Kiradawea2008-10-04 21:40:50
Lately, Kira's been chatting a bit with a Ninjakari called Alysi, trying to get him to join Celest. Now, the actual discussion prior to this that lead to his conversion got lost when our dog pulled out the internet cable and thus cost me the connection, but luckily I managed to get all of his purification ritual on Celestia afterwards. Enjoy.
You say, "We are gathered here today, because this man has chosen to throw off
the shackles of the taint, and live his life anew as part of the Light."
You say, "Alysi was once a member of the Ninjakari, an assasin of the taint,
living by killing those innocent."
You say, "However, he has now come to regret those actions, and will now join
the Light."
You ask Alysi, "Alysi, you stand before us today, charged with treachery against
the light. You have followed the taint, and thus helped the abdomination to gain
hold on this beautiful world of ours. You have slain the innocent, sought harm
to those who did not deserve it, and lived a life of lies, hatred, pain and
greed. Do you admit to these charges?"
Alysi says, "I am guilty as charged."
You say, "Your crimes are dire crimes indeed, and for those, you must be judged.
Stand still and allow the holy light of Japhiel to mettle out the punishment of
your sins."
starchant judgement alysi
You call down a beam of brilliant light upon Alysi.
You chant to the Illuminator of Merciful Justice, and his presence manifests as
a column of topaz light. You point at Alysi, and obediently the column of light
moves to envelop him in the light of holy judgement.
You patiently wait for the rendering of judgement against Alysi, as the column
of topaz light brightens and intensifies around him, making him shudder
Your call for judgement against Alysi resolves against him, and the column of
topaz light flares around him in a cold, white light. He screams and his body
drops to the ground in a lifeless heap.
You have slain Alysi.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
You say to Aison, "Please, resurrect him."
Aison kneels over a corpse, praying fervently and passionately. A white light
bathes the body which lifts up off the ground. You watch in astonishment as the
wounds on Alysi vanish and he opens his eyes and smiles.
You say to Alysi, "The punishment of your crime, was that of your death. Yet the
light has given you one more chance at life."
You say, "A life without undeath, a true life."
You say, "Please follow me, so that you may ask for forgiveness from each of the
Holy Supernals."
(Lots of movement that I am skipping over.)
Alysi kneels before Raziela the Loving Radiance, swearing his allegiance to her.
Raziela the Loving Radiance giggles in delight, sending pink bubbles rippling in
the air.
You say to Alysi, "Kneel before Raziela, of the Loving Radiance."
You say, "Raziela of the Loving Radiance is the smallest in size of all the
Supernals. Her teachings are that of Love, Joy, Mercy and Forgiveness. She
teaches us compassion, she teaches us to care for others and not merely for
ourselves. She teaches us to give, without expecting in return, and to love
You say to Alysi, "Alysi, you who seek Emotions. Will you take the Love that
Raziela has to Offer, and throw away the hate of Astorath?"
Alysi says, "I will."
You have emoted: Kiradawea gives Alysi a nod, before she moves away from between
Raziela and Alysi. The childlike Supernal takes a leaf from the Arbour and
places it on Alysi's forehead. "Walk with my Love."
You say to Alysi, "The Love of Raziela has given you your first blessing. Please
(More movement. Ain't that fun?)
Alysi kneels before Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope, swearing his
allegiance to her.
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope turns her eyes on Alysi, who blanches
and unconsciously takes a step back.
You say to Alysi, "Kneel before Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope."
Ryboi tells you, "Brb ill follow you ok."
You say, "Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope is the shield of the innocent.
She is the hope for those who suffer, the light at the end of the long hallway.
She is the one who protects you from the storm, and holds you safe when all
seems hopeless. She too, demands that of others, to give your life in the
service of others. She teaches Service, Sacrifice and Hope."
Ariath tilts her head and listens intently.
You say to Alysi, "Alysi, you who seek a Body of Light, will you take the Hope
that Shakiniel has to offer, and throw away the suffering of Nifilhema?"
Alysi says, "I will take the Hope graciously."
You have emoted: Kiradawea smiles warmly towards Alysi, before she steps out of
the way. The Defender of the Dawning Hope touches Alysi's forehead as small
bolts of crackling blue energy flows in the air around her. "The Light takes
your offer of Protection."
You say to Alysi, "By the Sacrifice of your old body, a new body of light will
be built. You have gained your second blessing. Please stand."
(Moving on...)
Alysi kneels before Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice, swearing his
allegiance to him.
Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice considers Alysi with a quiet
reflection, a glowing halo surrounding his aged head.
You say, "Kneel before Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice."
Teak tells you, "How long did it take you to plan all this?"
You say, "Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice is the epitome of Law and
Truth. He is fair in his dealings, and gives Justice where it is needed. He was
the one who judged your crimes. He is the one who mettled out the punishment...
and he is now ready to wipe the slate clean."
You say to Alysi, "You who seek Wisdom and an Illuminated Mind. Will you take
the Truth that Japhiel has to offer, instead of the Lies of Baalphegar?"
Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice says, "Once my greatest friend and ally
when Baalphegar was known as the Grand Sage of the Fates, he is now my greatest
enemy and a bitter opponent to the truth. He weaves complex and dangerous plots
with lies, half truths, and misdirection. I am constantly at odds with him and
always on the lookout to unravel his web of lies and corruption."
Alysi says, "I will take the Truth graciously, if Japhiel is willing to give
You have emoted: Kiradawea gives a curt bow to Japhiel, before she allows the
Illuminator to approach Alysi. The Merciful Judge places his hand on Alysi's
forehead, and a topaz light shines forth. "Let your mind walk in truth."
Ariath tilts her head and listens intently.
You say to Alysi, "The Wisdom of Japhiel is now your third blessing. You may
stand up."
(Who woulda thought that there'd be more movement? I did!)
Alysi kneels before Methrenton, Crusader of the Holy Flame, swearing his
allegiance to him.
Methrenton, Crusader of the Holy Flame fingers the blade of his flaming
greatsword, eyeing Alysi speculatively.
You say, "Kneel before Methrenton, Crusader of the Holy Flame."
You say, "Methrenton is the Crusader, he who teaches us to strike against the
taint, to drive it back so that life and light may once again flourish within
our homes and our hearts. He teaches Courage, Valor, and Dedication, and is the
one who teaches us to fight against what is wrong, instead of silently
Aison tells you, "((I've got to get going, like... 5 minutes))"
You say to Alysi, "You who once fought against the Light, do you now seek to
fight with the Light, for the Light?"
You tell Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted, "((I'm gonna log this,
so don't worry.))"
You tell Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted, "((Just thought you
wanted to watch.))"
Alysi says, "I do seek to fight with the Light, and for the Light, for all of
its glory."
Aison tells you, "((I didn't know it would take so long
You tell Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted, "((Yeah, sorry.))"
You have emoted: Kiradawea salutes Methrenton and Alysi, before she allows the
two to meet. The Crusader taps the tip of his blade onto Alysi's shoulder and a
warm, fatherly smile spreads across his features. "Welcome into the Light. May
Valor always fill your heart."
You say, "Courage has been granted. The fourth of five blessings. But now... you
must take the final path alone."
Alysi stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
You say, "Only Alysi may follow me to Elohora, the rest of you must return to
the Pool of Stars."
(Here, lots of people give Alysi "good luck's" before they leave, letting me take him alone to Elohora. This happens right after I've embraced Methrenton.)
You have emoted: Kiradawea turns to you, as bright orbs of light start to flow
around the two of you. One blue, one red, one yellow and one pink. One by one,
the orbs meld into your body, making it glow with a soft light. Your hands begin
to burn with holy fire, your chest crackles with blue energy. A crown of topaz
illumination glows over your head as a pink glow touches your feet.
You say, "You are not alone."
Alysi holds his arms out in front of him, turning them slowly as he looks at
them with awe.
You say, "Each of the Holy Supernals walk with you. Methrenton guides your arms
in Action, your heart is Guarded by Shakiniel. Illumination flows within your
mind, and your legs stand firmly upon Love."
You begin to follow Alysi.
You say, "As they trust you, so too shall I. Walk the hallway to Elohora."
(Guess what. More movement!! Don't worry though. This'll be the last break.)
Alysi kneels before Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, swearing his allegiance
to her.
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light raises a hand and releases a soft glow that
touches his chest, making his eyes fill with tears.
You say, "Here we stand..."
You have emoted: Kiradawea looks up at Elohora, sitting on the Throne of
Brilliance, her light flowing all across the room.
You say, "Here... before the Throne of Brilliance, before the Light of Elohora,
it all becomes clear."
You say, "Look behind you. There you will see the path you walked. With each
step you took, your heart had to bear the burden of each crime you have done.
Now, look before you."
You say, "There, you will see what awaits all who follows the Light. The Loyalty
of Shakiniel. The Mercy of Japhiel. The Forgiveness of Methrenton. The
Friendship of Raziela."
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light says, "Raziela has a pure and gentle heart,
and her love extends to everyone, even the most base. Fortunately, her aura
protects her from those who would take advantage of such an innocent spirit. She
is indeed the Loving Radiance of not only Celestia but of what can bloom in the
hearts of all mortals."
You say, "They all stand here beside you, urging you on. They all wish you to
take your final step. To kneel before Elohora, to pledge your life to the
service of Light, and to all who live."
Alysi kneels before Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, swearing his allegiance
to her.
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light raises a hand and releases a soft glow that
touches his chest, making his eyes fill with tears.
You exclaim, "You who are of the light, you who guide us all. You who give us
Wisdom tempered with Courage. Valor tempered with Compassion. Love tempered with
Hope. Service tempered with Illumination!"
You exclaim, "Do you forgive this one for his transgressions!"
You have emoted: Kiradawea pants softly, as she falls down on her knees in
prayer. Slowly, the Lady of Light stands up and moves before you. For a moment,
you are brushed by the light surrounding her, and tears stream down your face as
you realize that the light is now ready to take you in. "Be blessed my child,
for as long as you walk in Light."
You say, "You have been blessed..."
You say, "Embrace Elohora."
Alysi embraces Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light with great ardour.
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light says, "Go with my blessings, child. And
remember that the Light will always guide you."
You follow Alysi ether to Pool of Stars.
Alysi suddenly appears with a look of rapture on his face.
You say to Alysi, "You have stood before each supernal, you have faced their
judgement and have been given a new chance in Light."
Alysi nods his head emphatically.
You say to Alysi, "You will now be absolved for your sins."
You say, "The sin of killing the innocent."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "The sin of hating, instead of loving."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "The sin of fighting against the light, rather than with it."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "The sin of spreading lies and deception, rather than truth and
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "And finally, you will now be absolved."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "Verily, let the light chant in elation to your heart."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
Calling upon the divine light of Celestia, you reach out and press a glowing
hand against the chest of Alysi. Your fingers seize upon his soul and you draw
it out, purifying it in the divine fire that now surrounds your fist.
Alysi's body falls lifelessly to the floor just as his soul explodes in a blaze
of holy flames.
You have slain Alysi.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
You whisper, "You are forgiven."
You shout, "Let it be known across the basin that today, Alysi has thrown of the
shackles of the taint to join the light of Celest. Let the choirs sing and light
rejoice in this hour of happiness."
You pick up the corpse of Alysi.
Aridus tells you, "I think your overreacting."
You kneel over a corpse, praying fervently and passionately. A white light
bathes the body which lifts up off the ground. May the Light show mercy to Alysi
for this death before his time! Praise be the Light!
You give Alysi a compassionate hug.
You say to Alysi, "Welcome to the Light."
the shackles of the taint, and live his life anew as part of the Light."
You say, "Alysi was once a member of the Ninjakari, an assasin of the taint,
living by killing those innocent."
You say, "However, he has now come to regret those actions, and will now join
the Light."
You ask Alysi, "Alysi, you stand before us today, charged with treachery against
the light. You have followed the taint, and thus helped the abdomination to gain
hold on this beautiful world of ours. You have slain the innocent, sought harm
to those who did not deserve it, and lived a life of lies, hatred, pain and
greed. Do you admit to these charges?"
Alysi says, "I am guilty as charged."
You say, "Your crimes are dire crimes indeed, and for those, you must be judged.
Stand still and allow the holy light of Japhiel to mettle out the punishment of
your sins."
starchant judgement alysi
You call down a beam of brilliant light upon Alysi.
You chant to the Illuminator of Merciful Justice, and his presence manifests as
a column of topaz light. You point at Alysi, and obediently the column of light
moves to envelop him in the light of holy judgement.
You patiently wait for the rendering of judgement against Alysi, as the column
of topaz light brightens and intensifies around him, making him shudder
Your call for judgement against Alysi resolves against him, and the column of
topaz light flares around him in a cold, white light. He screams and his body
drops to the ground in a lifeless heap.
You have slain Alysi.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
You say to Aison, "Please, resurrect him."
Aison kneels over a corpse, praying fervently and passionately. A white light
bathes the body which lifts up off the ground. You watch in astonishment as the
wounds on Alysi vanish and he opens his eyes and smiles.
You say to Alysi, "The punishment of your crime, was that of your death. Yet the
light has given you one more chance at life."
You say, "A life without undeath, a true life."
You say, "Please follow me, so that you may ask for forgiveness from each of the
Holy Supernals."
(Lots of movement that I am skipping over.)
Alysi kneels before Raziela the Loving Radiance, swearing his allegiance to her.
Raziela the Loving Radiance giggles in delight, sending pink bubbles rippling in
the air.
You say to Alysi, "Kneel before Raziela, of the Loving Radiance."
You say, "Raziela of the Loving Radiance is the smallest in size of all the
Supernals. Her teachings are that of Love, Joy, Mercy and Forgiveness. She
teaches us compassion, she teaches us to care for others and not merely for
ourselves. She teaches us to give, without expecting in return, and to love
You say to Alysi, "Alysi, you who seek Emotions. Will you take the Love that
Raziela has to Offer, and throw away the hate of Astorath?"
Alysi says, "I will."
You have emoted: Kiradawea gives Alysi a nod, before she moves away from between
Raziela and Alysi. The childlike Supernal takes a leaf from the Arbour and
places it on Alysi's forehead. "Walk with my Love."
You say to Alysi, "The Love of Raziela has given you your first blessing. Please
(More movement. Ain't that fun?)
Alysi kneels before Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope, swearing his
allegiance to her.
Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope turns her eyes on Alysi, who blanches
and unconsciously takes a step back.
You say to Alysi, "Kneel before Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope."
Ryboi tells you, "Brb ill follow you ok."
You say, "Shakiniel, Defender of the Dawning Hope is the shield of the innocent.
She is the hope for those who suffer, the light at the end of the long hallway.
She is the one who protects you from the storm, and holds you safe when all
seems hopeless. She too, demands that of others, to give your life in the
service of others. She teaches Service, Sacrifice and Hope."
Ariath tilts her head and listens intently.
You say to Alysi, "Alysi, you who seek a Body of Light, will you take the Hope
that Shakiniel has to offer, and throw away the suffering of Nifilhema?"
Alysi says, "I will take the Hope graciously."
You have emoted: Kiradawea smiles warmly towards Alysi, before she steps out of
the way. The Defender of the Dawning Hope touches Alysi's forehead as small
bolts of crackling blue energy flows in the air around her. "The Light takes
your offer of Protection."
You say to Alysi, "By the Sacrifice of your old body, a new body of light will
be built. You have gained your second blessing. Please stand."
(Moving on...)
Alysi kneels before Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice, swearing his
allegiance to him.
Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice considers Alysi with a quiet
reflection, a glowing halo surrounding his aged head.
You say, "Kneel before Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice."
Teak tells you, "How long did it take you to plan all this?"
You say, "Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice is the epitome of Law and
Truth. He is fair in his dealings, and gives Justice where it is needed. He was
the one who judged your crimes. He is the one who mettled out the punishment...
and he is now ready to wipe the slate clean."
You say to Alysi, "You who seek Wisdom and an Illuminated Mind. Will you take
the Truth that Japhiel has to offer, instead of the Lies of Baalphegar?"
Japhiel, Illuminator of Merciful Justice says, "Once my greatest friend and ally
when Baalphegar was known as the Grand Sage of the Fates, he is now my greatest
enemy and a bitter opponent to the truth. He weaves complex and dangerous plots
with lies, half truths, and misdirection. I am constantly at odds with him and
always on the lookout to unravel his web of lies and corruption."
Alysi says, "I will take the Truth graciously, if Japhiel is willing to give
You have emoted: Kiradawea gives a curt bow to Japhiel, before she allows the
Illuminator to approach Alysi. The Merciful Judge places his hand on Alysi's
forehead, and a topaz light shines forth. "Let your mind walk in truth."
Ariath tilts her head and listens intently.
You say to Alysi, "The Wisdom of Japhiel is now your third blessing. You may
stand up."
(Who woulda thought that there'd be more movement? I did!)
Alysi kneels before Methrenton, Crusader of the Holy Flame, swearing his
allegiance to him.
Methrenton, Crusader of the Holy Flame fingers the blade of his flaming
greatsword, eyeing Alysi speculatively.
You say, "Kneel before Methrenton, Crusader of the Holy Flame."
You say, "Methrenton is the Crusader, he who teaches us to strike against the
taint, to drive it back so that life and light may once again flourish within
our homes and our hearts. He teaches Courage, Valor, and Dedication, and is the
one who teaches us to fight against what is wrong, instead of silently
Aison tells you, "((I've got to get going, like... 5 minutes))"
You say to Alysi, "You who once fought against the Light, do you now seek to
fight with the Light, for the Light?"
You tell Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted, "((I'm gonna log this,
so don't worry.))"
You tell Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted, "((Just thought you
wanted to watch.))"
Alysi says, "I do seek to fight with the Light, and for the Light, for all of
its glory."
Aison tells you, "((I didn't know it would take so long

You tell Holy Mother Aison La'Saet, Hand of the Exalted, "((Yeah, sorry.))"
You have emoted: Kiradawea salutes Methrenton and Alysi, before she allows the
two to meet. The Crusader taps the tip of his blade onto Alysi's shoulder and a
warm, fatherly smile spreads across his features. "Welcome into the Light. May
Valor always fill your heart."
You say, "Courage has been granted. The fourth of five blessings. But now... you
must take the final path alone."
Alysi stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
You say, "Only Alysi may follow me to Elohora, the rest of you must return to
the Pool of Stars."
(Here, lots of people give Alysi "good luck's" before they leave, letting me take him alone to Elohora. This happens right after I've embraced Methrenton.)
You have emoted: Kiradawea turns to you, as bright orbs of light start to flow
around the two of you. One blue, one red, one yellow and one pink. One by one,
the orbs meld into your body, making it glow with a soft light. Your hands begin
to burn with holy fire, your chest crackles with blue energy. A crown of topaz
illumination glows over your head as a pink glow touches your feet.
You say, "You are not alone."
Alysi holds his arms out in front of him, turning them slowly as he looks at
them with awe.
You say, "Each of the Holy Supernals walk with you. Methrenton guides your arms
in Action, your heart is Guarded by Shakiniel. Illumination flows within your
mind, and your legs stand firmly upon Love."
You begin to follow Alysi.
You say, "As they trust you, so too shall I. Walk the hallway to Elohora."
(Guess what. More movement!! Don't worry though. This'll be the last break.)
Alysi kneels before Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, swearing his allegiance
to her.
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light raises a hand and releases a soft glow that
touches his chest, making his eyes fill with tears.
You say, "Here we stand..."
You have emoted: Kiradawea looks up at Elohora, sitting on the Throne of
Brilliance, her light flowing all across the room.
You say, "Here... before the Throne of Brilliance, before the Light of Elohora,
it all becomes clear."
You say, "Look behind you. There you will see the path you walked. With each
step you took, your heart had to bear the burden of each crime you have done.
Now, look before you."
You say, "There, you will see what awaits all who follows the Light. The Loyalty
of Shakiniel. The Mercy of Japhiel. The Forgiveness of Methrenton. The
Friendship of Raziela."
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light says, "Raziela has a pure and gentle heart,
and her love extends to everyone, even the most base. Fortunately, her aura
protects her from those who would take advantage of such an innocent spirit. She
is indeed the Loving Radiance of not only Celestia but of what can bloom in the
hearts of all mortals."
You say, "They all stand here beside you, urging you on. They all wish you to
take your final step. To kneel before Elohora, to pledge your life to the
service of Light, and to all who live."
Alysi kneels before Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, swearing his allegiance
to her.
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light raises a hand and releases a soft glow that
touches his chest, making his eyes fill with tears.
You exclaim, "You who are of the light, you who guide us all. You who give us
Wisdom tempered with Courage. Valor tempered with Compassion. Love tempered with
Hope. Service tempered with Illumination!"
You exclaim, "Do you forgive this one for his transgressions!"
You have emoted: Kiradawea pants softly, as she falls down on her knees in
prayer. Slowly, the Lady of Light stands up and moves before you. For a moment,
you are brushed by the light surrounding her, and tears stream down your face as
you realize that the light is now ready to take you in. "Be blessed my child,
for as long as you walk in Light."
You say, "You have been blessed..."
You say, "Embrace Elohora."
Alysi embraces Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light with great ardour.
Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light says, "Go with my blessings, child. And
remember that the Light will always guide you."
You follow Alysi ether to Pool of Stars.
Alysi suddenly appears with a look of rapture on his face.
You say to Alysi, "You have stood before each supernal, you have faced their
judgement and have been given a new chance in Light."
Alysi nods his head emphatically.
You say to Alysi, "You will now be absolved for your sins."
You say, "The sin of killing the innocent."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "The sin of hating, instead of loving."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "The sin of fighting against the light, rather than with it."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "The sin of spreading lies and deception, rather than truth and
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "And finally, you will now be absolved."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
You say, "Verily, let the light chant in elation to your heart."
Chanting the words of Amissio, you whisper the name of Alysi into air, sapping
the very essence out of his pores.
Calling upon the divine light of Celestia, you reach out and press a glowing
hand against the chest of Alysi. Your fingers seize upon his soul and you draw
it out, purifying it in the divine fire that now surrounds your fist.
Alysi's body falls lifelessly to the floor just as his soul explodes in a blaze
of holy flames.
You have slain Alysi.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
You whisper, "You are forgiven."
You shout, "Let it be known across the basin that today, Alysi has thrown of the
shackles of the taint to join the light of Celest. Let the choirs sing and light
rejoice in this hour of happiness."
You pick up the corpse of Alysi.
Aridus tells you, "I think your overreacting."
You kneel over a corpse, praying fervently and passionately. A white light
bathes the body which lifts up off the ground. May the Light show mercy to Alysi
for this death before his time! Praise be the Light!
You give Alysi a compassionate hug.
You say to Alysi, "Welcome to the Light."
Shaddus2008-10-04 23:40:21
I'll be back to get him soon.
Nice way to show people that in Celest, you have to die a few times to be converted. Well done
Nice way to show people that in Celest, you have to die a few times to be converted. Well done

Celina2008-10-05 00:00:18
Very well done! I enjoyed reading it. The two deaths might have been a wee bit too much for someone so young switching orgs, but if didn't mind, who cares? Very nice. Wish I had the chance to RP with come of Celest.
Valestrix2008-10-05 00:00:33
I'm curious if he stepped on an innocent bug after the first time he died or something, cause it seems like you punished him for the same thing twice basically after saying it was gone the first time. Lol
I mean, I guess it was slightly different, oh well.
Considering the revival and all though, the deaths probably weren't too harsh. Nice job otherwise.
I mean, I guess it was slightly different, oh well.
Considering the revival and all though, the deaths probably weren't too harsh. Nice job otherwise.
Unknown2008-10-05 00:11:51
QUOTE(Valestrix @ Oct 4 2008, 08:00 PM) 566631
I'm curious if he stepped on an innocent bug after the first time he died or something, cause it seems like you punished him for the same thing twice basically after saying it was gone the first time. Lol
I mean, I guess it was slightly different, oh well.
Considering the revival and all though, the deaths probably weren't too harsh. Nice job otherwise.
I mean, I guess it was slightly different, oh well.
Considering the revival and all though, the deaths probably weren't too harsh. Nice job otherwise.
The first time was judgment for his crimes upon his body, the second time was purification of his soul from his sins. I think.
Shaddus2008-10-05 00:17:19
His crimes against his body?
Was he touching himself again? I swear, he SAID he wasn't doing it again.
His crimes against his body?
Was he touching himself again? I swear, he SAID he wasn't doing it again.
Valestrix2008-10-05 00:27:34
yeah I suppose, it just seemed like the rest of it was good enough and almost like that was just tacked on. With pretty much the same reasoning as the first death.
Kiradawea2008-10-05 11:07:42
Yeah, two deaths might've been a little harsh, but I told him about it beforehand, so he knew that he would have to die twice in this ritual. If he didn't want, I'd have cut out one or both, but as it is, seeing that he's so low level, I can just wait until he has learned Puella in Rituals and then take him bashing on Xion to get him back that experience in no time.
As for the deaths, the first one was the judgement. Both the skill and the act in itself. He was judged for what he had done, and found guilty, and thus punished with death. Then, he went to each Supernal to ask for their forgiveness, it was given, and finally back at the Pool, I "sealed the deal" so to say, with Absolve. Maybe I am putting too much into the definition of Absolve (to grant or pronounce remission of sins to.) but I felt it suitable to combine Judgement and Absolve for the flavour alone.
Of course, the intent was not to make him lose too much experience, which is why I had him resurrected each time, but... eh. You still think it was too much? I'm wondering if I should make it a real Celestine ritual but... I dunno.
As for the deaths, the first one was the judgement. Both the skill and the act in itself. He was judged for what he had done, and found guilty, and thus punished with death. Then, he went to each Supernal to ask for their forgiveness, it was given, and finally back at the Pool, I "sealed the deal" so to say, with Absolve. Maybe I am putting too much into the definition of Absolve (to grant or pronounce remission of sins to.) but I felt it suitable to combine Judgement and Absolve for the flavour alone.
Of course, the intent was not to make him lose too much experience, which is why I had him resurrected each time, but... eh. You still think it was too much? I'm wondering if I should make it a real Celestine ritual but... I dunno.
Unknown2008-10-05 17:51:01
I liked it lots. I'd totally do a conversion ritual with two deaths if its this cool. 

Noola2008-10-05 18:04:19
I think it was a spiffy conversion ritual! 

Valestrix2008-10-05 19:51:26
If he was completely fine with it and you even offered a chance for less death/no deaths even. Then it's certainly quite fine, it's a good job in any case, and I'm glad you asked the person first. 
2 deaths isn't so bad if they agreed to it and everything, and I understand the judgement/absolve thing to an extent. Though absolving is basically 'releasing' them from it.
For example a definition:
1. To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such ties as it would be sin or guilt to violate; to pronounce free; as, to absolve a subject from his allegiance; to absolve an offender, which amounts to an acquittal and remission of his punishment.
In a sense, killing them with the absolve is more a punishment for the consequences and etc. rather than actually releasing them from them. In a sense, you kind of 'judged' him twice, rather than judged and absolved. Though this isn't that bad, as you could potentially even argue that in game Absolving is different from OOC version. Generally when one is absolved from their sins and such, they don't have to die for them.

2 deaths isn't so bad if they agreed to it and everything, and I understand the judgement/absolve thing to an extent. Though absolving is basically 'releasing' them from it.
For example a definition:
1. To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such ties as it would be sin or guilt to violate; to pronounce free; as, to absolve a subject from his allegiance; to absolve an offender, which amounts to an acquittal and remission of his punishment.
In a sense, killing them with the absolve is more a punishment for the consequences and etc. rather than actually releasing them from them. In a sense, you kind of 'judged' him twice, rather than judged and absolved. Though this isn't that bad, as you could potentially even argue that in game Absolving is different from OOC version. Generally when one is absolved from their sins and such, they don't have to die for them.
Kiradawea2008-10-05 20:57:37
Yeah, I know it can be viewed as that, but at the same time, Absolve is, at least how I view it, flavoured to be an absolution. I mean, it ties in with the "the greatest mercy a tainted can receive is death" and all that. And besides, it can have some powerful symbolic effect. In that he dies, thus leaving his old body behind, but gets a new life through the life (and resurrect). I mean, death is already a revolving door in Lusternia.
Anyway, I'm glad people liked it. I'll probably be putting this on a scroll and try to add it to a library to make it viewable in the game.
If there is interest for that.
Anyway, I'm glad people liked it. I'll probably be putting this on a scroll and try to add it to a library to make it viewable in the game.
If there is interest for that.
Casilu2008-10-06 07:46:05
I think this log proves one thing. You are a consensual griefer.
Abethor2008-10-23 17:25:58
Alysi here.
Yeah, it was a really good conversion. The first death was to get rid of the undeath (since I was an Undead Krokani) and then the second was basically for an absolution of sorts. It is understandable to have both of the deaths there.
Basically I just liked the role-play aspect of it because it all started back when I asked for help with a quest and Kiradawea came to assist even though she was from Celest. It was basically at that point that I decided I would rp it in this direction.
Yeah, it was a really good conversion. The first death was to get rid of the undeath (since I was an Undead Krokani) and then the second was basically for an absolution of sorts. It is understandable to have both of the deaths there.
Basically I just liked the role-play aspect of it because it all started back when I asked for help with a quest and Kiradawea came to assist even though she was from Celest. It was basically at that point that I decided I would rp it in this direction.
Unknown2008-10-23 17:37:09
Now I want to be converted. 

Abethor2008-10-23 17:41:09
I'm sure Kiradawea's got a few more lines in her.
I'm sure Kiradawea's got a few more lines in her.
Urazial2008-10-23 18:44:30
QUOTE(Alacardael! @ Oct 23 2008, 01:37 PM) 574613
Now I want to be converted. 

No convertings for you! We have plans for you... oh yes, such plans...

Unknown2008-10-23 20:39:46
QUOTE(Urazial @ Oct 23 2008, 02:44 PM) 574626
No convertings for you! We have plans for you... oh yes, such plans... 


Nah, not really. Come2Glom, they're the mcawsomesauce of lusternia.
Kiradawea2008-10-23 21:20:38
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Oct 23 2008, 08:39 PM) 574661
I shall save you Alacardael! 
Nah, not really. Come2Glom, they're the mcawsomesauce of lusternia.

Nah, not really. Come2Glom, they're the mcawsomesauce of lusternia.

Esano2008-10-23 22:16:19
QUOTE(Alacardael! @ Oct 24 2008, 03:37 AM) 574613
Now I want to be converted. 

No! I only just unenemied you!