ice.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says to Aes, "Gorgulu was the most twisted by the
Taint of all the Holy Emanations. This is likely the result of him being the
closest in sync with Shallamar. His very body and mind were broken down by the
You say, "That is a matter of philosophy. We could spend days discussing if
Gorgulu's actions were a good idea or not and not further Aes's education a
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says to Aes, "What remains is an ooze-like form that
starves for attention. It hungers for that which it cannot have. The peacemaker
is eternally without peace."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "Lady Elohora can purge the Taint from the form
of Gorgulu and reform him, albeit to a lesser extent, into his former angelic
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
You say, "Wouldn't say angelic."
You say, "But Lightish, for sure."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "This form resembles Gorgaliel and it strikes
out at Magnagora for the pain it has caused him."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "What is subjective? Might you offer any
evidence to the contrary?"
An invisible, feather-light touch upon your skin sends a foreboding chill down
your spine.
Aes shivers violently.
You say, "Not sure if the living templates of Shallmar are infact angels."
You say, "Very few recall what they looked like."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "I was using the word more in a philosophical
sense than an actual."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "However, the form is angel-like."
You say, "Indeed."
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "It has two feathery wings. A halo. And so on."
You say, "Like this statue."
Narsrim nods his head emphatically.
The visage of an austere man of middle years has been crafted with loving detail
into this solid white marble statue. The stone seems to flow with an elegance
that is as natural as breathing, so life like as if it were ready to move at any
moment. His head bowed and his hands cupped as if praying for supplication, the
statue exudes a profound sense of something ancient and undefinable.
It weighs about 2000 pounds.
You say, "But less stony."
You say, "On to Lucipage?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says to Aison, "Maybe we go to the next?"
Aes shakes her head.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I mean may we."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Narsrim can lead
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "I have matters to attend to, but I suggest you
<-----At this point, Narsrim goes of to raid Nil----->
Comprehension flashes across Aison's face.
Aison beckons Aes to her.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "Seek... a more detailed history after this."
You begin to follow Aison.
Justiciar Narsrim D'cente` says, "I find this lacking."
Narsrim inclines his head politely to those around him.
Narsrim spreads his arms wide, and the air between his hands begins to warp and
twist, dancing with brilliant multicoloured light as he bores a hole through the
fabric of the planes.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted south to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted northeast to chamber
of compassion.
Aison points a simple gold ring towards the southwest, and sparks fly out of it.
An icewall rises up to the southwest.
Chamber of compassion.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of
folded wings over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Luciphage, Lord of
Compassion stands at the centre of the chamber. Exquisite in every detail, a
priestess clad in black robes coldly studies her surroundings. An icewall is
here, blocking passage to the southwest. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin is
here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here, shrouded. She
wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand and a
gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southwest.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Commpassion, I was told that Lady
Raziela is of Love and compassion."
Chamber of compassion.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of
folded wings over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Luciphage, Lord of
Compassion stands at the centre of the chamber. Exquisite in every detail, a
priestess clad in black robes coldly studies her surroundings. An icewall is
here, blocking passage to the southwest. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the
Exalted is here, shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol
in her left hand and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right. Squire Aes Dekoven,
Ward of Bellarin is here.
You see a single exit leading southwest.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "She is."
You say, "Luciphage is as well."
The statue is hewn from a single piece of flawless marble and depicts a youthful
man with long, flowing locks and an angular cast to his face. He stands poised
and his graceful build is wrapped effortlessly in the falling waves of an
elaborate robe. An aura of something old and powerful hangs about the life like
figure as he stands tall and imperious in the centre of the chamber.
It weighs about 2000 pounds.
Looking in Iytha's direction, Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted
says, "That doesn't mean we are passive towards the Tainted, however."
You say, "Or was, depending on the veiw point."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Words can strike as well as the
sword, maybe better."
You say, "Luciphage formerly wanted mortals to act out towards eachother in a
way that furthered the Light, helped others and spread happiness."
You say, "Now, He wants to spread the teachings of Nihilism, the Taint and
Undeath, along with all the effects of such. He, along with Magnagora, thinks
that that is a positive goal. Celest disagrees."
You say, "He rules Nil with an iron fist, enforcing Nihilistic morality and
pushing us towards power and domination."
You say, "Which is either a good think or a bad thing, depending on who you
A flash of cold, pale light rises out of Caoimhe Dell before quickly fading,
mixed with a high-pitched, mad cackle.
Unknown2008-09-27 06:26:38
Aes puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Whereas the Light does not
test us with puzzles or demand things from us. It asks that we remain faithful
to it."
You say, "I suppose here would be a good spot to explain the idea of Damnation,
I think."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Rei used to tell me...that Power
without wisdom or discipline was useless."
You nod your head at Aes.
You say, "Luciphage would agree with that."
You say, "Power guided with purpose and a clear vision of the future."
Clarion voices echo through the halls as priestesses perform their daily
You say to Aison, "Care to say anything before I move on to Damnation?"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "No, go on."
Aison points a thin platinum ring with arabesque design towards the southwest,
and sparks fly out of it.
The icewall to the southwest quickly melts as Aison ignites it.
The sound of young women gossiping filters past you from somewhere in the
You say, "Nihilism is an Antifatalistic religion. That is to say, Nihilists are
against the Fates and think the Fates are evil."
Snorting slightly, Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says,
You say, "They think that Atropos bringing death is wrong and avoid dieing, that
Clotho's shaping of the mortal body is poorly done and transform the body and
think that Lachesis's will is malign and work to work towards their own will."
You say, "As a result, Fatalism, the worship of the Fates, is antinihilistic."
You say, "The Fates do not like Nihilists and punish the Nihilists."
You say, "That is Damnation."
You say, "The Nihilists think the disobeying the Fates is good and that, as a
result, Damnation is good."
You say, "Ill fortune is a sign of virtue."
You say, "Is all that clear?"
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Aison? Anything to add?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Kind of like giving merit to a one
armed paladin for being a good fighter."
You ponder the situation.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "He's still a good fighter even with
one arm."
You say, "More like one who repeatedly dies in the defense of Celest."
You say, "Getting harmed for the sake of virtue."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "That too."
You say, "Nihilists would consider lacking an arm a sin."
You say, "You should spend the 10 gold needed to borrow a regeneration salve."
You say, "Shall we go to Baalphegar?"
The sound of young women gossiping filters past you from somewhere in the
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted southwest to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted east to chamber of
Chamber of knowledge.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of an
open book over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Baalphegar, the Grand
Sage of the Fates stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward
of Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading west.
You say, "Baalphegar, before the Taint, spend his time spying on the Fates."
You say, "Still does."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Spying?"
You say, "Watching while trying not to be seen."
You say, "We do not know if it worked."
You say, "He does watch Them, thouhg."
You cough softly.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Common is hard for me too."
You say, "This brings us to the concept of prophesy."
You say, "There are several subsets of prophesy."
You say, "First, and most important morally, is the divide between spying of the
Fates and getting direct prophesy."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "That sounds a bit more enthical then
You say, "Watching the Fates and then applying moral judgement is a good thing.
Obeying the Fates without making moral judgement is abhorent to a Nihilist."
You say, "I suppose."
You yawn suddenly and mightily.
You say, "The other division of Prophesy is between which Fate you are
Soft light suffuses the cathedral, bathing everything in a gentle, luminous
Aison slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Aison mutters and traces a glowing circle before her. She steps through the
circle and suddenly vanishes from sight.
You say, "Are you looking for the planned Fate for a baby, someone's planned
fortunes in life or the planned course of someone death."
You say, "Understand a bit more about prophesy?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I don't agree with divinations
You say, "Not going to go into methods, as I do not think you are prepared to
make ethical judgements."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Probebly not."
You nod your head in agreement.
You say, "Nifilhema or Ashtorath next?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Either is fine, the closest I guess."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
You say, "Ashtorath, I think."
You say, "Ooh."
You say, "Wait."
Aes tilts her head and listens intently.
You say, "A little side note."
Aes tilts her head and listens intently.
Clarion voices echo through the halls as priestesses perform their daily
You say, "Both before and after the Taint, Baalphegar practiced deception. He
spyed on the Fates and advocates spying on others and taking knowledge by any
means it can be gathered."
You say, "Now to Ashtorath."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Wait."
You say, "Oh?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "He practiced -before- as well as
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Spying on the Fates."
Aes puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
You say, "He wanted to know and did not care that the Fates might say no to
The stillness of the moment is shattered by the sound of young priestesses at
work somewhere nearby.
You say, "He's expanded the idea quite a bit, but He's always done it."
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted west to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted west to chamber of
Chamber of strength.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of two
bells over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate slate
blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Ashtorath, Blessed Lord of the
Golden Bells stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of
Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading east.
You say, "Here's the statue of Ashtorath, Blessed Lord of the Golden Bells."
The stillness of the moment is shattered by the sound of young priestesses at
work somewhere nearby.
You say, "Ashtorath, before the Taint, was a very happy, joyful half-formed of
great strength."
You say, "Post-taint, He has grown angry and wrathful."
Aes gives a pained sigh.
You say, "He sees any slight or failure, no matter how small, as a great offense
and wants to crush anyone that does wrong by Him."
You yawn suddenly and mightily.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Do you need to rest?"
You say, "I can hang on."
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "In His veiw, justice is best served by destroying anyone that does a
You say, "He does not care for converting or enlightening, just for crushing any
that are not right untill only those that are remain."
You say, "Baalphegar, Gorgulu and Luciphage prefer conversion."
You say, "Questions so far?"
Aes shakes her head.
You say, "Want to hear about the bells?"
Aes nods her head emphatically.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Run away,
Narsrim, how typical. Come back when you are ready t."
Aison chuckles long and heartily.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "... to finish my sentences
for me."
You nod your head at Aison.
You say, "Ashtorath played and plays His Clarion on Nil."
You say, "It is like a piano, but with thirteen bells."
You say, "The Golden Bells."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
Vassago died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "I do wish he would stop that."
You say, "On to Nifilhema?"
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted east to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted northwest to chamber
of beauty.
Chamber of beauty.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of a
blooming rose over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Nifilhema, the Queen of
Illustrious Beauty stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward
of Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Yeah, run
away again. Wow, you are so great. You make Forren look brave."
The Lord's Jester, Doman, Fool of the Exalted Court shouts, "Shikha. We know you
need the ego stroking, but please, spare our ears."
You say, "Nifilhema was the Queen of Illustrious Beauty."
Hewn entirely from a single piece of flawless white marble, this statue stands
noble and tall in the middle of the otherwise empty chamber. Depicted in radiant
detail is a beautiful woman in full bloom, her head bowed in silent prayer and
her hands cupped before her. Extremely detailed from head to toe, the long hair
of the statue falls in waves down her back, looking for all the world as if a
comb could be run through it. An air of something old and unknowable hangs about
the statue, imposing in its mysteriousness.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "This has
nothing to do with you. Unless you want to prolong my shouting, shut up."
You say, "See how she looks?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I'd say that it the internal comeing
You say, "She has always supported art and beauty."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "....but thats just me."
You say to Aes, "Like intestines?"
You tilt your head curiously.
Aison creases her brow in a frown.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Uh no."
You say, "Just a joke."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Eheh."
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Now, Nifilhema loves torture, which She sees as the highest of arts."
The breathy song of an angelic choir fills the air, as a beam of white light
descends from the heavens upon which travels a celestial archangel who bows to
Chamber of beauty.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of a
blooming rose over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Nifilhema, the Queen of
Illustrious Beauty stands at the centre of the chamber. Limned with holy fire, a
celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating cloud, regarding you with her
sympathetic eyes of light. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin is here. Holy
Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here, shrouded. She wields a white
gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand and a gleaming symbol of
hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
You doff a putrescent white corpse-skin hat cordially to a celestial archangel.
A celestial archangel smiles gloriously, eyes glowing with holy power.
Aison bows her head in prayer and is surrounded by a nimbus of light. She places
a hand upon the shoulder of a celestial archangel, whose eyes briefly flare with
a blinding luminescence.
Aison takes a long drag off her pipe.
Aison takes a drink from a coral vial.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Aison.
You say, "The Light and the Supernals disagree that torture is art."
Pulling a celestial archangel aside, Aison excitedly whispers into her ear. A
celestial archangel spreads her wings which burst into holy flame, and she
salutes Aison with her blazing sword.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says to Aison, "Is everything alright?"
You say, "I do hope that you do not intend to attack."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Yes, was just
missing a few defences."
Aes wipes the back of her hand across her head in relief as she mutters, "Whew."
You say, "Ah, good."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "If I were here to
kill you, I would have done it already."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "I try not to attack
unless provoked."
You nod your head emphatically.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says to you, "So is taught by Lord
Aes's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Shall I explain the Nihilistic veiw on torture?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Ehhh....ok?"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted has lost you.
The eyes of Aison go briefly out of focus.
Daedalion has been scared to death by Aquamage Elodres Diluculo's phantom
Aison reads a scroll.
You say, "In essence, torture is an art form. It shows both the sorrow that
mortalkind is so fragile and limited in the body while also showing that we are
able to overcome these limits through the mind."
You say, "If an arm is broken, we can repair it with mending."
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Run again."
You say, "If it is chopped off, regeneration."
You say, "If you die, vitae."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Or as the case may be for
you, lich."
You nod your head at Aison.
You say, "If you are cursed with stupidity or other mental afflictions,
You say, "Any ill can be cured."
You say, "All that holds us back is fear."
The eyes of Aison go briefly out of focus.
Smiling, Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Sila and sati can make the
body stronger."
You say, "Baseless, pointless fear. Fear of pain, fear of death, fear of
passion, fear of change."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
You say, "We mortals are the heirs to the Gods. We need not fear."
The shadows flicker and dance at the corners of your vision but still when
looked upon directly.
You say, "I hope this has cleared a few things up."
You say to Aison, "I had wanted to ask you something."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks you, "Yes?"
You say to Aison, "Aes has expressed an intrest in seeing the House of the
Prophets. May she?"
(Magnagora): Gavriel says, "Is anyone in need of a Lich Seed currently?"
Aison creases her brow in a frown.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Moment, stay here."
Aison searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
You nod your head emphatically.
Aes exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs.
You say, "Afraid?"
Shric has been torn to shreds by The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani,
Charm of Requiem.
Esano died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
Aes nods her head emphatically.
Aes jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Ran again."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
Chamber of beauty.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of a
blooming rose over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Nifilhema, the Queen of
Illustrious Beauty stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward
of Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "You?"
You doff a putrescent white corpse-skin hat cordially to Aison.
Esano died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
You see the following people here:
Aison, Aes, Iytha
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "You wanted to take
her to the House of Prophets?"
The Lord's Jester, Doman, Fool of the Exalted Court shouts, "Shikha, I was
polite last time. Not again. Shut up, no one wants to hear your voice. No one."
Esano died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks you, "Is that in the
You shake your head.
You say, "Inside the city limits of Magnagora. Undercity."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Aha, that's right."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I think there is another way t oget
You shake your head at Aes.
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "I don't think you
should go, but I won't stop you."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Father Creslin
traveled to Magnagora once, much like yourself, questioning and curious."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted frowns and says to Aes, "They
tried to perform a ritual on him."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "What kind?"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks Aes, "What kind do you
think, Aes?"
You say, "I recall that."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Iytha has spent the
last day explaining to you that the Demon Lords believe in torture and endless
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "For the greater good."
An invisible, feather-light touch upon your skin sends a foreboding chill down
your spine.
Aes shivers violently.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Still, if you
choose to go, and are killed, kidnapped, or bound..."
You say, "She will not be."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted intones to you, "Threats are
useless to you. But I think you will know what will happen."
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
You say, "Forcing her would be counter productive."
You say, "I have full faith that all people are able to come to understand the
evils of the Fates and the glory of Damnation."-
You say, "Willingly."
Melville died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
Aison shakes her head.
She is an ordinary human and is a testament to moderation. Her hair is a
stringent mass of red curls, which settle against her shoulders and back, neatly
pulled away from her face with decorative white ribbons. A homely appearance,
coupled with a large nose, complements her short stature. When she smiles a tiny
gap is revealed between her two front teeth. Green eyes vividly stick out from
her weathered, worn face, which is kissed with freckles like most of her body.
She is wearing a gorgeous diamond ring, 2 thin platinum ring with arabesque
designs, a dazzling confetti ring, a shimmering blue cloak, a ring depicting
angelic figures, 2 simple gold rings, an onyx tiara dusted with a sea of stars,
a celestial wedding band of white gold, a fesix backpack, diamond prayer beads,
2 onyx bracelets of shooting stars, lustral ivory robes trimmed with golden
lace, Spectacles of Clairvoyance, a dark blue coat, an ivory pendant bearing a
symbol, and Gloves of Mastery.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Such fallacies."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "You believe and trust in
the things that destroy."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "I can see your viewpoint.
But it's skewed and insane nonetheless."
You say, "And you have always been quite understanding when we speak. I commend
You say, "Though, I recall a while back we spoke of Atropos."
You flash Aison a joyous smile.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "I can't recall."
You say, "You were quite willing to denouce genocide then."
Aison chuckles long and heartily.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Naivety."
You say, "Death is death, wrong is wrong. The doer of deeds does not matter."
You say, "Only the justice of the deed."
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
You say, "Power is no excuse to be above Justice."
Aison searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
You curtsey respectfully before Aison.
Aes waves goodbye.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Whereas the Light does not
test us with puzzles or demand things from us. It asks that we remain faithful
to it."
You say, "I suppose here would be a good spot to explain the idea of Damnation,
I think."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Rei used to tell me...that Power
without wisdom or discipline was useless."
You nod your head at Aes.
You say, "Luciphage would agree with that."
You say, "Power guided with purpose and a clear vision of the future."
Clarion voices echo through the halls as priestesses perform their daily
You say to Aison, "Care to say anything before I move on to Damnation?"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "No, go on."
Aison points a thin platinum ring with arabesque design towards the southwest,
and sparks fly out of it.
The icewall to the southwest quickly melts as Aison ignites it.
The sound of young women gossiping filters past you from somewhere in the
You say, "Nihilism is an Antifatalistic religion. That is to say, Nihilists are
against the Fates and think the Fates are evil."
Snorting slightly, Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says,
You say, "They think that Atropos bringing death is wrong and avoid dieing, that
Clotho's shaping of the mortal body is poorly done and transform the body and
think that Lachesis's will is malign and work to work towards their own will."
You say, "As a result, Fatalism, the worship of the Fates, is antinihilistic."
You say, "The Fates do not like Nihilists and punish the Nihilists."
You say, "That is Damnation."
You say, "The Nihilists think the disobeying the Fates is good and that, as a
result, Damnation is good."
You say, "Ill fortune is a sign of virtue."
You say, "Is all that clear?"
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Aison? Anything to add?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Kind of like giving merit to a one
armed paladin for being a good fighter."
You ponder the situation.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "He's still a good fighter even with
one arm."
You say, "More like one who repeatedly dies in the defense of Celest."
You say, "Getting harmed for the sake of virtue."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "That too."
You say, "Nihilists would consider lacking an arm a sin."
You say, "You should spend the 10 gold needed to borrow a regeneration salve."
You say, "Shall we go to Baalphegar?"
The sound of young women gossiping filters past you from somewhere in the
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted southwest to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted east to chamber of
Chamber of knowledge.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of an
open book over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Baalphegar, the Grand
Sage of the Fates stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward
of Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading west.
You say, "Baalphegar, before the Taint, spend his time spying on the Fates."
You say, "Still does."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Spying?"
You say, "Watching while trying not to be seen."
You say, "We do not know if it worked."
You say, "He does watch Them, thouhg."
You cough softly.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Common is hard for me too."
You say, "This brings us to the concept of prophesy."
You say, "There are several subsets of prophesy."
You say, "First, and most important morally, is the divide between spying of the
Fates and getting direct prophesy."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "That sounds a bit more enthical then
You say, "Watching the Fates and then applying moral judgement is a good thing.
Obeying the Fates without making moral judgement is abhorent to a Nihilist."
You say, "I suppose."
You yawn suddenly and mightily.
You say, "The other division of Prophesy is between which Fate you are
Soft light suffuses the cathedral, bathing everything in a gentle, luminous
Aison slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception.
Aison mutters and traces a glowing circle before her. She steps through the
circle and suddenly vanishes from sight.
You say, "Are you looking for the planned Fate for a baby, someone's planned
fortunes in life or the planned course of someone death."
You say, "Understand a bit more about prophesy?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I don't agree with divinations
You say, "Not going to go into methods, as I do not think you are prepared to
make ethical judgements."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Probebly not."
You nod your head in agreement.
You say, "Nifilhema or Ashtorath next?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Either is fine, the closest I guess."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
You say, "Ashtorath, I think."
You say, "Ooh."
You say, "Wait."
Aes tilts her head and listens intently.
You say, "A little side note."
Aes tilts her head and listens intently.
Clarion voices echo through the halls as priestesses perform their daily
You say, "Both before and after the Taint, Baalphegar practiced deception. He
spyed on the Fates and advocates spying on others and taking knowledge by any
means it can be gathered."
You say, "Now to Ashtorath."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Wait."
You say, "Oh?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "He practiced -before- as well as
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Spying on the Fates."
Aes puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
You say, "He wanted to know and did not care that the Fates might say no to
The stillness of the moment is shattered by the sound of young priestesses at
work somewhere nearby.
You say, "He's expanded the idea quite a bit, but He's always done it."
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted west to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted west to chamber of
Chamber of strength.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of two
bells over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate slate
blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Ashtorath, Blessed Lord of the
Golden Bells stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of
Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading east.
You say, "Here's the statue of Ashtorath, Blessed Lord of the Golden Bells."
The stillness of the moment is shattered by the sound of young priestesses at
work somewhere nearby.
You say, "Ashtorath, before the Taint, was a very happy, joyful half-formed of
great strength."
You say, "Post-taint, He has grown angry and wrathful."
Aes gives a pained sigh.
You say, "He sees any slight or failure, no matter how small, as a great offense
and wants to crush anyone that does wrong by Him."
You yawn suddenly and mightily.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Do you need to rest?"
You say, "I can hang on."
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "In His veiw, justice is best served by destroying anyone that does a
You say, "He does not care for converting or enlightening, just for crushing any
that are not right untill only those that are remain."
You say, "Baalphegar, Gorgulu and Luciphage prefer conversion."
You say, "Questions so far?"
Aes shakes her head.
You say, "Want to hear about the bells?"
Aes nods her head emphatically.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Run away,
Narsrim, how typical. Come back when you are ready t."
Aison chuckles long and heartily.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "... to finish my sentences
for me."
You nod your head at Aison.
You say, "Ashtorath played and plays His Clarion on Nil."
You say, "It is like a piano, but with thirteen bells."
You say, "The Golden Bells."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
Vassago died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "I do wish he would stop that."
You say, "On to Nifilhema?"
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted east to atop an
elaborate dais.
You follow Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted northwest to chamber
of beauty.
Chamber of beauty.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of a
blooming rose over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Nifilhema, the Queen of
Illustrious Beauty stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward
of Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Yeah, run
away again. Wow, you are so great. You make Forren look brave."
The Lord's Jester, Doman, Fool of the Exalted Court shouts, "Shikha. We know you
need the ego stroking, but please, spare our ears."
You say, "Nifilhema was the Queen of Illustrious Beauty."
Hewn entirely from a single piece of flawless white marble, this statue stands
noble and tall in the middle of the otherwise empty chamber. Depicted in radiant
detail is a beautiful woman in full bloom, her head bowed in silent prayer and
her hands cupped before her. Extremely detailed from head to toe, the long hair
of the statue falls in waves down her back, looking for all the world as if a
comb could be run through it. An air of something old and unknowable hangs about
the statue, imposing in its mysteriousness.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "This has
nothing to do with you. Unless you want to prolong my shouting, shut up."
You say, "See how she looks?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I'd say that it the internal comeing
You say, "She has always supported art and beauty."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "....but thats just me."
You say to Aes, "Like intestines?"
You tilt your head curiously.
Aison creases her brow in a frown.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Uh no."
You say, "Just a joke."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Eheh."
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Now, Nifilhema loves torture, which She sees as the highest of arts."
The breathy song of an angelic choir fills the air, as a beam of white light
descends from the heavens upon which travels a celestial archangel who bows to
Chamber of beauty.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of a
blooming rose over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Nifilhema, the Queen of
Illustrious Beauty stands at the centre of the chamber. Limned with holy fire, a
celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating cloud, regarding you with her
sympathetic eyes of light. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin is here. Holy
Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here, shrouded. She wields a white
gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand and a gleaming symbol of
hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
You doff a putrescent white corpse-skin hat cordially to a celestial archangel.
A celestial archangel smiles gloriously, eyes glowing with holy power.
Aison bows her head in prayer and is surrounded by a nimbus of light. She places
a hand upon the shoulder of a celestial archangel, whose eyes briefly flare with
a blinding luminescence.
Aison takes a long drag off her pipe.
Aison takes a drink from a coral vial.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Aison.
You say, "The Light and the Supernals disagree that torture is art."
Pulling a celestial archangel aside, Aison excitedly whispers into her ear. A
celestial archangel spreads her wings which burst into holy flame, and she
salutes Aison with her blazing sword.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says to Aison, "Is everything alright?"
You say, "I do hope that you do not intend to attack."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Yes, was just
missing a few defences."
Aes wipes the back of her hand across her head in relief as she mutters, "Whew."
You say, "Ah, good."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "If I were here to
kill you, I would have done it already."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "I try not to attack
unless provoked."
You nod your head emphatically.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says to you, "So is taught by Lord
Aes's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Shall I explain the Nihilistic veiw on torture?"
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Ehhh....ok?"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted has lost you.
The eyes of Aison go briefly out of focus.
Daedalion has been scared to death by Aquamage Elodres Diluculo's phantom
Aison reads a scroll.
You say, "In essence, torture is an art form. It shows both the sorrow that
mortalkind is so fragile and limited in the body while also showing that we are
able to overcome these limits through the mind."
You say, "If an arm is broken, we can repair it with mending."
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Run again."
You say, "If it is chopped off, regeneration."
You say, "If you die, vitae."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Or as the case may be for
you, lich."
You nod your head at Aison.
You say, "If you are cursed with stupidity or other mental afflictions,
You say, "Any ill can be cured."
You say, "All that holds us back is fear."
The eyes of Aison go briefly out of focus.
Smiling, Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "Sila and sati can make the
body stronger."
You say, "Baseless, pointless fear. Fear of pain, fear of death, fear of
passion, fear of change."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
You say, "We mortals are the heirs to the Gods. We need not fear."
The shadows flicker and dance at the corners of your vision but still when
looked upon directly.
You say, "I hope this has cleared a few things up."
You say to Aison, "I had wanted to ask you something."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks you, "Yes?"
You say to Aison, "Aes has expressed an intrest in seeing the House of the
Prophets. May she?"
(Magnagora): Gavriel says, "Is anyone in need of a Lich Seed currently?"
Aison creases her brow in a frown.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Moment, stay here."
Aison searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
You nod your head emphatically.
Aes exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs.
You say, "Afraid?"
Shric has been torn to shreds by The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani,
Charm of Requiem.
Esano died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
Aes nods her head emphatically.
Aes jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light.
The Queen's Own Torturer, Shikha d'Murani, Charm of Requiem echoes, "Ran again."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
Chamber of beauty.
The area is suffused with an eerie, deep blue light, signifying a healing shrine
of Elostian nearby. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches
up to the sky. The room itself is rather plain save for a silvery sigil of a
blooming rose over the archway. The white walls are utterly blank and immaculate
slate blue tiles cover the floor. A towering statue of Nifilhema, the Queen of
Illustrious Beauty stands at the centre of the chamber. Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward
of Bellarin is here. Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted is here,
shrouded. She wields a white gold tower shield bearing a symbol in her left hand
and a gleaming symbol of hope in her right.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "You?"
You doff a putrescent white corpse-skin hat cordially to Aison.
Esano died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
You see the following people here:
Aison, Aes, Iytha
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "You wanted to take
her to the House of Prophets?"
The Lord's Jester, Doman, Fool of the Exalted Court shouts, "Shikha, I was
polite last time. Not again. Shut up, no one wants to hear your voice. No one."
Esano died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks you, "Is that in the
You shake your head.
You say, "Inside the city limits of Magnagora. Undercity."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Aha, that's right."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "I think there is another way t oget
You shake your head at Aes.
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "I don't think you
should go, but I won't stop you."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Father Creslin
traveled to Magnagora once, much like yourself, questioning and curious."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted frowns and says to Aes, "They
tried to perform a ritual on him."
Squire Aes Dekoven, Ward of Bellarin says, "What kind?"
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted asks Aes, "What kind do you
think, Aes?"
You say, "I recall that."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Iytha has spent the
last day explaining to you that the Demon Lords believe in torture and endless
Aes nods her head emphatically.
You say, "For the greater good."
An invisible, feather-light touch upon your skin sends a foreboding chill down
your spine.
Aes shivers violently.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to Aes, "Still, if you
choose to go, and are killed, kidnapped, or bound..."
You say, "She will not be."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted intones to you, "Threats are
useless to you. But I think you will know what will happen."
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
You say, "Forcing her would be counter productive."
You say, "I have full faith that all people are able to come to understand the
evils of the Fates and the glory of Damnation."-
You say, "Willingly."
Melville died to the martial prowess of Justiciar Narsrim D'cente`.
Aison shakes her head.
She is an ordinary human and is a testament to moderation. Her hair is a
stringent mass of red curls, which settle against her shoulders and back, neatly
pulled away from her face with decorative white ribbons. A homely appearance,
coupled with a large nose, complements her short stature. When she smiles a tiny
gap is revealed between her two front teeth. Green eyes vividly stick out from
her weathered, worn face, which is kissed with freckles like most of her body.
She is wearing a gorgeous diamond ring, 2 thin platinum ring with arabesque
designs, a dazzling confetti ring, a shimmering blue cloak, a ring depicting
angelic figures, 2 simple gold rings, an onyx tiara dusted with a sea of stars,
a celestial wedding band of white gold, a fesix backpack, diamond prayer beads,
2 onyx bracelets of shooting stars, lustral ivory robes trimmed with golden
lace, Spectacles of Clairvoyance, a dark blue coat, an ivory pendant bearing a
symbol, and Gloves of Mastery.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Such fallacies."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "You believe and trust in
the things that destroy."
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "I can see your viewpoint.
But it's skewed and insane nonetheless."
You say, "And you have always been quite understanding when we speak. I commend
You say, "Though, I recall a while back we spoke of Atropos."
You flash Aison a joyous smile.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says to you, "I can't recall."
You say, "You were quite willing to denouce genocide then."
Aison chuckles long and heartily.
Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted says, "Naivety."
You say, "Death is death, wrong is wrong. The doer of deeds does not matter."
You say, "Only the justice of the deed."
Dark, half-heard whispers echo through the halls, stirring the deathly still air
in passing.
You say, "Power is no excuse to be above Justice."
Aison searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of
You curtsey respectfully before Aison.
Aes waves goodbye.
Aison2008-09-27 07:05:32
Aw, that's not fair, I was hardly paying attention through half the thing
. Narsrim was all 'Aison come here and help me kill!' (hence the deffing up), then Shikha started her angel kicking, and then I went with Xiel to do some questing.
Was still fun. I wanted to be more chatty and do a few more 'pff whatever' and say a bunch of stuff, but I figured I'd let Aes do her own determining and all that junk.

Was still fun. I wanted to be more chatty and do a few more 'pff whatever' and say a bunch of stuff, but I figured I'd let Aes do her own determining and all that junk.
Celina2008-09-27 07:45:07
Interesting and well done! Nice to see members of opposing orgs being able to RP without KILL KILL KILL.
Shaddus2008-09-27 09:32:04
You know, my love of magnagora aside, if I was a novice, I would be swayed by that. That was pretty awesome.
And <3 to Aison for actually listening to it, and letting Aes listen to other point of view, wrong though they may be to Celest, and Celestines especially.
And <3 to Aison for actually listening to it, and letting Aes listen to other point of view, wrong though they may be to Celest, and Celestines especially.
Aison2008-09-27 09:36:58
You're also terribly fickle and probably wouldn't even study Celestine Empire or what Celest stands for!
(Aquas don't count btw ONLY CELESTINES MATTER).
That aside, I know Aes and Iytha have a lot of convos together. I figured it wouldn't hurt - but don't think Aes didn't get a few lectures from me. I decided to keep my mouth shut on the subject since I was busy otherwise and didn't feel like debating.
Also, I didn't mean to up and leave at the end
. Shikha was angel-kicking, hence the 'okbyebyenow'.

That aside, I know Aes and Iytha have a lot of convos together. I figured it wouldn't hurt - but don't think Aes didn't get a few lectures from me. I decided to keep my mouth shut on the subject since I was busy otherwise and didn't feel like debating.
Also, I didn't mean to up and leave at the end

Unknown2008-09-27 09:46:00
I had to log off a few minutes after that had started. Wish I'd had the time to have gone. 
Next time someone asks about this on the city channel, I'm going to say that if it weren't for the Aquamancers, there would be no Celestines. And I'd be right. (TAKE THAT! D:< )

Aquas don't count btw ONLY CELESTINES MATTER
Next time someone asks about this on the city channel, I'm going to say that if it weren't for the Aquamancers, there would be no Celestines. And I'd be right. (TAKE THAT! D:< )

Aison2008-09-27 10:53:22
Eff you D: If there was no Tresalyne there would be no Celestines!
Rika2008-09-27 10:55:25
I thought it would make a much better argument that without the Supernals, there would be no Celestines and no Celest. All hail the Supernals?
Diamondais2008-09-27 15:51:27
QUOTE(Aison @ Sep 27 2008, 06:53 AM) 563268
Eff you D: If there was no Tresalyne there would be no Celestines!
Except that the Aqua's formed Celest and everything sprout off from there?

Saaga2008-09-27 16:49:32
Iytha's an awesome addition to the Order. Thanks for sharing this, a delightful log. Arghpee!