Eliron2008-10-26 00:24:07
The surrounding shadows convulse, reaching outward in joyful anticipation as Nocht, the Silent steps forth from the aether.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Well met, Nocht. It has been a while."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nocht's lips as He glances at Viravain.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Greetings, Viravain."
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Are there any still on their way here?"
(Glomdoring): Moriana says, "Yes, I am, Lady."
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Anyone else?"
Bael suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Last call."
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "I think we have the whole commune here..."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "It would appear so."
Tacita gives Myrkr a peck on the cheek.
Penumbra Lesk says, "You're popular."
Viravain peers at a masked vernal ascendant unscrupulously.
Tacita flaps her wings quickly and begins to hover in the air.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Do remove your mask at least for the duration of this wedding?"
A masked vernal ascendant tilts his head curiously at Viravain.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to a masked vernal ascendant, "Courtesy."
Viravain nods Her head sagely.
Nocht nods His head.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "In any case!"
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Now, are the bride and her groom in attendance in mind, body and spirit?"
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets smiles and says, "I believe I'm here!"
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "Aye, my Lady."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Good, we are all gathered here today to witness the union of Urazial and Myrkr."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to Myrkr, "Regale us with a tale of why do you choose Urazial as your mate."
You hear a rustling and turn to see Ryleth emerging from the undergrowth.
Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader steps forward into an elegant bow.
With a slight smile, Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader says, "I do hope I am not interrupting."
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets smiles impishly and says to Ryleth, "Not yet."
Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader says, "Perhaps I should leave and come back later then?"
Ryleth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Ryleth, "Stay."
Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader says, "Make some sort of entrance I suppose."
With a soft inhale, Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "That... is a long story to tell, why I chose Urazial as my mate."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "So make it short, I sense a twinge of impatience among the crowd here."
Myrkr gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Myrkr nods her head in agreement.
Briskly, Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I was a Seren. He was kind to me when I was still very young, and I never forgot it. We ended up interacting a bit more, when I was older, and it seemed we actually had come to hate each other. But because I found his hating me so bothersome, I worked hard for him to no longer hate me, and did everything in my power to do so. We eventually fell in love, and a few deaths and many arguments with the Wilde later, I decided Glomdoring would become my home, and I would live here, with Urazial, to raise a family and be with him hopefully forever."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Wonderful! Now let us hear the story from the side of Urazial here."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "As You wish, my Lady."
Urazial purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully gathers his thoughts.
Softly, Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "I could give many, many reasons and accounts of why I have chosen her, but... in my life, she is the one who I have never doubted, who I trust everything with. She is the part of myself which I have sought after and who brings me peace and makes me strive to better myself."
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets looks at Urazial softly, her eyes getting a bit misty.
Viravain nods Her head emphatically.
Urazial smiles softly.
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony flutters over to you and leans her head on your shoulder, a smile crossing her lips.
Lyora peers at Tacita unscrupulously.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Myrkr, I would have you declare clearly to all, your intention and oath to serve as a mate to Urazial."
Eliron gives Tacita a one armed hug, smiling softly at Myrkr and Urazial.
Lyora peers at you unscrupulously.
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Urazial, "May we continue to be together, for we have proven already that though there has been pain, and there has been tears, and smiles, and laughs, that we can live through it. I love you, Urazial. I never wish to be apart from you, and I wish for our love to continue to grow, fostered with the care of each other, our family, and fostered within the care of the Great Spirits of this wondrous commune. You are my other half. Let us be together when we are apart."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to Urazial, "Urazial, I would have you declare clearly to all, your intention and oath to serve as a mate and protector to Myrkr, to defend her from times of trouble, to comfort her in times of woe, to give a leeway to her in times of domestic squabbles and to never engage her in domestic violence."
Viravain peers at Urazial unscrupulously.
Myrkr giggles happily at Viravain.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says to Myrkr, "As I have served and will continue to serve the forest, so too shall I dedicate myself to you Myrkr. My heart is yours. My love for you shall remain as constant as the Night, and remain every beautiful."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Now that the oaths have been spoken, are there any here who wishes to speak up in support of this union?"
You say, "I would speak in support."
You say, "They are good for each other. Their union makes them strong, and through them makes the forest strong."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Speak then, Eliron."
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony raises her hand timidly.
Viravain nods Her head at Tacita.
Smiling softly, Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony says, "I...am not very good at public speaking. But I just want to say that if mother and father love each other even half as much as I love them, then they shall be as happy as if Mother Night had wrapped them in Her embrace for all time."
Myrkr's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Is there anyone else who would choose to express their support as well?"
Shyly, Mistress Lyrinae Inseira, the Black Swan says, "I would also like to speak."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Speak then."
Mistress Lyrinae Inseira, the Black Swan says, "I'm not very eloquent, but... I've never seen a bond stronger than that between Urazial and Myrkr, and I only hope that one day I will find a love persevering as that."
Viravain nods Her head emphatically.
Princess Nadjia, Mistress of Tears says, "Urazial, I see you found the thing that you searched for so hard several years ago, and we almost lost you in that search. I give you my congratulations on this, and I am happy you found this missing key to your soul."
Penumbra Lesk says, "You two seem...well, slightly insane, but it's clear to me at least you love one another. May Night bless your union, and Sun never challenge you."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Those are the sentiments of those who love both Myrkr and Urazial and welcome their union. To those who would express their discontent or objection, I say to you to hold your silence forever."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Now, let Myrkr and Urazial exchange their rings in a symbolic sign of their marriage."
Urazial's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Myrkr smiles softly.
Urazial gives a twilight and sapphire wedding band to Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets.
Myrkr slips into a twilight and sapphire wedding band.
Urazial slips into a twilight and sapphire wedding band.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "And with this, I hereby proclaim both of you as mates to each other. Share your bliss and woe equally among the both of you. Live well, grow well and be well."
Myrkr's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Urazial beams broadly.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Everyone, offer your congratulations to the couple."
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony blinks back tears and raises her hands in applause.
Urazial leans into Myrkr and kisses her long and tenderly.
Druidess Nyir d'Murani, Talons of Crow says, "You two must offer one of your future newborn babes to mighty Crow. It would need to be a pretty one, ayes."
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "... I'd give everyone hugs, but my arms would fall off!"
Urazial's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "Thank you all for coming!"
You say to Myrkr, "It is official, sister. Welcome to the family."
You give Myrkr a compassionate hug.
Myrkr gives you a compassionate hug.
Urazial nods his head at Myrkr, showing his acceptance.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Viravain, "Thank You so much, Lady Viravain."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says to Viravain, "Thank You so much, my Lady."
Viravain inclines Her head politely to those around Her.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Be well, Glomdoring."
Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the faintest scent of roses.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets smiles and says to Nocht, "Thank You for attending."
Nocht inclines His head politely to those around Him.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says to Nocht, "Thank You for coming, my Lord."
The surrounding shadows wane, falling back in despondent melancholy as Nocht, the Silent fades seamlessly into the aether.
Mistress Lyrinae Inseira, the Black Swan smiles impishly and says, "And now for the after wedding pushing-out of-trees?"
"Oooooooooh!" Myrkr says, eyes wide with wonder.
Myrkr locks her arms around Urazial and the two vanish up and out of sight.
Urazial gently floats to the ground.
Urazial falls theatrically to the ground, breaking the impact of his fall.
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony says to Myrkr, "Now debate him."
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets exclaims to Urazial, "I love you!"
Myrkr begins debating Urazial.
You say to Urazial, "I can see it is a suitable marriage."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "We have important things to attend to!"
Myrkr defeats Urazial.
Timidly, Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony says, "I...have a song first."
Tacita shuffles her feet uneasily.
"Oh?" Urazial exclaims quizzically.
Myrkr tilts her head and listens intently to Tacita.
Urazial smiles happily.
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony lifts her viola to her chin, looking wary of the large crowd.
"Blinded by the light of Father Sun I stepped outside," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"To a cold and lonely continent my heart could not abide," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"Yet in the distant, drums were sounding rhythmically and proud," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"As the power of the Wyrd was in Mahalla's song played loud." sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"With joyous step and crowing happily I went abroad," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"But terrified I cowed before each stern Lady and Lord," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"Until a voice so gentle with sweet timbre like the loam," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
Tacita smiles softly.
"Said "Child you need not frown, you've found your home."" sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"I am Tacita Inseira and I need no longer roam." sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
Myrkr leans close to Tacita and gently lays a kiss upon her forehead.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Nyir, "Second or thirdborn shall belong to the Blacktalon, by the way. Give us time to cling to the first."
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and dainty, her beauty ethereal. Sparkling ebony locks have been swept up in intricate twists and pinned intricately in a half crown. Star cut sapphires have been scattered among the twists, shining against their dark setting. A few curls have been left to trail lingeringly across her cheeks before brushing her slender, bare shoulders. Her ashen skin is highlighted by a slight pink blush on her cheeks and the rose of her lips, which are curved into satisfied smile. Her emerald eyes sparkle against the paleness of her skin and the darkness of her hair, warm and happy though the right light catches a maroon tint in her pupils. Her gown hugs the curves of her dramatically voluptuous figures, but it is clearly a wedding gown, the curves displayed only as a part of her beauty. Behind her are nearly translucent, leaf shaped wings of autumn colors. Light plays against sapphire and amethyst dust sprinkled across them, creating a glittering frame for her body. The same glittering dust sparkles on her fingernails, held in place by nearly transparent kouseki paint and drawing attention to her long fingers. A warm scent drifts around her, like honey but with wifts of something spicy. She is wearing a fragrant potpourri pendant, a stunning teal engagement ring, a silken backpack of sapphire blue and silver, a pair of shadowy slippers, a white gold and onyx choker, a bracelet of silver webs, a gold night charm bracelet, a cool tulip of dusk, a brilliant white rose, an etched turquoise ring, a vibrant sunflower, and an elegant black wedding gown.
This dazzling dress, to be worn by a bride on her special day, is made from the deepest black and boldest amethyst and sapphire silk. It is strapless with a corset design to the bodice and a long flowing skirt. The bodice is black with purple and blue silk ribbons criss-crossing down the back, tied into a graceful bow at the bottom. The top has been cut a bit low to show an enticing amount of cleavage, while still appearing tasteful. The skirt has three layers to it. The top layer is black and has been heavily beaded with a mix of beautiful sapphires and amethysts in a swirling design making the skirt shimmer in even the slightest bit of light. Falling about an inch and a half below this layer is a layer of luxurious purple silk. The bottom layer is the same blue as the ribbon on the top of the gown and falls about three inches beneath the top layer, offering a nice contrast to both the black and purple.
He is a nimble shadowsinger faeling and is slender to the point of emaciation. His murky, grey toned skin is smooth and flawless and carries the lingering fragrance of exotic spices. Glowing a faint, sickly pink colour, his eyes stare out nearly hidden by stray locks of hair the colour of pitch- the rest of which crowns his head in a tangled mess and curls around delicately pointed ears. A tiny nose, generously shaped lips and rounded cheeks lend him a seemingly innocent quality denying the eerie shadows which cling to and writhe across his body. Long limbs, complimented by delicate, spidery fingers match the frailty of his body. On his neck a delicately wrought tattoo of a thorned crown has been meticulously drawn in gold and red inks and seem to glow and shift subtlely on his skin. Adorning his back is a pair of bat like wings, stretching and flapping impatiently. He is wearing charcoal grey dress pants, a dapper black frock coat, and a pair of black patent leather shoes touched with gold.
Rich cloth dyed a deep charcoal grey has been used to fashion these fine trousers. Comfortably fit, the waistband rests just above the hip while the legs fit loosely, a sharp crease beginning at the rolled up cuffs and terminating a the knees. A nearly imperceivable seam runs up the side of each leg and ends at the waistband, the front of which bears a small clasp of burnished iron. Along the inside of the waistband is a
small tag printed with the silhouette of a black rabbit on a background of gold.
Cut from the finest cloth, this coat has been carefully tailored for both utility and form. The flat black colour of the fabric compliments the bold design. The lapels have been cut into severe arches, neatly outlined with a darker border of cross hatched stiching. Three glittering silver buttons encrusted with diamonds allow the coat to be closed. The sleeves bear neat creases from shoulder to cuff, and allow a full range of motion without binding. The coat stops just above the knee, widening near the bottom hem for free movement. A small tag stitched along the inside of the neckline is printed with the silhouette of a black rabbit against a gold background.
Shinning, the black leather of this pair of shoes appears to be of the highest quality. Pieced together by a skilled tailor, the seams are almost invisible - those that actually are discernable seeming to be so with purpose, as complementing golden threads hold them together. The soles are smooth, clearly not meant for wild adventuring across the Basin, and being laced with black silk, the shoes are tied tightly about the foot of the wearer for proper appearance, the tongue only visible at the apex of the crisscross pattern, a golden 'V' emblazoned there. A small silver tree has been stitched on the opposite side.
Unbroken and unseamed sapphire makes up the band of this wedding ring, its surface smoothed and polished until the stone glows faintly. Coloured deepest blue, the gem shades towards black in some areas and brightens in others like a twilit sky. A thin ring of silver is visible on the inside of the band where the sapphire has been carved out and silver poured in. Thin webs and specks of silver inside the sapphire band occasionally catch the light, glowing through the deep blue stone like the edge of a cloud catching the last light of the sun or the first stars in a night sky.
The surrounding shadows convulse, reaching outward in joyful anticipation as Nocht, the Silent steps forth from the aether.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Well met, Nocht. It has been a while."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nocht's lips as He glances at Viravain.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Greetings, Viravain."
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Are there any still on their way here?"
(Glomdoring): Moriana says, "Yes, I am, Lady."
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Anyone else?"
Bael suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Last call."
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "I think we have the whole commune here..."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "It would appear so."
Tacita gives Myrkr a peck on the cheek.
Penumbra Lesk says, "You're popular."
Viravain peers at a masked vernal ascendant unscrupulously.
Tacita flaps her wings quickly and begins to hover in the air.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Do remove your mask at least for the duration of this wedding?"
A masked vernal ascendant tilts his head curiously at Viravain.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to a masked vernal ascendant, "Courtesy."
Viravain nods Her head sagely.
Nocht nods His head.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "In any case!"
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Now, are the bride and her groom in attendance in mind, body and spirit?"
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets smiles and says, "I believe I'm here!"
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "Aye, my Lady."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Good, we are all gathered here today to witness the union of Urazial and Myrkr."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to Myrkr, "Regale us with a tale of why do you choose Urazial as your mate."
You hear a rustling and turn to see Ryleth emerging from the undergrowth.
Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader steps forward into an elegant bow.
With a slight smile, Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader says, "I do hope I am not interrupting."
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets smiles impishly and says to Ryleth, "Not yet."
Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader says, "Perhaps I should leave and come back later then?"
Ryleth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Ryleth, "Stay."
Marshall Ryleth Ysav'rai, The Wyrden Masquerader says, "Make some sort of entrance I suppose."
With a soft inhale, Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "That... is a long story to tell, why I chose Urazial as my mate."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "So make it short, I sense a twinge of impatience among the crowd here."
Myrkr gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Myrkr nods her head in agreement.
Briskly, Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I was a Seren. He was kind to me when I was still very young, and I never forgot it. We ended up interacting a bit more, when I was older, and it seemed we actually had come to hate each other. But because I found his hating me so bothersome, I worked hard for him to no longer hate me, and did everything in my power to do so. We eventually fell in love, and a few deaths and many arguments with the Wilde later, I decided Glomdoring would become my home, and I would live here, with Urazial, to raise a family and be with him hopefully forever."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Wonderful! Now let us hear the story from the side of Urazial here."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "As You wish, my Lady."
Urazial purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully gathers his thoughts.
Softly, Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "I could give many, many reasons and accounts of why I have chosen her, but... in my life, she is the one who I have never doubted, who I trust everything with. She is the part of myself which I have sought after and who brings me peace and makes me strive to better myself."
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets looks at Urazial softly, her eyes getting a bit misty.
Viravain nods Her head emphatically.
Urazial smiles softly.
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony flutters over to you and leans her head on your shoulder, a smile crossing her lips.
Lyora peers at Tacita unscrupulously.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Myrkr, I would have you declare clearly to all, your intention and oath to serve as a mate to Urazial."
Eliron gives Tacita a one armed hug, smiling softly at Myrkr and Urazial.
Lyora peers at you unscrupulously.
Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Urazial, "May we continue to be together, for we have proven already that though there has been pain, and there has been tears, and smiles, and laughs, that we can live through it. I love you, Urazial. I never wish to be apart from you, and I wish for our love to continue to grow, fostered with the care of each other, our family, and fostered within the care of the Great Spirits of this wondrous commune. You are my other half. Let us be together when we are apart."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to Urazial, "Urazial, I would have you declare clearly to all, your intention and oath to serve as a mate and protector to Myrkr, to defend her from times of trouble, to comfort her in times of woe, to give a leeway to her in times of domestic squabbles and to never engage her in domestic violence."
Viravain peers at Urazial unscrupulously.
Myrkr giggles happily at Viravain.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says to Myrkr, "As I have served and will continue to serve the forest, so too shall I dedicate myself to you Myrkr. My heart is yours. My love for you shall remain as constant as the Night, and remain every beautiful."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Now that the oaths have been spoken, are there any here who wishes to speak up in support of this union?"
You say, "I would speak in support."
You say, "They are good for each other. Their union makes them strong, and through them makes the forest strong."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Speak then, Eliron."
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony raises her hand timidly.
Viravain nods Her head at Tacita.
Smiling softly, Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony says, "I...am not very good at public speaking. But I just want to say that if mother and father love each other even half as much as I love them, then they shall be as happy as if Mother Night had wrapped them in Her embrace for all time."
Myrkr's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Is there anyone else who would choose to express their support as well?"
Shyly, Mistress Lyrinae Inseira, the Black Swan says, "I would also like to speak."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Speak then."
Mistress Lyrinae Inseira, the Black Swan says, "I'm not very eloquent, but... I've never seen a bond stronger than that between Urazial and Myrkr, and I only hope that one day I will find a love persevering as that."
Viravain nods Her head emphatically.
Princess Nadjia, Mistress of Tears says, "Urazial, I see you found the thing that you searched for so hard several years ago, and we almost lost you in that search. I give you my congratulations on this, and I am happy you found this missing key to your soul."
Penumbra Lesk says, "You two seem...well, slightly insane, but it's clear to me at least you love one another. May Night bless your union, and Sun never challenge you."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Those are the sentiments of those who love both Myrkr and Urazial and welcome their union. To those who would express their discontent or objection, I say to you to hold your silence forever."
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Now, let Myrkr and Urazial exchange their rings in a symbolic sign of their marriage."
Urazial's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Myrkr smiles softly.
Urazial gives a twilight and sapphire wedding band to Autumnal Myrkr, Initiate of Night's Secrets.
Myrkr slips into a twilight and sapphire wedding band.
Urazial slips into a twilight and sapphire wedding band.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "And with this, I hereby proclaim both of you as mates to each other. Share your bliss and woe equally among the both of you. Live well, grow well and be well."
Myrkr's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Urazial beams broadly.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Everyone, offer your congratulations to the couple."
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony blinks back tears and raises her hands in applause.
Urazial leans into Myrkr and kisses her long and tenderly.
Druidess Nyir d'Murani, Talons of Crow says, "You two must offer one of your future newborn babes to mighty Crow. It would need to be a pretty one, ayes."
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "... I'd give everyone hugs, but my arms would fall off!"
Urazial's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says, "Thank you all for coming!"
You say to Myrkr, "It is official, sister. Welcome to the family."
You give Myrkr a compassionate hug.
Myrkr gives you a compassionate hug.
Urazial nods his head at Myrkr, showing his acceptance.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Viravain, "Thank You so much, Lady Viravain."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says to Viravain, "Thank You so much, my Lady."
Viravain inclines Her head politely to those around Her.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Be well, Glomdoring."
Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the faintest scent of roses.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets smiles and says to Nocht, "Thank You for attending."
Nocht inclines His head politely to those around Him.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says to Nocht, "Thank You for coming, my Lord."
The surrounding shadows wane, falling back in despondent melancholy as Nocht, the Silent fades seamlessly into the aether.
Mistress Lyrinae Inseira, the Black Swan smiles impishly and says, "And now for the after wedding pushing-out of-trees?"
"Oooooooooh!" Myrkr says, eyes wide with wonder.
Myrkr locks her arms around Urazial and the two vanish up and out of sight.
Urazial gently floats to the ground.
Urazial falls theatrically to the ground, breaking the impact of his fall.
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony says to Myrkr, "Now debate him."
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets exclaims to Urazial, "I love you!"
Myrkr begins debating Urazial.
You say to Urazial, "I can see it is a suitable marriage."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "We have important things to attend to!"
Myrkr defeats Urazial.
Timidly, Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony says, "I...have a song first."
Tacita shuffles her feet uneasily.
"Oh?" Urazial exclaims quizzically.
Myrkr tilts her head and listens intently to Tacita.
Urazial smiles happily.
Tacita, Student of the Dark Harmony lifts her viola to her chin, looking wary of the large crowd.
"Blinded by the light of Father Sun I stepped outside," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"To a cold and lonely continent my heart could not abide," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"Yet in the distant, drums were sounding rhythmically and proud," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"As the power of the Wyrd was in Mahalla's song played loud." sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"With joyous step and crowing happily I went abroad," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"But terrified I cowed before each stern Lady and Lord," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"Until a voice so gentle with sweet timbre like the loam," sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
Tacita smiles softly.
"Said "Child you need not frown, you've found your home."" sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
"I am Tacita Inseira and I need no longer roam." sings Tacita, playing a richly decorated ravenwood viola.
Myrkr leans close to Tacita and gently lays a kiss upon her forehead.
Autumnal Myrkr Inseira, Initiate of Night's Secrets says to Nyir, "Second or thirdborn shall belong to the Blacktalon, by the way. Give us time to cling to the first."
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling and dainty, her beauty ethereal. Sparkling ebony locks have been swept up in intricate twists and pinned intricately in a half crown. Star cut sapphires have been scattered among the twists, shining against their dark setting. A few curls have been left to trail lingeringly across her cheeks before brushing her slender, bare shoulders. Her ashen skin is highlighted by a slight pink blush on her cheeks and the rose of her lips, which are curved into satisfied smile. Her emerald eyes sparkle against the paleness of her skin and the darkness of her hair, warm and happy though the right light catches a maroon tint in her pupils. Her gown hugs the curves of her dramatically voluptuous figures, but it is clearly a wedding gown, the curves displayed only as a part of her beauty. Behind her are nearly translucent, leaf shaped wings of autumn colors. Light plays against sapphire and amethyst dust sprinkled across them, creating a glittering frame for her body. The same glittering dust sparkles on her fingernails, held in place by nearly transparent kouseki paint and drawing attention to her long fingers. A warm scent drifts around her, like honey but with wifts of something spicy. She is wearing a fragrant potpourri pendant, a stunning teal engagement ring, a silken backpack of sapphire blue and silver, a pair of shadowy slippers, a white gold and onyx choker, a bracelet of silver webs, a gold night charm bracelet, a cool tulip of dusk, a brilliant white rose, an etched turquoise ring, a vibrant sunflower, and an elegant black wedding gown.
This dazzling dress, to be worn by a bride on her special day, is made from the deepest black and boldest amethyst and sapphire silk. It is strapless with a corset design to the bodice and a long flowing skirt. The bodice is black with purple and blue silk ribbons criss-crossing down the back, tied into a graceful bow at the bottom. The top has been cut a bit low to show an enticing amount of cleavage, while still appearing tasteful. The skirt has three layers to it. The top layer is black and has been heavily beaded with a mix of beautiful sapphires and amethysts in a swirling design making the skirt shimmer in even the slightest bit of light. Falling about an inch and a half below this layer is a layer of luxurious purple silk. The bottom layer is the same blue as the ribbon on the top of the gown and falls about three inches beneath the top layer, offering a nice contrast to both the black and purple.
He is a nimble shadowsinger faeling and is slender to the point of emaciation. His murky, grey toned skin is smooth and flawless and carries the lingering fragrance of exotic spices. Glowing a faint, sickly pink colour, his eyes stare out nearly hidden by stray locks of hair the colour of pitch- the rest of which crowns his head in a tangled mess and curls around delicately pointed ears. A tiny nose, generously shaped lips and rounded cheeks lend him a seemingly innocent quality denying the eerie shadows which cling to and writhe across his body. Long limbs, complimented by delicate, spidery fingers match the frailty of his body. On his neck a delicately wrought tattoo of a thorned crown has been meticulously drawn in gold and red inks and seem to glow and shift subtlely on his skin. Adorning his back is a pair of bat like wings, stretching and flapping impatiently. He is wearing charcoal grey dress pants, a dapper black frock coat, and a pair of black patent leather shoes touched with gold.
Rich cloth dyed a deep charcoal grey has been used to fashion these fine trousers. Comfortably fit, the waistband rests just above the hip while the legs fit loosely, a sharp crease beginning at the rolled up cuffs and terminating a the knees. A nearly imperceivable seam runs up the side of each leg and ends at the waistband, the front of which bears a small clasp of burnished iron. Along the inside of the waistband is a
small tag printed with the silhouette of a black rabbit on a background of gold.
Cut from the finest cloth, this coat has been carefully tailored for both utility and form. The flat black colour of the fabric compliments the bold design. The lapels have been cut into severe arches, neatly outlined with a darker border of cross hatched stiching. Three glittering silver buttons encrusted with diamonds allow the coat to be closed. The sleeves bear neat creases from shoulder to cuff, and allow a full range of motion without binding. The coat stops just above the knee, widening near the bottom hem for free movement. A small tag stitched along the inside of the neckline is printed with the silhouette of a black rabbit against a gold background.
Shinning, the black leather of this pair of shoes appears to be of the highest quality. Pieced together by a skilled tailor, the seams are almost invisible - those that actually are discernable seeming to be so with purpose, as complementing golden threads hold them together. The soles are smooth, clearly not meant for wild adventuring across the Basin, and being laced with black silk, the shoes are tied tightly about the foot of the wearer for proper appearance, the tongue only visible at the apex of the crisscross pattern, a golden 'V' emblazoned there. A small silver tree has been stitched on the opposite side.
Unbroken and unseamed sapphire makes up the band of this wedding ring, its surface smoothed and polished until the stone glows faintly. Coloured deepest blue, the gem shades towards black in some areas and brightens in others like a twilit sky. A thin ring of silver is visible on the inside of the band where the sapphire has been carved out and silver poured in. Thin webs and specks of silver inside the sapphire band occasionally catch the light, glowing through the deep blue stone like the edge of a cloud catching the last light of the sun or the first stars in a night sky.
Arix2008-10-26 00:28:37
Sadly, they decided to forgo the wedding feast
Unknown2008-10-26 02:02:00
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 25 2008, 08:28 PM) 575520
Sadly, they decided to forgo the wedding feast
Yes, Mr. "Let-Me-Poison-Your-Food-Pretty-Please?-

Somaria2008-10-26 02:18:49
Makes me glad Somaria and Dae didn't have a wedding. >.>
Can't imagine what people would say, not that many would have attended lol.
Can't imagine what people would say, not that many would have attended lol.
Daereth2008-10-26 09:04:09
QUOTE(Somaria @ Oct 25 2008, 09:18 PM) 575579
Makes me glad Somaria and Dae didn't have a wedding. >.>
Can't imagine what people would say, not that many would have attended lol.
Can't imagine what people would say, not that many would have attended lol.
I can imagine a whole bunch of silence and the eventual etherglom raid right in the middle.
EDIT: -cough- Forgot to say what I intended to post in the first place. Beautiful wedding!
Arix2008-10-26 09:06:04
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Oct 25 2008, 07:02 PM) 575577
Yes, Mr. "Let-Me-Poison-Your-Food-Pretty-Please?-

Someone in that room was carrying poisoned food, if there had been a feast it would have been added
Unknown2008-10-26 12:02:53
I caught a glimpse of the wedding, but then I had to leave 

Unknown2008-10-26 20:02:57
I'm really glad with how it turned out.
Viravain has a great sense of humor.
I was really scared throughout the whole thing that Nocht was going to just be like, "My name is Nocht and I disapprove of this message". Or that Maylea would appear. Or Eventru, since he appeared as I was talking on a clan about the possibility of Maylea popping up.
Or that people would raid in the middle of it.
Though, this has to be one of my favorite parts:
Viravain has a great sense of humor.
I was really scared throughout the whole thing that Nocht was going to just be like, "My name is Nocht and I disapprove of this message". Or that Maylea would appear. Or Eventru, since he appeared as I was talking on a clan about the possibility of Maylea popping up.
Or that people would raid in the middle of it.
Though, this has to be one of my favorite parts:
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says to Urazial, "Urazial, I would have you declare clearly to all, your intention and oath to serve as a mate and protector to Myrkr, to defend her from times of trouble, to comfort her in times of woe, to give a leeway to her in times of domestic squabbles and to never engage her in domestic violence.
Iola2008-10-27 10:16:41
Viravain made me lol. It was distracting because I was hurridly throwing together that blasted song because I realised Tacita hadn't got you a present due to me being ill and therefore not online for a day or so 

Unknown2008-10-28 00:13:33
Hey, Shadowladies are smaller then normal faelings, right? So would Myrky be 2 inches instead of three?
Xenthos2008-10-28 00:14:39
QUOTE(Kialkarkea @ Oct 27 2008, 08:13 PM) 576296
Hey, Shadowladies are smaller then normal faelings, right? So would Myrky be 2 inches instead of three?
No, they're larger.
Urazial2008-10-28 00:56:13
Actually, shadowsingers are smaller than lesser faelings, but... Urazial damn sure isn't two inches tall.