#Math Problem in ZMud

by Unknown

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Unknown2008-10-14 09:45:17
#math sipego (@maxego*90)/100

Someone explain to me why this doesn't work. @maxego and @curego are captured successfully, but the above does nothing. Please help. Thanks.
Unknown2008-10-14 11:47:54
Hrm, could be the parenthesis. Also make sure you have the variable 'sipego' defined in the exact way you have it there, just in case.

Here is how my trigger works, and it does fine:

#Math Sipego @Maxego*60/100
Unknown2008-10-14 16:42:26
Still not working, which is weird, since I lifted it directly from my Achaean system. The two games shouldn't have a difference in ZMud functions, I wouldn't think. sad.gif Does anyone have any other suggestions as to how to make the client work out the above figure.

<----Really isn't interested in manually resetting it every time he levels.

EDIT: As a note, it can capture maxego and currentego just fine. It just can't work out the math between them.
Unknown2008-10-14 17:05:07
After jerking with it, I make the following discoveries:

1)Inputting the figure manually makes it work with or without parenthesis. Specifically, if I put in say

#math sipego (1500*90)/100

Then sipego=1350 and the system works fine. But if I do

#math sipego (@maxego*90)/100

Then it doesn't work at all. Which means to me that it is capturing something it shouldn't be in maxego. So that means there's something wrong with the capturing.

(Which there was, and I fixed it.