Don't delete your ex's character on Maple Story, lmfao

by Stangmar

Back to The Funnies.

Stangmar2008-10-23 23:14:05
Shaddus2008-10-23 23:19:14
One place where vitae would be really nice.
Unknown2008-10-23 23:20:25
She would have just deleted him again, immediately.
Eventru2008-10-23 23:40:16
Another one -

This reminds me of, in my youth, playing Runescape. Ahh, those were the days!

I was so upset when I lost all my items, too, due to a poor password...

Ah, had I only known I could have called the cops!
Daganev2008-10-24 00:05:11
how... interesting. The rules of the internet are actually changing.... I'm going to have to register the name Daganev as an alias soon I bet.
Doman2008-10-25 06:32:46
Oh, Yrael better be careful if he comes back. WE'LL CALL THE COPS!