Unknown2008-10-07 07:35:38
You trace the path laid out by the wildflowers, vibrant colour suffusing the air
and obstructing your vision in an array of rainbow hues before the vision passes
and you find yourself somewhere else.
The Fulcrux of Maylea.
Light arcs across the surface of a standing stone at the centre of the grove,
bending in shifting patterns of colour.
You see a single exit leading through a path of wildflowers.
You ask, "... Lady Maylea...?"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Yes, Myrkr?"
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing
familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
You say, "... You..."
You chew on your lip thoughtfully.
You say, ".... should enemy me to Your Order..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Why?"
Looking to the ground, you say, "So everyone can kill me like they've been
wanting to."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Who wants to kill you?"
You say, "... no one has said it... explicitly..."
You say, "... just... I have been told by a few people that they hate me for
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Who has said this?"
Keeping your gaze to the ground, you say, "... I won't say who... because they
have a right to be angry at me... as do You.."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Slowly and quietly, you say, "... I'd rather be hated if that's going to make
them feel better... if it'll make You feel better... it's okay.."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "It does not make Me feel better."
You shake your head.
You say, "... but You must want to hate me..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Why would I want to do that? What good does it
do Me?"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I don't even hate Nocht."
Your eyes tearing, you say, "... I... I don't know... but... if it does You some
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You have seen My temple, yes? And played with
the Font?"
You shake your head.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You should have looked."
Sadly, you say, "I didn't want to look, because it'd make me miss You more than
I already do.."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "It would be a better use of time than asking Me
to hate you, little one."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land
in utter darkness.
It is now the 16th of Kiani, 218 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Eyes downcast, tears streaming down your face, you whisper, "I... won't leave
here until You've enemied me... so that... people can stop telling me they hate
me for You... and actually do something about it..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I shall ask someone to bring you a snack,
because I am afraid you are in for a long wait."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Now, won't you tell Me who it is says they hate
You shake your head.
Your voice trembling a little, you say, "I won't... say who.."
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
You say, "... they're a good person... they love You a lot... I'm not going to
say their name... they're happy with their lives, except how You responded to my
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I only wish to talk to them, Myrkr."
You shake your head.
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
You say, "Nay... they'll say I'm lying..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "But I believe you."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Crying, you say, "... the idea of being called a liar is pretty bad on its own
for me... I can't lie... also... I don't... want more tells saying I somehow
ruined their life... or... or something else bad.."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "But Myrkr, how can I resolve this rift between
Myself and one of Mine if I do not know who to speak to?"
You stop for a moment to think.
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "... You are right... my leaving set people up to hate me no matter
what I think or do or say... there's no reason for Your Order to collapse
because of my decision to leave... I'll say their name in hopes that You will
make things better with them, and that Your Order will continue to be a place of
understanding a love..."
You say, "And love, rather... but... their name..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "That is what I hope."
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You whisper, "... REMOVED....."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Thank you, dear one."
You say, "... I... still want to be enemied..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Why?"
You say, "... if I made You as sad as she made it out... to the point where I
should be hated... then... I deserve to be enemied..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "That is not true."
You say, "She said it was..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You are not My enemy, Myrkr."
The sky lightens and stars fade as Father Sun approaches the horizon in his
neverending quest to capture Mother Night.
You slowly fall to your knees, looking at your upturned,
shivering palms.
You say, "... I... deserve to be Your enemy..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You will have to raise your hand against Me if
you truly wish to be."
You exclaim, "NO!"
You look up, shivering and crying, holding yourself.
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You exclaim, "I feel like I'm dying every day without You, why would I try to
hurt You!?!"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I think you won't."
Almost screaming through your tears, you exclaim, "I don't want to hurt You more!
I just want to be treated the way I'm supposed to be treated! If I hurt You,
then, damn it, I want You to do something hurtful back to me!"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You wish to be hurt, Myrkr?"
Crying, you exclaim, "I've been dealing with those thoughts for months! She said
I hurt You! She said I hurt You...!"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "How could I not grieve? It is not the same
thing as being My enemy, however."
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
Your pupils thin suddenly, and you begin to relax as if
nothing has happened.
You say, "... Lady Maylea? Are... are You here? It's me... I... need to talk to
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Have I not been speaking to you for some time?"
You say, "... I don't think so..."
You slowly rise to your feet.
You say, "... I've... come to make a request, though..."
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "What request is that?"
You say, "... could... You please enemy me...?"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "No."
You say, "... I was told... I've caused You a great deal of pain..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You have told Me, and I have told you that you
are not My enemy."
Your eyes holding a vacant expression, you say, "... isn't it what I deserve,
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You will have to raise your hand against Me if
you wish to be enemied."
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks
over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Your voice softening and your expression becoming more vacant, you say, "But I'd
never wish to hurt You, Lady Maylea.."
The light bends in a stunning array of prismatic colours as Maylea steps from
the aether.
Maylea stares implacably at you.
Sternly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What is wrong with you, Myrkr?"
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You look up at Maylea with a very blank, if not lost
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You have come with your request twice,
repeating yourself as though you do not remember."
Confusedly, you say, "But Lady.."
You say, "... I only just arrived..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "I tell you that you have been here asking Me to
enemy you for a while."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Close your eyes, Myrkr. Clear your mind of this
You say, "I have? But I don't see how that could--."
Your expression becomes even more vacant if possible, and
you looks up at Maylea.
You say, "Lady Maylea! Oh... I've been needing to talk to You about
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You have."
You say, "... I'm really sorry about this... But... I need to leave the
You say, "... They haven't been treating Urazial correctly... he really has been
trying his best..."
Maylea purses Her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as She carefully
gathers Her thoughts.
You say, "... please forgive me, Lady Maylea... I do love You still... but... I
really wish to be with him..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Who are you?"
You say, "I'm Myrkr, of course!..."
You say, "... I think..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You do not remember yourself."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity draws Herself to Her full height, a glow illuminating
Her golden eyes.
The sun reaches the zenith of the firmament, pausing in his quest to allow the
land to bask in his shining golden rays.
Looking up at Maylea with a very blank expression, you say, "I remember You,
You say, "... You made me feel happy and like I was loved no--."
You suddenly hold your head and groan in pain.
Yellow tints the edges of your vision, and you feel trapped beneath the gaze of
the Bloom of Serenity as the strength of Her mind brushes against the edges of
your senses, seeking an explanation or a cause.
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You let out a sharp gasp of pain.
Monotonously, as if another person, you say, "You are worthless. You do
everything wrong. Everything is your fault."
Very softly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Whose fault?"
Monotonously, you say, "Myrkr's. She does everything wrong. She can do nothing
right. She does not deserve life. She deserves worse than death."
Softly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Ah, I am speaking to a fool."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "For the Myrkr I know is none of those things."
Monotonously, you say, "Myrkr caused the taint. She causes unhappiness. She
causes the Wyrd. She kills happiness. She wreaks destruction wherever she goes."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Is Myrkr greater than Magnora? I think she does
not have the power you claim!"
Monotonously, you say, "It is so. REMOVED told Myrkr these things while she
slept as a baby. I merely echo."
Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his
journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What fool is REMOVED to tell such lies?"
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
Monotonously, you say, "I am Myrkr. Everything is Myrkr's fault. No emotions are
bad. Emotions are bad. Smiles are bad. Frowns are bad. Existence should not be
contained in the mortal carcass that is a fluttering fool."
Monotonously, you say, "REMOVED is Myrkr's adoptive mother. Myrkr was horrible.
Myrkr is horrible."
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
Monotonously, you say, "Too much pain at once. Myrkr needs time to false-laugh
and false-smile."
Monotonously, you say, "Myrkr is broken. Broken. Needs time. There is too much
time. No, never enough."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity draws back Her hand and strikes you hard across the
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
With authority, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Wake, Myrkr. Enough of this
You stumble a little, and regain a look, somewhat, of being
mentally coherent.
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You look up at Maylea slowly, crying.
You ask, "... it... happened again...?"
Very gently, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What is going on with you, little
Lowers her head, crying, you say, "I'm sorry..."
You say, "... I... I don't know... I'll be thinking... about how nice it is to
live in Glomdoring... and then... I'll feel a sharp pain in my heart... and...
remember I don't have You anymore..."
You say, "... and then I blank out...."
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
Shadows grow longer in anticipation for the return of their dark mistress as
Father Sun's chase brings him closer to the world's edge.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You must allow yourself to be happy, if you
wish to be happy."
You say, "... but.... my... happies... don't get along together..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What do you want from this measured life of
As the sun passes below the horizon's edge, Mother Night unveils her terrible,
shadowy beauty, spreading darkness across the land.
You say, "... to marry and have children... and... this... other thing.... that
lacks words...."
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
You say, "I didn't know it could exist, even, until I met You..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Then take what I have given you and live your
You say, "... but... I..."
You look down.
You say, "... You can't, maybe... understand the lonely feeling that can exist
once You have something precious, and have lost it maybe forever..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You think not, Myrkr? Do you think Elders are
immune to sorrow?"
You say, "No! I didn't mean it that way!"
You give a pained sigh.
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing
familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
You ask, "... have You ever felt like... if You just had two things in your
life, You could be happy forever?"
You say, "... I'm probably not saying this correctly still..."
Maylea tilts Her head and listens intently.
You say to Maylea, "Before Urazial, I didn't know what it really meant to love
someone. Before You, I didn't know what it really meant to be loved by
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Urazial loves you."
You say, "... Aye... but You loved me before he did."
You say, "Almost... maybe even?... unconditionally..."
Chidingly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Does it matter who was first? Love
is not a game of tag."
You say, "... I was having trouble with the Dekovens... making friends in the
Wilde... but You didn't let that deter You away from me..."
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "... I really can't express it correctly..."
You say, "I should have left it at "You and he are both extremely important to
me and lacking either of you makes me feel like I'm dying.""
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Have I not come to you when you cried out to
You say, "You have..."
You look down.
You say, "... it's... I don't want to come to You only when I want to cry..."
You say, "... I want to come to You when I'm happy, too... like I had used
Patiently, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Then why did you wait until you
started crying?"
Drooping your shoulders, you say, "... because I'm stupid.."
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land
in utter darkness.
It is now the 17th of Kiani, 218 years after the Coming of Estarra.
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity leans forward to lift your chin so that you find
yourself looking into Her eyes.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Lost, I think... not stupid, never that."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Looking back into Maylea's eyes with your own tear-filled ones, you say, "... Lady
Maylea... why do I mess up so much.... why am I so ungrateful... why do things
seem to find a way to be difficult for me..."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Serenely, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Happiness is yours. At times you
choose to dip your cup in sorrow instead. This is not stupid, nor wrong, nor
foolish. This is done by many, and many weep bitter tears at the outcome. But
you, Myrkr, you are stronger than this, and I will have you be stronger."
You look up at Maylea, your face soaked by now, and eyes
puffy from crying.
Quietly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "This is about what you choose for
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Maylea's lips.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Will you be all right?"
You tilt your head curiously at Maylea.
You say, "... I think... with time..."
You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "I hope so, dear one."
You say, "... I'm sorry for... blanking out on you..."
You hang your head sadly.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Keep yourself together, Myrkr. I have lived a
long, long time... and the one constant in a million years is the inside of your
own head."
Maylea winks knowingly.
The horizon glows with burnished shades of orange and red, heralding the
imminent arrival of Father Sun upon the rim of the world.
You smile softly.
You say, "Lady Maylea..."
Maylea tilts Her head and listens intently.
You say, "... I have a request... and it's not enemying, this time... or for you
to hate me..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What is it?"
You hold up your arms to Maylea, looking up at Her with big,
wide, still somewhat teary eyes.
You ask, "... hug...?"
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity gathers you into Her arms, holding you warmly against
Her in a tight embrace.
You hold Maylea in return, and your expression seems to calm
a great deal, along with the lost expression that had been in your eyes mostly
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says to you, "Be well, then, little one."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "You as well, Lady... may all be well with You and Yours..."
Maylea smiles softly.
Maylea steps into the aether, the air around Her blurring into a wash of colour
that fades as She disappears.
to Maylea. I can only wonder how much She was going
through most of it. Though I can't help but wonder if anyone actually can figure out what happened to poor little Myrkr. 
and obstructing your vision in an array of rainbow hues before the vision passes
and you find yourself somewhere else.
The Fulcrux of Maylea.
Light arcs across the surface of a standing stone at the centre of the grove,
bending in shifting patterns of colour.
You see a single exit leading through a path of wildflowers.
You ask, "... Lady Maylea...?"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Yes, Myrkr?"
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing
familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
You say, "... You..."
You chew on your lip thoughtfully.
You say, ".... should enemy me to Your Order..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Why?"
Looking to the ground, you say, "So everyone can kill me like they've been
wanting to."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Who wants to kill you?"
You say, "... no one has said it... explicitly..."
You say, "... just... I have been told by a few people that they hate me for
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Who has said this?"
Keeping your gaze to the ground, you say, "... I won't say who... because they
have a right to be angry at me... as do You.."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Slowly and quietly, you say, "... I'd rather be hated if that's going to make
them feel better... if it'll make You feel better... it's okay.."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "It does not make Me feel better."
You shake your head.
You say, "... but You must want to hate me..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Why would I want to do that? What good does it
do Me?"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I don't even hate Nocht."
Your eyes tearing, you say, "... I... I don't know... but... if it does You some
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You have seen My temple, yes? And played with
the Font?"
You shake your head.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You should have looked."
Sadly, you say, "I didn't want to look, because it'd make me miss You more than
I already do.."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "It would be a better use of time than asking Me
to hate you, little one."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land
in utter darkness.
It is now the 16th of Kiani, 218 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Eyes downcast, tears streaming down your face, you whisper, "I... won't leave
here until You've enemied me... so that... people can stop telling me they hate
me for You... and actually do something about it..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I shall ask someone to bring you a snack,
because I am afraid you are in for a long wait."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Now, won't you tell Me who it is says they hate
You shake your head.
Your voice trembling a little, you say, "I won't... say who.."
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
You say, "... they're a good person... they love You a lot... I'm not going to
say their name... they're happy with their lives, except how You responded to my
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I only wish to talk to them, Myrkr."
You shake your head.
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
You say, "Nay... they'll say I'm lying..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "But I believe you."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Crying, you say, "... the idea of being called a liar is pretty bad on its own
for me... I can't lie... also... I don't... want more tells saying I somehow
ruined their life... or... or something else bad.."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "But Myrkr, how can I resolve this rift between
Myself and one of Mine if I do not know who to speak to?"
You stop for a moment to think.
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "... You are right... my leaving set people up to hate me no matter
what I think or do or say... there's no reason for Your Order to collapse
because of my decision to leave... I'll say their name in hopes that You will
make things better with them, and that Your Order will continue to be a place of
understanding a love..."
You say, "And love, rather... but... their name..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "That is what I hope."
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You whisper, "... REMOVED....."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Thank you, dear one."
You say, "... I... still want to be enemied..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Why?"
You say, "... if I made You as sad as she made it out... to the point where I
should be hated... then... I deserve to be enemied..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "That is not true."
You say, "She said it was..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You are not My enemy, Myrkr."
The sky lightens and stars fade as Father Sun approaches the horizon in his
neverending quest to capture Mother Night.
You slowly fall to your knees, looking at your upturned,
shivering palms.
You say, "... I... deserve to be Your enemy..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You will have to raise your hand against Me if
you truly wish to be."
You exclaim, "NO!"
You look up, shivering and crying, holding yourself.
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You exclaim, "I feel like I'm dying every day without You, why would I try to
hurt You!?!"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "I think you won't."
Almost screaming through your tears, you exclaim, "I don't want to hurt You more!
I just want to be treated the way I'm supposed to be treated! If I hurt You,
then, damn it, I want You to do something hurtful back to me!"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You wish to be hurt, Myrkr?"
Crying, you exclaim, "I've been dealing with those thoughts for months! She said
I hurt You! She said I hurt You...!"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "How could I not grieve? It is not the same
thing as being My enemy, however."
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
Your pupils thin suddenly, and you begin to relax as if
nothing has happened.
You say, "... Lady Maylea? Are... are You here? It's me... I... need to talk to
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "Have I not been speaking to you for some time?"
You say, "... I don't think so..."
You slowly rise to your feet.
You say, "... I've... come to make a request, though..."
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "What request is that?"
You say, "... could... You please enemy me...?"
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "No."
You say, "... I was told... I've caused You a great deal of pain..."
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You have told Me, and I have told you that you
are not My enemy."
Your eyes holding a vacant expression, you say, "... isn't it what I deserve,
A soft, inquisitive voice says, "You will have to raise your hand against Me if
you wish to be enemied."
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks
over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Your voice softening and your expression becoming more vacant, you say, "But I'd
never wish to hurt You, Lady Maylea.."
The light bends in a stunning array of prismatic colours as Maylea steps from
the aether.
Maylea stares implacably at you.
Sternly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What is wrong with you, Myrkr?"
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You look up at Maylea with a very blank, if not lost
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You have come with your request twice,
repeating yourself as though you do not remember."
Confusedly, you say, "But Lady.."
You say, "... I only just arrived..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "I tell you that you have been here asking Me to
enemy you for a while."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Close your eyes, Myrkr. Clear your mind of this
You say, "I have? But I don't see how that could--."
Your expression becomes even more vacant if possible, and
you looks up at Maylea.
You say, "Lady Maylea! Oh... I've been needing to talk to You about
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You have."
You say, "... I'm really sorry about this... But... I need to leave the
You say, "... They haven't been treating Urazial correctly... he really has been
trying his best..."
Maylea purses Her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as She carefully
gathers Her thoughts.
You say, "... please forgive me, Lady Maylea... I do love You still... but... I
really wish to be with him..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Who are you?"
You say, "I'm Myrkr, of course!..."
You say, "... I think..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You do not remember yourself."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity draws Herself to Her full height, a glow illuminating
Her golden eyes.
The sun reaches the zenith of the firmament, pausing in his quest to allow the
land to bask in his shining golden rays.
Looking up at Maylea with a very blank expression, you say, "I remember You,
You say, "... You made me feel happy and like I was loved no--."
You suddenly hold your head and groan in pain.
Yellow tints the edges of your vision, and you feel trapped beneath the gaze of
the Bloom of Serenity as the strength of Her mind brushes against the edges of
your senses, seeking an explanation or a cause.
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You let out a sharp gasp of pain.
Monotonously, as if another person, you say, "You are worthless. You do
everything wrong. Everything is your fault."
Very softly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Whose fault?"
Monotonously, you say, "Myrkr's. She does everything wrong. She can do nothing
right. She does not deserve life. She deserves worse than death."
Softly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Ah, I am speaking to a fool."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "For the Myrkr I know is none of those things."
Monotonously, you say, "Myrkr caused the taint. She causes unhappiness. She
causes the Wyrd. She kills happiness. She wreaks destruction wherever she goes."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Is Myrkr greater than Magnora? I think she does
not have the power you claim!"
Monotonously, you say, "It is so. REMOVED told Myrkr these things while she
slept as a baby. I merely echo."
Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his
journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What fool is REMOVED to tell such lies?"
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
Monotonously, you say, "I am Myrkr. Everything is Myrkr's fault. No emotions are
bad. Emotions are bad. Smiles are bad. Frowns are bad. Existence should not be
contained in the mortal carcass that is a fluttering fool."
Monotonously, you say, "REMOVED is Myrkr's adoptive mother. Myrkr was horrible.
Myrkr is horrible."
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
Monotonously, you say, "Too much pain at once. Myrkr needs time to false-laugh
and false-smile."
Monotonously, you say, "Myrkr is broken. Broken. Needs time. There is too much
time. No, never enough."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity draws back Her hand and strikes you hard across the
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
With authority, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Wake, Myrkr. Enough of this
You stumble a little, and regain a look, somewhat, of being
mentally coherent.
The wind moves through the beech trees overhead, the sound murmuring like a
living voice and stirring the bluebells underfoot into a matching sigh.
You look up at Maylea slowly, crying.
You ask, "... it... happened again...?"
Very gently, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What is going on with you, little
Lowers her head, crying, you say, "I'm sorry..."
You say, "... I... I don't know... I'll be thinking... about how nice it is to
live in Glomdoring... and then... I'll feel a sharp pain in my heart... and...
remember I don't have You anymore..."
You say, "... and then I blank out...."
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
Shadows grow longer in anticipation for the return of their dark mistress as
Father Sun's chase brings him closer to the world's edge.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You must allow yourself to be happy, if you
wish to be happy."
You say, "... but.... my... happies... don't get along together..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What do you want from this measured life of
As the sun passes below the horizon's edge, Mother Night unveils her terrible,
shadowy beauty, spreading darkness across the land.
You say, "... to marry and have children... and... this... other thing.... that
lacks words...."
Leaves unfurl as new bluebells slowly open to drink in the magic of this place.
You say, "I didn't know it could exist, even, until I met You..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Then take what I have given you and live your
You say, "... but... I..."
You look down.
You say, "... You can't, maybe... understand the lonely feeling that can exist
once You have something precious, and have lost it maybe forever..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "You think not, Myrkr? Do you think Elders are
immune to sorrow?"
You say, "No! I didn't mean it that way!"
You give a pained sigh.
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing
familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
You ask, "... have You ever felt like... if You just had two things in your
life, You could be happy forever?"
You say, "... I'm probably not saying this correctly still..."
Maylea tilts Her head and listens intently.
You say to Maylea, "Before Urazial, I didn't know what it really meant to love
someone. Before You, I didn't know what it really meant to be loved by
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Urazial loves you."
You say, "... Aye... but You loved me before he did."
You say, "Almost... maybe even?... unconditionally..."
Chidingly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Does it matter who was first? Love
is not a game of tag."
You say, "... I was having trouble with the Dekovens... making friends in the
Wilde... but You didn't let that deter You away from me..."
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "... I really can't express it correctly..."
You say, "I should have left it at "You and he are both extremely important to
me and lacking either of you makes me feel like I'm dying.""
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Have I not come to you when you cried out to
You say, "You have..."
You look down.
You say, "... it's... I don't want to come to You only when I want to cry..."
You say, "... I want to come to You when I'm happy, too... like I had used
Patiently, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Then why did you wait until you
started crying?"
Drooping your shoulders, you say, "... because I'm stupid.."
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land
in utter darkness.
It is now the 17th of Kiani, 218 years after the Coming of Estarra.
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity leans forward to lift your chin so that you find
yourself looking into Her eyes.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Lost, I think... not stupid, never that."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Looking back into Maylea's eyes with your own tear-filled ones, you say, "... Lady
Maylea... why do I mess up so much.... why am I so ungrateful... why do things
seem to find a way to be difficult for me..."
The light shifts through the canopy overhead and moves across the forest floor
in dappled streaks of gold.
Serenely, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Happiness is yours. At times you
choose to dip your cup in sorrow instead. This is not stupid, nor wrong, nor
foolish. This is done by many, and many weep bitter tears at the outcome. But
you, Myrkr, you are stronger than this, and I will have you be stronger."
You look up at Maylea, your face soaked by now, and eyes
puffy from crying.
Quietly, Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "This is about what you choose for
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Maylea's lips.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Will you be all right?"
You tilt your head curiously at Maylea.
You say, "... I think... with time..."
You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "I hope so, dear one."
You say, "... I'm sorry for... blanking out on you..."
You hang your head sadly.
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "Keep yourself together, Myrkr. I have lived a
long, long time... and the one constant in a million years is the inside of your
own head."
Maylea winks knowingly.
The horizon glows with burnished shades of orange and red, heralding the
imminent arrival of Father Sun upon the rim of the world.
You smile softly.
You say, "Lady Maylea..."
Maylea tilts Her head and listens intently.
You say, "... I have a request... and it's not enemying, this time... or for you
to hate me..."
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says, "What is it?"
You hold up your arms to Maylea, looking up at Her with big,
wide, still somewhat teary eyes.
You ask, "... hug...?"
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity gathers you into Her arms, holding you warmly against
Her in a tight embrace.
You hold Maylea in return, and your expression seems to calm
a great deal, along with the lost expression that had been in your eyes mostly
Maylea, Bloom of Serenity says to you, "Be well, then, little one."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "You as well, Lady... may all be well with You and Yours..."
Maylea smiles softly.
Maylea steps into the aether, the air around Her blurring into a wash of colour
that fades as She disappears.

Unknown2008-10-07 07:52:07
PS: One shiny credit awaits the person who figures out correctly what went on in Myrkr's head. 
Edit: Saying that she went crazy or nuts or a variant thereof doesn't apply. I want a psychoanalysis of my c-c-c-c-raaaaaaaaa-zeh character!

Edit: Saying that she went crazy or nuts or a variant thereof doesn't apply. I want a psychoanalysis of my c-c-c-c-raaaaaaaaa-zeh character!

Rika2008-10-07 07:58:46
Obviously, Myrkr was so guilty of leaving for Glomdoring that she went slightly mad. However, at the same time, Night started to plant evil ideas into Myrkr's mind. In the end, Myrkr started developing multiple personalities.
Yay credit?
Yay credit?

Unknown2008-10-07 08:02:44
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 7 2008, 03:58 AM) 567526
Obviously, Myrkr was so guilty of leaving for Glomdoring that she went slightly mad. However, at the same time, Night started to plant evil ideas into Myrkr's mind. In the end, Myrkr started developing multiple personalities.
Yay credit?
Yay credit?

You're... close.
And believe it or not, no, Night didn't do any of this to poor Myrkr. And no, it's not MPD. Though I could see how you came to that conclusion! Feel free to try again.

PS: Interacting with Myrkr over the next few RL days should prove to be very interesting for all those involved, and will have an effect on the character of Myrkr in the long run.
Rika2008-10-07 08:07:03
Well hmph. I didn't want your silly credit anyway. 

Casilu2008-10-07 08:14:34
I figured it out. It's all so obvious now. Myrkr has become Casilu and Casilu has become Myrkr!
Rika2008-10-07 08:17:58

Casilu2008-10-07 08:37:18
QUOTE(rika @ Oct 7 2008, 01:17 AM) 567532

If my theory is correct, and I know I am. You married Myrkr, Urazial is engaged to Casilu, and Valonah must be her own grandmother.
Rika2008-10-07 08:40:58

*divorce Casilu/Myrkr*
Valarien2008-10-07 08:42:00
Spooky >.>
And psht, you can find all the love you want in Glomdoring. It just isn't expressed in quite the same way >.>
Like Ari and Val tend to express love by tackling eachother and tossing one another about violently through the trees. Yay!
And psht, you can find all the love you want in Glomdoring. It just isn't expressed in quite the same way >.>
Like Ari and Val tend to express love by tackling eachother and tossing one another about violently through the trees. Yay!
Shaddus2008-10-07 09:43:22
You whisper, "... REMOVED....."
Oh, and I can prove Casilu = Myrkr.
#219 Casilu: 10/07 03:56 "Enemy me to the Ninjakari."
And everyone KNOWS that Maylea loves the ninjakari.
So Myrkr = Casilu = Garmr.
Oh, and I can prove Casilu = Myrkr.
#219 Casilu: 10/07 03:56 "Enemy me to the Ninjakari."
And everyone KNOWS that Maylea loves the ninjakari.
So Myrkr = Casilu = Garmr.
Varrin2008-10-07 10:15:26
Nicely done, glad I read beyond the woe me, please enemy me.
Ryleth2008-10-07 10:48:44
Like Ari and Val tend to express love by tackling eachother and tossing one another about violently through the trees. Yay!
Nothing wrong with a bit of rough and tumble
Unknown2008-10-07 13:19:59
That credit is still up for grabs. 

Noola2008-10-07 13:35:53
That's pretty spiffy! 
You based your freak out on some kind of RL disorder then?

You based your freak out on some kind of RL disorder then?
Unknown2008-10-07 13:37:48
Seething, aribtrary rage, almost like another person has taken over. It's even more clear now. Look!
In a distant, monotone voice, Myrkr says, "Myrkr is not here right now. There is only Garmr."

Unknown2008-10-07 13:42:32
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 7 2008, 09:35 AM) 567592
That's pretty spiffy! 
You based your freak out on some kind of RL disorder then?

You based your freak out on some kind of RL disorder then?
Sort of. I can't explain (yet), because someone might actually want the shiny credit.
@ RainyDays --

Ryleth2008-10-07 13:43:17
Reminds me of Isune event, the whole dark spirit verses 'light' isune
Lekius2008-10-07 13:45:52
Darn anonymity! I wanted to know who it was!
Good stuff otherwise!
Good stuff otherwise!
Tael2008-10-07 13:46:10
I dunno, I requested to be enemied to the Ebonguard once.. and I was.. for a day.. and then they unenemied me. 
And Maylea is pretty awesome. Yay for cool Seren divine..
However, I still <3 Lisaera for pure awesomeness and sharing tea with Tael.

And Maylea is pretty awesome. Yay for cool Seren divine..
However, I still <3 Lisaera for pure awesomeness and sharing tea with Tael.